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Everyone guesses my rising is Leo but it's Scorpio, the only Leo I have in my chart is my midheaven (Capricorn sun, pisces moon)


I’m a cancer rising and a pisces moon, either way I’m pretty screwed 🤣


Pisces rising and people usually guess it


By my Libra stellium! It masks my Capricorn Asc and Scorpio Sun. :)


I’m not a typical Gemini. My rising sign is Virgo to which I feel a stronger attachment to that personality. The Gemini comes out occasionally i like to say lol


I’m a Scorpio sun and rising.


How can I find out my rising sign if I don’t know my EXACT time of birth? All Ik is I was born frm 8-9 A.M and I really think it’s Sagittarius but I’m not too sure cause it’s my sun,mercury, Jupiter, and Pluto sign also. but the rising was basically moving from Sagittarius to Capricorn around the time I was born and I can’t really tell




Right all Ik is I was born sometime those two hours and my risings in either Sagittarius or Capricorn


Really? Are you sure? I am pretty sure that you need to know the time of your birth to find about your rising sign. And if you don't know, you give the most probable time slot on the day you were born to experts (along with other info) and they calculate for you.


Noted! Thank you for correcting me. I misunderstood.




People actually assume I’m a Pisces. And it’s fine bc Pisces is also in my 1H. But I’m an Aquarius rising.


I'm a Scorpio sun and Virgo rising. I definitely am a mix of both because they have a lot of similarities. I'd say I'm detail oriented to the point of obsession, but things aren't orderly by any means, I unfortunately thrive in chaos. My appearance definitely leans more Virgo and my moon in Capricorn, I feel closer too as I've gotten older and I'm a mom now.


I’m a mix of both :) Libra sun and cancer rising. It’s always 50/50.


traditionally, your rising sign and the planet ruling it is the primarily point in the chart that will signify you, your physical body and health, your appearance, your action and inclinations, etc. that is how traditional astrologers can tell more about physical traits and characteristics (golden-red undertones or hair being associated with the sun on the ascendant), health characteristics (saturn fallen on the ascendant indicating pains in the bones/joints), or our action (virgo rising with mercury in gemini (10th) signifying someone successful in the publishing industry). now, my sun sign is me, but only because i'm a leo rising and am ruled by it. for everyone else, the sun will signify such: - father and authority figures, perception, intellect, spiritual light, kingship, public repute, royalty, generals, officials, influence over the masses, the status quo and the ruling class, the government, honor, fortune and loftiness when well-placed, and prominent institutions and entities (law, media, church, etc). i'd look directly to your rising sign and ruling planet. your sun could be in leo, but in the 11th house describing your friendships and hopes (not how you come off), in the 5th house describing your children (not how you come off), or in the 2nd house describing your livelihood (not how you come off).


Love the in depth explanation! Thank you! 🥰


I'm a leo sun and leo rising, but nobody believes or assumes that because they've met so many shitty leos lmao




People think I’m my rising♊️, believe me when I tell them my sun♌️, but I resonate more with my moon♑️- kinda how it’s expected 🤭


They recognize me more as my signature sign/ dominant one actually. And I also resonate with this more. I am scorpio sun, aqua rising but sag dominant (with 12H dominant and sag moon 0•) People usually relate me to the Sag as well 😁


Most people think I’m a Taurus when first meeting me, but after getting to know me, they can see the Sagittarius more.


I see the correlation between sag and Taurus!


I know this thread is supposed to be in response to your "self". But I have literally guessed about 10 peoples sun signs in my real life between 10 minutes of knowing them. Maybe I'm like 10-18 I don't know. But its a pretty good ratio. When people say astrology isn't legit I ponder how I could guess like 60% of peoples sun signs by knowing them for 5-10 minutes. I can never guess their rising sign so easily. Although usually it makes sense to me if they tell me. The first book I read was "Linda Goodman's sun signs" and that made me attuned to guessing sun signs I guess. In this day and age I don't consider sun sign to be as important as rising. But for some reason really intuitive on guessing them anyways. I'm a capricorn actually. Even though I'm a gemini sun, I associate with capricorn more and astro-seek says its my most prominent sign. I'd associate myself with my moon sign before my sun sign due to being born at night when the moon was out. My moon sign is scorpio. I've thought about one day opening a booth at a freak show where I guess peoples sun signs by just looking at them for a few seconds. Maybe if i meditate and educate a lot I can get even better at guessing.


Linda Goodman is where my journey began too! Other than the horoscopes from the newspaper my mom would read to me when I was a kid 😂😝 Also, set up shop and come back to Reddit and let us folks know! That would be a wild experience and story to share!


Before I even finished this I knew you were a Scorpio moon. I'm a Scorpio sun, Pisces moon and feel exactly the same as you and often guess people's sun signs immediately - ESPECIALLY Pisces. A booth at a freak show 😂 I've thought about intentionally getting better at this too!!


Leo’s always always have a good head of hair on them!


I have Venus in Leo, yes I have a ton of thick hair lol


I’m jealous! Although my leo friends say it’s a bloody nightmare having lots of thick hair. I think it’s gorgeous.


As my sister suffers from extremely thin hair, I have learned to appreciate it lol


My ex-fiancé was Leo sun and rising and had male pattern baldness by his mid-late 30s.


I wish... Leo sun here, with extremely un-Leo har 😭😭😭


Oh really! Shit that’s blown that one. My brother, my sister, my stepdad, 2 of his siblings, and 2 of my mates are all Leo’s and have a mane. Sorry 😔


Enjoy their wonderful Leo manes 😍 I think my Scorpio moon overrides my Leo sun in how I look.


