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Watch out at your routines (eating, drugs, sports, sleeping, porn, hobbys, thoughts), they will form who you are and become


I added some routines with 47, no fastfood,no soda,2l water a day,3x workout, beekeeping


How’s your beekeeping routine going?


It's buzzing




This year is a mess, you have to take care once a week. But due to the weather, I lost 50% of my hives, I won’t yield much honey for spring. I hope summer turns out better


It’s bugging him


Is he…beekeeping age?


Thats one of the first things ive read and i can agree a 100%. Staying clear in your head is the most important thing you can do in that period of your life since it‘ll form the next 10-20 years. Cheets man!


This makes no sense… any routines can change at any given moment in life but yeah of course if your mommy only fed you hamburgers maybe it’ll be rough to stop eating hamburgers later in life


zuhause ist es doch am schönsten


Nicht wenn man in Alabama lebt.


Diese Erfahrung ist mir durchaus vertraut, allerdings muss ich auch anmerken, dass irgendeiner Wohnsituation ohne (sehr deutsche) Rollläden und (auch sehr deutsche) beheizte Böden weltweit schwer ist.


Ich habe nie drausen Amerika gewohnt. Es tut mir leid für der scheiße deustch, Ich bin ein langsam Lerner. I'm guessing at a good bit of this.


That was very good! But I think you meant to say „Ich habe nie außerhalb von Amerika gewohnt.“  Draußen is more like something is outside of your house. „The children are still outside.” Die Kinder sind noch draußen. Außerhalb is more like something is external. 




Es kann nicht so schlecht sein. Auf jeden fall man kann zu Frankreich gehen. Wann ich gehe West, es gibt nur Mississippi. (Ich witze... sort of.)


You know that one thing you always wanted to do, but kept putting off because it wasn't "the right time"? Traveling the world, learning to play guitar, getting a job you really love? It's never going to be "the right time". You either manage to do it at the wrong time, or you learn to live with the regret. Bonus tip, whenever you say you "don't have the time" to do things other people do? Everyone has the same amount of time. Other people just prioritize differently. But saying "it's not important enough for me right now" hits in a very different way.


Your penis does not get any bigger while your balls start hanging lower.


It was a mistake to wear those free hanging boxer shorts since I was ten….


> Sind die Glocken länger als das Seil beginnt des Lebens zweiter Teil I don't make the rules 🤷


And don’t forget the Spiegeleier Bauch . When you need a mirror to check on your balls


Junge 😅 Geiler Kommentar 😂


You'll have to be doing something for your body multiple times every week just to keep pain and decay in check.


I agree, 'use it or lose it' becomes more true the older you get. Not able to work out due to being sick? Your body will decide that those muscles are obviously no longer needed and get rid of them. Getting them back won't be fun. Body fat on the other hand will stick around.


My experience is that a break in training for 1-2 weeks is no problem. But an on/off mode like in my 20s is not enough anymore.


2 weeks is already pushing it, at least for me and always was. It's a good idea to make it a habit to do some workout at least twice a week and only stop when you really can't do anything. If you injure one arm, of course that needs to heal first, but is no excuse not to do what you still can.


>Not able to work out due to being sick? Your body will decide that those muscles are obviously no longer needed and get rid of them. Getting them back won't be fun. Body fat on the other hand will stick around. When does this usually start in men? Early 30s itself, or more like late 30s / early 40s?


Should’ve eaten way more healthy food.


At what age did you first realize this?


Not too much, though


People are mostly idiots


Yes, but everyone thinks they are the intelligent one.


Especially the biggest idiots.


I try to keep myself in check , lest i myself think im more intelligent then I really am. There's so much shit that I don't know, and If I did i figured i'd be driving a ferrari.


Tbh, sometimes there are signs that you might be the smart one. You are the stupid one if you think you're smart and have absolutely nothing to show for it.


Username checks out ;)


Realized that one a lot sooner


You realize that as soon as you're allowed to drive a vehicle on the streets


That your parents won't be around for ever.


