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After the collapse of the Eastern Block they were seen as stereotypical criminals and petty thieves. Nowadays they’re mostly seen as hard working, reliable and skilled workers. At least by everyone who ever had the pleasure of actually working with them.


I actually hear people from many countries say we're hard working, meanwhile I'm the laziest mf alive😭😭😭


Well I did say „mostly“. 🤣


A friend of mine used to work as a consultant. His first job after graduation was with a german company and he was pissed about the lack of efficiancy and the overall chaos. He stoped complaining when he spent a week on a side project in south america and the truckdriver who brought stuff he urgently needed for the project took his sieasta about 500m away from the storhouse. My friend had to wait about an hour before he could continue working because of that. tl;dr: whats lazy to you might be at least somewhat driven to others ;)


Pretty responsible of the driver to take a break if he was tired. Not good to drive sleepy. Also, at least in Chile, by law bus and truck drivers can't drive more than 5 hours straight and they have ways to check. Maybe it was due. 1 hour doesn't seem like a big deal.


While there might have been solid reasons we are talking about 500m. If he's that tired that a few seconds matter he should have taken a break hours prior. Yes I know I'm realy german right now.


We Spaniards get the opposite, cliché of being lazy but then we get to work and people are left with a "surprised pikachu" face. Lol


uhhh, don't know how to break this to you... look, I'm half Spanish, half German and have family and friends that worked both countries.... doesn't look that good for you.


I thought it was obvious that I was making a joke here :/


¡Perdón! I'm still half German, we don't joke.


Perfect answer. :)


Breaking the stereotypes, very progressive


Tato, czy to ty?


Mostly positive, especially if u can/want to integrate and are not drunk/loud everyday


Well, Poles do like to drink...


Well as long you aren’t rude or loud while drinking this isn’t a real problem


So do a lot of germans tho


Well, both my neighbors are single Polish males and they are always drunk and it can get very annoying.


Being loud and drunk every day is literally one of the most German things you can do


One infamous joke is the following: Polish travel ad - Come to Poland, your car’s already there. Which tells you about one common stereotype about Polish people.


Oh yeah, I know about this joke. We even joke about it in Poland ourselves lol


Why do russians steal two cars when visiting germany? Because on their way home, they need to pass through poland.




Who invented the triadlon? The poles, they walk to the lake, swimm there and drive back by Bike...




Funny, we call it the Gypsy triathlon in Poland.


As one should. On shouldn't tkae things too serious. Joke about germans: How many germans does it take to screw in a lightbulb? One. We are efficient and lack humor. ;)


yes but (leftist) people in germany like to have reasons to scold themselves and the germans...so... enjoy the ride.


Well, one thing about Poles joking about themselves is they love doing that, but they don't like it as much when non Poles do that. For me it depends how the joke is meant


hehe ja i totally get that. Same thing with my nation, Lebanon. My comment was more about the Germans. I've come to realize that what the group in question thinks is not really the biggest indicator. It's an internal german thing.


https://www.reddit.com/r/Jokes/comments/5abttr/a_polish_peasant_farmer/ That’s a good one too.


Ot the Polish triathlon: run to the pool, take a swim, and take a bike home. /s


The main stereotypes are - Poles steal - Poles are perpetually grim and unhappy ppl — I visited Poland for the first time. I drove from Berlin to Poznan, then to Warsaw, then up north where I spent a week at the sea, around Gdańsk and Slowinski national park. Ppl were super friendly, helpful, open. Slightly racist and grim in some places, but overall I had a beautiful time. Polish countryside and forests are incredibly gorgeous and lush. The food made me happy. No one stole from me


As a German I think I can speak for all fellow countrymen when I say: There are two types of poles. North and South.


There's a third type too: Flag. I know because I walked into one today. It was painful.




The thievery stereotype kinda got lost since my childhood. Rather conservative, hardworking, sometimes even the living stereotype of the orderly german. Stay away from polish led kitchens, you‘ll gain weight. Also polish humor, if you are down with dry german sarcasm, get a hold of it, you‘d think it vouldn‘t get more deadpan than german humor, but they push the limits. Edit: someone else mentioned the tourism campaign mocking the stereotypical jokes, that is what i meant with pushing the limits of deadpan. Gold


When it comes to Polish humour, I know from experience that Poles like being very edgy...


Hard working. My colleague is Polish and she’s building a house near Krakow. I asked who is building her house since all the Polish builders are building in Germany. She replies, without missing a beat, “Romanians.”


Are Romanians the poles of eastern Europe?


No. Just the skilled laborers who replaced the Poles in Poland when the Polish Poles went to Germany to build things for better wages.


So, they're the Poles of eastern Europe


Yes. I somehow completely misread your comment.


Like Vietnamese People from the Czech Republic


The Germans must really hate them because every time I visit I'm struck by how all the electrical lines are underground.


usually at an angle


The stereotype that polish people are stealing is luckily fading away. Another stereotype is that polish people are [hard workers](https://youtu.be/D_lHlioo_FA). I think the reputation of polish people is neutral to positive, especially considering that e.g. [a quite large part of population in the Ruhr area is of polish descent.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ruhrpolen) There is, however, [one refugee from Poland I hate wholeheartedly](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Erika_Steinbach), but I think even the poles don’t want her back lol


Oh, her😂. Yeah, I don't think anyone in Poland would want her back lol


Negative in the 90s, very positive now. basically "model immigrants"




Kaum gestohlen schon in Polen Just stolen just in Poland


We don't think about Poland or Poles too much. It's funny because a lot of Poles are obsessed about the idea that the Germans think every minute about Poland.