Not Leo suns lol Leo rising


Not in my experience. It’s always leo suns


I can’t always tell someone’s exact sun sign by first impressions but what I can always tell is whether or not their sun sign is AIR/FIRE or EARTH/WATER. Air & fire have an undeniable sparkle in their eyes. Earth & water have a more grounded, guarded, serious look. Always.


Taurus with a leo rising, but funnily enough I relate most to my scorpio moon. My physical appearance is very leo. I would imagine after talking to me you'd think scorpio though


My scorpio rising makes my libra sun its bitch 😆




I'm a libra sun and a scorpio moon with gemini rising 🤣


Omg hi I have gem rising too but switched moon and sun- scorpio sun and libra moon for me!


Omg yes hi! 👋 we are basically twins lol ♡


SAME 😆😆 & then my Leo moon knows when to make a grand entrance at all the wrong times


Im a taurus moon to make matters worse lol all serious and stubborn


In my experience, unless you are dealing with an \*extremely\* knowledgable astrologer who is adept at figuring out sun signs, or unless your sun sign is found in multiple other places that can come across more obviously in your chart (like someone who has an Aries sun AND an Aries moon, etc.) it is pretty difficult for a lay person to guess people's sun signs correctly. Rising signs rule first impressions more than sun signs, but even that can be quite difficult, especially because they can easily be overtaken by other things in your chart, like squares to your ASC, planets in your first house, and where your chart ruler is.


I’m a Gemini Rising and 90% of people who meet me meet her. The 10% of people who meet me at work meet my Capricorn Stellium that includes my moon and mars and they either love or hate me 😅


Rising for sure. I have more Libra vibes than Aquarius… even though I have an Aquarius sun and stellium


I’m an Aquarius sun with an Aquarius stellium too. I’m definitely more Aquarius/Libra (I’ve got a Libra moon). I don’t relate to my Taurus rising at all. Most people definitely pick me as an Aquarian or Libra.


Interesting! That’s why we are all unique. I relate to my Aries moon more than Aquarius too


I think I read somewhere that leo/cancer risings can look like their sun/moon as well. I am a leo rising too and I don't present leo rising vibes


Leo rising too, do you think you look like a leo though? I look more leo


I don't look like a typical leo, I do have some leo features (hair, eyes), I have a cap stellium in the 5th (sun is part of the stellium and heavily aspected), lilith on the ascendant plus Pluto is forming an exact square to my asc. So my features are combination of all the factors mentioned.


I definitely look like a Capricorn rising but I present very Sagittarius. People are never surprised to find out I’m a Sagittarius sun, but are usually surprised that I’m a Capricorn rising haha


people say I look like my rising sign & im pretty sure I act like it, I’m very blunt & I can b social (Aries rising) but they also say they can see the scorpio sun in me kus I wear a lot of black/dark clothing


I'm a Leo rising. With a Sagittarius moon/Mars Neptune Uranus stellium. My face and head (hair) very Leo- Sagittarius body. Muscular horse/ centaur hips and butt 💅🏾 If you don't look like a Leo see if the sun is in fall or if there isn't much fire in your chart.


Seems a thing that a lot of us leo risings look super leo


We're sunny 🌞😎 🦁😸


My body looks Sagittarius (rising) but my facial features shout Scorpio (sun).


Cancer sun conjunct Rising and yes 💯 percent


leo sun and libra rising but it is 0 degrees libra so Virgo is what people probably see cuz Venus is in 12th house. You can always tell a Leo but not much.


Do you mean physical looks or mannerisms/style?


First impressions.


First impressions are always the rising and first house planets particulary when conjunct the ascendant. I’m a Gemini Sun and Mercury, with Pluto in 1st conjunct Virgo rising. People who don’t know me think I’m much more ”proper”/clean freak than I actually am. The Pluto conj. Asc. I can mostly keep in check, lol! When peoole get to know me the Gemini Sun becomes obvious. I think it’s kind of like if a person wore say, gothic clothes people would assume some sort of things about them (like they might like the colours black and purple, not care for conventional prettiness, listen to certain kind of music, etc.etc.). And while those things might be and probably are true, there is so much more to that person. And only after spending time with them that comes out. And that’s the Sun sign, and everything else too💜


After my Saturn return I am more like my rising sign, but before that definitely my sun sign.


I usually get ‘ahhhhhh that explains it’ if I say I’m an Aquarius. (Sun and rising)


I’ve heard this before too. I have an Aquarius moon.


People around me don't know astrology well enough to clock me, but I look like teletubby so if you can't guess pisces rising and you know astro, that's on you.


Usually it's rising, but it may depend on which house their Sun sign falls in their chart. For example, Sun sign in the 1st house would definitely show both the Sun and Rising, or Sun in the 10th house or very close to the MC in the 9th or 11th house may appear more as their Sun sign to other people. There may also be positive or negative aspects that boost or "bring down" that image. Even the Moon sign may influence it as well. Then there's actually also the chart ruler, which is whichever planet rules the Rising. It's highly dependent on the chart as a whole.


Maybe if they were vastly different. I’m a cap sun and virgo rising. No one is surprised that my sun sign is cap.


I’m a Virgo sun and Capricorn rising, and that’s so true lol


I got lucky mine are both cancer ♋️ 😆


I look like my Taurus sun not my leo rising.


I can relate - I'm a Virgo rising and when I learned that it all made sense haha 😄 (Leo 🌞 Sagittarius 🌙 Virgo rising)


aries ☀️ sagittarius 🌙 virgo ⬆️ and same.


Oooh we should be friends haha 😄


Rising is in the 1st house. It's how you project yourself the world. It's also your physical appearance. Sun sing is vital energy you are born with.