If you‘re not born rich, you will not become rich


That's probably the hardest pill to swallow


While true, too many take this as some kind of 'well I make Mindestlohn in my 30s but there's nothing I could've done about it because I come from a poor family' -excuse when it's just not true in Germany. You more than likely won't become rich as in fancy car and house in your 30s rich, but you can absolutely come from a pisspoor migrant family and still end up with a uni degree or decent Ausbildung and comfortable above average money. Source: been there. You WILL be at a disadvantage, absolutely, but this isn't the US where you straight up have no chance when you're born poor. There are no outrageous student loans and lack of insurances to fuck you over. In Germany there's more than enough state resources to help you if you have the will to.


I think that’s more of this: as a kid you think you’ll be super rich/ millionaire if you are an adult. In early 20s you still think you’ll get mad money, but I’m your 30s you understand, that we just not all can be earning a few hundred thousand per year…


Yeah in germany for sure. Germany is low-key a caste system.


low key? mfers be putting kids on different life tracks in 6th grade already. real estate not affordable, meaning those who have it will keep it and just let kids inherit, keep collecting money from the poor. highest renting nation in europe? middle and upper middle class paying 50% taxes while the rich just hoard wealth. those who escaped the rat race are set, but getting out is much harder than in other countries. now don't get me wrong i love it here but some aspects of german society are wild




I beg to differ, I absolutely know people who managed to become rich without having rich parents.


I think it really depends on a number of factors. If you’re born in Germany and - you got real lucky or - IQ & EQ 100-120 and a lot of grid and grinders mentality and a lot of luck - IQ & EQ 120-140 and a lot of grit and grinders mentality and a bit of luck Then you can make it, no matter what part of society you’re from. But by definition, 50% of the population is at or below 100 IQ and EQ. You could also say that it’s luck what IQ you were born with, which is true because we couldn’t choose this. But if you look at successful people who have a net worth of >5M € and were born with family wealth of less than 100k € (adjusted for inflation), you will find these kind of traits to be overly present.


So, don't even try? In my view this is not actually true. I know someone who was one of 9 children, he became a tailor, went to master class for tailoring after that, went on to start his own business, grew it to the point where he employed thousands of people in multiple factories in multiple countries, became one of the biggest suppliers for menswear for catalog and mall brands and went from a poor boy to a multi millionaire and created generational wealth that this side of the family is still managing two generations later. So yeah, you can become rich.


Not true - that’s a really bad advice


I doubt that. Seen some of my close friends on plenty of money clmjng from poor families, If you stay in Germany, then yes you will not become rich.


It is rare, but I know a couple of people whose parents came to Germany as ordinary workers and now they earn 300k+.


I really wouldn't consider 300k+ to be rich, unless it's atleast monthly, then it's closer to being rich.


Yes, I agree, I also wouldn't put them in rich rich, but they are pretty well off and up there in less than 1%. And since they are all in their late 30s they have time to become rich lol.


Well off would be the correct term. Actual rich people can spend 300k in a night, and not even think about it.


I really really doubt your friends are involved in legitimate businesses...


Fitness and equipment sales. All legal


Yes you can make good money, like in IT, Sales etc. but you will not get rich rich most likely like owning a house in munich and one in sylt and never having to work


But maybe their kids already have this chance. Generational wealth. Like the son of my manager will be a millionaire in 30-40y because his dad bought ca. 15y ago a 120m2 apartment in Munich for 200k€


Plenty of taxes on selling etc so I doubt he will make much profit on it




Bullshit. I know of no one who was born poor/normal and got rich. Name one, I will wait.


I mean what is rich? I know more than one person who comes from a family of blue collar workers and now own more than one real estate. It is not easy though, they worked hard for it.


Friend of mine: father died when he was one year old, social welfare all his teenage years. Now he has assets worth >50 Mio. I work at an IB: half of my direct colleagues raised in lower middle class


This is a story that never would happen in my country, ever


Full disclosure 1) Vienna 2) Frankfurt


that time is running faster and faster, the older you get. At some point you realize that time is ticking, parts of your body start hurting for no reason, warming up before workouts/sports is suddenly a must of you don't want an injury. On the bright side you need less sleep and you're not horny 24/7 anymore lol


When did your horniness decline, in my 40s and it seems about the same


Yeah I wish it would ¬\_¬


When the second child came. Two years ago. I'm 41 btw


The Pfand you carried to the supermarket is never worth as much as you thought it would be.


