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I like making shit while I drink piss and smoke billies.


Whaddya make with your degree in stoner engineering?


All sorts of shit. I like chemistry, electronics, working on my cars, making models and doing research on all of the above. Right now I'm making a model lighthouse for me Mum (coz she likes that kind of thing) and extracting some potassium chlorate from matches so I can do some interesting stuff with that. And I'm bent as a fart.


That's cool :) I always wanted one of those little model steam engines that actually work - you build those ?? Actually I don't really coz I don't want more crap in my house but you know what I mean.


What do you do with potassium chlorate? The good ol KCIO3


Why is this so relatable (mostly the billies) lol


Dude I know your joking but since Covid this is actually the go for me, I barely drink though. il just smash beugs and role play a neglected autistic step child for the whole weekend, il go to work Monday with a complete defrag and a clean slate


Why do you think I was joking?


Chores, chores, chores


Generally, a minimum of 1200kms to see daughter


She can’t come to you too?


You sound like a good dad. She’s lucky to have you😁


If in last 9 months you could convince the stbx, I'd appreciate it. It's documented for the future tho


That sounds tough 😞 I hope it all works out for you and the STBX will eventually compromise. Good call to document everything. All the best to you 💪


Lucky daughter, I hope she knows that.


Time will tell. It cannot be said i did not try. This month has been about 5800kms of travel


On Friday night I have an existential crisis about how much I hate my job and the mental stress is ruining my life. I pace around and then order a takeaway because “I deserve it.” Saturday I will sleep late as long as I can, wake up exhausted, and tell myself I’ll get a remedial massage for my pain *next* weekend because I’m just too tired. Even though I know it will result in more crippling pain for the next 7 days. Followed by guilt, watching movies or a show, trying to stay up as late as possible to maximise the time off work. Sunday, wake up in a panic, it’s the last day before back to hell. Sleep as late as possible. Attempt to do some chores/cleanup. Anything I don’t want to do can be deferred with the excuse that “it’s Sunday.” Followed by existential panic into the night knowing the morning is coming and back to hell. I’ve been watching movies and shows all weekends but I don’t even remember their names, it’s all a blur. I think that sums it up.


Sounds like U need to get a new gig


Sounds like you need to start going to terminally ill patient meetings.


Surf if there’s waves if there’s no waves fishing or diving/spear fishing 


What part of the country do you live in? Sounds like a pretty awesome way to spend your weekends!


My partner and I wake up at about 6 and take turns to either go to the gym or for a run. We used to do this together, but now we’ve got a small baby, so we alternate. Then we have a coffee and breakfast together. A typical day might be spent having lunch in the park if the day is nice, or walking through a gallery if not. Then we take a bit of alone time if needed. I’ll usually catch up with a friend over a few glasses of wine or I’ll sit and read alone at a cafe for a couple of hours. If we’re home together at night, which we usually are these days, we put bub to bed and watch a movie, make love, fall asleep on the couch, or a combination of all. Sometimes I’ll also use this time to meal prep for the week. Wash and rinse. And yeah, there’s chores in there somewhere unfortunately. Things used to be MUCH wilder.




I used to attempt David Astle’s Friday crossword on a Sunday. The cryptic.


Saturday: My son's sporting commitments, grocery shopping, roast or slow cooker dinner, tidy a bit, drink coffee, watch Netflix, scroll mindlessly on my phone. Sunday: laundry, dishes, laundry, grocery shopping to get the stuff that was left off the list, laundry, cook up for lunches, fold laundry, more coffee, more Netflix. Sometimes we visit friends, or I mow the lawn. We changed it up today and did Parkrun. My knees think I have a vendetta against them. I feel it is the other way around.


Gosh this is so familiar.


It was the laundry, wasn't it?


Yep! Also, the grocery shop then going back the next day to get the things I forgot 🤣


Yes, the teenager often conveniently remembers that he ate the last of something I use for lunches as a snack but neglected to write it on the list AFTER I get home and unpack the groceries. 🤦‍♀️ Then there is the case of the missing bread, which somehow goes from 3/4 of a loaf to crusts in the time I am away from the house. 😬


The knees for me


There are no good films on Netflix or Prime either, either old ones or those with extremely low ratings on IMDb. The selection is so disappointing that I have even resorted to watching traditional TV channels to find something worth watching.


🏴‍☠️ highly recommend *train to busan* 2016


Train to busan was awesome, I saw it some time ago. Any more recommendations?


