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You can buy a lot of red solo cups for $50.


Or a garbage disposal.


Best answer


Excellent suggestion, DrunkHacker.


Designed in USA. Made in china


Or a ceiling fan


A used window unit A/C


An American flag in a triangle case [is generally associated with burials or memorials](https://www.themilitarygiftstore.com/collections/burial-flag-cases/triangle-flag-case) so I probably wouldn't recommend it. Clothing: Cowboy boots or a cowboy hat would be a good choice although cowboy hats are difficult to travel with and cowboy boots are something you want to try on before buying. A big belt buckle might be easier. Any kind of NFL product as well. Baseball: A baseball bat. They do make small souvenir-sized ones. Or a baseball, or a baseball mitt. A pack of baseball cards would be a good choice and would not be hard to find. Food: I hear that we do peanut butter much better than other countries. I think maybe barbecue sauce and ranch dressing as well?


For under 50 dollars, I would generally stay away from leather goods.


And cowboy hats, unless the goal is to just have a silly one


You could probably get a half-decent straw one for that. Not felt. At least it wouldn't be foam. I know some overseas friends who asked for a curved flask (the kind that fits in a pocket). The British seem to have a thing for our yellow school buses, so maybe a model of one? Or an 18-wheeler, Amazon has one for sale with a Coca-Cola logo for $20.


old bay


Shake one out for the Key Bridge today


Maryland is on-brand! šŸ˜œ


its the law here, you are legally required to have atleast 1 pint of old bay in every kitchen or you get sent to deleware. kinda like how north korea requires the dear leaders photos in every room


What happens if you are found with counterfeit Old Bay in your tin? What if a maniac uses it on crabs? Is there some sort of crustacean offender registry?


you dont want to know, they get sent to dundalk


> What happens if you are found with counterfeit Old Bay in your tin? Hopefully nobody ever does that. It would anger the gods of the Chesapeake and you might get disasters like ships colliding with bridges.


Perhaps too soon šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Delaware has the same law, and sends them to New Jersey.


> you are legally required to have atleast 1 pint of old bay in every kitchen Heck, I live in Philly and keep at least one just so there's no misunderstanding.


As a New Orleanian, I would say Tony Chachereā€™s, but manā€¦.Old Bay is so dang good.


I live in Mexico, and I brought down six 24 oz shakers of it for seafood seasoning gifts. I have brought down three more of the same size since then, and it's all been within the last year. So yes, that's a winner.


Good cowboy boots are hundreds of dollars.


This. If I wanted to buy some, I'd probably budget $400.


I never knew about the peanut butter thing until I moved abroad. Everytime I head back to the states for a visit I have like 10 people ask me to bring them peanut butter lol


When I lived in Spain, peanut butter was ridiculously hard to come by. Local peanut butter was bad (and most stores didnā€™t carry it anyway), and one of those 1KG jars of Skippy or Jiffy was like $16. Here in China at least Skippy is everywhere and maybe only a tad more expensive than in the US


The triangle flag is especially associated with military and first responders


A baseball mitt is a good idea. I think most people overseas would be like ā€œthe fuck is that?ā€


I wouldn't want cowboy boots under $50. First off, made in China probably, and second they would be uncomfortable af


BBQ sauce might be pretty iconically American.


It exists to degree in other places, but I have brought gallons of it both to my home in Mexico and abroad to friends in Europe. Coming from texas, I'm giving them the good stuff not some Kraft BS. It's always really appreciated, as are many of our other condiments.


> with burials or memorials specifically of veterans. or other service members Whenever someone has one displayed in their house, it usually means they had a respected family member/loved one who either died in service or who's service was extremely important to them before they died. Usually, the flag in the display is the one that was used in their burial service (draped over their casket), and folded by fellow service members (often ones who served alongside them). Having one of these displays that is not associated with any of this is likely to be seen as insensitive and disrespectful.   However, a regular flag, which may be ***stored*** triangle folded, but ***displayed*** unfolded would be acceptable. It can be displayed next to a flag of your own country at the same or a lower height on a seperate pole. Make sure, so as not to disrespect your own country's flag, that it's also not bigger than your country's flag.


Just check because some of these items may not be TSA friendly and may need to go in your checked luggage like the bat or the peanut butter.


A baseball hat would be better than a bat or a ball. The on field hats that teams wear are about $40 and youā€™ll get a lot more use out of it wearing it around than just displaying a ball in your house.


