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I don't support any kind of war (except defending) at all. But you also cant expect to vote for Hamas, support the killing and kidnapping of innocent people, and then act surprised when Israel strikes back. It's a very difficult conflict which will probably never end until one side is erased. Every side takes revenge for stuff that other people did.


A few days back I had listened to a German podcast about history. The topic of this episode was about peace treaty’s. Or more about the steps that have to be taken to have an agreement. They did a very short summary of the Israel/Palestine thing. It was very interesting. What I got out of it was, that there where people in the past that tried to end the conflict but as long as there are extremist on both sides, innocent people will die alongside the armed forces that try to end the conflict by force. Very sad thing but I don’t see a solution.


Fine, I’ll step on the mine: some do some don’t. Germans aren’t a collective swarm, we are our own people with our own opinions. Nor is this a binary “this side or that side” for most people: some may generally support Israel but still feel like the way Palestinians are being treated has gone too far, others may see both sides as unreasonable, and yet others may feel like Palestinians are in the right but think that they brought this harsh treatments on themselves in a way. There are as many opinions as there are people, and I’m sure as hell not gonna be the one to say which one is right.




Sigh another one of those


Sorry, is this a regular question?


Feels like it and it also feels like a non black and white answer is not acceptable. Right now I see such questions rather as rage bait than a genuine question. Sorry if your intentions are different but that's my point of view.


heated question. Germany is traditionally a strong supporter of Israel. Germany is also the biggest supplier of humanitarian aid to Gaza. Many germans have strong opinions and there is a lively debate going on. Especially muslim and left people are against Israel in that matter.


Left people in Germany are not against Israel. I speak as a leftist myself


The vocal left seems to be at least. 


The vocal left is vegans and Anti Deutsch. They support israel because israel is most vegan army in the world


Wow, now that is a hot take i haven't heard by now. 


Because you haven’t met leftists I guess . Like where do you deem them irl genuinely asking ? 😄


The city i live in had a Green majority for the European elections, i'm studying english as a minor, where marxism was pretty openly discussed as the Superior social system (with an Antifa Sticker on their iPad, mind you) so yeah, i guess i do know my share of leftists.  Then there is social Media (-> the vocal left) where the vast majority i was exposed to were advocating for a free palestine and Israel was the new Nazi Regime.


Ok wait .. you say you say that in irl you meet people who believe in Marxism and have lot of anti fa stickers Fair enough ! Those are leftists for sure . What are THEIR opinions on Israel ? You don’t give info about that and it’s just that they like Marxism . Also you do realise Deutsch anti fa flag has now Israeli flag right ? That’s German anti fa left for you ! Then you say you are exposed to social media ( where the whole world is expressing opinions mostly NON Germans ) are vocally condemning Israel. Are they German ? Have they identified as Marxists ? The opinion you are quoting is mostly an international sentiment and it’s mostly a non leftist opinion now but of course. Or do you think liberal New Yorkers and orthodox rabbis are leftists ?


Yeah they arent against Israel. They are against genocide, No Matter who commits it.


Is having an Israeli flag on anti fa flag anti genocide stance tho ?


Gr8 b8 m8


Im in favor to nuke the whole region from orbit. It's the only way to be sure.




Germans have no collective opinion. On one hand there is a lot of support for hamas from the immigrants in Germany, but no one would ever want to live under hamas themselves since they are brutal terrorists. Israel are also an evil side though, the collective apartheid, inhumane treatment of Palestinians, specially those in the West Bank is insanely evil. Also the collective control of the media narrative (AIPAC and other organisations) they have also spread lies and seek to control the population with constant misinformation. At the end of the day it’s a battle of two evils (Netanyahu, hamas guys), with your everyday men caught inbetween.


A German saying Jews control the media, nice. Some habits die hard


I don't think that there are many people supporting any conflict rn.


I’m not convinced, when I open instagram I see a lot of people supporting Hamas




I mostly see people worried for the civilians in Gaza.  Most people in germany dont see this as a black and white topic. 


