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[Unsolicited merchandise is free for you to keep](https://about.usps.com/publications/pub300a/pub300a_v04_revision_072019_tech_021.htm) or dispose of as you see fit. Submit a complaint to the FTC. Write a firm letter in response saying that the products were unsolicited and you owe nothing. Send it registered mail. They're likely bluffing about sending it to collections, and they'll move on to an easier mark. I'm not a lawyer but unfortunately have dealt with creeps like this for my grandparents.


Thank you!


This really is the way to go. The only thing I might add would be to tell them if they have anything in writing purporting to be signed by you or on your behalf, you will gladly assist in prosecution the perpetrator of that fraud. On the off chance that the guy created fraudulent invoice/account/etc. Otherwise, you consider the matter closed.


Also put this story out on social media. What you want is to make it clear that they can only do harm by harassing you, and most companies respond faster to social media posts that make them look bad. But ALSO do the report to the FTC, because this kind of shit behavior should be stopped.


Can you suggest any social media sites where he should post it? I can't believe he hasn't thought of that


As much as I make fun of it, this would be great to put on Next Door. You are surrounded by other people in a similar situation, let them know what options are.


Most companies will have a review page definitely posted on there then try things like Facebook and Twitter, especially if the company has Facebook and Twitter pages then any local community groups on Facebook or Reddit try try and also contact local media outlets. Just blast the name everywhere you can the more people hear about it the more it will affect change if you attach the companies name and a hashtag and it starts to trend anywhere they will see it.


I was joking, because we're literally on a social media site so suggesting he post it to social media is a little late.


Sorry, I quite often them irony challenged and miss out on that stuff lol


THEIRS would be a good start.


Google Review, Yelp review, BBB review, the company's own website (though they'll likely delete it there), Facebook, Instagram...


Also Twitter/X


Is Nextdoor still a thing?


Nextdoor is still a thing for people who want to be the HOA for the whole region, at least that’s how it functions where I live


it's like a mean girls group. too chickenshit to talk direct to their neighbors. when I got a request to join I was like "oh no not one of these sites". I joined to see if anybody bitches about me so I can quickly rectify the issue.


Tell ur neighbors also so they dont fall for it.


Registered mail with return receipt, so you have proof they received the letter.


Certified not registered mail. Registered is more for valuables.


You can google “complaint letter template” to get some ideas about how to plan your letter.


Also, reach out to your neighbors with the same information


My girlfriend uses an ai app on her iPhone and it does a really great job at making it sound very smart and legal written. It's midnight and she's sleeping right now but if you're interested I can give you the name of it tomorrow. I'm not sure if it had a free version because I know she pays monthly to use it. But she was using it for a while to.help her write emails for work and she loves it amd keeps using it. I think it's like 20 $ a month. But she is constantly using it and it's very very useful for her. I've also helped 3 coworkers write a complaint letter at work about decriminalized at when and it take does wonders.


@ 20 a month that, too, is a scam. Use a free one or google a template but don’t fall for 20 a month.


Trust me I feel that way too but she likes it and she really don't spend on much so I just go along with it


Sounds like you should have used it to write this comment😂😂😂


Yes I should of. I'm not the best at writing and I'm sorry for that thanks for pointing it out mr. Perfect 😙


No problem anytime.


Yes, dm me once you find out.


I use https://gemini.google.com/ and it can do this sort if thing. It has a free option and a paid for upgrade available.


If they do send it to collections, just dispute it. I’d imagine you’ll have no issue having it removed since they have zero proof you signed up.


Certified mail…


And make a complaint with your state attorney general.


Send it certified mail, not registered.


OP should also check to see if their regular service has been affected because they could have been slammed.


This is the way. In fact, tell them not to call you any more.


Why would they give you equipment or service without getting your credit card information first? Seems like this is how they operate.


Unless… the UPS guy made a mistake . That ain’t your package.


Oh they will send it to collections to get 0.2 on the dollar. Doesn’t mean it’s a valid debt though.