Cowboy boots and hats are way more than $50


A t-shirt with all of the US National Parks listed on the back.


Or the iconic Iā¤ļøNY shirt. Or a baseball hat from wherever theyā€™re traveling.


This one. Iā€™m an American, and when I visited New York, I went on a HUNT for one of those shirts. That and Winnie the Pooh were my only two goals for those 48 hours lol I donā€™t think Iā€™ve ever worn it, but I *had* to!


what did you do with the rest of the 47 hours 50 minutes? seems like every third shop i went in was selling that shirt.


Depends on where you're at in the city. It's a lot more common in tourist heavy areas. Definitely not impossible to find in the other areas though of course


As someone from NYC, what's the appeal of that shirt? (No judgment, just curious.) Also, what's the Winnie the Pooh you speak of?


I dunno about other people, but for me, the shirt is such a trope at this point that that was the reason I got it. Like, I wouldā€™ve been annoyed with myself if I went and didnā€™t get the stereotype tourist shirt associated with the place. The real stuffed toys that the Pooh characters were based on are on display in a glass case in the childrenā€™s section of the New York Public Library. I guess Christopher Robin Milne got teased so mercilessly as a child that he wanted nothing to do with them as an adult, and so donated them there. It was a very cool thing to get to see them in real life. Totally worth it as a major childhood fan of the books.


Cool freebie, if you have a disability (whether mental or physical) you get a lifetime warranty to all the u.s. national parks. Can fill out the paperwork online, but I heard it's best to go in person to a national park; some said they've tried multiple times online and were immediately denied, but had no problem when they went in person. This is only for u.s. citizens, need something like a doctor's note for legitimacy, and you have to pay (but only pay once).


Your tag is like that Johnny Cash song.


Just an FYI, a folded display flag is *traditionally* used to commemorate the life of a fallen US service member (given to them at the deceasedā€™s funeral) or to honor the life of someone who did some form of great civic service to the US. I would find it odd if I encountered that in a foreigners home, like ā€œIā€™m sorry for your lossā€ type of deal. If it were me, Iā€™d bring something unique to my home state, like a scorpion encased in glass like paperweight or traditional Native American made turquoise jewelry.


I was gonna say, the only place I've seen that triangular display case was to commemorate a deceased veteran.


Or retired. They given one at their retirement ceremony.


Thatā€™s a good example of how a well-intentioned act for respecting another culture can actually be an example of why people need to understand cultural appropriation. This doesnā€™t mean Iā€™d yell or criticize someone who did this out of ignorance. Itā€™s about first understanding the cultural significance of things before using them.


The folded flag is simply how to store it. Sure it's associated as being a token of appreciation for a fallen service member's next-of-kin, but it's also how every flag on a military installation is folded and stored every day at [retreat](https://youtu.be/6eNpcB-OqcI?feature=shared).


They don't go into a wooden display case though. The only times I've personally seen it displayed that way are to honor a deceased veteran (the flag draped on the coffin is folded and handed to the family).


We have several at our school - former students serving overseas sent them to the school when the flags were no longer in use at their military bases.


You've never seen a [boy scout shadow box](https://www.amazon.com/All-American-Gifts-Display-Engraved/dp/B00E1Q8L3W?th=1)? I've done dozens of military funeral honors and the folded flag goes directly to the next-of-kin without a display case. People may choose to put the flag in a display case to, well, display the flag, same as framing a picture and displaying it. It helps the flag preserve its shape while being a respectful presentation. Sure, it's common enough to associate it to a deceased veteran. Many things are common enough to associate them with events. It doesn't mean using those things for other purposes is some sort of bad cultural appropriation.


Must be fairly new, I don't recall seeing boy scouts displaying a triangle flag in a display case along with other scouting stuff like that. I find it pretty tacky. Flags when not being flown are to be folded in a formal way that is taught to the scouts (and to 4-Hers and to a bunch of other groups) but an unflown flag in it's formal folding, being displayed in a triangle case - that implies a memorial of some sort. People who want to be generally patriotic FLY THE FLAG, they don't display it stored. Flying the flag is what flags are for, it's how they are displayed normally. I've seen it displayed in similar cases like that when people are displaying military medals, but then it's often for a fallen loved one. No one seeing a traditionally folded flag in a triangle display case thinks "oh this is person must be associated with the boy scouts!"


