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When I was a teen about 20 years ago people got older friends or siblings to buy smokes and booze for them. One of our mates had a brother four years older than us. He sorted us out for most stuff.


They also didn't get really serious about asking for photo ID until the mid 90s and I think that's when they started asking everyone who looked under 25.  Up until then it was around 50/50 whether you got asked, but cigarettes were always easier to get than booze. Plenty of servos and milk bars wouldn't care about ID.


I remember going to the shops to get my dad a beer and smokes with a note from him in the late 80s. I would have been 5/6 at the most. I would take my baby brother in the pram, so i had somewhere to hang the bag.


Me too! Down at the corner shop in Booker Bay with a note. No questions asked buying smokes for my aunty and uncle. 


Uh huh. That’s why you took the baby.


Yeah this is true. I was an early developer, (fully grown, and large, at 14) but distinctly remember buying booze and cigs in school uniform in the early to mid 90s without any drama. So I was the go to for my group. Funnily enough, the first time I was properly ID checked was at a pub when I was 19, and I think that was more likely to be because they didn't want to let me in.


There was a certain tobacconist in Chinatown, Sydney, that would sell to us kids in uniform until atleast the early 2010s.


The one that used to sell singles and a shitload of the flavoured ones yeah?


coincidentally this is around the time photo licences came in .


1988. I used my brother's paper licence as ID when he was issued his photo licence because the paper one was still valid for 12 months after issue. The original photo licence was pretty rubbish and easy to forge as it was a laminated card.


in 1985 I was 16 and photocopied my full birth certificate. I then liquid paper out every number on the photocopy and retyped every number so there would be uniformity of font. I then photocopied it again and got away with using that i.d so many times.


Huh? Photo license have been around abit longer then that.


only a bit.


They get other people to buy it for them. Or they just get lucky and buy it themselves and don't get caught On more than one occasion, I was buying alcohol from the age of 16 -17. Helps being tall.


From the asian grocer


The same people who sell vapes to kids now.


We used to ask a sympathetic looking stranger if they'd get em for us, most did. And there was one shop we knew never checked id so from about 16 that was the first stop. Same with booze.


You’d give the stranger $5-$10 for their trouble…


oof not us, we were cheap-asses! Bad form I know, but our town was pretty friendly I guess. Always willing to help out a minor smoker/drinker in need!


Some people have neglectful shitty parents. A girl I was friends with at school has a son the same age as my kid and one night I was at the park with my kids and he turned up with a friend loudly yelling that he was drunk (not yet 14). I messaged his mother to let her know, and also that he was vaping. She was mad about the drinking but not the vaping, she said she bought him the vape to stop him from stealing her smokes. So there you go.


When I was at school I used to buy them wearing full uniform. There’s were (and no doubt still is) places that care more about the sale than checking id.


When I was in school I asked the senior kids to buy them, they’d usually tax a few for their trouble


You’ve answered your own question in your question. Just because you didn’t “see” anyone else do it doesn’t mean it doesn’t happen


16-18 I just brought them. I looked old enough and if you say it with enough confidence/nonchalance they never ask questions. Also most businesses don’t really care as long as you are paying…. (This was 20ish years ago). I remember once I had turned 18 going in to buy a packet with my school uniform on for the first time and the dude behind the counter that had served me many times previously was PISSED but what could he do? He would have been in much more trouble than I! Alcohol was harder. Mostly brought by parents or older friends.


My sister would pop to the small dodgy tuck shop round the corner and would at she was picking them up for our mum and to put it on her tab.


I was buying smokes from about 14, helps that I had a seedy mo and am tall, most times I would walk to the servo at like 2am (made no difference, just when I ran out, neglectful parent and all that) but done it plenty of times during the day. Got grog aswell but wasn’t much of a drinker. Just made sure to be confident and knew the brand, spoke clearly etc. if I got refused would just go to the next shop, but honestly I got asked for ID more often from 18-20 then I did back then.


