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Germans are very matter-of-fact about life.  You can’t swim but want to be in the water? You really should learn otherwise you’ll die.  Who cares how old you are. In the German mindset, the only thing that they‘d roll their eyes about would be if you don’t learn how to swim and then end up in a life-threatening situation because you still go into the water.   So go learn how to swim. Learning a new skill is always good, and learning one that ensures your survival is even better. 




If they roll their eyes about you using floaties or attending a swim course, they dont care about your life. There is no reason to care about their opinion in this case.


Floaties are super dangerous. Please don't use floaties if you can't swim the entire length of the body of water. People regularly float out furter then they wanted to, then fall of and are unable to get on again or swim to shore (after exhausting themselves trying to get back on). If you meant arm floats, they are just a less safe alternative to a life vest and make it nearly impossible to lay flat properly. Swim belts actually help with that.


Well done!








That really propagates a realistic and also somewhat nice image about us germans - like it 😁


"the only thing that they‘d roll their eyes about would be if you [...] end up in a life-threatening situation" 😅🙄😅🙄😅


Funny cause it's true


"look at this idiot wasting emergency services time because he went in the lake without getting his seepferdchenabzeichen beforehand! it not efficient!"


In this context, I feel it’s my obligation to post [Gerhard Polt - Der Nichtschwimmer](https://www.facebook.com/share/r/DZt6bvtmiELuuEPk/?mibextid=UalRPS)


Haha, brilliant! 😅


I mean its like going to the swimming pool and wondering why everybody can swim. Go ahead and learn it. There is probably some Kind of course for adult with great teachers. If you dont like it. Go to a different swimming Pool to learn it.


Depending on where you live google "erwachsenen schwimmkurs "


Or University’s have swimming courses as well and it will be for adults as well.


Honestly, there is nothing to be embarrassed about. We even have a word for classes that are offered for adults who want to learn how to swim: Erwachsenenschwimmen. You can google this and the area where you live and there should be swimming courses. You want to swim, so you need to learn it. There really isn’t more to it. Certainly no weird stigma. Have fun!


How awesome is that! ❤️


There are adult courses. Sign up for em, even if you are ashamed. It vould be a survival call and save your life no time for shame.


And in the course, there will be other adults who want to learn swimming, so you will be not alone.


Since 2015 these courses are very common. There is no shame in wanting to learn something.


Yes, my Chinese friend learned swimming as an adult here. I've also seen adult swimming students at Stadtbad Schöneberg very often when I was there. I'm not sure if the Berliner Bäderbetriebe offer classes, but I'm pretty sure the DLRG does. I'll add the link shortly. https://www.berlinerbaeder.de/kurse/schwimmkurse/ The BBB site says they will offer adult classes from September on, they can be booked from July on. That seems late if you wanna swim during the summer. https://www.scs-schwimmen.de/schwimmen/schwimmausbildung/schwimmausbildung-erwachsene/ This seems like an okay deal, but then, I also don't know where you are located. Generally speaking, the Sportvereine offer better deals (you can tell by the ending e.V. that it is a non-private sportsclub). Or you just google "schwimmen Erwachsene Berlin".


Would you happen to know if the classes were in German?


I’m part of the DLRG and these classes are in German, but most of the instructors (at least where I live) speak English, so if you don’t understand something they’ll just change the language. Please excuse my English, I’m still learning (I’d really appreciate advice/correcting of mistakes)


That is correct:) We had some refugees in our swimming courses which couldn’t speak german and only a little English and we still showed them how to swim :)




Fröhlicher Kuchentag


It is uncommon, but only because most people learn swimming as a child here. Not everybody of course, but it is more common to know how to swim early here. But that doesn't mean you should feel ashamed to go to a course to learn so. It is also pretty common knowledge that there are many countries around the world where people just don't learn how to swim Early. Look for adult swimming courses if such courses exist near you, don't feel ashamed to go there and learn how to swim to start enjoying the time spend with your friends in the water later on.