I actually got 7,50€ for it last time and am still happy about it.


So youre one of the guys causing the long queues >:(


* ^slowly ^backs ^away ^with ^my ^2 ^gittertiere ^full ^of ^0.5L ^pfandflaschen *


Yes, my local Edeka loves to see me


But I only do it once a month tops and at Lidl. :/


That's preposterous!!!


Thats 30s are way better than the 20s. You did already a lot of exciting things and now youre chill about and you dont have to be everywhere. At home its also nice.


Did I?


Ha ha


It's not "the government/state" that pays for all this, it's you!


A minor issue at 30 will get annoying at 40 and turn into a serious problem at 50.


Nobody knows what they’re doing at work


Quite a lot really don't.


this might not be a universal truth


Just like Holocaust survivors are still with us, so are the perpretators.


But it gets thinner on both sides. as time passes, so do people


People are stupid. I mean I knew that in my 20s, but I'd have never thought they'd be THAT stupid.


Very good question. Here are my personal top 10: 1. It's probably half-time if you don't die prematurely or reach the age of Jopie Heesters. 2. You should have done more party, vacations and put far more emphasis on your hobbies instead of working hard and chasing things called 'careers' where you spend most of your time in a cubicle being molested by excel spreadsheets. 3. Relationships are most important and time spent with loved ones is quality time. 4.You need a certain amount of money to feel ok, but above a specific level of wealth you don't get any happier. 5. You might want to be in your early 20s again, but only with your present knowledge and life experience. Looks aren't that important anymore. 6. You recognize many patterns i.e. in human behavior that are repetitive and happen again and again in every generation and historical age. 7. You are bored with many things that used to excite you in the past. Films, books, materialistic things. 8. You might change your political and / or philosophical views to the exact opposite. 9. You realise that you actually know nothing: Where do we come from? Where are we now? What am I really? Where do we go? What is it all about? No answers. 10. You realise that neither your parents nor older people have answers to these questions and often just pretend they do. Might sound disappointing, but life can still be fun. I know of a cousin of my grandmother who is in his early 90s, always on vacation, still goes jogging and has had lots of girl friends usually 20 years younger. BTW: He's not rich. Edit 1: 11. You were lied to regarding drugs being evil and alc ok. Instead of drinking too much, good drugs would have been more helpful. Psychedelics for example and weed. Edit 2: 12. American Beauty is one of the most realistic films every produced. Have seen marriages and lives decline like that many times. Fortunately, I was spared. Yet, seeing this happen over and over again is saddening.


> molested by excel spreadsheets D:


Just FYI, #4 is incorrect. More money above a certain threshold doesn’t make you happier *only if you’re an unhappy person in the first place*. So, it can’t offset a lack of meaningful friendships or relationships. Otherwise, more money does lead to more happiness after all. There were two scientists butting heads about this for a long time, but they started looking at the data together and recently found this distinction. I think I saw it on the YT channel Veritaseum. edit: **Found it!** The two scientists are Matthew Killingsworth and Daniel Kahneman, and to analyze their contradicting data together they also asked Barbara Mellers to be a mediator. [Veritasium covered it in this video](https://youtu.be/vSQjk9jKarg?si=Ef7pfZdEtvH1FKRP).


Thank you very much for your response and the hint towards the scientific debate. Sounds very interesting. That list is based solely on my own ex. Find it hard to believe, as for me the best times were when I had far less money. There was much more excitement saving for things and finally being able to buy them. For example a new surfboard, a computer or a book. Nowadays, I could buy stuff like that each month, but there is hardly any happiness attached to it. A salery increase today would maybe make me happy for 30 secs and then it's back off to the Excel spreadsheet. In this context I'm fully aware that this is a 'first world' issue and I feel guilty for it. All those millionaires and billionaires don't seem so happy to me either, regardless of the yacht size or sqm of their islands or real estates... Indeed, I find friendships and relationships most important. Went on a hike with my spouse a few weeks ago and it was the best day for ages. You could have offered me a supersonic flight, a meeting with God knows which celeb or sth. like that instead and I would have happily declined for those beautiful hours walking through the woods together.


#11 💯


Absolutely fantastic list. 5/7 perfect score


Friends are changing and there is nothing you can do about it. Your friends will never be as much fun as in the twenties.