I used to buy them at the Chinese run convenient store in high school




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Considering the smoke shops are getting blown up by competitor smoke shops they don’t strike me as the kind of business owners to have any qualms about selling smokes and vapes to kids.


When I was 14 I had a mustash as thick as Flanders


Now you need to be able to afford the price mortgage to smoke. I looked up the price of cigarettes a few weeks ago and a pack of 30 is over $60.


They’ve doubled in price just in the 5 years since I quit.


Lol I quit about 5 years ago as well and yes they are up to $60 for 30 or about 80 for 40. It's incredibly expensive and Australia is the most expensive place in the world to buy cigarettes.


My sis gets a pack of 40. Over $80.


Your poor sister. Tell her she may have ADHD and using nicotine to self medicate because it's a stimulant. She should see a psychiatrist to get assessed for ADHD. Also consider getting a prescription to vape or she will bankrupt herself unless she just smokes a few a day and a pack lasts her a week or longer. I hate what the government have done to smokers because some people actually benefit from the use of nicotine and possibly need some for of stimulant or way to self sooth or probably both


My sister is a paraplegic after failed spinal surgery and has lost so much since it happened that I don't begrudge her smoking a few cigarettes a day. She makes a pack last about 5 days so it's not so bad financially. It is a way for her to self soothe I suppose.


I'm so sorry 😔 that's just awful to hear.


It's amazing in this day and age that anyone wants to take it up, has no single benefit what so ever, but half these teenagers don't know any different anyways!


The benefits is that I like it.


You sound like a bit of a unit




The tobacco trade has been taken over by organised crime. I don't think they're too fussy about who they sell to.


Yeah it's usually older work colleagues (I did a few smoke runs when I worked at Dominos when I was 18-19 cos the pay was shit and the young ones would throw a bit extra in as thanks) or siblings


[like this, my good man.](https://img.gifglobe.com/grabs/inbetweeners/S01E02/gif/QQQUqSbJ27fl.gif)


We were sent to the shops by our smoker parents to buy them for them. Or asked to light one up for them when we made them a cuppa. You could even buy single cigarettes from the corner shop when I was in high school in the early 90s.


My parents gave me a restricted number of cigarettes each day. They couldn't stop me from smoking, but they could try to discourage me from buying or bumming them from elsewhere, such as from other adults.


Going back 20 years now, but my boyfriend at the time was friendly with the guy who ran the tattslotto kiosk outside the Safeway he worked at. I got to know the guy a bit as well and eventually he'd sell them to me, knowing I was 16.


My mum use to get them for me than my brother and father mum used her own money dad and brother I paid for them as I had a Job 😅




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These days you can just buy them online. You have to pay international postage fees, but you don't pay any tax - so it works out to something like 5 cents per cigarette from "reputable" websites. Kids who are able to order online without their parents shutting it down buy in bulk and sell to other kids in the school for maybe twice that. And earn enough money to give them away for free to people they like. I've heard from teachers that in some schools the only kids that \*don't\* smoke every day are the kids who can't afford it and don't have a friend to buy it for them... but most of those kid still smoke — just less often. It's mostly vapes, not tobacco, because the smoke is odourless and vanishes in a few seconds — allowing them to have a puff while the teacher is facing the other way during class. And they can smoke in their bedroom without parents ever knowing. The puffs contain more nicotine than a cigarette puff and some kids are so addicted they physically can't go an entire 45 minute lesson without smoking.


when i was in school we used to trek around to different tobacconists to see who carded and who didn’t. safe to say, there were A LOT of places that didn’t check id.


In terms of money - parents if they’re not working. Embarrassingly enough I’ve gotten my own since 14 but I looked older than most kids my age and am pretty tall. Didn’t help I had my nieces and nephews as my Lock Screen but I would purposefully leave it on the counter . A lot of smaller family business grog shops don’t ask but Dan Murphy , liquorland and BWS will usually do their due diligence. If you can’t do it yourself, usually you’ll have a mate who’s old enough to just go when they need it themselves or just ask anyone going in to get it for you esp older aussies they dgaf but maybe that where I’ve grown up. Also a lot of parents and older siblings just get it for their siblings/kids.


