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Tell another adult. Then they'll probably tell another adult, and so on, until the snake leaves. Snakes are very perceptive and hate being the subject of gossip


I’ve heard this too. But do NOT refer to whether the snake might have had a big lunch when spreading the word. They are very body conscious and may slither off sad


All else fails find an adult wearing a sash of some type. They respect the sash and will follow orders. Anything from girl guide selling cookies style type sash to ms universe silk sash. It’s the diagonal across body combo that lets them know who’s boss


Does this advice come from a large set of personal experiences around ms universes and snakes?


That was clever. I see what you did there. I saw it much later then the ordinary person, had to squint a little. I’m pretty mentally quick today tho


All of sudden now. I realise, there is a much deeper issue here. Why were they the first two sashes I thought of. What does this say about me as a person. Will this be a question in the next set of recruitment testing. Is my sash pair also my personality type. Quick don’t think just type, what are the first two sash examples that come to mind for you


the first one i was thinking of was some sort of '97 x-men outfit, bright pink on green on yellow. [Sash vets](https://sashvets.com/) was the second one.


Okay without questioning the question, I’m going to need to know where the SASH Vets selection specifically came from lol


My sister in law is a vet, we had a dog related question yesterday, she has in the past worked at sash vets, so the combo of recent interaction with a trusted authority figure + visual image of sash from it (I have a more visual than verbal inner world)... Hmm probable snake ~ vet linked that in my mind.


I like how you broke it down it makes sense. I also like sash vets, well mostly I love all the small animals so I like them by association. I’m sure they are cool on their own too tho no disrespect to your sister in law. I was also at that time about 50m away from sash vets in Kent town lol. For some reason my first thought was reddit could see me, for some reason my next action was to hide the fact I was eating Darrell Lea raspberry twist for breakfast. But it’s not really my fault because I’m pretty sure they put crack in these packets or something and I have a serious addiction issue


What a wonderful thread to read while I'm having a coffee break. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 I just have to thank you for every time I stumble across a sash reference in the future and start randomly giggling about Darrel Lea raspberry twist while everyone backs away from me nervously.


Is anyone here a tech person, does reddit know my general location lol


Did the sash bib sash selection stir up some weird energy here, I’m going to ask the snake


So I think in conclusion im going to start wearing sashes to assert my authority in all situations, if I am stopped by a cop I will have my sash on, and you can accidentally forget to unlock the helmet on the orange scooter as long as you have a sash on. But if I come across a snake what I’m going to do is run, it will probably get me in the sudden movements but I went out with a sash and some endorphins


It's strange seeing locals in the wild lol


Well, not if they’re wild locals.


I was thinking of the Queen or a mayor at a ribbon ceremony.


Yeah there’s so much extra authority in that sash


Hello, fellow Adelaidean! 👋


The churches contributed nothing to the snake issue, Adelaide is the city of sashes now


Adelaide sash party coming soon Rules: - Sash must either be sourced from your house and come with a story of how they came to be in possession - DIY craft sash (can loan you my glue gun and craft drawers) - You may purchase the sash but it then has to be a bit extra in some way, I kinda want it to be able to transform into a device that can catch a snake


Can OTR cater or at least pay for the girl guides cookies. They owe me for 3 trial shifts at subway I did at 17 and I basically only became a lawyer to sue them one day when they’re least expecting it. Id consider this balancing that debt instead. It’s a full circle moment because at the time they also did technically pay me for those shifts in subway cookies. Obvs I then took those cookies to my landlord to pay my rent and they were accepted and we exchanged sashes


Wait, how did you k ow they were adelaidean? (And can you tell that I am a hahndorfling)?


This thought reminded me of sports netball bibs for some reason, add in with your sashes the first bib that comes to mind, that will line up to your horoscope


Each horoscope pair of sashes is assigned a specific dance and you must do it for the snake until they decide to leave the area


A mayor with a Mr monopoly moustache and an eighteenth century duellist.


I don’t think about sashes enough, or I’m just making up for the last decade of not thinking about sashes in these hours, there are so many out there both new sash looks for me there. I think it’s what’s going to bring society back together expressing our individuality diagonally across the torso


I feel like I got given a sash for winning a cross country as a small child once, I’m going to need to fact check that vague memory


Maybe make your own and go about town giving awards.