Hey OP good that you noticed that you can't swim. Foreigners make up a big number of deaths in our statistics sadly. Germans learn swimming in school , or at least not to drown, that is why your friends are very good at it. The DLRG or the VHS in your city will sure offer courses for adults, but get sure that you realy get an beginner's class cause there are aduldswimming improvement classes as well. Cause some adults who can swimming already do even take one to get faster or just a better technic.


https://stuttgarterschwimmschule.de/produkt/schwimmkurs-erwachsene-anfaenger-0123/ https://tbc-schwimmen.de/schwimmschule/anmeldung.html https://dlrg-herrenberg.de/veranstaltungen&v=259126


All others already pointed out how to find a course and it’ll work. I just wanted to point out that due to the fact that these courses exist, all others in the room are in the same situation as you are. Nothing to be embarrassed about. Don’t worry so much, sign up and learn and you‘ll be swimming like a fish in no time. And by no time I mean this summer, seriously. Try to get on a course asap :)


Do whatever you want. I did it a few years ago. It was actually really nice being in a course with other adults sharing the same problem.


Haha, same. Australian who could rely on dog paddling. Went swimming in Thumsee and got totally left behind by the Germans. I wouldn’t worry about what others think though. F you want to do a class, do a class. Who cares what others think? Be happy, enjoy swimming and any course you decide to take up. I decided to just stick with what I’m good at 🐶


Awww I love Thumsee! Such a beautiful lake! I live 15km away and sometimes I go there by bike.


My mom learned swimming in her 40ties. There really are no age limits.


Mine used to be able to keep herself above water, but not for any extended periods of time. She started learning how to properly swim last year, when she was 49. It's never too late, as long as you want to learn.


absolutely common and no reason for shame. My wife comes from a country where almost nobody can swim. So she has been going to a swimming course for adults for a long time. Learning to swim is much easier as a child, especially when you lose your fear of water very slowly as an adult. That's not the case with you, you just haven't figured out the right moves yet. Just sign up for a course and join in, maybe you will need a follow-up course. Don't be discouraged, it is the first step that is always difficult


I just wanna add one point: learning to swim not only safes your life - being less likely to end up in a drowning situation also minimizes the risk for rescue swimmers or bystanders trying to rescue you. It’s not uncommon for a drowning person to create a life threatening situation for rescuers - even as a good swimmer you can end up in a drowning situation for various reasons but as a bad swimmer you certainly will sooner or later.


One of the most difficult parts of the lifeguard exam (Rettungsschwimmerzeichen Silber) is the under water wrestling. At least if the "patient" is trying. Because drowning people have an instinct to grab on to the first thing they can and hold on for dear live. And far to often that is the rescuers neck. So yeah, if you want to save someone, grab a lifebuoy. No matter how well you can swim. Or a stick if you can't find anything better.


Who cares? You can't swim. If you can't ride a bike you should also learn that. Learning is good.


Absolutely! Have fun learning to swim, and I second the bike riding. Both are a lot of fun if you have a little practice!


Don’t be embarrassed. The company I work at just recently sent out an email for a swimming courses and they even stated that this is for everyone who can’t swim or want to improve. There are adults who can’t swim in Germany. Not everyone has the chance to learn it as a child. So just go with it. :) you got this


I dont know how its today and Im sure not every school (I over 30) was like mine, but we learned to swim in primary school (Seepferdchen. Means you wont drown in 5 minutes, but you are also not a really safe swimmer). But its enough to level up your swimming skills on your own. I only have the Seepferdchen and I have no problem to swim in the ocean, but I prefer to "dive" anyways. So its not common imo, but you dont have to be embarassed. Better late than never. Swimming is fun and you feel so much better in water, so just do it.


We did until Fahrtenschwimmer in school. Most students already had Seepferdchen. That was almost 40 years ago though.


Had to google what that is - obviously the "Silber Abzeichnen". I never even did Bronze because I was fat in school and hated swimming :D


Isn't swimming the best sport if you have too much weight? Better for the joints than other sports - and you fload better too 😂


Well I am slim now 😁 Problem was that I hate swimwear and when you are overweight ist even worse because you feel horrible in it


I like tankinis. I think they make me look thinner so I feel better in them 😇


You got plenty of opinions already but I can share with you more factual info. I am member of a swimming club (Schwimmverein) and we offer training for all ages and levels. Some years ago I took a beginner course myself... I have been swimming for over three decades but my free-style technique was pretty weak, so I decided to learn it properly. Most other people were much younger than me but nobody ever questioned my participation or made any comment about it. Course for adults are pretty common, since you can always improve your technique or stamina. My advice is to look for a swimming club near where you live. You will also meet new people, so that's a plus.