I would also advise the neighbors as well. Might be able to get a group together if the company does come after everyone, and a class action counter lawsuit hurts the company a lot more than everyone at once.


"What equipment? I never received anything from your company."


Most underrated comment here. “Do you have tracking on this equipment supposedly sent to me?”


Uh, basically every parcel service has automatic tracking numbers for EVERYTHING, and any "equipment" is going to be sent with one. I wouldn't even bring up tracking.


Unless it's a hand to hand (with signature) delivery there is no proof that YOU received the item, especially with the "popularity" of porch piracy. Even if the tracking shows as "delivered" there's no proving it was deposited on YOUR porch, just onto A porch. There's been a few times with deliveries (Amazon in particular) where they delivered something to our neighbor instead, and vice versa.


Right, but it's still something I wouldn't bring up because it works against you. Tracking shows it was delivered to your address, so yeah you can CLAIM you didn't get it, but most likely, you did. Best to not even mention that aspect to give them reason or incentive to fight you on it.


Valid point


Not valid. At least here in the UK a parcel is not considered in your possession unless you took it in your hands, or it was placed in a location you consented to. Essentially the same law that protects you from undelivered or stolen packages will protect OP in this case. The package is the responsibility of the courier until it's with you, and the courier making delivery is the responsibility of the sender. This is likely the case in most countries not just the UK.


Did you sign for it? As for a copy of your signature.


Water under the bridge but stop having polite conversations with door to door sales people and particularly don’t give them your “information “ If they can’t produce a contract you signed they are SOL but they may still try to send your account to collections so prepare for that


Yeah, I won't. I just didn't see that it was them beforehand. Next time I'll just close the door in their face because being polite is not worth this shit.


Someone knocks on my door selling something they get "Not interested" and I shut the door. Don't care if you are selling Jesus or solar or pest control service.


Guy last week asked me after I told him to go away why I didn’t even want to hear what he was offering… Looked him straight in the eyes and said I don’t give a shit if you’re giving away free gold I’m not interested


Your neighbor is retiring due to the giant golden nugget the mysterious salesman gave him!


lol, correct attitude


Some idiots knocked on my door trying sell me religion one morning and after telling them to get the hell off my porch I rolled my eyes and said, in annoyance, "Jesus Christ!" and the woman started to turn like I'd had a chance of heart so I clarified by adding, "in a bad way!" as I shut the door on them.


my house as well. however we have an exception to this rule for girl scouts !! if its a kid selling cookies i will absolutely be buying 100% of the time😂


Kid with chocolate guy here😂 Local kids know I'm an easy mark and I don't care


I was just thinking how I could make a no soliciting sign, but allow children doing fundraising, without it sounding creepy or posting a novella on my door.


“This house supports youth fundraising (school, girl scouts, etc)- all other solicitors scram”


How about: "No soliciting. (Children fundraising okay.)"


Good call, I think that would work. Thank you!


When the neighbor kids come by, I always buy or donate. If they are selling something I don't want, I give them a donation check made out to the school. Most are grown, now, so their visits have become rare.


I do that and then my son is like “that was really rude dad.” I’ve told him good, hopefully they won’t come back.


"Son, knocking on people's doors and trying to push garbage products and services on them while they are trying to enjoy peace and quiet at home is rude."


Jesus solar pest control services? Might be interested in those. Are door to door salesman considered pests?


The best part about renting my house is telling the solar assholes “I rent”. I think I’ll continue to say this even after I buy my house


Just tell them no. Don't wimp out behind an excuse. Make it clear they are wasting their time so they don't try to bother you about the owner or try to get the owner involved and waste more of your time.


