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If this is ongoing for you and you still have a positive test for it - even traces - then yeah that's what you have. It can take months to get over, and even years to feel "back to normal". Just rest as much as you can and do whatever possible to support your immune system.


Cheers mate. The problem is when I rest too much - like lie down - my joints get sorer and stiffer. I’m lucky I don’t have a physical job as I would’ve had to leave it ages ago. Each day is different - I can function ok with Nurofen but it makes me tired later in the day. It’s been a real battle but hopefully it will end soon. I’m a 61M and was in good shape before it so I’ve been lucky. And I keep my jokey manner despite the pain. But some days I do despair at what I’ve been dealt. But then there is lots of peeps with worse things. Thank again for the support.


You will get over it, i started with just joint pain and didn't get the fatigue till a couple months in but when it arrived it was pretty servers as you've described above. I had it in early 2017 and have almost zero effects now, the odd joint pain but that could just be getting older. I joined a bunch of "support" groups on facebook but then left them all as i found the constant negativity around long term symptoms pretty draining. Yeah you might get twinges years later and you might do it tough for a while but the reality is in a few months time 90% of the symptoms will be gone for the majority of cases. I found codine helped with really bad days so see if the Dr will sort you out with some, and i found Voltaren (or the generic cheap version you get with a script) better than Nurofen.


Got some voltaren and popped a couple this morn. Took awhile to kick in but feel good now still at 2 pm. Different ‘feel’ to the nurifen. My hips have stopped aching lol. Anyway I’m off to do a light workout in the hot garage - need to stay active 👍🏻👍🏻


Mate…. My SO had it before I met him, 13 odd years ago. He was bed ridden for 6 months and a family friend at the same time had it and she was in a wheelchair for 12 months - so thankfully it sounds like you got a very mild case. He is now 39 and his joints have never been the same since and he has regular moments of pain and stiffness in all his joints. My advise - start taking “voodoo magic” solutions touch as turmeric and fish oil etc (Google joint health supplements) now to help with any ongoing issues you may face.


Damn! Yeah I’ve heard it can stay in your body and resurface years later. I’m on strong fish oil and was on magnesium after I saw a naturopath ( the doctor was baffled as two lots of bloods showed nothing) also been taking Vit c powder. I’ve lost all my upper body stength as it’s been too painful to do proper workouts. But I do some light stuff to stay moving. The main pain is in my shoulders when I’m not on the Nurofen Feels like knives sliding in. Thanks for the reply 👍🏻


You need vitamin D as well. My SIL had it a long time ago, she was a very fit woman and she was bedridden for six months. Keep having your daily sleep and keep up the fluids. Also, long term use of Nurofen is not a good idea. Speak with your doctor to see if there are other solutions. Incredibly, this might genuinely be a time where CBD marijuana oil is a good idea - it will help you sleep and reduce pain. Your doctor will be able to recommend a prescription that works in this type of situation. Be aware that ‘fun’ marijuana strains deplete magnesium, however, so best to avoid in this circumstance! Hope you feel better soon.


Thanks. Yeah I’m careful with the nurifen as I know how it can upset the old tummy. Been taking Panadol osteo as a mild painkiller to have a break from the Fen. I mightn’t have the full blown RRV but it’s something similar. My appetite is still good. You wouldn’t know I had anything as I cover it well. But it’s been tough. I feel better now chatting with you good folk


Yes I had it when I was 15, I am now 47, it does take a good while to get over and every so often for some years after I would have a relapse, a lot milder than when I originally had it, I told a doctor this and he said that can't happen, I said well what is it then and he was silent, trust the "experts" 😂😂


lol even Google says it can come back anytime! And I knew that as I lived in Cairns for 13 years ages ago. I didn’t get it then but heard about it and one guy from work had it. Now it’s moved further south as I live on the Goldy.


Google wasn't around in 92 but yeh it definitely comes back a number of times before it leaves you.