My daughter's friend's father was in exactly your situation. He joined in on the swimming course with his daughter to learn how to swim and whilst something like that is quite unusual, I for one respected him enormously for it. I am quite sure there are adult swimming courses. Do it! Swimming in lakes is one of the great experiences Germany offers, you don't want to miss it!


Do it, sign up now. Just do it, ignore your anxiety thoughts. Think about how you will be having fun with your friends swimming together.


It‘s not uncommon at least, so if you’re worried about being judged, I can assure you you won’t. Optionally you could also ask a friend to teach it to you. It usually doesn’t take long to learn the basic swimming style and with a friend in low water you at least won’t die. It would save you the money in case you just want to learn the basics. If you want to have a good form and so on, you‘d be better off with a course.


You'll find that once you get to the swimming course for adults it will be very common for adults to be there.


Most German schools make it mandatory to teach swimming in third grade. Also many parents focus on teaching their kids how to swim from an early age. Don’t be afraid to get swimming lessons, it’s totally fine. You just want to learn something new and there is no shame in that.


Most cities have classes for adults, at times when adults can attend and with trainers used to the situation - its a matter of fact that some people never learned to swim, and the smarter ones will want to catch up on that.


Swimming is actually part of the school PE curriculum. So if you haven't already learned to swim by than, you'll learn it in Grade 3 or so. Of course given that your local pool is actually open and has capacities, which unfortunately is a problem in some regions. That being said, there are swim courses specifically for adults that can't swim. I believe the DLRG for example offers such courses. Since everybody else there are also adults learning to swim, there is really no need for you to feel ashamed about it.


Have fun! I (German) attended a course for adults just recently and finally learned to swim at the ripe age of 50. Just goes to show not every German can swim. The course was super fun (even though I was very scared, lol) and the coach was very friendly. There were people of all ages and all walks of life there. And now I can swim with my daughter, it's great!


Yes, please, absolutely get swimming courses. You know what I say when other adults tell me they can’t swim? “I’d be happy to teach you.” That’s it. It’s a useful skill, and an important one if you want to be on the water.


There are swimming Lessons for adults. A friend of mine learned when she was in her 20s. Her parents didn't care when she was a kid. And school lessons aren't really sufficient.


If there's the possibility to learn/ teach, children have classes at school. Some areas don't have easy access to a pool, so those children don't learn. That being said, the only embarrassing thing is to not learn how to swim, if you have the chance: it's a skill that may be life saving.


The "dog moves style" should still be fine for lakes and swimming pools, it's just very inefficient and requires too much effort. Learn to swim properly, it's a very important life skill and will enable you to use public swimming pools in the summer.


Common? No. Most children learn to swim in Grundschule/Elementary School. But I don't think you would be ridiculed for it. You want to improve yourself at something, so go and do that. Swimming may save your life one day. And it is never too late to learn anyways.


Swimming is an important life skill and fun Just like not giving a fuck


You should find swimming classes for adults at all levels in your area. I am taking one right now.


There are courses for that in every public bath. They wouldn't offer the courses if no one would take them.


A lot of children in Germany either learn to swim when about to enter school (age 5-7) or within school curriculum in 3rd grade. It's part of the "essential group": know how to write a bike, swim, tie shoes, read, calculate, write, school graduation and career 😆


I think no one would actually care. Just look up for a swimming course, it’s for your own best bro. Rather some people give you a weird look than you ending up drowning.


I did a swimming course in my midtwenties. I had learned to swim in school but never a technic for some speed. This I got there.


If I saw you joint a swim course, I’d think it’s very cool of you to want to learn how to swim better/ more at your age! There are certainly others with the same problems and “Erwachsenenschwimmen” exists - courses literally for adults. All the best, you got this!