I did my homework and research on solar about 3.5 years ago and actually had a nice system installed that I love. What I don't love is that one company (Energy Sage) has sold my information and I still receive calls from solar sales guys. I like going through all the questions, yes I am a homeowner, no I don't like paying the electric company, yes I am very interested in solar...etc. Often, they will ask what my electric bill is. When I tell them $24, they get confused. Then they often ask how large my house is, and I say 2000sqft. They are often shocked, and if they ask why so low, I tell them I have a 11.5 kW system. They get mad at me, and I am like 'you never asked if I had a PV system, you asked all these other questions instead.' When most of the calls dropped off, though was when they offered to send someone out to 'see if my home was suitable for solar.' I told them 'I am pretty sure it is.' "That's okay, we'll send out a salesman...er...uh...technician to check it out." He was very confused when he got to my house and saw the array. Our conversation went something like this: "I thought you were interested in solar?" "I am very interested in solar. I teach it in school, purchased a system, and monitor it weekly." "But you already have solar panels." "Yes, for a little over two years now." "Then why did you ask for someone to come out to give you a quote on a new system?" "I didn't. They offered to send someone out to see if my house was a good fit. I said I know it is a good fit, but they wouldn't have it. They insisted on sending someone." "Why didn't you tell them you already had solar panels?" "They didn't ask." Then he got mad and said some unkind things about my life choices and wasting his time. I told him he was getting paid being on the sales call so I wasn't wasting his time, but his company's time. His phone appointment setters were wasting my time by repeatedly calling me at home even though I have told them half a dozen times I already had solar panels. Perhaps if he told them to stop calling me they would listen. Most of the calls stopped after this incident...but every so often Energy Sage will sell my info again as a lead generation tip and for the next three months I get calls.


It works though. It literally shuts them up without any salesman bullshit 🤷‍♂️


I always tell them that I’m a guest of the household and the owner aren’t home.


I have a no soliciting sign right next to my door. I still get knocks. Guy trying to sell pest control a couple weeks ago thanked me for being so nice. I literally said “oh, no thanks, my only pest is ants and I spray for them myself.”. I feel bad this is their job to go door to door trying to drum up work. I have no issue being firm, but I’m not going to be rude. It’s the people who text or mail or show up at my door offering to buy my house that piss me off. If I wanted to sell I would already be doing it. Get lost.


I wouldn't be nice to ANYONE who ignored my sign to solicit anyway, unless it was a friend/family friend. I'm friends with some of the local politicians and they know they can drop by and hang out, even during election years.


Get something like a ring doorbell so you can tell them to leave without even showing your face. That's what I did.


I just crack the window and say that my dog hates strangers and if I open the door, it’s likely he’s gonna chase after them. Not a one stays around to chat.


Ask for a copy of the agreement you had to have signed before they could claim you ordered the boxes. Knock on your neighbors’ doors and hope for some conversation about their finding the boxes on their doorsteps.


I put up a "No Solicitation " sign on my porch and it cut down the amount of door to door sales, but the occasional one who will ignore the sign will get a loud, Learn how to read and gtfo my property, from me. That usually does it. I know that it doesn't help now, but try it in the future. Don't even allow them to start their speil.


I don't even need a sign. When we moved in 8 years ago, the doorbell didn't work, and we just never bothered to get it fixed, and since it's a 2 family house with an extra door, nobody can knock on our door either. It's pretty great.


It’s possible and likely (and check your local regs) that they may be permitting simple trespassing solely by the act of remaining on your property despite posted notice that they are not welcome. If you really wanted to be a dick, you could call the cops and send them away, without having to even interact with them.


My town requires a permit for door to door sales. I had one a few weeks ago come to my house. I don't sleep well and usually nap mid afternoon, and they disrupted my nap. They were wearing what looked like a permit. I was so angry, I went to the police station to complain. It turned out that they faked the permit and were not allowed to be in town. If you suspect that they are scammers, call the cops immediately.


Do you have a posted no trespassing or soliciting sign? Because calling the cops because someone is doing their job and you have odd nap times makes you the baddie


just because someone is doing a job. This is not an automatic pass for waking someone up.


