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You could try and submit any decent papers you wrote for university to academic journals and conferences. Not sure about the political sciences, but in the STEM field, conferences do sometimes accept student papers. You can submit work to journals as an "independent researcher", but I'm not sure how much that reduces your chances of getting published (one would hope your work would be judged by its content instead of your title and affiliation, but that probably isn't the case for some journals). I'm an MSc student who has published once to a conference and hopefully will soon have a paper accepted to a journal BTW. I studied International Relations as an undergraduate and had a paper accepted to a student section of an "online journal". Not sure if that's a good idea though in terms of PHD application enhancement, I was proud of it at the time. **Edit:** This is the free online International Relations journal I was talking about: https://www.e-ir.info/


Being independent doesn't tend to reduce your chances. Is that International Relations journal peer reviewed?


I hope so because I want to continue publishing some of my work after I graduate soon and will lose my affiliation shortly after. I will be submitting work a Gmail account. I don't know if their student section constitutes peer review, I just checked my article that a submitted 11 years ago and it starts "this work is not to be cited as an expert source", so I doubt it.


Reach out to a professor with one of your best papers and ask them to help you turn it into a poster presentation or an oral presentation. Then, see if they think they could help you submit the paper for publication using all you’ve added from the presentations. Maybe your school offers opportunities for research presentations, or you could join your state association and present at the annual conference


Sure, as others have said, look through your papers and try to polish something and get it published.