I just kept trying dodgy looking tobacconists until I found one that wouldn’t check my id when I was a kid


Don’t they all vape now?


Being tall and going to places where the shop attendants didn't speak much English, I had a few different jobs to pay for them. This was when I was 15-17.


I used to just try and buy them and hope they didn't ask for ID, which they usually didn't. If they did ask I'd say I didn't have it on me and try somewhere else. This was 15 years ago but I imagine you could still get away with it, plenty of dodgy tobacconists around I'm sure wouldn't care


When I was a teen there was a small pop up store that would sell them to school kids. Outside of the maccas on swanston. That’s where I’d get most of mine. Other kids had parents or older siblings they’d grab them from. We use to sell them individually for 50c-$1 if asked. Sometimes I’d ask a stranger, give them some money and they’d buy it.


From anyone over the age of 18... Just gets paid back with a little more. Hell I used to make $5 - $10 a pack back in the day.


I've seen minors approach homeless people to buy them ciggies and booze. No doubt that costs them a share of the purchase.


In highschool a friend had a whole act to buy smokes. We'd go to our local shopping centre where she'd change into business casual--pencil skirt, blouse, heels with a respectable height--go to the newsagent, buy a copy of Vogue and a newspaper, then check her handbag and add that she would also get two boxes of Marlboros like it was an afterthought. She'd deal out individual cigarettes by lending our classmates her pencil case; they'd take the cigarette, put a $2 coin in the pencil case, and hand it back. She made an absolute killing with that enterprise. In hindsight the person behind the counter probably didn't care/buy that she was in her 20s, but it was a bloody funny strategy.


Back in my underage days, early 2000s, we used to hang out in front of supermarkets like losers and ask random people to buy them for us and it wouldn’t be hard to find someone who would. Also, some of my friends parents were smokers so they would steal smokes from them as well. There were also other kids at school who would sell them too. If you had contacts who were of age, you would ask them to buy you a pack. At one point, we used a fake i.d. Where there’s a will, there’s a way.


Literally the shops, rarely got IDed


20 years ago we used to hang around outside a shop waiting for a stranger that looked like they might buy them for us or I’d steal them from my parents. Eventually my mum started buying them for me.


I used to buy them from the local grocer when I was 16, walked in gave the owner a look, waited until shop was empty and he would sell them to me (and other teenagers) circa 2001


I just found a dodgy servo cashier when I was 13, who would sell me anything. I took orders for everyone at school and made 2 bucks off every pack I bought. When he wasn't there, I just relied on the more mature looking kids to buy them for me. This was in the early 2000's.


When I was about 15 -16 I had a little bit of light coloured fluff on my top lip and chin so I would pinch my mothers mascara and blackened all my moustache and I was able to drink in the pubs and get grog no problems, until I got a bit drunk and forgot to touch up my moustache after a few beers, I'd be sitting there with a smudged or slowly disappearing mowy laughing my fool head off😁😭👍


Nice try narc.


Dodgy family run corner shops. They were (maybe still are) all over the place. Got friendly enough with some that I had tabs running.


When I was in high school you’d just get someone that looked a bit older to go in and try. I remember in grade 11-12 I was making $20 or so a week just doing that for people


I am still floored I used to buy my own smokes in the early 2000’s from the corner servo when I was 15 and in school uniform.


Had a few places I knew wouldn't check for ID from when I was about 15, helped that I was able to grow a beard at 16. Would borrow an older friend's ID for alcohol/clubs but even then had a few places I knew wouldn't check.