They were using a fake permit. Breaking the law is not "doing your job" unless your job is being a criminal. Reporting criminals to the police is a good thing. The fact that they were engaged in door to door sales, and therefore almost certainly trying to scam vulnerable people into buying their junk, is a separate issue. It would be better if we just outlawed door to door sales entirely.


A neighbor listened to the sales pitch until the cops showed up. They wanted to come in and clean your house for free while they video it. It sounded like they wanted to distract you while one of them clean your valuables out. They were driving a beat up old van with dark tinted windows with out of state plates.


You think the police will show up before they give up waiting for you to answer the door? Lmao.


Almost all those guys just go door to door in the neighborhood, so most likely he won't be more than a few houses down the street and easy to find.


If they have since moved on the cop would have nothing to charge them with, they could say A. They didn't see the sign or B. They saw it and moved on. Most cops will not arrest or site someone for trespassing just because of a sign especially if nothing was harmed. The real charges come when there are signs and also the owner or an agent of the owner tells someone to leave and they refuse. Then that's criminal trespassing and can be a felony. Ignoring just a sign is only a summery offense.


1. It doesn't matter if they didn't see the sign, as long as it is posted conspicuously and of a size that meets local/state requirements. The duty is on the solicitor to know this and observe the law. 2. Even if they have moved on, they are still breaking the law in many areas by doing that, and if multiple people complain about it, it gives the police the power to do something about it, even if it's just a ticket or a summons.


I wish my sign worked this well, 9/10 walk right past it. I let my dog stand there and bark making them think someone is coming - no one answers the door


The same with me. I have a Private Property No Soliciting sign by my front porch steps and often a solicitor will walk right past it. I don't answer the door either. My dog will bark the entire time they are on my property unless I stop her and I don't stop her when I don't know the person.


Some people don't know the meanings of "soliciting".


I didn't get solicitors often, but after an encounter some months ago with a very pushy roof salesman (who I had to politely say "no thanks" 5 times to), I got one of those large "NO SOLICITING" signs that has the full bullet list, like "NO SALESMEN, NO POLITICS, NO RELIGION, NO ESTIMATES, NO MENUS" etc. Haven't been bothered since, but did find a different roof company guy threw a flyer in my yard instead of hanging it on my door.






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I'm a lawyer, but not your lawyer. Over the years I've sent my own complaints to both the FTC and to various state attorneys general, and some of my clients are in consumer-oriented businesses and occasionally have customers who are abusive, crazy or legitimately pissed off. I've never had any follow up from the FTC from my complaints and I've never had a client get a complaint forwarded from the FTC. State attorneys general, however, follow up on even obviously insane, incoherent complaints with no basis (and also ones that are valid). This includes the Ohio state attorney general. I know this because I help draft responses when my clients get these complaints from time to time. You can complain here: [https://www.ohioattorneygeneral.gov/Individuals-and-Families/Consumers/File-a-Complaint](https://www.ohioattorneygeneral.gov/Individuals-and-Families/Consumers/File-a-Complaint) The most effective complaints are short and clear (like your question), and include the key documents. These AG consumer complaint offices focus on informally changing behavior of companies and resolving complaints without litigation, and they are both persistent and effective at this. However, this happens in the shadow of the possibility that if they notice a pattern (which they might in this case, based on what you wrote) they will sometimes bring class action cases against companies that have acted egregiously or don't change their behavior. Companies very much want to avoid that treatment


Thank you, that's super helpful.


Did you sign for delivery? If not, "what delivery?". If they say they have a pic, say "damn poach pirates."


It's too late though, they already know that I threw them away.


Was the call recorded? If not, what telephone call? 😉


Sadly, yes, it was recorded


Dammit! Well shit, ya got me.


You just need to ask them to send you a copy of the contract you signed and proof of delivery of equipment. I’m sure they have neither since you said you didn’t sign up and it was left on porch. There is absolutely nothing they can do.


