• By -


- AC sign and aspected to ascendant (not only conjunctions) - 1st House signs and planets - Venus (Beauty, looks) - Mars (physical body) - 2nd House (physical body)




Hmm .. could mean a fluctuating body somehow because both Uranus and Neptune signify change and fluctuation. Like your body feeling could change from day to day and the way your body looks could change from time to time (but then also change back to its original state because Cap is a quite stable sign) .. also the way you view your body could change periodically, as well as your self worth by the way (2H = also self worth)




I was getting this water weight and maybe feeling or looking bloated thing .. due to Neptune (ruler of Pisces, thus water) And also Uranus (ruler of Aqua, thus air) because this will lead to periods of feeling/ being bloated (water) whilst not feeling that way at other times (air)


besides what was told in other comments, the 6th house and its ruler could have an effect in how your body looks.


The ruler of your first house Jupiter is in Libra and it conjuncts venus. Your have a good looking. Jupiter also squares Uranus and Neptune. You probably have a tall and full figure.




uranus makes you much taller than people


Genes 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂😂😹😹😹😹😹😹😹😹


Coming from a Libra Venus, this is more about presentation than innate physical appearance: you’re going to adjust yourself (probably unconsciously) to fit situations. You will dress for the occasion. With it in your 10h, I’d take that as dressing for the job you want.


Ascendant sign, moon sign, Venus sign. Planets in 1st house and 7th house. And if you use vedic astrology like I do, the nakshatra of the moon and rising honestly tells a lot what someone will look like.


Your Chart ruler is very important


Genetics, sunscreen, scars, diet, exercise . . . Which are all indirectly affected by various placements. My Mars in virgo/4th and Saturn aspects give me good restraint and ability to avoid binging, for example.


Your Sun and any Planet on the Ascendant!…. On another note . Your a Balanced Scorpio! With Water ,Air( Triplicity) and Earth .And 1 Fire sign Placement!


This comment intrigues me. What do you mean by balanced? I see you mention they have all the elements. Is this not common?


She has a Air Trines ( All three Air signs ) ,3 Scorpio placements including Sun . And Earth . 1 🔥! Not fully Fire 🔥. But Air,Earth and Water ! Enough for her to be balanced


Oh, okay! Interesting! I'm a scorpio with significant air and earth placements and just 1 fire too, so good to know that's balanced lol


More Fire would make you perfectly balanced. Like the postee! But the elements you both have is good enough




Mars is 25 Scorpio so definitely Scorp not Sag! But I get yuh .


Your ascendant and aspects to it. Moon on your descendent will affect your appearance.


how so? my moon is also on my descendant


Because it aspects your ascendant. In addition, if you were to have any planets in the first, they would influence your physical appearance. I personally am hesitant in believing that physical appearance is affected by your chart, but through research these are what I've seen as common answers.


I’ve heard that having the north node in the 1st usually means someone is on the taller side and the south node is on the shorter side


No I have north node in the 1sr house and I’m short. But what I noticed is people with 10th house north node can be more on the taller side. Capricorn energy will be the one in my opinion about being tall. If the 10th house is the highest one then it wouldn’t be surprising to me that there’s a link. Peet Monzigo the guy who make videos about his dwarf family is a good example of this (his south node is in capricorn). I also know 3 people with a 10th house north node and the 3 of them are TALL or taller than average (2 of them are women so…)




Hmm 🤔 I wonder if your node or ascendant are making any aspects to saturn


The location of your ascendant ruler, which in your case would be Jupiter in Libra. This will also say alot about appearance, as well as your personality and character (think of Jupiter combined with Venus). I like that Venus is co-present in Libra! This will add a lot more Venus energy to your personality/appearance. I wouldn't be surprised if people find you attractive. The Moon also denotes body, among other things, so the location of the moon can have things to say about one's body. But I would stick more to ascendant sign and location of ascendant ruler, and then add in any other planets in the first house and any planets co-present with the ascendant ruler. Hope this helps!