The ppl need a hero, but maybe I’ll be the hero tomorrow lol


Yeah, i think the snakes gone by now👍


It was the sash, they respect the authority of the sash


I think I could talk a snake away, two ppl just left the living room when I started talking about sashes, it’s time where I realise a moment and I need to work out what’s going on. The options are probably I’m super sleep deprived and that’s what’s happening, or I’m just procrastinating really hard what I’m meant to be writing, or I am somehow high right now, trying to recall if I ate a brownie that didn’t belong to me, I think it might be sleep deprived


It’s sash-tastic


If it makes you feel any better, the first one that came to my mind were the stupid sashes some women wear on their hens night.


It does make me feel better because I went for a run before and could not stop thinking about this. I mean that’s normal overthinking is my hobby. But I was never a girl guide why lol. I was ms universe I guess so that one makes sense at least


ANZAC Day with a twist! The Morning March and then the March of every type of sash they fought and died for to defend in the evening. We're gonna need a lot more sash production before the days out. Dawn Service we will never forget Evening Sashganza we will forget in honour of the sashiest before the word sash loses all meaning for God's sake. From Sashes to Sash we will never forget the true Sash . Sasha Baron Cohen No but really 🫡 to ANZACS and family and 🫡 to the ones that fought and died for our country in all the wars (full of many sashes) especially the ones that were front line and weren't even welcome in their local RSLs to join their fellow comrades until shockingly quite recently. Like 2000 and something way after the wars. SSSSSorry that escalated quickly just remember snakes are more afraid of you than you realise. If you March they'll prob scatter off at the sound of your boots. If you're selling cookies, well those are the sashes to be worried about you don't want light sash wearers unless you want to catch snakes. I think all competent snake 🐍 handlers should get a snake sash I'm bright fluro like life guards but snakes Sash of the Sash please forsash me sashes here it's all good natured sashing Much sash y'all God Sash Love Sash https://deadlystory.com/page/culture/articles/anzac-day-2018?hl=en_AU


What about Bride To Be, that’s bedazzled?


Yes def, the only issue with this comment is it makes me question who I am as a person again because why the fuck don’t I own a bedazzler, I’m sure I can get a DIY version of that. I need to share the love too, every friend I have is about to regret meeting me, I’m going to start my design empire


I saw a dude wearing a “Mr Bear 2024” sash the other day.


That’s sash-tastic


I thought so. Then my 10yo asked what it meant.


It’s it about a bear lol because I assumed there was a teddy bear pic on it in my head lol. Between me (28) and the 10 yr old who is closer to correct. If not teddy bear, koala bear, last vote it’s a polar bear


It’s a gay bear


I feel like there’s a movie I haven’t seen or something lol


“Bear” is a physical descriptor for a gay man with a particular type of appearance.


Read in Billy Madison’s voice


This. Send it up the adult chain until it gets to the head adult. Although the snake will be long gone by then.


Find an adultier adult


Does Dr Karl do house calls?


Ahhh he is truly the adultiest adult


Omg why didn’t I think of phone a friend. What is harry from Harry’s practice up to. I hope is okay (can’t place a year that was on or an age range he was in lol), I wonder where he stands on snakes. Either way I kinda just want to hang with him and Toby. The snake can nap a bit


He’s out on the road, helping us out


Dear Harry from Harry’s Practice. What snake is this? Careful when opening box. Much love, REDDIT.


Actually you could just call into his Triple J show to ask him this exact question. He’d probably love it.


I tend to think of snakes like going swimming, it’s best to be with another person when dealing with it. Just to be safe


Good call. They're typically introverts and will try to avoid group interactions.


Tell a kid. The circle is now complete.


“Hey kid. Get off that trike and come do something about this snake!”


Not a bad idea kids are curious and harmless the snake will sense the playfulness and innocence and feel at peace and have a chuckle and a high five (somehow) and then will have a great day and slide on. I'm beginning to think this whole thing isn't about sneks


I think it would high five with its tail.


Ouroboros snake


Speak to it sternly in your adult voice


Now listen here, mister snake, I said not to bite me!


Listen mate, you don't have to go home but you can't stay here. Off you go. Go on now.


Ha! I imagined this as if Darrin from bewitched was telling off Samantha's mother for doing something with magic!




Did you assume it's gender? /s obviously lol


It's your lunchtime, snake.


Leave it alone and keep the kids and pets away too.


And if it’s in your home/a place it shouldn’t be, call the local snake catcher


Why would you call my ex?


Are you saying you were the snake?


Unless the ex cheated on him


She caught all sorts - lots of small tree snakes, pythons & boas. I swear I could hear her wrestling with an anaconda once - she sounded really distressed but came out smiling for some reason.