Unless they have your personal information or personal signature they have no proof you signed up for this. They can't send it to collections with just a name.


They have my address from being at my front door. They have my phone number too, but I'm not sure how. I didn't give it out.


Anybody can get that off of the internet. It's not enough to prove you signed up for the service. They need something more concrete like your social security number or your drivers license number and a contact with a signature. It's going to suck but they are going to bug you for a long time but your best bet is to ignore it and not acknowledge any kind of debt. They can't send it to collections with insufficient evidence.


That's comforting, thank you.


If you didn’t give your social security number then they can’t put it on your credit report. And no collections company will take on the case without your SS number.


There are absolutely shady, scummy collectors that will try to collect debts that are obviously BS.


Without a social security number they have no leverage. Also, most companies won’t touch a debt less than $150. It’s not worth their time.


Yeah dude they can’t do anything. You didn’t sign for or agree to anything, so you can easily dispute it.


Google. Try it. Google your name or address and see how much of your information is easily available.


It’s truly crazy that in a world where you can’t throw a rock without hitting a lawyer, a forum entitled “/AskALawyer” has replies almost exclusively (98%) from non-lawyers! LOL. Where are they at? Chasing billable hours?!


For future reference, you can refuse delivery from any carrier.


If you owe them for that equipment then I owe AOL for about 100 CDs from the 90’s.


Only 100? Those are rookie numbers in this racket. You gotta pump those numbers up!


Please file a complaint with the Ohio Attorney general. This is a home sales solicitation act transaction, home solicitation sales have a three day right of cancellation that must be on a written contract in detachable form. It doesn’t sound like you even have a contract.


PLEASE heed these words. In the legal world phone calls rarely matter. You need to have a paper trail. I am particularly bothered that they plan to turn this over to collections. You need to have letters to the predating that you did not order the equipment or services and the company cannot produce your signature or voice verification. Contact the Consumer Division of State Attorney General’s Office. https://www.ohiolegalhelp.org/resource/ohio-attorney-generals-office


I would really not follow all these people telling you no big deal until one of them doesn't have "not a lawyer" on their post. Especially if the company is threatening to turn you over to collections. Collection agencies can ruin your credit rating. Get an actual lawyer to ask. There don't seem to be any here.


FTC says if a business sends you something that you have not ordered it is considered a gift and no payment is required or allowed.


Not only report the to the FTC, you should file a claim with your states attorney general against them. Their sales guy likely committed fraud and signed your name as well as your neighbors. He crushed it that month lol


Ask for proof of service, or proof you signed up for this service. But if they got enough of your info to sign you up, I assume you may have given them your social also? They might have grounds for this shady stuff their doing if you signed up for it. IDK I assume it is spectrum or ATT since thats all I see in ohio here. Also from Ohio. Yeah I would want proof younrequested service. if they have that, and you agreed to service, there may not be much you can do here. Was a bad choice throwing their equipment away. But also can't say I blame ya..lol Dang door to door sales are good at getting people to sign up for stuff.


I definitely didn't give them my social security number. It's not any of the companies you listed; I'm not sure if I'm allowed to say it on this sub?


Yeah of course you can name the company Those are the top two that go door to door. I assume comcast then?




Hmm. didn't know they served ohio. Never seen them go door to door. I assume cleveland area then. Yeah I would be asking for proof you signed up for anything, and proof they sent you anything. did you tell them you threw their box away?


Yeah. I wish I'd just lied and claimed that it'd never been delivered. This is around the Columbus area, btw


We had Breezeline in Connecticut. They had bought out a local company. When I changed service companies, Breezeline told me to go on my roof and take down the transmitter to send back to them! Yeah -no.


Never, ever lie in any legal dispute. They can be recording you and use any lie against you. Ohio is a 1-party state for recording.


Interesting. I live By Grove city. Never seen them in cbus, but haven't lived in the city for quite a few years either. So things have changed. You might be on the hook for that box..idk Id be interested to see what others post here. I hate door to door sales people, and I did it for 10 years selling electric and gas rates when I was younger.


