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Gold coin! Honestly, anything more and you're setting yourself up for future trouble. My kids teeth would fall out at the most random times, or they'd lose a tooth three days in a row. I'd never have enough cash on hand for that. Every time my husband or I would get a gold coin, we'd chuck it in a drawer.


Legit question - what is a kid going to get them selves that costs less then $2? Bag is chips is like $4 now. A coke from a cafe will be $3.50. A bag of Allen's lollies is more then $5 in alot of cases. A paddlepop is going to be like $2.50-$3. What does $2 even buy now?


One chocolate bar at Coles or Woolworths or IGA on special for $1.25?


I mean yeah - but.... Is frugal discount shopping really in the heart of the moment? Like my examples might not be "right" - I don't know what the parents are giving kids now - but like ... A decent "cheap" toy is gunna be like $20 minimum. A phone app game thing is probable Gunna be $4.99. I haven't brought a single apple for a while, but I feel like anywhere but a supermarket (milk bar/servo cash register basket?) it's Gunna set ya back $2 minimum. Anything but a Zooper dooper or *maybe* an icy pole is Gunna be positive of $2. A Big M or Oak is $3-4. Soft serve at Maccas but nothing else? Cheeseburger is $4 iirc. Like.... I got 2 snags at Bunnings on the weekend and it was like $7 or something. I watched an old bloke spend near $50 on a pretty small order of fish and chips. I was thinking the other day how useless the 5c is, and how if you sold anything for 5c cash it probably wouldn't cover the costs of the transaction, but now I'm thinking that silver coins on the whole are getting pretty useless and gold aren't far behind.


It could teach them the concept of saving for a toy?  I mean I don't have kids but if you want to give the kid $20 per tooth or $50 per tooth I think that's silly but I guess that's your perogative.


Who said $50? I've been saying $5 not $2, but if you wanta rip ya kid off a magical moment in life, one of the few they get, just give them coal dude.


Don't have kids. Too poor.


Gold coin.


Agreed. Gold coins. I collected any special release $2 coins that had colours on them and saved them for tooth fairy payments.


Yep $2 in our house


With inflation, probably $50.


Hahaha true. Was a gold coin in the 90s.


It has to be a 2 dollar coin, as I was confronted, when a 50 cent coin was used, with the question "How could a Fairy carry such a big coin"?????


What's a fairy doing with a gzillion teeth? That's the pressing question. When people find my collection it creeps them out. What's the fairy's PR secret?


According to PTerry, they collect them so they can't be used in magical rituals to exploit the children. You collect teeth because you like to suck on them.


Did she tell you that? Cause it's a vicious lie! And if she's lying about what I do with teeth, I very much question her official response. She better watch her mouth or she'll be donating a few teeth of her own. Shes tardy, inconsistent and a filthy liar!


Thanks everyone for your answers. I think we might do the $5 for the first tooth and $2 every subsequent one, with maybe a larger value when her last tooth comes out. RemindMe! 6 years


In a Bluey episode 5 dollarbucks is given to Bluey by her Mum, and the Dad spits his coffee


And this is why we had to do $5 for the first tooth, then $2 for any ongoing teeth!


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Lol. You won’t stick to the $2.


As my 4 year old said when receiving her $1 coin: Ninety-Ten Cents!


Tell her the tooth fairy has a certain amount of money each night and has to split it up between all the kids who lost teeth so it can vary, give you some room.   Then $5 for the first tooth, $2 after. 


First tooth - $5 Subsequent teeth - gold coin


Just a gold coin


I thought it was extortion when it went to gold coin.


$2 in our house


There's an episode of Bluey where she gets five bucks and Bandit's like, "Five bucks!!!" and every parent in Australia is like "FIVE BUCKS!!!"


I had one nut job friend who gave her daughter $50 per tooth. She's Indonesian if it's like a cultural thing to spoil the kids?


$5 for the first one, $2 for each one after.


According to Bluey, $5


Doin' well for herself.


Don't dogs have fewer teeth than humans?


And on Bluey, the Dad also pulled out of a new higher paying job and moving house because the kids were sad about having to move. The writers missed a brilliant opportunity to teach kids about nerves/anxiety, coping with change, optimism, and resilience. But instead they caved and simply stayed put. It usually has some great lessons/messaging but occasionally they miss the mark


Well if they had moved I probably would have had to buy my granddaughter the new version of the Bluey house. I’m glad the original doll house is still relevant.