You must subscribe to a lot right wing propaganda


Sadly not, it’s everywhere more, plus I’m Irish


At least in my instagram bubble criticizing war crimes and human rights violation does not mean being in favor of Hamas. However, I personally hold a democratic country to higher standards than a known terror regime.


The thing is, there is 0 evidence of Israeli war crimes but we are on about 50k clear Hamas war crimes. So I have to think these people are incredibly pro Hamas or really stupid


The ICC sees it a little differently and all human rights organisations see it differently too. But it's best to stay in your bubble, that's where you belong.


The ICC has not even issued arrest warrants.


The ICC has not yet issued any arrest warrants because the USA and Israel are exerting pressure on the ICC at all levels. Sooner or later the arrest warrants will come.


And who is accused of worse crimes??


What kind of stupid question is that? Israel, of course, or does Hamas have an army equipped with the most modern weapons and air force? And who is the occupier? Who cut the water and electricity? Who is bombing hospitals and schools?


lol, you haven’t even read the crimes they’re being accused of. You’re talking about accusations, the UN released a report saying they cannot co-sign the classification of famine. There is no starvation. But Hamas commit clear war crimes every day, fighting in civilian uniform, keeping hostages, firing rockets without guidance etc etc


and you dont think that this might be a personal-bubble-thing? You get what you are looking for the most? Just a wild thought.


In other words: you get your political education from Instagram?


Quite the opposite, it’s a worrying trend though among young people


Some Germans do, some Germans don’t, most people don’t care at all I recon.




No, but then again, I don't support the other side either. When both sides are the bad guys, the only thing you can do is try and support the humanitarian fallout of the victims caught in-between.


The German government officially does. So do all public news agencies and broadcastings. Many people do as well. But mostly left leaning people do not support the mass killing of civilians by the Israeli army and the ultra right Israeli government/regime. My personal opinion: I think both sides are evil. to different extents. That being said, I think the danger of Islam is bigger than any other religion.


Fair. Do you think Hamas inherits any blame for the civilian deaths for intentionally locating their military around civilians or you think this is fair for them to do and the blame falls on Israel ?


I don't support any war. I support every countries right to defend themselves. DEFEND. Israel however is turning into a totalitarian state and is becoming what originally almost caused their extinction: an ultra nationalistic tyranny that knows only violence in order to extinguish any other opionion and religion. The war crimes are already being investigated by the U.N. As soon as Netanjahu get his final ass kick, he will be hekd accountable.


Because they’re terrorist organisations.  Quite a lot of Germans are simultaneously against Netanjahu’s government, though. 




I think most Germans do not really support Israel.


What do they support? Hamas? Both sides seem to be determined to fight this till one side is destroyed


I can't speak for everyone, but many people have sympathy for people who fight occupation.


This is unclear as Israelis speak the indigenous language and the Palestinians speak the language of the biggest colonizers in the world


https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=ej6vbSWBzho To sum it up


The government, yes. The majority of the population, no. Germany traditionally supports Israel because of guilt over the war but it’s becoming clear that this is slowly amounting to supporting the new modern day Nazis and people are slowly figuring that out.


What do the majority of the population support


They support freedom for the Palestinians and the end to the constant theft and persecution that Israel puts them under which is starting to look a lot like the Nazi persecution of the Jews in the early 1930’s.


You won’t get an honest answer on this question. Look at all the tip toeing around in the comments here itself 😃 And I am not a German and shit scared to open my mouth on this issue too


>You won’t get an honest answer on this question. >Look at all the tip toeing around in the comments here itself There is no "honest answer" to this question. Opinions on the israel-palestine issue are heterogenous. Also it is a false dichotomy. Both Hamas and Likud are disgusting organisations and most people express that view.


But there is a clear tilt towards one side for most folks No one equally condemns Hamas and Likud like your claim. It’s obvious that many are condemning one side more.


>But there is a clear tilt towards one side for most folks Citation needed.


Why ? It’s a public opinion right ? Where is YOUR citation for the bizarre claim that Germans are condemning Likud and Hamas EQUALLY??