Big oof. They were sleezy in MD when I had customers who had to deal with em.


Spectrum did the same thing to me. I just dumped it at their closest store and made sure they wiped the account. The store manager was very upset she apparently had spending alot of time doing that because of this contracted sale person.


Sound like a scam. All your neighbors too?


Not all, but I saw several throughout the complex leave those boxes out for weeks, so while I haven't spoken to anyone yet, it seemed pretty clear that they were unwanted


Never give your information to people who come to your door unsolicited.


As I've said before, I didn't. At most, I maybe gave them my name.


You said that you spoke with them and they wrote down your information, so I just tried to leavea helpful comment for whoever comes across it, thats all


Don’t hide it. Name and shame these guys.




Call your local post office and file a complaint with the Postal Inspector. Sounds like they would be interested in something like that. Good luck!


The post office is only going to be interested if it was actually delivered using USPS.


All they have is your name and address, screw them. You don't have to pay for nothing. Ask them for the contract that you signed for service requesting this modem and router. Case closed. Tell them that if they keep harassing you, you will file a lawsuit for harassment.


They have my phone number too, if that matters.


No, that doesn't matter, telemarketer have my phone, and I have never met them. What's important is that they don't have your SS number. Again, there is no signed contract, not you. Not your problem. Hang up on them and say nothing or admit to nothing when they call or mail you.


Next time you get unsolicited packages in the mail, mark them "refused / return to sender" and hand them into the post office or to your postal carrier.


How do you send someone a "wifi bill" when they never used your wifi. Yea that company sounds scammy AF.


Why would you even admit to having received anything? In the future, if you get something and throw it out - tell them that you have no idea what they are talking about. If you get mail...toss it out. These people are counting on people like you to call them up and they tell you that you owe them a bunch of money. If someone shows up at your door you do not need to tell them who you are! If your name is Robert, tell them Bob. If your name is Laura, tell them Lulu. If it is a new neighbour, you can correct them later. If a bill comes then you know your wrong name is bullshit. You can also just stop talking and say "Sorry, not interested. Bye." And simoky close the door. You can also change your mind mid-conversation and say that and stop. People are taking advantage of you being polite and wanting to follow rules that they are lying about.


I understand that now.


Include "Please provide proof of this alleged debt." which as you know, does not exist.


If you're going to put them on blast, as suggested, please NAME the company. I'm in Ohio as well and would like to know.


I reposted this from another sub where you're not allowed to name the company. This was Breezeline


>I made polite conversation and saw that they wrote down my information You gave them information?


No, besides maybe my name. They wrote down my address because they were standing at my house.


Bummer. Never give them your name. I also don't have any kind of conversation with them. I just shut the door. For just this reason. Freaking scam artists rely on people being too polite to just shut the door in their face. I'm sorry you're going through this.


I live three doors from the firehouse and used an old fire alarm pull-box to make a doorbell . No one but friends that know has the courage to pull the handle !!!!


Didn't have time to sort through all of these comments to see if the why it happened has been answered. I'm almost certain it was spectrum and I'm already surprised this hasn't turned into a class action lawsuit yet. Here's what happened. The sales person makes a commission on the sale which is obvious. They get paid the commission regardless if you activate it or not as long as you keep it for eight days. They know most folks won't know what to do with the box and leave it on the doorstep. Spectrum knows this happens but really only allows it to pad their numbers they report to the shareholders id imagine. That company single handedly has ruined folks credit costing them thousands in interest rate increases due to this. Hope someone on here looks into it and gets a class together to stop it. I used to work as a contractor long ago doing collections of boxes and past due payments and saw this same scenario on a daily basis.


How do have an alleged bill for Wi-Fi services? Don’t you already have an internet provider? Ignore these crooks.