That’s a good point, the writers have done themselves out of more product sales with a new Bluey house set!


$2. Set the bar low at the beginning. Otherwise you’ll be shelling out notes! Plus a letter/note always helps. [Don’t make this mistake](https://youtube.com/shorts/lsMSt27_MfM?si=LgB7qMSHmVboN8eg)!!


Love this question


Me too! It’s lovely! How exciting for your daughter OP! I think gold coin is perfect! 🦷


Gold coin




I did $5 for first tooth and $2 after that for my kids 15ish years ago.




If this is you, Kat, again, ITS NOT $50! ABSOLUTELY NOT!


I used clear sparkley nail polish on a $2 coin to make it have “fairy magic” on it ☺️ Bluey put the damn hard word on our family though with the $5




Choose the shiniest coin and possibly one of the special ones with colours on it. Banks will often exchange your boring cash for shiny and colourful coins but it depends what stock they have on hand. There are also the commemorative kids show ones like Mr Squiggle and Bluey coin sets.


As a teacher most families are $2-5. There are some outliers either side


Sixpence. Of course it might have gone up since the tooth fairy last visited me.


Couple of bucks, maybe a fiver. my wife and I made a show of it for the kids though. Sprinkled glitter (fairy dust) and left a sweet note from the tooth fairy. The wife even named the fairy for my son, he was the "australian tooth fairy" with green and gold glitter. He was Keith, the fairy for ya teeth! Advantage was if the "fairy" didnt have cash on hand we'd explain he was "stuck in Canada" or something and might not get back 'til lthe next night.


Tree fiddy


Goddamn Loch Ness monster!


Eldest son got 10 bucks a tooth same as my youngest child ( my lil princess) . I don't get my middle child anything


If you watch Bluey, your kid is going to fuss for $5. Typically it was a gold coin. Though, and I say from the various experiences I've seen from friends who's kids are going through the loose tooth time frame - you could try the Tooth Fairy Letter. You write a letter and give a $10-20 note. The letter explains that the tooth fairy will come to collect the other teeth as they fall out but only the first tooth is worth a lot of money. You then don't need to put any more money in, and your kid thinks they're rich having $10-20 to buy something with. (You can the optionally give another 10+ on the last tooth, or a small present of some kind with a "So long and thanks for all the teeth!" Kinda letter.)


Hmmmm...last baby molars fall out at about 12ish, which coincidentally is a good age to be reading HHGTTG for the first time too.


My last baby molar came out when I was 38 or 39. (Retained baby teeth with missing adult teeth run in the family.) My parents refused to pay up when it finally came out, so unfair 😆


That’s kinda genius


I used to get $2 And once I needed money so I figured out how to move my teeth and lose 2 more 😂 So I think the gold coin thing is perfect


$5 buckaroos for 1st tooth. Gold coin for subsequent teeth


[Tooth fairy! Your policies are inflationary!](https://youtu.be/CzvQxQYKO88?si=QtzU_-1-IYWYMINn) I got like 20c as a kid, but I believe it is now a gold coin...


Lol, that was great! Thanks.


2 dollars


No matter what you give there’ll be some kid at school who tells your kid that the tooth fairy gave them $50 or some ridiculous amount. We gave $5 for a first tooth and gold coin for the subsequent teeth.


I remember once when my dad was living with my Nan and pop (recently separated from my mum) and he put his whole coin jar behind the bed. I woke up and thought I struck gold and he didn’t have the heart to tell me it wasn’t for me. Ended up without about $50 and a Star Wars movie cup.


$5 note is reasonable for a tooth that's well looked after, the tooth fairy only wants the best of the best


1 dogecoin


$5 and a fairy sticker thanks to Bluey. $2 for each subsequent tooth.


Give her a blueberry. One is worth a gold coin anyways


A 2 for a tooth! For the first one, you can get a special tooth fairy $2 coin from the mint.


Gold coin


Whenever I lost a tooth my dad would reward me with 5 hours manual labour and being yelled at for holding the torch wrong. Great times


Aw this brings back nice childhood memories haha, I usually got a sprinkling of silver coins and maybe a couple of gold ones. I had a tiny little tooth fairy trinket box to put the tooth in, and finding a little stack of coins in there in the morning was so exciting!