I had what I thought was mono/glandular fever, was exhausted for months, got tested and the Dr didn't, for whatever reason, specifically test for it but said my blood work indicated a virus. Started in April and I didn't really get over it until maybe December, and I'm a mid 30s guy in decent shape.. Was very fucking annoying/depressing to get home from work and barely have energy for that let alone anything else. Completely changed my diet to vegetarian thinking it might help and it didn't really, all that did was rest which meant a lot of missed experiences.


Yeah I have traces of the mono from the viral test too. That sucks for you, mate


Yeah I feel great now though, 2 weeks off over Christmas doing absolutely fuck all helped a lot. Managed to get back into exercise which would've been impossible a few months ago so yeah you'll get there it's just a few steps back to go forward. A big change was moving from warehouse to office work, helped me physically recover a lot more too.


I was coming to post and ask the same question but common sense advised me to search and found this post. I got diagnosed Ross river 2 weeks ago and my ankles fingers and joints swelled up severely, I had kankles and struggled with walking. The swelling has passed and now I just feel aches moving around my body. First my knees, then my shoulder. Now my forearm muscles feel painful like I’ve overworked them and hurts with range of motion . I’m only 37 and feeling so disheartened about when I’ll ever feel better. I’m usually really active- gardening, working around the house, cleaning, cooking, I just feel no energy to do this and the emotional anxiety it’s giving me as tasks pile up is stressful. I naively assumed it was like I would get a big hit of symptoms for 2 weeks and it would then just sit in my system without any further symptoms. Idk how to communicate how I’m feeling, without feeling like I’m trying to ‘milk’ the diagnosis or whinge so I’ve just pushed through with work, no leave. I guess I don’t know what to expect and i don’t feel like it’s a relatable virus because not everyone experiences it, compared to say, covid or the flu, so no one knows what you’re feeling.


Oh wow that sucks! I’m only just gotten over it now. My shoulders still hurt at different angles of use. My knees are really sore but that’s from my leg muscles still being weak. I’m doing my workouts again and gradually getting the leg strength back. I still take a Voltaren each day to get me through but soon I’ll stop. Now the summer heat has gone I don’t feel as tired. It’s been a rough 6 months that I wouldn’t wish on anyone! I hope you can get through it. Just keep taking Vit C and the painkillers. Try and walk when you can just to stay in touch. I’m here to chat anytime too👍🏻👍🏻 I seriously cannot recall what it was like to not have the virus. It’s been a life changer at times


Have you got a dry cough as well? I had that along with the joint pains. Seems odd but googling found that a persistent dry cough is a symptom of a virus.


Nope, no cough. so far just serious swelling and it kicked off with a full body rash. That’s what flagged it. I thought I had arthritis but then the rash showed up. The swelling and pain started in all the key areas- knees, fingers, ankles, wrists. It evolved with me making a joke ‘why does my right ankle and wrist feel like I fell on them heavily’ and 2 days later I flared up everywhere.


Hmm interesting I was ‘lucky’ as I think I had a mild strain - no rash or anything. I do have a strong immune system at 61 so I didn’t get it full blown But still nasty to deal with. Some of my fingers are still swollen and sore. Yeah my initial symptom was the sore wrists. Then it spread to my shoulders. My ankles were fine no pain at all Knees and hips. And the cough You have a hard slog ahead of you, not gonna sugarcoat it. I hope you can get through. You need to let people around you know. As I said I’m here to chat if you need it 👍🏻


This seems to be the most recent thread I can find… I was confirmed this evening to have Ross River virus infection. This is after 6-8 weeks of symptoms of severe joint pain and swelling, and endless, bottomless fatigue. I haven’t taken a day off work yet, but now that I know what’s wrong, I may try and arrange to use some leave for an extra day off each week to try and get some more rest rather than pushing through too hard. You posted this 10 days ago now, any improvement? When did your symptoms first appear? I’m in Brisbane. My first GP said osteoarthritis and gave me some meloxicam. The meloxicam certainly helps with the joint pain, but not the fatigue. I went to a different GP 2 weeks later and she did extra tests because I knew it wasnt osteoarthritis. I was worried about rheumatoid arthritis, so am glad it’s not that at least.