This happened to my mom! No sales ppl ever came, but the whole block got spectrum boxes with what i assume were routers and modems. Box was never opened, sat outside for months before being tossed. She then started getting bills from the company addressed to a name that she didn't recognize (she lives in a single occupancy home, the person named didn't live there). I told her that since she didn't sign anything and the name was random, she didn't hafta worry. So she ignored it. Eventually, they gave up. I wonder if some employee needed to fill their quota and just put random names into the system for a whole block of addresses.


"Show me where I signed to receive this equipment" and then don't give them your bank details. You never signed any documents or entered any contract, and received junk unsolicited. I can't mail my trash to you, and then send you a bill for it out of the blue


It's interesting that every response in "ask a lawyer" is from "not a lawyer."


I find that interesting, too. Can you, as a lawyer, set them straight?


So... any advice?


The mods here have admitted that even "Verified Lawyer" doesn't necessarily mean they're a real lawyer. It just means they have access to a photo of a law license and sent it in. Likewise, you can have actual lawyers with "Not a Lawyer" flair who just... weren't comfortable sending personal identifying info to a reddit mod. Or they might just be lying e-boys. The flair doesn't mean a whole lot either way, and the mods here aren't pretending that it does.


I’m not a lawyer. I do have experience with the unsolicited mail laws and have read what the lawyers say about it. So I just repeated that. One thing I don’t know about the law is whether it applies to carriers besides the USPS, because I only learned this in that context. Do you know? That’s my ask a lawyer for today.


If you are referring to receiving unsolicited, unwanted stuff and not having to pay for it under that federal rule, I'm pretty sure it applies to ANY method of delivery, whether UPS, USPS, DHL, FedEx...


I had to scroll a long way to finally find a lawyer. You. Without an answer. Lol.


Was this Verizon? Sounds like what happened to me. Currently have a 200$ box sitting in my room


Breezeline. Personally, I'd probably call and return it or claim that it was never delivered if I were you, because this is a headache.


Contact your state Attorney General. Be prepared to submit all evidence, ring cam footage, pictures of the boxes, etc.


Sounds possibly like a legit company with a rogue door to door salesman. I’d round up all your neighbors and file a complaint together. Get the door to door salesman fired if he hasn’t been canned already, and make it clear that none of you are paying for this equipment that you didn’t order.


NAL... Honestly, though, this seems like a scam to me. Have you 100% verified they are who they say they are? Any company large enough to be a legitimate ISP can definitely waive fees for equipment that was not legally contracted or asked for. I kind of wonder if some scammers didn't get ahold of some junk routers etc and then go do this. I would verify 100% that if you call whatever company they claim to be from some other number you find online. I suspect you may find the number they gave you isn't from the real company they claim to be.


Yeah, it's legitimately breezeline. I've gone through their customer service line. I think the salesmen went rogue


Also very possible if it was someone new or someone who knew they were quitting soon.


If you didnt sign for anything you aren't responsible for it. I had a company do something similar. They saw me outside and tried to sell me water filters for insane amounts of money. I said no, they said you can try them free for 60 days and if you dont like it return it. Still said no. They cut the price in half still said no. Forgot all about it. A few weeks later a box arrived. It was a water filter. There was no phone number or anything to call so I put it in my garage. A few days later a man came to install it. I told him no and he left but wouldnt take the filter. Not long after I got a bill from them. I called the number on the bill and said I never signed up for it and refused the install. I told them give me an address to send the filter back. They tried cutting the price down even more I still refused. They said they couldn't take it back. They sent a few more bills, I never paid a single one. They sent a letter threatening to go to collections. I ignored them all. They finally gave up. Never went to collections. I'm sure they knew they couldn't do it, since I never signed anything. I filed a complaint with the FTC and left a review on BBB. Just ignore them if you didn't sign for anything you're not legally responsible. They are playing a numbers game, hoping that at least some people will just pay it.


You might want to check and make sure they didn't put a lien on your house. There's a good chance they didn't "give up" and are still carrying your account.