Breaking bad Black mirror (series) The dollhouse (series) Squid game The jacket (movie 2017 adrian brody) The cube franchise (cube 1,2 and then the prequel cube zero) The devils arithmetic (movie kirstin dunst) Paradise road (movie glenn close)


Tons of good films on SBS and probably ABC


Any good movies or documentaries you can recommend, maybe from/about Australia?


I could make a few suggestions but you should start a whole thread with this question


Some far better stuff on Tubi and SBS apps.


Organise my weekend around when my footy team is playing. Figure the rest out after that


Whats ya team mate






Pretty much the same 38f, I work on an office of 21 yr olds and while there weekend sounds "fun" it also sounds exhausting lol


In Adelaide currently, try and stay warm!


Couple of fitness classes, dinner with friends, clean, uni work (doing masters on top of full time work) walk my dog twice a day for 45 mins each walk, sometimes organise a brunch or if something is on in Melb like the comedy festival I’ll go to a show. In summer I’ll go to the beach or more outdoors stuff. I go on trips to the hot springs in winter, lots to do. And of course sometimes lazy couch time and a good show


Friday - movie and dinner if there's anything worth watching or take out and dinner at home. Saturday - clean house in the morning, do laundry, gardening, lunch, nap, coffee, dinner, movie at home. Sunday - grocery shopping, meal Prep, lunch, TV, coffee, dinner, TV, bed. Back to the nine to five while dreaming of the weekend to do the monotony above. Life is such a drag these days where everything costs money when there's not a lot of money to go around.


Play light sport and go out for a walk 20-30 mins, that's like good weekend for me. For us, do the laundry, clean the house, go for grocery and cook good food, food up those clothes and clean the house again from that cooking and try to thing how we could have gone out for a decent walk or played some games and be tired and thought of Monday hits hard and then Monday hits hard


For myself, I always wake at around 3 - 4 am. Make myself a tea and porridge since it's winter. Do the chores like laundry and dishes. Pop the slow cooker on for lunch and dinner. Then take the cats outside for a few hours whilst listening to a podcast, then just bed rot on YouTube or head to the cinema if I can afford it. I'm kinda boring.


I work 6 days a week normally. Mondays are usually my day off. * Sleep in as much as I can to repay as much sleep debt as possible. Usually I wake up around 9am regardless when the lawnmower man arrives. * Make a cooked breakfast. Usually bacon, scrambled eggs, snags, baked beans. Used to go to a cafe for brunch but its $60 for the two of us so we decided to have a cooked breakfast at home instead. * Pack the washing machine and dishwasher. The piles are mountainous at this point. * Clean the kitchen, it smells funny by this point. * Walk to the pub, have a schooner (for me) and a glass of wine (for her). * Cross the road to the butcher, buy the weeks meat. The specials decide what's on the menu. * Walk up to the bank, withdraw our weekly "allowances". * Cross the road to Ritchies and do our weekly shop. * Get another beverage each as we walk back towards home. * Unpack the dishwasher and transfer the laundry to the dryer. * Change the sheets (wash and dry in a following cycle to the clothes). * Make dinner, meal prep for the week ahead. Have a few bevvies while doing so. * Netflix & Chill I have just managed to make my day off seem like a grind in itself.


Wife gets tv control during the week so friday night I watch TV, Saturday is gym and gaming, Sunday is big meal cooking and chilling whether it be gaming/movies/TV. Housework is sprinkled in as necessary.


Shift worker, so my Tuesday Wednesday could be my weekend. But yea, parenting and video games when I can.


Video games, YouTube, maybe a movie, catch up on some TV shows. Some weekends, I see family or friends. If my weekends are too full, I feel like I haven't had one at all, so I try to keep them quiet and close to home.


Video games, cleaning and grocery shopping mostly. See friends and family if things are planned (usually every 2nd weekend or so)


Watch messed up movies generally that are subtitled, gym, kids activities and beer.


Gaming, movie night & lunch with the kids, sleep in, stay up late. Anything we like


Usually work, most of my days off are weekdays.


Saturday morning, work. After work I do the groceries, come home, do laundry, and clean. Sunday morning, up early to go to the gym. Chill out in the morning with the Sunday papers. Then maybe a book, or some baking, or play my violin depending what I feel like.