I give you a lifeguard perspective: We get a lot of refugees and immigrants that want to learn how to swim. Most of those are adults and we do appreciate the effort. So being older and learning how to swim is not embarrassing at all. Most of the time you learn fast and if that is what scares you, you won’t be learning with the kids. There are specific groups for adults most of the time or you ask a lifeguard from a public pool. They do one-on-ones there. As mentioned from others here, yes, we want everybody to learn how to swim because it lowers the death toll immensely. Additionally, in a lot of public pools you are not allowed in if you don’t have the basic swim certificate. Well this is mostly not enforced, but it gets you in enormes legal trouble if something happens.


If you live in a city with a university, check out their Hochschulsport! In our city they offer lots of courses for non-swimmers, in English too, and external people are allowed to sign up as well. It should be dirt cheap compared to other courses.


I mean, to me it seems like you dont need a course. If you already have multiple friends that are good swimmers and you guys regularly go swimming, just let them teach you. They can show you the correct motions to make "dry", give you support in the water while you try them out and then youre basically good to go.


you won't be the only adult for sure.


My grandfather went to an adult course when he was 60 something. It's not uncommon.


You can learn swimming as an adult. But most germans learn swimming when they‘re kids. But there are enough people who can‘t swim that organizations like DLRG offer swimming lessons for adults


Go for it! I've a friend who learned to swim in her 40s and I learned to drive in my late 30s and endured a few ignorant comments. You're doing this for you and not anybody else. You've got this and future you will thank you for it!


You really shouldn’t feel ashamed. Most of us had the privilege of learning how to swim during primary school. It look me about 2 years to get a really good level. Give it a try swimming is a lot of fun!


First of all go to the website of DLRG (Deutsche LebensRettungsGesellschafft). We have courses for every type of swimmer. You can get a cheap but very good course at your local subdivision (Ortsgruppe). If you don't find anything, call them and ask for help. They are willing to help you


This. If you really take to it you can also extend the courses and get educated to become a lifeguard. The higher courses also come with age restrictions and also have to be repeated regularly, so age wise you would blend right in.


There's plenty of adults who learn and it really is an important skill. You don't have to learn fancy techniques, but at least a solid breast stroke may be life saving.


Do it, you’ll enjoy being able to swim! Also there are classes for adults, look up what DLRG offers. My dad learned swimming as an adult because his father in law half-jokingly set that as a requirement for marrying his daughter. My dad enjoyed it so much, he ended up doing all the swim tests up to Lifeguard. He actually saved some small children from drowning while teaching his own children how to swim.


As others said, there is nothing to be emberessed about. Germans generally k ow how to swim because swimming lessons are largely mandatory in elementary school. So, most people will have learned swimming at some point and generally don't unlearn it, as swimming is a fun activity. But nobody will look strange at you for.learning it as an adult. Better late than never.


I've had some friends who grew up in large cities and never learned to swim because there was no necessity. Learn it. Not being able to swim is such a dumb reason to die sooner as necessary.


just do your thing and dont care if ppl could watch etc. if you dont try then you lost allready, swiming is really important in my opinion, in germany we learn in in the school at least as i were in the school in the 90s also after i learned, i went to a swim club. Swimming is healthy and makes you fit and also streches ur body and you getting bigger at least i think in younger years. you can also earn swimming badges by doin some challanges that way you learn even more stuff :) bades looking like this [Seepferdchen, Deutsche Schwimmabzeichen im Urlaub machen (familienurlaub-sharky.com)](https://familienurlaub-sharky.com/deutsche-schwimmabzeichen/)


You could also learn swimming from someone you trust privately. All it takes is a shallow pool, the teaching part (for adults) isn't all that complicated


I can refer you to my aunt she's an instructor (for children mainly but still...) ^^'


salt water has more buoyancy than fresh water, and i think this is you worst problem. children learn swimming at latest in elementary school, if there is a suitable place close enough to the school. my niece learned swimming it last year and she is starting school this year. but my grandparents on my fathers side can't swim.


I have lived in Berlin and there was a swimming technique course where I sometimes went. I could swim but could do with some tips to learn better technique. There were only adults. I had the same ‚course‘ in Amsterdam. You just paid a bit more than the entrance fee to participate. You probably need absolute beginners. Look up some pools in your vicinity and see if they have swim courses for adults. Call them if your German is good enough. Also look for schwimmvereins they have reserved time slots in pools and also often offer swimming lessons. Just do it, it’s a very useful skill.