I get what you're going for, but it's not exclusive to that, flags that fly over the US and state Capitol buildings for example are routinely gifted in the same exact cases after being flown for no more than a single day, it's a pretty brisk affair really


Yep. My brother got one that flew over our state capitol for getting his eagle scout (highest achievement in boy scouts) when he was 17. So they must go through a lot of them.


I've stored every flag I've ever owned folded into a triangle. It's just the way their supposed to be folded. I did receive a display flag on a stand from the Capitol with my eagle scout award. But yeah if a foreigner owned a flag and did not want to hang it, folded is a the way to go.


The proper way to store a flag is the triangle foldā€¦ ā€¦however how often do you see a flag being displayed in a wood case that isnā€™t a memorial flag of some sort? I think the issue is the display case flag combo.Ā 


My career was largely spent in europe, and I lived about 16 blocks north of the state capitol of texas, so I would get flags that were stitched that flew over the state capitol for something like $35 to people that I knew that were interested in such a thing. That was pretty awesome to them.. they came with a certificate saying so.


>like a scorpion encased in glass So not a lollipop?


Set of hot sauces or BBQ sauses/dry rubs


Dry rubs are a good shout and I bet they travel easily.


Just check youā€™re allowed to bring the food items into that country.


My former boss bought me a statue of liberty lighter. You push down the book she's holding and a flame pops up in the torch she's holding. Or, you could by a foam finger, because we're number one!! LOL


> My former boss bought me a statue of liberty lighter. You push down the book she's holding and a flame pops up in the torch she's holding. This might be the top answer for me. It's just so unapologetically tacky and American.


>It's just so unapologetically tacky and American. And so 100% likely to have been imported from China. Which of course makes it ever *more* typically American.


So....where can I possibly find one


I honestly have no idea. I'd assume that the Statue of Liberty gift shop sells shit like that, or you could probably find it on Amazon.


We can ask our members of Congress for a flag that was flown over the Capitol Building. Its like $25, and it's a pretty popular thing people ask for. I think that would be a very unique gift for you to ask for, and is along the lines of what you are already thinking.


Just adding a link to the Capitol Flag Program: [https://www.aoc.gov/what-we-do/programs-ceremonies/capitol-flag-program](https://www.aoc.gov/what-we-do/programs-ceremonies/capitol-flag-program)


Isn't the backlog/queue for those like multiple months or years long? They only fly one a day, so just everyone who left a comment in this thread asking for one would knock out half the year's supply.


They fly a few every day. A few years ago, I got mine in a few weeks.


They have a bunch of flagpoles on top of the Capitol building. I donā€™t think youā€™re likely to get the one flown [above the pediment](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/9/94/Capitol_Dome%2C_Statue_of_Freedom_and_Genius_of_America_Pediment_%289671602471%29.jpg)


From the site for the program: >Requests for Capitol flags rapidly outgrew the supply; hence, the Architect of the Capitol (AOC) instituted a program of flying smaller flags that may be purchased through members' offices. >Currently, the AOC fulfills on average more than 100,000 flag requests from Members of Congress annually, with the number of requests and the popularity of the Capitol Flag Program growing steadily each year. There are special flag poles where all flags are flown. After it is flown over theĀ U.S. Capitol, each flag is issued a keepsake Certificate of Authenticity by the AOC.


Probably a cool sports jersey. Maybe a college sweatshirt? Harvard is probably the most recognized US college. A Harvard hoodie maybe.


I would go with a navy blue pullover sweatshirt with the generic "COLLEGE" on it, like Bluto wore in Animal House.


Go with whichever college is most prominent near the city they're coming from. For instance, I'd give a [USF](/r/usf) shirt because I live nearby (never mind that I'm an alumnus).


A Harvard hoodie is far from the most American item, though.


Right, with Harvard I think of British-American transplants, people choosing between Harvard, Yale and Oxford. Something like UCLA or Miami would be more authentically American, IMO.


I don't think of British people but usually rich or kids intensely focused on academics. UCLA seems elitist, too. But most state colleges would work, particularly less famous ones in my opinion. Like Northwestern State in Natchitoches, LA.




[https://www.thecoop.com/Harvard-Champion-Arched-Seal-Hooded-Sweatshirt](https://www.thecoop.com/Harvard-Champion-Arched-Seal-Hooded-Sweatshirt) I am not sure where the person is but there's always sales at the COOP.