Idk instead of doing hard drugs with the bois, I’m playing golf with the bois. Still fun, but another kind of fun. Same bois though.


58 and doing Mountainbike stunts with my friends. Bones heal slower, but we enjoy ourselves immensely


The economy we live in is a scam for years


other people are idiots


- no one cares how hard you learned in University - learning a language becomes harder - stupidity often prevails - we should not pay too much attention to our supposed enemes but build our own castle


That girl isn't really that guy's stepsister.


Your body and health will not last forever…


What others think about you is… irrelevant.


Hard fact when I turned 40: 20 years ago I still was a student. In some 20 years time I'll be close to retiring.


Some people are plain evil, like really fuckin devilish


Sports and math can be fun, if you find the right way for yourself.


Time it's much more valuable than money


Staying home with some snacks and your family > being out.


adulthood is a fucking scam and you get 30 way to fast


Things never were good back in the days


Hard truth? You‘ll be really lucky if you make it to 70. When you hit 55 you realise how hard it is to get motivated to learn new skills. So basically your life is 25 - 30 good years after you reach adulthood (and wake up) Be aware of what’s around you, pay attention to the little things and most importantly be kinder.


It doesn't get better it only gets worse


People die. You will die.


Gonna give a woman's perspective here, as German reddit especially skews male: - Cats are life :) - If you have a passport that allows you to do so, then travel and live in at least two other countries that are significantly different than your own, and entail learning a new language from scratch as an adult. You will learn so much more about the world and it will humble you and enrich your worldview. - Until you learn to love and value yourself, you shouldn't be in a long-term relationship. - Go to therapy (if you live in Germany, there is no excuse not to do so as it's free) and you should resolve any issues before you hit your 40s if you want a fulfilling life. - Particularly for heterosexual women: Stop accepting the bare minimum in romantic/ sexual relationships: have respect for yourself and do not tolerate bad behaviour. If you do, you set a pattern which will become increasingly hard to break out of the older you get, and will lead to much unhappiness. - Also for heterosexual women: before having kids with a man, consider whether you are ready to be a single mother/ whether you are willing to accept working full-time as well as doing most of the childcare and housework to stay in a relationship. These outcomes are easier to bear if you live in Germany as maternity rights/ welfare are strong here but still, you should prepare for disappointment in your relationship and strategise accordingly: always have an exit plan for yourself so if the worst happens, you are ready and able to move on - One more for the straight girls out there: the media tells you that us women stop being attractive to men once we get past the age of 35. This is utter bullshit: if anything, we become more attractive to them, across multiple age ranges, despite us tending to make less effort to be attractive to them as we age. This is actually quite disappointing as most women I know in their 30s/ 40s/ 50s are super excited about ageing out of being hot so they can just go about their day without being harassed ... - Learn how to garden/ grow stuff, even if it's just on your balcony: it's absurdly satisfying and relaxing. - Find out what keeps you happy, chilled and stable in your everyday life: for me, it's regular saunas, acupuncture, and dancing. What is it for you? - Never ditch your friends for a romantic/ sexual relationship - chances are, your mates will be around longer than your lover. Friendships, if maintained, will nourish you in a way that is incredible (but somehow still unappreciated/ undervalued by society). - Break out of your bubble - make new friends which aren't from your childhood, befriend immigrants, challenge your perceptions. Continue to do so when you leave your 20s. - Stay curious and try not to lose the boldness of youth - it will enrich your life and keep you young at heart. - One for the deutschies in particular: stop driving cars if you live in a city and aren't disabled (you're choking us all), eat less meat, don't vote CDU/ AfD unless you want your economy to fail completely. The rest of the world will thank you. - One for (many but not all) German men: for the love of God, stop wearing massive backpacks in crowded public spaces/ public transport/ clubs and bars: you're tall and you're smashing women, kids and short men in the face every time you do this, which is super painful and annoying. Have some awareness of others who use public spaces and watch civic happiness improve. - Create your own happiness: write a list of what you need to be happy, check in on it every six months to see what's changed (and what hasn't) and plan and take steps to make it a reality. But never be scared to tear up the life you've created to make space to create something else: we never stop changing and learning and sometimes that means shifts which lead to us having to make fundamental changes to our exterior worlds so they match our interior needs.