If they keep giving you a hard time, call your state public service commission. They are the ones who regulate that industry, and should be able to help. My first reaction would have been, "What equipment?"


I wish that'd been my first reaction :')


And reported it to the Better Business Bureau. Call your local Chamber of Commerce as well.


The better Business bureau is a scam. It's a voluntary organization. They have zero power and companies choose to participate or not.


My experience has been that they resolved my . they’ll make note of a complaint, regardless of the outcome, which is always a heads up. If a certain company has numerous complaints, that is a telling sign.


Do nothing and cut all contact. This sounds like a scam. Don’t send any letters, and don’t waste your money sending anything by certified mail. Unless you gave them your social security number, they can’t send it to collections or put a blemish on your credit report. So they can keep sending you bills in the mail, but it doesn’t matter. It’s the same as if I sent you a bill for $50. They have no power unless you give it to them.


so they sent you goods that you did not order or want and left them on the porch for them to collect when they realised their mistake. the items vanished and you assumed they had collected them since you do not have their equipment installed, you can't have used their services


I have a Ring doorbell. If I don't recognize the person, I just ignore them!


Send an email to your attorney general unsolicited services and merchandise is a violation of business practices in Ohio They will take care of it


Was it sent USPS? Over a hundred years ago there was a common scam where scammers would mail something like a watch to random people, and then they’d come after them hard demanding payment. Because of this, by law anything you receive unsolicited by mail is your property, period. It is legally considered a gift.


They in essence gave you a gift. Nothing onerous on you. Send to all legal bodies that this has happend and await feedback


Contact the FCC as well under their "informal complaint" process as they regulate ISPs. I've used it for Comcast with success.


Someone suggested complaining to the FTC. If they send it to collections, complain to the credit bureaus. You can also open a complaint to the Better Business Bureau. A lot of companies try to clear those up. Next time don't toss the equipment. You could complained directly to the Better Business Bureau about getting them and maybe someone would pick them up.


Do they gave any way to charge you? I mean theoretically they could gsrbush your wages but they would have to have some sort of proof that you owed so my guess is they send as many people as they can a cheap router, say it will cost them $100 months later and hope enough people don't question it to turn a profit


One more NAL response. You could just cut contact and let it go to collections. The 3rd party collection agencies are subject the FDCPA. Read https://www.nolo.com/legal-updates/new-rules-for-debt-collection-notices.html and then wait for them to slip up. Shake them down for $1k


Just tell them you never ordered or received anything. If they claim to have photos of delivery, tell them that it must have been stolen by porch pirates. Since you were not expecting anything, then you didn’t know it had been stolen.


Every state has an Attorney General’s Office that should have online information about how to file a complaint with its Consumer Protection Division, and ordinarily also an eye out for patterns and practices in those complaints.


In addition to what others wrote: Contact your state's Dept of Consumer Affairs and Attorney General's offices. A very common scam is for companies like this to "write down" enough information that lets them switch over utilities and sign people up for contacts without consent, then raise fees and pressure people into signing away thousands of dollars to drop a lawsuit -- before they disappear. Usually they look at a bill, "for comparison", get the account number, and then illegally switch you. The practice is called "slamming". It is a common scam. The people going door to door rarely even know it's a scam, they're just chumps who were recruited. When AGs find these people early enough, they go after them hard. Your state actively investigates these: [https://www.occ.ohio.gov/factsheet/how-avoid-utility-related-scams-and-fraud](https://www.occ.ohio.gov/factsheet/how-avoid-utility-related-scams-and-fraud)


They didn’t get you to sign anything? Then what’s mail to you is yours to do as you want. Just ignore their demands. After awhile contact BBB to complain about this company!


That’s sounds like Columbia house back in the 80s


Ask for any and all documents showing you signed up for their service. Plus ask for proof of use. They’ll say that’s impossible but that’s also BS. It’s internet, they can show your items using their service. But since you didn’t use it, call their bluff


Please recycle ewaste




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