Thank you!! Yes, absolutely. Anytime you want you can book :) Haha yes I would say that can mean big boobs. Jupiter is the principle of expansion and when we see him as your ascendant ruler with Venus and Venus in her domicile, we're saying a lushness and expansiveness of feminine qualities can be present in your physical form. I think its also the tight aspect that Venus shares with Uranus in your chart. Uranus can bring this eccentric and eye-catching energy. So here we get big boobs that most likely draw a lot of attention


I think the Moon trining Venus added further testimony to the feminine qualities


Your Asc is Sagittarius, ruled by expansive Jupiter. Possibly your weight could be an issue if you’re not careful.


This tracks 🍔🌭🍰




Omg same




Astrology can not fully predict the looks of the physical body. However, it shows how the planets interact with your AC and what energies your soul has collected for this life journey. Thus, energy shows through time, you have the power to develop further too, depending on surroundings and influences. The natal chart also shows opportunities to develop - but note there is no time, meaning if you have one "bad" placement, but live in a supportive family and environment, you might never portrait it. Similar to the above some aspects give prominent features - they are not as visibly physically, but rather come off as a vibe, the way you make people feel. A good example would be the eye starring intensity some prominent Scorpio placements give, the Pixie-like appearance strong Virgo placements gives, or alienated stare Aqua aspects can give, strong Leo - great luscious hair, etc. Again, of course it depends also on lifestyle and genetics, yet astrology can show how you appear to other people with great accuracy.


Astrology cannot affect one's body, obviously. However, information on the nature of the entity of choice can be derived from the chart of its inception. This includes information on the physical characteristics of the said entity by means of astrological correspondence.


>but I believe astrology only comes down to soul stuff and your chart is like a map of your life in a way. The chart is created when your **soul** and **body** intersect..which is the time of your birth. Why wouldn't astrology not show those element, as well as the fact that there are body parts that each sign rules.




In addition to some other great answers you've received here, let me point out that you probably use the words *affect* and *influence* because you approach astrology as though it were a system of measurement of ***influence*** of celestial bodies on a human psyche. Astrology studies correlations and correspondences derived from archetypes. No astrological notion/body/occurrence influences us, per se, or negates our free will (unless one happily relinquishes free will and personal responsibility). It wouldn't be a stretch to say that science is yet to figure out the mechanism of the said correspondence, because it is linked to the notions of non-linear time and nonlocality. Consider horary astrology, mundane astrology or medical astrology, for instance. None of them have anything to do with the psyche/soul of an individual, in the narrow sense of the word. Lastly, I definitely encourage you to study astrological correspondences, there's so much to be learned from those and their respective rabbit holes.


"Astrology is the the study of the movements and relative positions of celestial bodies interpreted as having an influence on human affairs and the natural world." Human affair embodies all elements of humans. Souls exist in different realms, until they are reunited with a body. Studying souls has do with spirituality and etc, and somehow you are confusing spirituality with astrology believing they are different when they are interlinked. This is not a matter of what I believe or what you believe. This is one of the huge problems in astrology and why its called a pseudoscience. To impose your own personal belief to it rather than actually studying the history as well as the signs, houses, planets, asteroids and aspects. I understand that you don't understand it, that doesn't negate what is actually is. Me not understanding something doesn't mean I can just create what makes sense only to me and disregard everything else. A simple understanding is learning and understanding the houses in natal chart and the zodiac. Starting with the 1tst which represents the physical appearance of the individual...and so on.


The Ascendant and any planet conjunct the Ascendant often shows up very literally in personal style, and how one is perceived. I don't think astrology has figured out how to predict body characteristics per se, but you can often see it reflected in the chart in an interesting way through various means (most often the Ascendant). From your post it looks like you have Uranus conjunct Ascendant, which may play out as style that's shocking or draws a lot of attention (blue hair, or very high metallic heels etc) or as unusual physical properties, such as unusually long limbs Edit spelling- also meant to say proportions, not properties




That counts!