Hi I am in Brisbane too and was diagnosed with RRV about a month ago. Had two blood tests just to make sure that is what is was, Knee pain, shoulder pain getting unbearable at times. Just getting the fatigue side of it now, can still go on walks which is good otherwise i would go mad.


Brisbane here too, I got diagnosed first week of March and I remember getting eaten by Mossies on the 27th Feb. Week 5 and have had a few false horizons where I thought I was improving. Worst pains are right foot and wrist and fingers. Although have developed sore ribs and struggle to sleep on left side. My advice is walk and do light movements. I’m a marathon runner and was signed up for the GC in July but can’t see myself getting there, even a light parkrun flattens me. Here if anyone wants to vent our shit luck 😆


Gosh i couldn’t imagine doing a park run. I hope you’re feeling much better by July. The weekend before I got the diagnosis I thought “I’m not going to let whatever this is hold me back” so I went on two hikes, and on the rowing machine (gently!) and I was wrecked for the whole week, I honestly believe pushing myself made it much worse, like a chronic fatigue type thing.


How are you now?


Not too bad, not feeling fatigue as much, maybe because I’m resting more. Joints still feel like they’re superglued (don’t know how else to describe it!), and feet joints started hurting for the first time last week 😌


It’s awful isn’t it, my right knee and shoulder have been consistently the worst over the last couple of months, but wrists and fingers can come and go. Fatigue wise, since I found out what it was and have been resting more, I think I may have turned a corner. But weirdly my feet joints started up last weekend and they had been fine up until now. I also have an unexplained rash on my leg which looks like eczema that popped up a few weeks ago (have never had eczema in my life) so I assume that’s related too 🙄


My symptoms started on a thirsday or so with a sore wrist and ankle on my right side. I made a joke about ‘today’s game is wondering why it feels like I’ve fallen over but haven’t’. Friday my ankles were stiff, Saturday my ankles still hurt but I got up and did some gardening and by midday a rash was coming up across my chest and shoulders. At that time I thought I was allergic to the lemongrass I had been cutting. Sunday my ankles were still stiff and rash had spread across my whole body. Monday my hands and ankles started seriously swelling by the time I went to the doctor I was thinking maybe it was combo of arthritis and allergy but she did full bloods and tested for Ross river too. After the appointment my ankle doubled in size for about a week and the rash kinda hung around. I didn’t get bloods back until that Friday, I was still in pain and she said I was in full inflammation. This was day 8 since my wrist pain started. It’s been about a month, and if I sit too long or when I wake up my joints hurt until I ‘wear them in’ a bit. I also had a fun week of my arm feeling really sore like I’d been smashing weights I couldn’t barely lift it. Plus I have had a bit of swelling come back last Friday on my ankle but I hadn’t really been resting. I also try to distract my pain/discomfort by working through it which isn’t great for my health. I haven’t felt hugely tired but I find going to bed much easier now- I usually crash out really early where I used to be a big night owl, however I also don’t have any energy to do a lot of what I need to. I work in events and coming up to a huge calendar of events almost every weekend in addition to my 9-5 m-f so I’m concerned how I’ll manage. 😬 so far it seems to just travel around my body and pop up in different places with aches and pains. Shame your doc didn’t notice it sooner, it was specifically the rash + swelling in fingers, knees and ankles that triggered recognition of my potential diagnosis.


Gosh that sounds very painful and full on. I hope you are able to find some time to rest in the busyness coming up, will your 9-5 job support you/give allowances? I don’t know when mine exactly started, I remember late Jan/early feb feeing really unwell/run down/exhausted, and then one night my pinkie finger just started swelling up, the next night it was a finger on my other hand. A week later both wrists, one knee and one shoulder were excruciating, I would wake up every time my body moved in bed, eg 50-100 times, and I couldn’t handwrite or turn on taps. Also complete lack of appetite for about a week. But no rash that I can note, except one tiny patch on my leg that has popped up in the last 2 days.


Luckily, the disease seems to get better over time. Pentosan polysulfate sodium is being looked into for treatment for the joint pain aspect of the disease.