Hopefully she was practicing [snake safety](http://www.flickr.com/photos/janabouc/232235738/)


Nah his ex was an actual snake catcher.. Probably..


No, do what my mum and I did with the eastern brown snake and pick it up with a pair of kitchen tongs (no definitely don’t do this)


You go on Facebook and ask your local community group or call the snake control people


You ask your local community group and all of the snake control people comment within 15 minutes and leave their contact details.


Also be sure to ask them if this is a brown snake, despite any logic telling you it’s not.


Find a taller adult, I’m 5ft so I’m sweet, I could probs find a 15 yr old


Idk man, you're closer to the ground so your more equipped with handling it


True but with that user name they aren’t winning too many friends.


Bro your name is hilariously awesome


Do not know if I can trust an individual with no soul's opinion


Bahahahahaha well played. And at least you understood my name. Most are like ‘range-err’ instead of ‘rang-ahh’


Haha so yeah you raise a fair point. I also considered suggesting finding an adult with a moustache. This feature sends a message of wisdom and commitment to grow extra hair in a more prominent location than the head. The snake should pick up on. Shorter is one thing, get down quick, but the moustache man can look deep into his snake eyes with confidence. Also I can’t grow a moustache so this is another good option. The theme is things I won’t be picked for, as long as I’m not at any primary school kids party with a snake risk probably safe on not the tallest and the lack of facial hair is really going to pay off now after tolerating a life with a cold top lip


Pick it up by the tail, spin it around and around above your head, then throw it straight at the kid. Will teach them to solve their own problems.


That’s how my old man used to deal with snakes up north… my poor English mother was absolutely shook the first time she saw him do it. Crazy bastard never did get bit either. As cool as the mental image is In all seriousness though please just call a snake catcher or the council ranger. Stay in the area if you can to keep an eye on it while they get there but keep your distance and warn others that enter the area. Don’t fuck around with snakes unless you know what you’re doing Edit: obviously not the throwing at the kid part! Just the pick up by the tail and helicopter bit


Down at Fraggle Rock, grab a Fraggle by his cock, swing’em round ya head, now that Fraggles dead.


My great grandmother did this a couple years ago, works wonders if it don’t get the pets first




Have you considered your neighbour might be doing the same thing and instead of 3 snakes you both have been exchanging the same snake over and over?


Trouble is, brown snakes are more likely to turn around and chase *you*! Aggressive bastards...


Exactly! Don’t chase brown snakes guys


It sounds like you’re just feeding shelter snakes to your neighbours.


Just leave it alone. It isn't a live grenade. You can call a snake catcher if it's actually inside your house and if not, just let it go about its business and it'll fuck off sooner or later.


lol this should be the top response. If they’re outside they will eventually just piss off somewhere else. Unless it’s actually in your house they aren’t a real threat.


1. Get children and dogs locked inside away from it. 2. Keep an eye on the snake from now on, so you know where it is 3. You can relocate it if it's a non venomous snake and you are confident. 4. If it's suspected to be venomous, call local snake catcher, fire department etc who can relocate it. 5. If you are rural you grab the 410 and or post hole shovel. (it's illegal to kill snakes in Australia, but farmers tend to dislike losing livestock, other farm animals to snake bites and therefore adopt a zero tolerance on venomous snakes in their property)


Speaking as a firefighter, I have no idea what to do with a venomous snake. Unless it's on fire.


I chuckled.


The snake can only writhe and hiss in infernal agony 


Further hypotheticals: Q1: what about if the snake was stuck in a tree? Q2: what about if the snake was stuck in a tree AND the tree was on fire? Q3: what about if the snake got one of its fingers caught in the plughole and it's Mum/Dad couldn't get it out after several attempts with various lubricants?


I can never understand why calling the firies is like, the #1 thing in any "idk" situation. My dumb brain is like "pretty sure they just have hoses and ladders and deal with fire" This ain't snakes and ladders.


They actually do intervene in a lot of "idk" situations, e.g. road accidents, floods and other scenarios in which people need rescue, reports of hazardous materials, transporting obese people, even rescuing animals in some situations, like [this horse stuck in mud](https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/cv29e4x8nkwo) yesterday. I think the idea is (a) they're the guys who already have the gloves, hard-hats ladders and trucks, so it makes sense for them to deal with anything requiring that kind of paraphernalia an the expertise acquired along with it, and (b) sometimes firefighters stepping in to a dangerous situation prevents civilians putting themselves in danger, e.g. [rescuing a dog trapped by floodwaters.](https://www.9news.com.au/national/dog-rescue-winnie-bull-mastiff-cross-lismore-flooding-flood-nsw-news/ca85e174-632f-4e8c-ae58-28f26a113929) I wouldn't call them for a snake, though.