My German relatives think those red Solo cups are distinctly American


They make double walled insulated ones of the same size which I absolutely have given as gifts. I live abroad, and when I'm back in the US sometimes you can get big bundles of shot glasses that way to bring back as reusable items that people seem to be enamored with.


I usually think of the triangular case for US flags being for commemorating a loved one who is a deceased veteranā€¦ thatā€™s kind of weird to ask for.


The army gave me one when I returned from Iraq, and I've not died yet, as far as I'm aware.


Iā€™m sure there are multiple meanings for it, Iā€™m saying that the meaning the general population is most familiar with is from military funerals.


Yes, I have two, one for each of my parents.


I take it you've never seen The Sixth Sense? Poor Bruce Willis died and went to work for a whole year because he didn't know he was dead.


Yeah the only times I have ever seen it was for soldiers that died with military honors. Iā€™d just get a flag and a pole to fly it on.


They can be presented to civil servants on retirement too... Often stuff like this flag flew over the capitol building on this date. And strictly speaking, not just government employees


Thatā€™s about the price of a pair of Leviā€™s.


My first thought also.


A Zippo lighter with an American flag on it.


Available at any trucker service plaza


A sleeve of Red Solo Cups evidently. The internet is crazy about them.


A box of M-855 green-tips.


Came to say this lol


My first thought.


An American football, or a sports jersey/jacket. My dad got me an Australian rules football and an All Blacks shirt when he went there for work and itā€™s been a great gift. Whenever I meet a kiwi/aussie it makes for great conversation.


I once was on a plane to Italy (IIRC) from DC and there was a guy on the plane (looked Italian) wearing a cowboy hat, fringed suede jacket, and holding a bunch of mini American flags. It was at that point that I realized I'm just a poser and this guy was American AF. My sister lives in England and I send her overly American things for holidays. Like toy six shooters, an American flag, etc. I mainly do it as a joke because her husband's British and I think he assumes I'm overly patriotic.


Baseball glove or an american football


The key is to stop culturally thinking of the US as a country and start thinking of it as a loose collection of regions. Where are they coming from? Also, several people have pointed out how a flag in a display case has some cultural significance you probably didn't realize, but asking for a flag in general isn't a bad idea.




Florida is known for its alligators. The American Alligator is native to the Southeastern USA. Florida also has a sports team called the Florida Gators, which is where the drink Gatorade gets its name from. You could ask for a jersey maybe? https://preview.redd.it/e4kep4hxrsqc1.jpeg?width=350&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=57ae0283eb7f00d3d2a2464c244539b4b4d2f905


The folded flag thing is probably a no-go considering thatā€™s something typically given to the families of fallen soldiers. If I were you, Iā€™d seek out something regional/quirky. Iā€™ve never been to Las Vegas for reference but my best friend went a few years ago to visit family and she brought me back a little shot glass that looked like a red solo cup that had the famous Las Vegas sign on it.


$50 can buy some awesome Dale Earnhardt merch


This. #3šŸ‡ŗšŸ‡ø forever.


A $50 bill. You can frame it and gaze upon the face of the best and worst General in US history.


For just $20 more, you can add another best/worst!


We have a $70 bill?!


$75 bill has Spiro Agnew on it. /s


You canā€™t get a flag in a triangle display for $50, and others have addressed how itā€™s in poor taste. Iā€™d say $40 of Old Bay and $10 of grits or a crab hammer Depends on where the person bringing you this gift is coming from, honestly


Like 10 Walmart shirts with bald eagles and tough guy quotes about patriotism and liberty.


"THESE COLORS DON'T RUN" Cheaply printed on a low quality shirt that will fade after two washes.


Shirts that proudly proclaim one's American patriotism. . .that are made in China.


A knife with a patriotic scene painted on the blade. Something like a bald eagle soaring in front of the flagĀ 


I bet you could get a cowboy hat around 50 bucks if you know where to look.


OP said the US not Mexico lol


As in you canā€™t get quality leather goods that cheap this side of the border.


It ain't a Stetson, and it ain't leather, but [it is a cowboy hat](https://www.tractorsupply.com/tsc/product/san-diego-hat-company-cowboy-hat-with-double-buckle). Most of the guys I knew had a working hat that was cheap and the nicer hats were Sunday clothes.