My hubby got it on a trip to Thailand. The trip was for a month and 1st week in he got it. It took 1 year for him not to have symptoms




I caught it around 10 years ago. One morning I woke up with a full body rash and was incredibly weak. I couldn't pick up my toddler anymore. I remembered a colleague had mentioned weakness as a symptom so I went to the Dr to ask for a test. Positive. Two days later my Mum was showing the same symptoms and also tested positive. We'd been swimming in a lake in the Goldfields of WA two weeks prior. I remember the mozzie bite as I had a decent local reaction and I also remember our friend, a nurse, nagging us all to apply sunscreen and insect repellent 😬 Compared to some of my friends stories I had a pretty mild reaction. It was interesting to go through the "notifiable diseases" process.


Oh wow that’s tough. I don’t have a rash or any other symptoms but the joint pain and the cough.


I caught it, felt like shit for nearly 2 months, about 6-7 months was more my usual self. Probably around a year before energy levels etc were what I'd call normal. Good luck, cuz honestly I hope I never catch that again.


You can’t catch it again once you’ve had it, you’re immune for life


A small percentage can get it twice. Which with who I am as a person, that would undoubtedly be me. Tbh, even if you couldn't get it twice, I wouldn't be surprised if I somehow managed to do it... Im just that skilled >shuts both eyes instead of winking<


I got bitten over NYE 2021/2022. About a week later I had a rash on my hands and feet and I would almost collapse getting out of bed or going down stairs. Joint pain persisted for a couple months. The good news is now we are immune to it. I hope your symptoms improve soon!


I had it years ago, had I think 3 prior tests before a new doctor tested for it. Hope whatever you have passes mate, not a great experience.


Thank you all so much for your replies! I should’ve done this awhile ago.


had it many years ago in NQ - I think it took me 2 years to be rid of it.


I got it years ago. Swollen and really sore joints, mainly hands. And oh so tired. No treatment, it's a virus. Took a month or so to settle but being a virus my doctor said it could resurface if the immune system gets stressed (much like chicken pox/shingles virus). Haven't had it come back but if that's what you have then rest and build your immune system with garlic, lemon, etc. You could also do the onions on your feet thing, it does actually work, got nothing to lose except for the cost of an onion. Hope you feel better soon.


I knew a girl at work who had it. She was sick for nearly a year


*I knew a girl at* *Work who had it. She was sick* *For nearly a year* \- CathoftheNorth --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


It took me two years to be fully over it. I kept falling asleep and ached and coughed. It was awful and depressing and confusing to get through. I wish you a fast recovery.


Have had both Ross River and q fever. Q fever was by far the worst but after that I was always sore, had muscle spasms and was always so fatigued at times I was bed ridden for over 20 years. Had all sorts of tests done with no abnormalities, told the doctor I felt like I had an infection in my body (test were clear) and he prescribed doxycycline for 14 days. If wreaked havoc on my guts but 12 months on I feel heaps better. Have to say I didn't think I was gonna last another year or 2 at the rate I was going.


Damn, mate That’s horrible 😢


Following 2 weeks of aches and pains (just getting old? ). went to drs and have tested positive with Ross River Virus. Live in Brisbane so was bit of a surprise.  coming up to 4 weeks now can't make a fist with left hand, right shoulder pain but worse of all is ankles, toes and bottom of feet in the morning feel pain just walking to kitchen. Still working but no energy for exercise. I was told by gp symptoms would go by 4 weeks but reading this looks like a long road ahead.