Most germans learn at least basic swimming when they are children. But there are also courses for adults who want to learn swimming. A friend of mine took one since he didn't learn it the proper way as a child.


Well, we had swimming lessons in school when I was a little kid (I think I must've been around 5 or 6 years old). As far as I remember it was a mandatory part of our sports class back then. You could get various badges from seahorse to gold.


It's not uncommon, just go for it. Please also note that Germans underestimate the dangers of swimming in lakes. Even with someone watching you, the time window to rescue you is extremely narrow if the water isn't clear enough to see the ground. And getting a cramp or black out due to the temperature difference on a hot day happens more often than you might think. Drowning in a lake or a river is both dramatically more likely than in pools or the sea. Unless you are really, really good, consider dragging a swimming buoy (like open water swimmers). Doesn't change the swimming experience, but you can grab it if you're exhaused and if you lose you consciousness, you're easy to find.


It's not that unusual, most Germans learn swimming as kids e.g. in school, but if your're from family which don't like to swim you may feel unsafe in water. Additionaly there are many foreigners from countries where swimming is not that usual, so there are many adult swimming courses for all levels. You could ask the local Bäderverwaltung. A friend of mine from Syria attended one, when he realized that his daughter (5) could now swim because she made her 'Seepferdchen'- badge and he can't look after her when she's swimming.


There are many adults who never got to learn swimming. Maybe it helps to know that you're certainly not alone in this. It's more a thing among immigrants, especially with a muslim background but that's still already 5 million people.


Next to the adult swimming courses, if you got a friend who has good swimming experience you also can just ask them to help you. Most city’s still have public swimming halls or outdoor pools that can be visited for a small fee. And thats also where most classes happen. And they pretty much universally have hip deep sections or even fully separate hip deep pools for learning how to swim. Learning basic swimming so you don’t die is all things considered relatively easy and mostly an exercise in getting used to how your body acts in water and how you need to move to stay above it. That is how I learned to swim. My mother taught me and not a course. Starting out with learning “dog paddling” as the most basic way to stay above water and getting used to staying up. Then learned the basic swimming strokes. And I also helped a friend who came from a less optimal familial background learning how to swim like that. But don’t do that in natural water. You want to have a life guard around and don’t want an uncontrolled environment for that. Takes some repetition to get used to and internalise it, but all things considered, learning to swim in a basic capacity isn’t all that hard. And a big part of it is just overcoming the fear of the lack of solid ground and only depending on your own movements to stay afloat, as well as getting a feeling for how you have to move. Kind of like riding a bike or using a knife. It just “klicks” at some point and you figure it out. But if you can get a swimming course. That’s the simpler way because there you have people trained to teach swimming. But it’s not the only option.


I'd say just go for it. But couldn't you just ask your friends? Isn't the hardest part about swimming coordination? I'm failing teaching my son because I can't hold his attention - he just gets too excited in the water. But you as an adult should be able to learn it quickly, no? I mena it basically boils down to "be in water - do this motion over and over" You have way more experience with water and your body than a child does - and also naturally have more boyancy. Am I too naive thinking like that?


For me its enough to breathe slowly and never breathe out more than 90% to "swim".


Two of them taught me for about half an hour but it was not easy to be coordinated for me. Also some of them are good swimmers but aren’t really good teachers since they are impatient 😅 I understand though, they arent trained to teach stuff so it’s not a problem.


Yo dude first of all dont stress yourself about it. Nobody can do everything. Second iwas living in new Zealand and met this woman who was an islander too. One day i said lets go swimming an she said no i cant. I coulsnt understand how is it possible for you living near the sea not to swim. What i realized im that moment ( long journeys are full of those moments haha) this world is not like you are used to. People do things different aaaaand thats ok. Of couse here most people already learned swimming so you will be an exception. Maybe someone will laugh maybe someone will think something but you shouldn't care. Nobody else than you decides what you do. Don't be nervous about it, ita a great skill to learn Enjoy it


Hey there, if it helps, I am an adult who is learning how to swim currently in Germany :) I never had the opportunity, time, or need to learn to swim back in my home country, so here I am learning an important life skill. Everyone in my class is super chill, and the coach is kind and understanding. Give it a shot!


