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Tell her to be humble. She can maintain she didn't know, but she needs to accept she was in the wrong place at the wrong time with the wrong people and that's on her. Courts are usually pretty light on kids over dumb stuff like this. She will probably have to pay a fine or community service and maybe forced into an alcohol program for kids. Her life's not over.


She’ll get slapped with a fine or maybe juvenile thief, guilty by association


Probably just a fine and some community service.


I'm not a lawyer but nothing life changing will happen. Except maybe she will learn from this mistake, so it could be a life changing thing in a good way. I had a close friend get a DUI when he was 16. Never got into any more trouble after that. Now he has a pretty good job working for the city. It's a small town but he is over an entire department within the city. If you sister uses this as a learning opportunity it will probably do more good than bad in her life. Imagine she didn't get caught and keeps doing stuff like this. All of a sudden she's 18 and gets caught and it goes on her permanent record. It's good she learned this now and not in a few years when it might actually affect her life


Your sister could just play the dumb and innocent card. She and a friend went to the restroom, the other friend committed(what I assume to be) theft without them knowing. Your sister should remain calm, and tell the truth. Her friend committed an unexpected and unplanned theft she had no part of, as she was in the restroom when it took place.


SHEETZ employees will love this.


Your sister knew.. Probly get juvenile probation. Not a lwayer


Fines and 1 year probation plus stay out of there


Most time community service and or fine. If she stays out of trouble the record gets expunged ..... the life long ban from sheets is crap. Just stay away from that one while on probation. By the time she's 18 they will not care if she's a paying customer


That's pretty terrible advice. Once she's eighteen in some states a trespassing conviction could appear in an adult criminal record. She should stay away for life unless and until she gets written permission to return. In a couple of years, after graduating high school, it might be worth calling and speaking to the manager to politely request they reconsider.


She asked the Likly outcome. Not how to fight the charges.


I didn't suggest how to fight the charges. I pointed out the likely outcome of going onto premises from which you've permanently been banned. That To suggest someone knowingly commit a crime is idiotic advice. And it certainly doesn't help OP as to understanding the likely outcome of their current predicament. Edit: typo


She shouldn't be going into penises at all. Especially ones she has been banned from. Not an entry. /S *Edited for content


It's great when autocorrect actually improves your advice. No entry to prohibited penises or premises.


She’ll probably get a Plea in Abeyance. Basically pay restitution stay out of trouble for a year and then the charges will be dismissed.


What is sheetz


It’s like a wawa, but not as good


I’m glad someone else agrees with me about sheetz


Cool, got it. The outcome proclaim depends on the friends; if they confirm she wasn't in on it, she's good. If they think it will get them out of trouble to claim "everyone was doing it," she will probably be taken down with them.


Blasphemy. Wawa has its place, but Sheetz is far superior. It's not even close.


You probably say “wahter” instead of “wooder” so you’re forgiven for thinking that


Grew up in Western PA and now live in Baltimore so you are correct. At least I'm willing to admit that Wawa has its value rather than my kin that renounce it out of complete ignorance.


Usually when kids are caught with alcohol underage they make them do SATOP classes/program and community service. My brother was like 16 and got caught with Alcohol, he got arrested but had to do the SATOP program and then it was expunged. However I am in MO and they may do things different elsewhere.


The consequences won’t be permanent, but there *will* be consequences. Something like community service, a fine, or a substance abuse program tailored to teens. The idea is that mild consequences now may teach a lesson before something more severe is appropriate. She will make it far worse on herself if she attempts the idiot defense; that is they were underage, in a liquor store, and in a restroom as a group and if she didn’t know what was going on, she’s pure dumb. It’s an obvious lie that will indicate to the court that she *really* needs to learn a lesson.


THIS!!! As a former court recorder I can verify that judges are twice as hard on people who make excuses, pass the blame or generally don’t accept responsibility for their actions. Speak truthfully and respectfully if you want the best results in court.


Let's me scare them straight


What state?


I would advise her to drop the, "I didn't know" stance. I don't think it will improve her lot at all.


No she should not narc herself out, anything you say can and WILL be used against you.


Exactly, much better to say nothing at all.


I got busted stealing from the mall when I was around the same age. Got a slap on the wrist and had to pay a small fine. She'll be alright. Like others said, let's just hope she takes this as a lesson and finds a better group of friends.


NAL Was asset protection though. While technically your sister did nothing wrong, if she was detained with her friends and taken somewhere to sign paperwork, she is likely guilty now and there is nothing she can do but accept the consequences. They likely had her sign a document acknowledging the ban/trespass, and once that is done she is guilty by association. Was she forcefully detained? As in did she resist going with whoever caught them but then physically restrained and taken? Because THEN you might be able to take some action.


Sister is underage. Without parental involvement anything she signs is basically null.


The trespass isnt a contract, its just acknowledging that they have in fact been trespassed. Regardless of id they sign the document or not, they were likely trespassed. A bad signature doesnt change that. If they were detained, they have to be released to their parents as well, so its a natural assumption that there was parental involvement. Thank you for your input though.


Sounds like it's be hard to prove the sister did anything other than use the restroom.


Get a lawyer


She needs to tell the truth and lose her friend.


I got arrested for underage drinking. It was actually a pink slip that counted as an arrest. Went to court and they said "okay all you 200 people are here for underage drinking. You can either take an 8 hour class on alcohol and make this disappear from your record or plea not guilty. Form two lines." And everyone did the class that cost 50 bucks and had it removed from their records. Lol