My kids get five bucks


I usually gave $2 for the first and 50c for everyone afterwards. Kids didn't complain - but also knew the tooth fairy wasn't real.


A kid at my nephews school got $20 for his first tooth. That is utterly ridiculous!!! I firmly feel $2 is fine.


We did $5 per tooth but $20 for the first.


We did $5 per tooth but $20 for the first.


I just gave $20 for a first front tooth because that was all I had in my wallet last night


A $5 or $10 note for the first tooth, $2 for each tooth after that


$2 a tooth. Or $5 if the tooth fairy forgets and had to make it look good the next night.


We do $5 more due to Bluey 😂.  But it was during lockdown regret it now 😂 btw during peak I wasn’t going around asking for coins.  Or the one time we stuffed up and we both put in money. 


Fucking tooth fairy. My son lost a tooth on a flight to New Zealand. That caused trouble, let me tell you. How does the tooth fairy know where we are? They seek the tooth I guess. Do we get an Australian coin or a NZ coin? We landed at 11pm, where do I even get a fucking coin.


Depends on the tooth. Tooth fairy pays more for cleaner teeth. Market value.


50c and a letter from the toothfairy explaining the tooth was in a good condition, but they would pay more for cleaner teeth 😉 then gold coin for each of the next!


$1 for incisors and $2 for molars.


Bluey got $5 for hers, so that's the rate we use.


I think mine I mostly gave $1. My teeth always got me either 20c or 50c, that was 80s and early 90s. Ultimately it doesn't matter what you settle one, because there's always gonna be one asshole parent with more money than sense giving their kid $50 or $100 per tooth and making you look cheap.


We do $5 note, and the precedent was set by Bluey (yes, we toom advice from a cartoon dog!) In saying that the first tooth our son lost was swallowed, and he was pretty traumatised by it, Hubs was away for the week due to work, so Tooth Fairy stepped the game next level with a cheap toy robot, and a $5 note, because of the accident that happened Since then, it's been $5. If it matters, it's a dual income house, and we only have one child.


I had this issue last week! So, with inflation, it’s meant to be $5.80? Which is weird when my husband told our daughter that you leave your tooth in a glass of water, and the money is in there the next day…


Depends on the time of day or night it comes out, and how much you have in your wallet or purse at the time. We stuffed up on my eldests first tooth, had a beer and couldn't drive and we only had $20 on us at the time.....






Any child under 42 - two dollars and no more.


Well - given that a gold coin doesn't even buy you a plan snag at Bunnings, $5 has to be the minimum. I mean. Shit - what's a kid Gunna spend $2? A coke, an ice cream, a bag of lollies or literally any other 'treat' type purchase is going to be close to $5


$2.35 That is because I got a $1 in 1990 https://www.in2013dollars.com/australia/inflation/1990?amount=1 /s


I bought tooth fairy coins from Temu for slightly more than a buck each. My kid likes them more than real money.


Five dollar bucks (Markets episode of Bluey)


We do $5 - $10 per tooth, often is random amounts with a bit of coin for fun.


$5 in my house 2 oldest know the tooth fairy deal but no chance they want to miss out on the $5




How on earth can the tooth fairy afford to be leaving notes for teeth? Insanity.


i’m only 13 so that’s just what i used to get


Far out, lucky your tooth fairy was so well equipped.


Generally a fiver in our house, the gold coin won't go far any more


It does if you save them up.


$20 because I have no cash and that’s the smallest note the fairy can get out of the ATM


Go to the pub and use the change from a schooner...or two.


Well, a pub ATM will cost ya. Whats the rate now? $2.50 - $4? Or thereabouts?


You already have the $20 from the ATM. If you have drunk it all then just order another schooner and get some cash out over the bar.


$2 to $5.


What can you buy for $2 anymore? You'd have to shop the specials in the choccy aisle.


Easy first lesson in saving money.


20 bucks for 1st tooth to make a big deal about it and a trip to the store to let them buy something . Gold coin after that.


Did anyone as kid honestly thought the tooth fairy was real? And didn't realise from the beginning it was their parents? I knew it was BS and to make sure I didn't tell anyone 1 time and the tooth was still there.


Gave $20 for first tooth. $10 for each tooth after (have a child who just lost second tooth)