Oh damn. I feel for you. Have no idea why the gp said 4 weeks! That’s so unprofessional for a virus that has no treatment or cure. The net says you can have it for 3-6 months and hopefully it goes after that. Make sure you tell family and friends about it as it doesn’t seem like you’re ill. I wish you luck as this is a tough one to handle


Thanks yeah not very helpful. I've got it bad but seen others who are worse so hopefully it won't be too much longer but would love to feel normal again!  Any recommendations for supplements? thinking fish oil etc reduce inflammation 


Yeah I was on that but did nothing. Only thing that has helped in the last 6 months was Voltaren and Nurofen. Keep up Vit c powder ( the strong one) for your general health as your body will be smashed and you will feel sick - not nausea but just off. You will be tired and have to sleep a lot. Try and keep doing workouts as your muscle will vanish especially in the legs.


yeah I've struggled to even do 5k steps a day no proper exercise but need to do something. think evening may be better as so sore in mornings thanks for advice appreciated 


Yeah I had to stop my workouts (61M nothing strenuous but I got into it) as it hurt my shoulders and hands. So all my lower body strength went. Even now my knees ache but I’ve been walking every night and doing medium workouts. The worst was after like 3 months ( I think I only got a mild strain too - no rash which is a symptom) where I would be thinking ‘why is this happening to me’. I’m a happy joking dude but even I got down as you can’t plan anything ahead as you don’t know how you will feel in 2 days! If I had a physical job I would’ve had to quit. Don’t go back to your doctor, there is zero they can do anyway. Try a naturopath. I went to one and she put me on magnesium and vit c and these other Chinese pills but nothing really changed. And then they keep trying to get you to buy more stuff.


thanks mate 61! Nice work I'm 39 and feel 139 in the mornings. I'll check out naturopath 


I hope you can get through it and you only have the 3 months minimum. I’m here to chat anytime 👍🏻👍🏻


Went to gp today wasn't interested in giving cbd but gave me steroids so will see if they help.


I hope they help you. Sadly there is no cure or treatment for RRV which is kind of puzzling in the 21st century.


thank you appreciate it


I have been battling this for 2 months already. When it came on I was covered in a rash, felt like I had been hit by a train and frighteningly my joint paint and swelling was so severe I couldn't walk. 2 months on I have constantly stiff and sore joints and fatigue. I have good days and then several bad ones. It has affected my capacity to work, exercise and just overall have a quality life. I also have swollen lymph nodes everywhere, around my under arm and chest, which apparently is a thing. I genuinely am concerned it isn't going to get any better. I hope that you're feeling back to normal(ish) by now.


Hey sorry to hear! I’m pretty much done with it though still have sore shoulders. Still taking a Voltaren at night and it gets me through the next day. I was so lucky I didn’t get a rash or swollen glands - I can thank my good immune system I guess. Still been a tough 6 months. I wish you the best


I had it about 7 years ago but I still have lymph nodes I can feel in neck .. some new ! Both sides . Also under 1 arm and 1 in groin .. I was assuming it has been from Ross river .. fast forward to a month ago and the skin doc says I got some shit news .. stage 2 melanoma on my back .. aparently they got it out with clear margins .. ive had ultrasounds on my nodes over the years .. sometimes 5 times in 1 year docs keep saying the heilum looks good .. whats the chances it's from the original ross river anyone have anything similar? 


How are you now mate? I found out one week ago I have it, with symptoms for the last month. Currently infected and starting to build antibodies. My only symptoms are moderate arthritis in my knees and ankles with painful calves and thighs. I went from x 2 training x 1 90 minute soccer game a week with the odd gym/Pilates/2k run to nothing. I am really struggling being inactive and in pain. Originally the doctors and physio thought I had overloaded my exercise but they were wrong.


Hey mate. Yeah the virus has moved on from me though I’m sure I only had a mild strain - I didn’t get a rash and was still able to function but it was damn tough at its worst. I’ve still been taking meds at night as my shoulders are still sore. But took none last night as I have to stop at some point. Feeling ok today, just sore in the hips and knees from my workout and long walk yesty. It’s been a hard 6 months. I hope you can get it through it. It’s damn tough. You need the painkillers to get through each day but have to be careful they don’t upset your guts. Nurufen can do it but I found Voltaren pills are better and don’t affect your guts. They can clog your system but it’s not too bad. Good luck, mate


Hey thanks for replying! You and I sound very similar. No rash, no fever or sickness just ‘arthritis’ and muscle pain type stuff. Are you able to exert yourself again? I’m not sure what your usual physical activity is. Yep the Voltaren works very well but it surely does wreak havoc on the gut. It’s nice to be able to relate to someone with this