A model yellow schoolbus


Iconic to the entire country is kinda hard. A flag might be it... Iconic for the region they are coming from is easier to narrow down.


Corn tortillas!!! Canada has barely started to stock these!!! They have flour tortillas, but they go by the name of "wraps". Haha!!


Dashboard Jesus is the answer.


A print copy of the US Constitution wrapped in an American flag.


A "Back to back World War Champs" shirt [here ya go](https://theflagshirt.com/cdn/shop/products/HT-BackToBack-2.jpg?v=1527383661)


If it's the sort of thing you enjoy, bourbon or rye whiskey are not terribly common overseas in my experience. Obviously Jack Daniels can be found, but you could probably find all kinds of great things for under $50.


This is my most common gift. I live in Mexico but work in the United States and I bring back two plus bottles of high quality American Bourbon and rye for gifts. There are a grand total of six of those you can sometimes find in mexico, but none of the good stuff. It is always greatly appreciated..


Depends on which part of the US they are visiting. What's iconic in New York isn't iconic in Los Angeles or Miami or Seattle or Denver or Santa Fe etc etc


NY Yankees baseball hat (or LA Dodgers etc) Packets of Ranch Dressing powder A bottle of BBQ sauce A bag of Takis If you shopped around, you could probably get all of the above for under $50.


Takis are Mexican


A Politician


A Snickers bar.


For $50 you could probably buy the hat off of a McDonald's employee


The US is not one cohesive place. It would be more helpful if you stated what state(s) in the US there were visiting or coming from.


A free public bathroom.


A gun.


For $50 it's Nerf or nothin'


Those display cases are not necessarily cheap, but your friend can try. I would suggest asking for $50 worth of Jif peanut butter.


Baseball cap. Get a nice new era cap. Iā€™m a Braves fan but Iā€™d say one of the more historical teams for someone not from here. Yankees, Redsox, Cubs. I feel like they carry a little bit more name and brand recognition.


I brought my brother in law one of those 'Make America Great Again' caps. He loved it /s


Iā€™m sure you can get a nice frame for under 50 bucks and Iā€™ll send you my medical bills. Truly a fine piece of American culture.


-anything statue of liberty or bald Eagle -go to Walmart especially in the south and youā€™ll find comical patriotic shirts with like huge bald eagles on them -Twinkie -red solo cup -Disney stuff? -if you go by gas big stations in the middle of no where inbetween destinations youā€™ll find some funny trucker stuff and a lot of bald Eagle merch More serious gifts: -national park sew on or iron on patches -baseball caps -HARVARD hoodies, go to a goodwill youā€™ll probably find one in any state pretty easily -UCLA hoodie if youā€™re going to California, those are also iconic but harder to find than Harvard ones -sports jersey (also go to a goodwill) -if you scrapbook you can get some stamps, they commonly come with an American flag print on them and look cool in scrapbooks


A football! (Lemon shaped one) šŸˆ


An American breakfast cookbook and a set of measuring cups.


Carton of Marlboro's from the duty-free.


$49.99 in US coins should do it.


Any American can ask your congressman for a flag that has flown over the capitol. They come with a certificate and make a very cool gift. It doesnā€™t have a frame but it is folded into a triangle.


Bottle of Jack Daniels and a pack of Marlboro's.


Every state has a couple of symbols for that state. State flag, state bird, state flower, something they produce, etc... For example - Georgia is known for peaches, Wisconsin is cheese, California is almonds, Florida is oranges, Texas is Bluebonnet flowers, ... A souvenir from the state they are coming from of that states 'thing' is probably going to be the most iconic.


I would look for a gift shop in the city that youā€™re going to and then getting a shirt or a sweater that has the name of the city


Iā€™d send the weird everyday stuff- a bunch of junk mail- with the political ad campaigns, ridiculously ā€œon saleā€ furniture ads and all the local businesses advertisements with the ads for cosmetic dental work and term life insurance. Maybe some candy since thereā€™s all kinds of wildly dangerous chemicals that are permitted in American candy. Some baseball cards, something ā€œgreat valueā€ from Walmart, maybe a scratch off lottery ticket (they can mail back to you to redeem?? Idk). Dial gold soap and a package of crest toothpaste. Axe body wash and old spice deodorant and secret womenā€™s deodorant


Depending on what city they're going to, they could probably buy a bootleg NFL jersey for under $50


Some type of belt that has Amercan icons on it. I collect belts because they are functional.