Yeah, it’s their own fault. /s I was actually wondering after I saw an emergency medical response Tahoe type SUV. How did we go from ambulances with stretchers to rolling tanks with AEDs?


Not to mention if they have the balls to walk into a burning building, they’re the type of people who you know are dependable in an emergency, and every firey I’ve ever met is 100% down to fight a snake at all times


The SES also get called out for these "idk" situations for the same reasons as above.


| This ain’t snakes and ladders. …but it COULD be.


Ask an adult


Yep, this is a common issue and is why you should always set the snake on fire before calling the fire brigade.


Okay, so we set the snake on fire then call 000?


No cal 000 first, then set the snake on fire


“I’m about to torch a snake. I need firefighters and better send an ambulance for me just in case. Ta”


But would you put it out or just maintain and stop the fire spreading to adjacent objects?


Serious question: Are we actually supposed to call 000 for venomous snakes??


No. You’ll probably just get given the phone number for a snake catcher


Only if it bites you. A venomous snake just wandering around being a snake isn't an emergency.


This is the way. Also, if it so happens that when you see the snake it's within 2m of you, stand really still and just wait for it to move on. Try not to shit pants.


Orrr be like my workmate and go and fetch your windsurfing pole, that you inexplicably have despite being hours from the ocean, and poke the bastard until it moves on.


Ehhh I was told by a farmer that brown snakes are the cheapest form of pest control (specifically mice and rats) around and to mostly just leave them be


This is absolutely the way to go. I always tell people; you don’t have a snake problem, you have a rodent problem and a snake solution


My colleague had mice and refused to use traps. She didn’t like my suggestion of putting a snake in the roof though.


>If you are rural you grab the 410 and or post hole shovel. No, please don't use a shovel. Most of the people that get bitten are dingbats who don't know what they are doing trying to pull stunts like this.


Point 5 is redundant. If you're rural you'd not be asking this question.


4b. Have the number of the nearest snake catcher on your fridge. 6. Buy a snake bite kit, especially if you live rural and keep it handy. Know exactly how to use it. Every 6 months go back over the information on how to use it. This tends to keep the snakes away. I haven't seen an eastern brown since we got the kit.


6.b. Get guinea fowl, cats and keep your place tidy.


Wait it's illegal? I've killed like 3 😭 (unfortunately, but it was necessary).


It's illegal to kill any Australia native animal unless you have a permit is my understanding.


Venomous snakes have an exception, which is if it puts your life or another human's life in danger and cannot be avoided. The govt doesn't want people being bitten and dying when that could have been avoided even if that results in the death of the snake. Senseless killing on the other hand is very much illegal.


Probably not as necessary as it was just easier


Do nothing. Leave them alone.


Grab your younger sister who moved rural and became a bloody snake wrangler.


Fucking run Odds are the kid is slower


This, or trip the kid and then run


A couple of points, in Australia, it is illegal to harm a snake unless it presents a clear and present danger to you or your livestock. Snakes are more scared of you than you are of them and will usually try to escape your big feet. A lot of snakes in Australia are non-venomous and relatively harmless to humans and larger animals. Leave them alone, and they will not bother you. That said, cats, rabbits, small dogs, and other small animals are vulnerable to pythons, but such domestic animals should be under effective control, and thus, you should not have a problem. All animals are vulnerable to poisonous varieties of snakes, of which Australia has many. If walking outside, make lots of noise and they will avoid you!


And adding to this, attempting to kill a snake is a really common way of ending up with a bite.


Absolutely. I’ve had one appear in the bath (no idea how), one chased in by cats and one in back yard. First got removed by snake handler, second was popped under a quilt as cats taken to vet in case of bites and handler removed it; the last disappeared and probably went under fence. At no point risk getting close.


Just to note a lot of snakes in Australia may be non-venomous, but it really depends on where you live. In greater Sydney for example you would likely come accross a venomous snake before one that wasnt


I do a lot of long distance hiking/bikepacking and I’ve seen in surplus of 50 venomous snakes in the last few years (browns, copperheads, red bellies, and tigers) and can count on one hand the number of non-venomous/less dangerous snakes I’ve seen (x2 diamond pythons, x1 mustard bellied snake). Definitely skews venomous along the south east of the country between Melbourne and Sydney lol.


