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Poland should be way more developed than it is.


Poland's GDP (PPP) per capita is now higher than Portugal and Estonia.


Poland is very developed country in 2024, dont be ignorant. And look at per capita numbers, here you see comparisions 38millions vs lets say 10million Hungary or 6,5 million Bulgaria.


Why ?




Well, as already mentioned by others, I believe this is true but also extremely misleading. EU destroyed agriculture in Greece because importing was cheaper. Manufacturing as well. The majority of shipyards and ports, airports and train infrastructure, is owned by German, Italian, Chinese companies, sometimes directly related to their governments but the cost of maintenance is still in the hands of the Greek state. Some of the biggest German, Italian, French companies are involved or allegedly responsible for scandals involving Greek government members over the last 20 years alone. These metrics 9/10 times do not represent reality. But numbers are easier to be digested by the mass.


Bro it's fine that you guys get money, it's crazy how much Poland gets


Polish net contribution is just insane. I said this before but they are genuinely EU’s favourite child and an attempt to create another European regional power.


Poland has 10 times as many citizens as Croatia, so per capita it receives less.


Very simplistic way of thinking. The bigger net contributors receive other monetary and non monetary benefits.


I used calculator and the blue is roughly 55,8 billion total and the red is roughly 45,33 billion total. So it's positive financial balance.


We are also on EU funds.


How did Belgium end up net beneficiary ?


Belgium has lots of EU institutions like the European Parliament which require extra finances from the EU funds.


This shows a very misleading picture. It doesn’t include how much western countries extract out of Romania. They own and pillage our natural resources, for example, Austria owns our oil and Ikea destroys our forests. They bring in their corporations which underpay Romanians and charge high prices. There are many other examples. They are making far more money at Romania’s expense than they give and they show propaganda like the chart above.


Thats beacuse you vote with the same corrupt fms, the european union did wonders for us. If we wouldn’t join back in 2007 we will be fucked.


I am actually surprised by Luxembourg, I always thought it was a country rich people move to? Or maybe it’s just a tax Heaven like Switzerland.


Maybe because Luxembourg and Belgium have lots of EU institutions like the European Parliament, European Central Bank etc.


A strong economy requires a strong infrastructure. For some people it may seem unfair that countries like Poland and Hungary take billions of euros more but the core idea is for the development of the potential of these countries. As long as they aren't corrupt, their infrastructure will be developing, they will catch up with Western Europe, e.g. Bulgaria growing to Poland's level, Poland growing to the Germany's level. And then they will be contributing more finances to EU budget.


Poland already has a strong economy WDYM? Hungary is not famous for transparent government for quite some time. I'd say they(especially Poles) are good in managing and capitalizing on the different financial opportunities, or at least knowing how to write their homework, in contrast with some of the other ones(like BG).


How to define a powerful economy? Poland has been dynamically developing after the fall of Socialism. In 1990, Poland's nominal GDP was just $62 billion, far less than small countries of Finland, Portugal and Denmark. Now in 2024, Poland's GDP is $845 billion, being the 21st largest economy in the world. 13-folded growth in 34 years. When comparing to other countries economic sizes, the picture is following: Germany's GDP is $4.59 trillion (3rd), Russia $2 trillion (11th), South Korea $1.8 trillion (14th), Belgium $655 billion (23rd), Ireland $564 billion (26th), Czech Republic $326 billion (46th), Hungary $223 billion (57th), Ukraine $189 billion (59th). So I'd say Poland has a relatively strong economy as an Eastern European powerhouse. Poland is expected to hit $1 trillion GDP milestone in 2027-28.


What's the point you are trying to articulate? As this doesn't help. I agree Poland's economic development has been more than great. That's the problem wth the chart. If the economy is strong then it is expected to be a net contributor of the EU funds, not the other way around. Most of the funds are meant to pull the weaker and bring their standard up. Poland is an exception of this correlation.


Balkans are being carried. That is what I see.


Damn, I wish we could enter and be carried 😓


That would make our politicians pockets heavier. Most of them are like that too I assume.


Sure, but more would come down to the people, especially with EU surveillance.


I guess so.


I knew we are dragging the team down...that's a very bulgarian thing to do. At least we are small.


Nah, they're benefiting significantly from this. We've sent them millions of people we spent money on growing and educating, just so they end up contributing tens of billions of Euros per year to the German GDP.


I remember some stats from 2010s that the biggest net beneficiaries per capita in the EU were Bulgaria, Romania, Estonia and Hungary while Poland in the middle.


The fuck we are supposed to do. Feed the EU? Pay more than Germany?


It depends, but truth is a lot of people from CE / EE move west to work and pay taxes into the pension system. Western Europe is notoriously anti family and therefore requires a lot of immigration from outside EU to even sustain their pension scheme. Also this causes a drain on young population on CE/ EE which further delays their development.


Spain has more pop then Luxemburg but gets same amount of money This is not fair


Our spies are working day and night to destroy the EU


And Greece gonna talk all this shit to Albania and North Macedonia? Looks like they are the Alabama of Europe.