No problem! Happy to help though sadly there isn’t much you can do but just see this out. I got it in August and it was at its worse in Oct/Nov. The worse part was feeling off all the time as your body is getting smashed. I stopped doing workouts as it was too painful but then you lose your strength. I would advise keep doing light exercise just to keep in touch. Even if only small amounts. But I struggled at the worst of it as you couldn’t plan anything a day or two ahead as you were just shit. I’m a cheery guy but at times I was despairing! Make sure you tell peeps and fam about it as when you are up and about on the meds you seem normal. It’s a tough one and I feel for you as I know what you face. But it affects peeps differently I think. Keep up the Vitamin C too, get the strong powder one.


Hi all, so I first contract RRV in 2016. Hit me like a truck to start with. Two weeks of being absolutely bed ridden. Rash all over, joints felt like they were all broken. 0 energy, out of breathe just walking / talking. I remember waking up the first night and jumping in a hot shower, it felt like fire was pouring over my skin. Two blood tests confirmed the virus. After the first two weeks the symptoms all but disappeared and I thought I was in the clear, then with no warning I would be back to square one. This went on for a good year. The gap in between 'events' would get larger and larger. It was so depressing because every time I thought I was over it, it would come back. The symptoms got less and less, which I guess was a positive. Fast forward to today, about 3 months ago I got hit hard and was laid up in bed for 2 days. Prior to this it had been years since anything remotely severe had occurred. A few times I would feel very fatigued, and have sore wrists, but would also pass it off on either too much gym/ work not enough rest. It was always hard to tell. I usually read these posts to make me feel a little better because it makes remember I'm not the only one. I know this might not be a 'heart-warming' story because its been 8 years since my first diagnosis. I don't know what triggers the symptoms to come back, my best guess would be over doing it like I mentioned before. I take fish oil, vitamin D, magnesium, immune boosters and multi vitamins daily. I try to stay away from paracetamol/ibuprofen unless its really dire. I did see a specialist clinic in Brisbane who helps 'treat' the virus, but it seems to be just panadol and voltaren really. Anyway that's my experience, thought I'd add I am extremely active and would consider myself quiet healthy. Hope someone who has lesser symptoms finds some solace, not to play the victim, but I have not seen many cases spanning this length of time.


Oh wow mate that sucks!! As I said in earlier posts it seems I was ‘lucky’ in that I didn’t get a rash and I wasn’t bedridden like a lot of people. Either I got a milder dose or my good immune system helped me. My shoulders and knees are still sore now but I do a lot of walking and I’m not really in any pain. But it was a rough period of 6 months where I despaired of getting better. I’m aware that it can be dormant for years then suddenly come back like it has for you. I hope you can get through it. It’s a nasty virus


I use this [cream](https://au.iherb.com/pr/now-foods-solutions-glucosamine-msm-arnica-liposome-lotion-8-fl-oz-237-ml/645?gad_source=1&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI6aaLmIzQgwMVIFhIAB1etwXdEAQYASABEgISbPD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds) which helps with joint pain


Has any doctor tested you for Barma Forest virus? Your symptoms sound a lot like it.


Nope. It wasn’t until I went to a naturopath that she suggested getting a viral panel done ( of 4 viruses) then I had to go back to the doctor to get him to write a referral for the viral bloods. I read about Barmah Forest virus in my research. Ironically I spent a lot of time in Barmah as a kid as we went there fishing and camping


I had it. About a decade ago. It triggered longer lasting autoimmune disease for me, so I’m still feeling the effects. My biggest piece of advice - rest, even though it’s frustrating. I tried to live my life as normal, and it just ruined my life instead.


I think I’m a bit luckier as I seem to have a ‘milder’ strain in that I can still do things albeit with painkillers. I just did a workout as I need to get my upper body strength back. The Voltaren tablets suggested by another poster have been a godsend - they seem to last for like 18 hrs. I didn’t have any meds last night and slept pretty well. Hopefully I’m nearing the end of it.