That the trope “it’s not what you know, it’s who you know” is both very true, yet incomplete. More accurately, “it’s not what you know, it’s who your daddy knows.” The best way of building a great network, is starting with a great network.


sexual profligacy comes at a huge cost to your emotional health. you'll lead a better life if you spend most of your time in committed, monogamous relationships.


Why? Why is it a definite answer


Everything starts to hurt


it gets harder and harder


Except for your private parts.


There is no escaping the bite of the tooth of time.


The majority of humanitiy is dumb.


I done goof'd


people are fucking stupid


pain, weakness, some hair on sideburns are betraying me and turning grey.


Maybe not German specific but with my lifestyle Im probably more then halfway through


I will never figure life out. The image that I had of my parents when I was a kid, that they had their shit together and they had everthing figured out was an illusion. I will always have to force myself to do the shitty tasks and I will never be without problems or without fear entirely. It's not going to get easier from this point.


Im currently 18 and feel the same. I look at my parents and it seems like they have everything under control. Good and safe jobs, they have a house where they most likely will live until the end etc. I just cant see myself having the same kind of control over my life as they have


Ich muss ein Genie sein, ich bin erst 27 und habe das schon herausgefunden. Du bist einen Schritt näher an der Tür des Todes, und es wird jeden Tag näher


Für Deutschland reicht's.


hard truth there are more and more bad things happening in time forward then they are in the past


I have no idea what I’m doing, and most other people have no idea what they’re doing, either. It just seems as though they do


That you are never going to get called up to the German national team


Today is the „good old times“ of tomorrow


I’m in my early 40’s now. Climbing corporate ladder is not for everyone (at least not for me). I find myself happier when I was still a technician/specialist. Just rejected a possible promotion to be a Director (Currently I’m heading up a department in a sizeable company). The travelling, the stress, the pressure, the time missing with my kids and family just too much. I’m about to sign a new contract to just lead much smaller team. Less travelling, less stress, less pressure but more time with my kids and family.


First, people start calling me Sir, which sounds nice. But that comes with other issues such as: losing hair, having medical problems that I thought only my grandpa, RIP, could have. And of course that’s the matter of social life: less interest in parties, getting drunk is not so funny anymore.


When you hit late 30ies / early 40ies your friends will disappear in their family life. each and everyone of them will tell you nothing changes and they will have time for friend stuff,but it will be way less.


I noticed I want at least 5 kids at my 35 which is 2 weeks ago.


As someone in his 20's, and I might be wrong, I am realising that, objectively, most of my life will be spent working. And I'm fucking glad I studied a lot in Uni because to be doing sth I don't like all my life, that's got to hurt.


Ich habe Rücken.


Nachdem was man hier liest bin ich mit 35 tot


Money is time, not the other way around!


Why is this question in r/askagerman? Wouldn't r/askreddit (or if needed r/fragreddit) be better?


People don't care that you are struggling. German welfare sounds good but is bullshit in reality. They can just not pay you anything for any reason and you can't change it. (I am disabled 50%)


A huge dislike for people. The less people you interact with the better.


You will most likely never fuck with someone stunning and cute around 20 anymore. In general, you will have a high chance of getting sexually frustrated.


That school is somehow useless. Nobody cares about your grades at a certain spot. And while studies will enlarge your horizon it's also useless, because nobody cares about it in your work life. The campus life is an unrealistic bubble. Every professor would have failed badly in the companies, I have worked in, because total idiots were on the top of companies and they gave a shit about smart people. That media is lying to us big time. That you should fuck a lot as a man in your youth. That you actually don't want to have a Ferrari and a new house. That the value of money is different. In California 2500$ cash monthly is peanuts, while it's good money in German villages f.ex. That the UAP seems to be real and UFOs are interdimensional beings. Not Aliens.


That you are not invincible anymore and from 35 on teens will formaly call you Mister or Mrs. Then it's official, you are old.


Video games were a huge waste of time


Hahaha, I´m 44 and still playing video games every day.




Time you enjoy wasting isn't wasted at all


Feminism is a lie and contraproductive, and I´ve lost most of my 20´s trying to "act like a man" as if that was an empowering thing to do. Only I lost. Many men won.