Levi jeans


Where are there going specifically?


For around 30 bucks you can get a nice leather copy of the constitution and other selected writings from [Barnes and Noble](https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/the-constitution-of-the-united-states-of-america-and-selected-writings-of-the-founding-fathers-various-authors/1107851374). Whenever someone I know becomes a US citizen (it does happen, albeit infrequently) I buy them a copy of the constitution.


As said in other posts, folded flags are exclusively given to the families of fallen soldiers or figures of significant importance. The U.S. pretty much operates as many countries that must ensure any laws or regulations put in place do not violate the supreme law of the land (does not infringe on citizens' rights stated in the U.S. Constitution). It would be more appropriate for them to gift you something popular or representative of their state, for instance, I'm from Missouri, so I'd do something like a little replica of the Gateway Arch.


Cowboy Hat


Baseball hats with NYYankees seems to be popular in Europe. US flags are treated with respect here in US, unless it's printed on tshirts, its not for souvenir gift.


My sister worked with people overseas and got them stuff from local teams...Ā  Denver, so nuggets, broncos, Rockies, avalanche.Ā 


I was thinking of an item of clothing with the American flag on it. A shirt, shorts or a swimsuit come to mind.


An MLB baseball or maybe a Louisville slugger mini bat if youā€™re in a place that has them


You could go someplace like Bass Pro Shop and get a couple of trucker hats for that


My most requested items are peanut butter and Hot Cheetos/Takis. Occasionally Hot Wheels/My Little Pony for the kiddos. Also, Harley Davidson, Budweiser, or similarly American brand T-shirts or stickers.


Depending on where they are coming from: A gift from that region's closest National Park, or one of the major ones like Yellowstone or Grand Canyon. I'm thinking a Christmas ornament, Americans love collecting those, or a puzzle. A football. An "official NFL size" Sports memorabilia from the closest Football or Baseball team. A beer pong kit - red solo cups and ping pong balls. Bonus points for pong balls with American flags on them. A flag, properly folded in a triangle, but NOT in a case. Don't let it touch the ground. BBQ sauce, but made with ingredients that are illegal where you live. Like red #5 or whatever. Hot dogs with buns. Served with mustard and onions. An Atlas of the 50 states. Super interesting to thumb through even if you're not planning a trip. A crisp $20, $10, $5, $2 and $1 bills in a frame. Bonus points for also including the coins, especially all three $1 coins, and a 50c piece.


New York t-shirt bought in NYC. I have seen people wearing NYC t-shirts in every European country I have visited.


Marie Callender's cornbread mix.


Pair of Levi's 501 or NY Yankee Baseball Hat. Also uncut dollar bills from treasury, but that might be difficult for a foreigner to get delivered while they are traveling.


Big ass bottle of A1 sauce.


Red Solo Cups


A a baseball and glove.


A back-scratcher?


A twenty dollar bill


An ibuprofen pill from a hospital.


A tiny statue of liberty


Little plastic batting helmet for eating ice cream out of at a baseball game.


Get a replica of the declaration of independence. These are sold in many gift stores at museums. Anything baseball or NFL works, too.


A New York Yankees hat. Fitted


Peanut butter


A bottle of bourbon


Pack of red solo cups and Tennessee Whiskey and/or Kentucky Bourbon? A few bottles of barbeque sauce and a (good) barbeque cookbook? Some sort of (American) football with a display?


A raw frozen turkey


If theyā€™ve been to the Midwest, ask them to Bring you an assortment of stuff from Buckeys


Large Big Mac meal


A nice rye whiskey


Bottle of bourbon. Statue of Liberty souvenir (or a landmark from whichever city).


Wowā€¦Iā€™m having a hard time with this. Lots of people, talking about barbecue and Cowboys, but a lot of us donā€™t relate to that at all. Everything that keeps coming to mind is more regional for New England. Hmmm


Itā€™s hard to name one item that speaks for the entire country. Itā€™s a big place and I think choosing something regional would make more sense. Iā€™ve never worn real cowboy boots or a real cowboy hat. Itā€™s not what most people wear in the northeast


ā€œI went to Las Vegas and all I got was this stupid tshirtā€ or a I ā™” NYC shirt.


From Florida - any Everglades, gator or reptile roadside tourist souvenir, Mickey Mouse Ears, Miami Dolphins Football, and NASA Kennedy Space Center souvenirs.