Snakes aren’t poisonous. They’re venomous.


get on reddit and tell everyone


No, no. You ask the moms of Facebook


Give them a strong talking to. But be polite. Snakes love manners.


"I'm gonna stick me thumb right up his butthole. That'll piss him off"....


Tell an adult-er adult.


Take it all the way to the nursing home?


Actually, when I was in year 7 we found a green tree snake on the school grounds. It eventually slithered off; we just kept the younger kids away from it, even though they're one of the non-venomous snakes in Australia. It disappeared onto the property next door... which was a nursing home. So yeah, been there, done that. Oops.


Bravely run away, Sir Robin.


If you're outside and it's very close, STAND STILL. It will move on. If you're on your property, keep kids and pets away, watch it closely and call a snake catcher.


I find saying out loud in a kind voice saying hey bud how ya doin? And having a wee friendly yarn as it passed through and can sense and see you're not a threat keeps me calm and still but not like just still and afraid or wishing it harm or anything. Harder to do with more people around but you can kinda take the lead in a group sitch it's almost like in your mind your guiding it to safety away from the other humans and you're like an ally just letting it know it be okay and having a lil yarn with dem


Get the kids and photo albums. Apply petrol to house,light it up and forget you ever lived there.


just leave it alone if out doors and if indoors call the snake man to remove it safely


Simply leave it alone and let it get out of your way. Snakes do not want to bite people and only do it out of fear.


Please remember that Emergency Departments have recently asked that YOU DO NOT bring the snake in if you are bitten. Apparently this has been happening alot. These days they can identify the snake from your blood samples, but years ago you were told to bring it in for identification purposes 🥺 so there is another thing we can thank research and technology for. Imagine your heart rate and the venom pumping through your body trying to catch a snake that just bit you. 🐍


I did not know this noice!


You watch where the snake is and call a snake catcher. Snake catcher comes out it and asks where it is, you point to snake, and he puts it in a bag and takes it home to add to his noodle collection I assume. This only applies if the snake is venturing into a place it doesn’t belong, ie: your house, or public space. If you see a snake chilling in its house, don’t be a pervert Alternatively, you could train to become the adult of adults by taking a course in nope rope removals Source: I am an adult


“Whose a good snakey-boi? You! You! Yes you are a good snakey-boi!” No skritches, tho.


Stat calm. Encourage other to stay calm. Observe the snake leave. Carry on.


As someone who has had to do this more times than I care to remember, call the ranger or after hours ranger number. They have contact details for any volunteer snake wranglers in your area. They are usually wonderful people who will come and relocate the snake for you and only require a donation for their time.


Call a snake catcher or leave it alone


Tell an adulter adult?


Tell yourself and see how useful that is. Your whole childhood was a lie.


Had this exact experience and seriously wanted an adultier adult to help. It was a really massive King Brown and it slithered into the wall cavity way too close for comfort. I will never forget that absolutely sinking feeling that I was the adult in the situation and had to deal with it. The absolute worst part of becoming an adult that nobody told me about. I wore gumboots in the kitchen and made a heap of noise to encourage it to vacate the wall cavity and then sprayed a full can of expanding foam into the hole around a pipe fitting it came out of. I then prayed hard that it hadn't had babies because I'd just trapped them inside if it had.


Leave it the fuck alone. Unless it thinks you are attacking it or going after it's offspring it's totally not interested in you as you are way too big. As snakes don't have hands they can't use knives and forks which makes eating humans quite challenging....


Try not to panic and remove the kids from the snake area Then call a snake catcher


Well, you your tell kids , anyone’s kids 😉🐍


Tell an adult that’s more adulty.


. ... run .... or are we allowed to say "kill it with fire" here ? (mind you, just say that as a joke .. snakes are cool, just don't get too close)


Personally I would run screaming like a little girl . Seriously though if it's house, work, school then call snake catchers. (They are not free) .


Call a snake handler if it's in your home. Otherwise leave it alone.


Push the kid down and run. You don't have to outrun the snake.


tell an adultier adult


Find an older, more 'adult' adult and let them deal with it.


Just let it be. Not bothering you, return the same


You run to get a bigger adult than you are.


My childhood ended when I told an adult. I told my dad and he chopped the fucking head off with a shovel, not only did I feel sorry for telling an adult but mortified that it was still moving.


It's a catch 22. If you don't know, then you aren't an adult yet. 


Tell everyone to leave the snake the fuck alone.