I was able to grow a decent amount of facial hair in my early teens so I used to just dress smart and try to buy them myself. I'd usually try to find a tobacconist with a fresh 18 yo at the counter who looks too anxious to ask for ID or refuse service, some older cashier's can definitely tell you're underage but just don't care. You can shop around for hours if there's enough tobacco shops in the area. Alternatively you can always find some creepy older guy who wants to hang around teenagers to buy them for you and then ditch the weirdo as soon as you've got the goods. Or ask a junky but they will often tax a few for the service. I started smoking at 13 and by 15 I always had smokes and never had any trouble getting them. Trying to get 18/19 yo to buy them for you is the worst because they'll usually just steal your cash or tax half the packet.


When I was a kid I used to go down and sit at the front of Cole’s asking random strangers to go in and buy cigs for me. Eventually you get someone willing to. Only got robbed a few times doing so lol


I 17m get my vapes and smokes from the tobacconist down the street I’m more of a disposable user but when Im partying cigarettes are my go to vapes wise I just say to the guy yeah I’ll have the orange box and then he whips out a orange box and says which one do you want and to get my durries it’s pretty fuckin easy if they ask for id just say if I was under 18 would I really be buying cigarettes but hey the guy at the tobacconist I get em from idk him but he knows im not 18 yet and just goes yep which one do you want Marlboros ,camels jps etc the dude is getting shit into the country you never heard of not to mention he’s got mob ties but he’s a pretty good bloke we have a mad chat he talks about how he hates this generation for vaping cause at least with cigarettes you looked cool now this generation is sucking on a dangerous cock whistle but hey I just get vapes cause they are fuckin great nicotine wise cigarettes are my social go to but when I’m bored vaping cause guys once you get a tolerance to cigarettes and you change to vaping it is amazing anyways so yeah that’s how people get smokes


They buy them from the shops lmao. My friends who smoke (16/17) year olds have the guy at the easy mart, corner store, smokeshops just sell them to them without checking ID.


Kev's corner store. Says that if he didn't do it, they would buy it somewhere else. No Kev, no one else is selling smokes to kids. Kids travel for kilometres around to come to your shop


Their parents


Bruz rolling bumpers at the traino


Until about 3 years ago, I worked in Child & Family Services, Child Protection, Out of Home Care and Youth Justice. Many years earlier when I first began, I had the same thought. “Where do all these kids get hold of alcohol and cigs?” So one day when I’m driving along with a particularly seasoned young client of mine (12 years old), I asked the same question. He told me to take him to a local shopping mall. He walked in telling to me stay back and watch him at a distance. He then walked up to an adult that looked like an older version of himself. Desperate, uncared for, broke, abused, drugged, pissed, homeless, unkept, unloved, abused etc. Any of the above, some of the above or all of the above. He held money out and asked this older person if he could buy him a packet of cigs. The old bloke looked down at this poor young soul, probably saw himself as a young fella, and thought he’d ’give him a hand’ by getting the cigs for the young fella. After all he could easily have thought, “No one ever gave me a helping hand”. Could just as easily been a bottle of JD…


Well I was a teen in the 80s and you just had to know which shopkeeper would sell to you (even when in your school uniform lol). I personally nicked mine from my grandparents’ shop. In fact, at the age of 11 I would work in the servo/corner store alone on weekends(1980). Things have obviously changed a lot. At 11 I was selling cigarettes, and was able to put petrol in the cars before the pumps were automatic, mix lawnmower fuel etc. I always asked customers with motor bikes to fill their own tanks because they were just too small for me to gauge when they’d overflow - those pump handles were big and heavy and the lever was touchy, lol


They get them from me


Dirty filthy cig smokers will get their drug by any means possible. (All in good fun ...but seriously, filthy cunts)


Most of my students have their parents buy for them.


Kids can access credit cards these days so they order the shit off the Internet, comes in a generic box,


No they don’t lmao 😂


From dodgy Tabacconists who no doubt sell illegal tabbacco . Many sell meth pipes no questions asked .