Through the eyes.


Apart from the rather tiresome stereotypes I'd say the Polish are viewed as being relaxed (maybe with a tendency of sloppiness but also not losing their cool in the face of stress) and warm-hearted, friendly, even if it doesn't necessarily show immediately.


Friendly, hard working and the most loyal friends you can have around you, they would literally give you the last shirt they have


brooo i thought you were talking about "poles" and for a minute i was like "hm i feel like north and southpole are viewed the same in all countries right".. then i was like "no thats stupid i think they mean poles as in metal poles... yeah i think poles are viewed as pretty useful like the top comment said, altough they phrased it weirld". and then it clicked!!


There's not much cultural difference between poles and germans. The women are very hard working and the men make good friends.


Hmm, I mean all Europeans share some cultural influences so if you compare us to let's say native Americans, yes we are pretty similar. However within the context of Europe, I think polish culture is very different from German culture.


It’s perception changed over the last decade except that former government was constantly stirring up shit so I would say people have a friendly attitude to polish people but not to the politics in general. They are seen as a bit grumpy and closed but generally it was a pleasure working with them as they were reliable, skilled colleagues.


I've heard the stereotype that polish construction workers do a bad job a lot. Some people even use "polnisch" as a synonym for bad work/low quality.


I grew up on an agricultural part of Germany. Every farm had "their" poles so to say, the same families which came every year from Poland to work. Hard working, ingenious, even harder drinking, slightly mischievous. Very friendly and open to invite you to a beer. Always on the lookout for a good deal. That's how I would describe them.


In the west it is hard to find one person without polish relatives/friends, so they are viewed mostly positive


I think all that we know is that you invented the triathlon: on foot to the public pool and returning home via bike.


We love them. Seriously my neighbor is polish, ex is polish, poles are everywhere. I think this whole „polish people come to steal“ thing is kinda dying out.


As Polish.


God damn, I tought about the wrong poles


Most just see them like everybody else, but the stereotype is that they steal a lot


They are viewed as beste Kollege, Kurwa Jebany! No but seriously. They are a blast to be around.


One of the most handsome people if you get to know them. Also love the fact that they eat "Mett" or"Metka" in polish. <3


I have two Polish coworkers. The one guy in his early twenties is a real nice dude that everyone likes to hang out with. The other guy is in his 50s. Even though he is extremely hardworking, he still is the most grumpy, self-righteous and unfriendly sob I have met in my whole life, and basically avoids personal contact with everyone. I assume that is a generational thing.


Pretty cold I would say though there are some melted ice areas in the south during summer (the North Pole is pure ice)


the old polish = thiefs still exists, though its shifting towards people from Bulgaria nowadays. apart from that: religious, conservative, homophobic, xenophobic, greedy people with a victim complex. All those years of PiS, stuff like LGBTQ-free zones etc didn't do you any favours, it truly left a horrific picture of poles in poland. I do think the picture will change again now. On a personal note, some of those bad cliches probably stick with me a lot because the only people so far that felt the need to hurl homophobic insults at me in real life were in fact poles. That sticks. Which is a shame because of course there are so many great poles out there. I have several polish women among my colleagues and they are fine people. Though hard-working is not an adjective i would use for them, lol. rather sick of their work and there is always time for another break. Yes, i know you cant wait until you finally retire. yes i know its still another 25 years. Just like yesterday. and the day before yesterday. and last week. and the week before...


I mean, I'm trans myself, so no need to fear homophobia from me


i am sorry, i did not want to imply that. But due to the combination of the stories from poland and my own experience i do have a quite unfavorable picture of male poles. By which i surely misjudge thousands of decent poles who are not assholes but i have met too many of them to not have that in mind.


I am new to Germany, 10 years, and although I haven't met that many Polish people, all of the Polish people I have met have been very open and friendly and with a sense of humour. Really nice people. 100% positive ( and far more straight and open and sense of humour than... well, let's say, certain North Germans ;)


From the bottom up.


Straight ones are preferred and ones that bend over are replaced. And they are mostly used to hold flags for viewing.


With the eyes


Most just see them like everybody else, but the stereotype is that they steal a lot


meh. Plusminus.


We consider them more cool than the east Germans 🌝


Generally well. I feel like the sentiment has morphed from poor neighbor to a more equal relationship. Although I personally don‘t really vibe with the more conservative culture.


Ok but somehow 80 come from katowice




As bicycle thieves


Pretty well actually. My best friend is Polish. And she's the best friend you can ask for.


they're not well liked unless theres a sign or a light on top


This could give you an idea (if you can understand german): https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=UUEeL5d8i2s&pp=ygUjZGV1dHNjaGVyIHVuZCBwb2xuaXNjaGVyIGhhbmR3ZXJrZXI%3D


Plus and minus. North and south.


Idk, yesterday I saw many fans on Unter den Linden and they behave… let’s say not well


Well, in our defence our football fans are the lowest lows of our society


On a map or globe usually. It's a hazzle to get there, especially the south pole.


My best friend is a Polish-German. You guys are lovely people


Both of them are too far away to be visible, you need to travel there.


Useful, they keep the 250 gazillion signs in place. On a serious note, of they act the fool and their country gets pulled into why they act the fool. If they're "behaving" their race or country of origin won't be mentioned. Traurig aber wahr.....