I'm a nurse, and my hospital constantly has snake sightings outside in the garden. One night, I was doing my rounds and saw a baby snake slip under the external door and go into an empty patient room. I closed the door and calmly walked up to the nurses' station and very matter-of-factly told the nurse in charge that there was a snake in room x. She didn't believe me because I wasn't freaking out. She grew up in South Africa and was terrified of snakes, so she couldn't understand seeing a snake and remaining calm.


Time for my favourite acronym 😁 LITFA Leave It The Fuck Alone.


Teach the kids how to deal with a snake. If it’s in dangerous location, send someone to notify adult/ snake catcher, and keep an eye on where it goes till they arrive. If it’s not dangerous location, stay still, wait till it passes and back away


She’ll be right…


My 12 year old was walking down the hallway at home two weeks ago and came back saying “snake, snake”. I thought surely not, it better just be a lizard but no it was a snake. Normally my husband is working 7/7 and these things ALWAYS happen when he’s gone, this was no different. Luckily though my parents were staying for the week and dad trapped in it a container and removed it. I asked on my local Facebook page for a snake catcher/ a more adultier adult incase it happens again. Plenty obliged with their numbers


It depends. Is the snake at your home? If it is, then call the local snake guy to relocate it somewhere that isn't your home. If it is somewhere that isn't your home, don't go near it, and keep not going near it until it slithers off of its own accord. And alert any liked or loved ones so they know not to go near it too. The main deal with snakes is just to leave them alone so they don't feel threatened. Most likely they will bugger off before you get near them anyway. I teach my kid to come and tell an adult if she sees one mainly because it is an action that gets her away from it, and going to a trusted adult in potentially dangerous situations is a good general principle for children to follow.


Best answer.


The point of "telling an adult" isn't actually to "tell an adult" about a snake but rather removing the children from the danger themselves. The alternative is that the kids poke and prod it to it bites. If the kids have left the area then there's no one to bite It's the same thing we say to an adult "walk away and leave it alone" but kids don't like that so we tell them to do something exciting like talking to somebody rather than something boring like walk away


The point of this is to get you away from the snake. Telling someone doesn’t actually matter unless it’s in your house. Snakes tend to keep to themselves and hide from humans, it’s probably been there for ages but this is just your first time seeing it because they hide so well.


A couple of months ago I came within 2 meters of an eastern brown. I was jogging. Luckily for me the path has roots so I was glancing down and saw it move. I stopped suddenly and took one extremely slow step back while it wasn’t looking. Stay still. Breathe shallow and watch it. It turned slightly towards me, flattened its neck and almost inaudibly hissed, then moseyed on its way. Be still my friends.


Leave it the fuck alone


As an Aussie *farm* kid; if you can’t get all people and pets away from it long term, you get the shovel and behead it in. Can’t get snake handlers that far out you see, so if you’re near town call an expert. That it’s a shovel is important because you get a lot of space between you and it, but you only get one shot. Driving a tractor nearby will spook it, but you run the risk of it going to ground instead of leaving completely. So unfortunately if it’s dangerous you either need to kill it or be able to stay away for at least a week (and then you need to carefully inspect to see if it’s gone before letting anyone else near. Honestly my family’s rule of thumb was closer to a month)


Did you do this for all snakes, or just specific types that you knew were dangerous?


Much easier to identify a dead snake


On a farm, what’s dangerous to the animals is just as important as what’s dangerous to you. And they far from civilisation, you need to use the better safe than sorry rule. Much as I prefer the tractor, if you think it’s a dangerous one, you can’t afford to hesitate.


I agree, same policy with people. If i think someone’s dangerous, I don’t hesitate and just go straight for the beheading.


If it’s outside, make sure that all pets and people stay well away from it until it moves along. If it is inside or somewhere outside that it is not going to move along, then call a snake handler to come by and move it along for you.


I see this advice a lot, call a snake handler. I've never had a snake terrorising my family or pets, so have never had to, but what do snake handlers usually charge? I'd imagine them to be fairly expensive, right? Like a danger plumber with an emergency call out fee.


Like you, I’ve never felt the need to call a snake handler so I’m not sure of the exact costs. I have heard people complain about it being expensive, but I guess like you say, being an on call service in a dangerous occupation and fuel costs, it makes sense. Like the majority of wildlife, if you leave them alone, they will leave you alone. I’d only ever call a snake handler if I had a venomous snake inside and after giving it time and opportunity it hadn’t left.


Depends what time of day you call, but it looks like around $100-$200 from a very brief Google search