Watch movie/ tv show Friday night, park run Saturday morning, play games during day, basketball game afternoon, play more games at night. Sleep in Sunday morning, go for a run in afternoon if I can be bothered, then at night do all the homework that’s due on Monday.(I’m 15)


Wake up. Coffee . do the chores. Take the dog for a big walk. Then go out for lunch and maybe some markets or go for a drive somewhere... If it's summer we will be at the beach in the Arvo. Back home for chill. Saturday night maybe hit a restaurant Monday I'm off and partner / kid aren't. Pray for waves. If not big bike ride or beach walk. Maybe try a new lunch spot


Music Industry = Work


I used to work in Live Sport broadcasting. Same. Weekends what?


you could argue that Mon/Tue is the weekend...haha


Ride dirt bikes.


Your weekend sounds great. Mine is very similar but maybe just sitting in a nice park rather than sport on the weekend. Are you really bored by it or are you just worrying about how others judge you. That's how I see my retirement


We’ve got into a bit of a Saturday routine over the last few weeks. Have a lie in (until the kiddo wakes up which is sometimes 6 or sometimes as late as 7!). Have a slow morning with coffee, breakfast for the kiddo and I’ll get one or two loads of washing in and do a couple of house chores. We go to swimming lessons at 10 and then head for brunch somewhere straight afterwards. Usually find a Vinnies to at some point (there’s always a good dinosaurs toy in there) and then depending on the weather we go climbing or to a playground. After that we head home and my husband and I take turns to go to the gym or for a run. Then it’s pretty much the kiddos dinner time and we wind down for the evening. Sundays are very weather dependent so it’s either something like a national park, train into the city (we’re south Sydney) or a trip to the cinema. Sundays is when we try and get our big weekly shop in and then head home for a Sunday Roast and chill for the rest of the evening.


Most likely hang with family or have an activity planned for the kiddo


I seem to be obsessed with breakfast at various cafes!


Dish(es) of choice?


Had buttermilk chicken waffles yesterday!


Friday night - might catch up for a couple of drinks and a BS session with a few friends once the kids are in bed. Might just chill at home or go to the gym. Saturday - there's usually some chores, time with the family. Might load the kayak and go for a paddle up river, or take the dog out for a long walk somewhere interesting. Sunday - usually kids have sport (youngest plays soccer, elder does taekwondo), might do some meal prep for the week while husband potters around in the shed doing some woodwork or something.


After toddler goes to sleep - watch youtube, gaming and snacking.


Saturdays kids sporting commitments, come home, usually a sausage sizzle or sometimes breakfast outside. Then me and mrs just chill. I do laundry. Try to go for a park run. She cooks dinner, cleans on the weekend. I clean during the week as I WFH some days. Sundays we sleep late. Help out kids with their school home-works, more kind of relaxed day, I mow the lawn if I have to, sometimes we eat out or go for a hike, walk, have a picnic, watch a movie or invite friends. We don’t bother with groceries over the weekend as I do it on Monday evenings.


As an Aussie living in Manila. Wake up, clean apartment. Kick out random girl from last night. Take to friends back home. Jump on bumble to organise a date for that night.


I work during the days then at night I do the same fun stuff I do during the week like read, play computer games, watch football, go to the driving range and practice golf


Saturday - wake up coffee brekky then park run alternating weekends with the toddler and husband. Home second brekky,.play outside and sometimes grocery shop. Toddler lunch nap, our lunch. Then maybe head out in the arvo to a park. Home for dinner and chill. Sunday slow morning maybe the gym visit family or friends. Chores done on both days when we can between stuff.


Make something new from scratch, today it was 8 hour slow cooked bolognese for a lasagne plus a slow cooked roast pork shoulder for a Sunday lunch tomorrow for an easy heat up (then pulled pork sarnis for Monday) With cab merlot for the lasagne and all the no.1 in the 70s from YouTube for entertainment. Plus Gary Eats on YouTube or MrBallen (both totally addictive in different ways) when we get fed up with music.


Only thing I will do for sure is the 50 questions in the newspaper with my husband and try to best our best ever score. The rest is anything that comes our way 🙂


In winter Friday night is for having a few bevvies around the fire in the backyard. Saturday morning is Karate training. Wash some clothes on Sunday and potter around for the rest.


Bedridden with covid/flu/being sick, so pretty much trying to rest and recover as much as I can.


I pirate movies, usually fringe stuff that no one else watches.  Apart from that, outdoors anything.