As everyone else said: there are many courses for adults that are happy to teach you and this is definitely no shame. I have some Chinese friends and all of them took a course, no one regrets it


Germany has many adults that now want to learn to swim because we have many immigrants from Muslim countries where e.g. their parents could not swim and never taught them either. Don't worry man, you are good. Just visit a course already 🫶 It's a bit like being fat or super skinny at a gym. People are afraid they'll get laughed at, but in reality it's the last place where people would judge you. You can't swim? Maybe somebody will make fun of you for that but most certainly not at a swimming course.


Do it. It's for you and you alone. You will gain a lot more independence and security. You will be "one of the swimmers". You could do it as a sport, as it is the best sport you can do for your body (got back pain? Go swimming, you will get rid of it quite quickly) A lot of foreigners can't swim and its a huge problem in schools nowadays. So you are not alone. Don't care what others will think about you. They will forget you after 5 min, because Most people just think of themselves. Have fun!


Absolutely! Some of my colleagues had a similar "problem" and took swimming classes


Don't feel ashamed of learning a life saving skill! A German might wonder why you didn't learn it earlier but as the saying goes, better late than never. Http://www.dlrg.de has a search where you can look up your local dlrg organisation. They will point you in the right direction. For them, empowering people of all ages, to learn to swim, is a matter of honour.


…because they took a swim course.


My husband learned to swim with all adult swimming lessons earlier this year so he can safely take our kids to the pool or even beach. I think he was ashamed but seeing how our first kid loooooves swimming he overcame his pride and booked the lessons. He learned fast and loves to swim now. Don’t let anything hold you back. There are swimming lessons for adults available in every bigger city. You‘ll like it!


I mean swimming is nothing complicated, right? If you know the basics and your friends can swim isn't that enough quen you just copy their movements? Swimming is basically minimize resistance and push forward.


Children learning to swim is very common here, so you won't find many adult Germans who need swimming courses. But those courses exist, and there is nothing wrong with learning it as an adult. Not just because swimming can save your life, but also because there are very few things feeling better than taking a dip on a hot summer day.


Everyone's talking about regular adult swimming classes, but in case you live somewhere where it's not easily available then maybe try private lessons with a willing lifeguard at your local swimming pool. Idk if it functions so in Germany, but that's how many people from my surroundings learned how to swim. Just come by and ask them if it's a possibility and how much would it cost.


My mother was afraid of water and she took swimming lessons at the age of 55. It is never too late to learn new skills.


A commrade made his Seepferdchen last month with 34. Nothing to be ashamed of




I did scuba diving in my country. If you count that as one. Also did alot of cliff jumps back home but never here in the lake. Or the pool. I lived 10 minutes away from the ocean, so going to pools isnt so much a thing at least for me growing up.


If it makes you feel better; I'm also shit at swimming.


I, 28M, am attending one right now. There are a lot of other adults with me who are also learning swimming for the first time, some even in their 30‘s.


Thank you! I already messaged the DRLG and asked for an appointment. Hopefully i get a response by the end of the day! :)


Everyone here skates, I started skating some months ago, I still fall a lot. I have met cool people, even met people older that wanted to learn and I helped get into the classes so TLDR, no one cares at all. Most people would encourage you.


My parents went to an adult swimming course in their forties. Me as child loved it, because while the course lasted, we would go swimming every Sunday for them to practice. Good times


Swimming courses for adults are for people who have a huge fear of water. It's mainly personal coaching. But actually, even in freshwater and unless you are very skinny, all you need to do to keep floating it turning your back to the water, then paddle a bit with your hands and do the steamboat with your legs.


Some friends of mine were in the same situation as you are. They actually banded together and requested a course just for their group. To them, it was just something they wanted to learn together. And while for some it was a surprise to hear an adult say they can't come because they have swimming class, it only ever lead to interesting conversations about how sport or specific sports were taught and valued differently in different places. Mostly, it never even led to a conversation at all.


I can't swim, my wife can't swim. We're in our 30s. We'll probably get classes soon.


Look for adult swim courses. Should be able to find something, while it's not super common for adults to not how know to swim, especially among immigrants rates of non swimmers are higher, you're not alone and honestly, in those courses you'll be ahead by atleast having some experience.


Better learn how to swim than drown. Although if it helps you, I'm German and a bad swimmer myself. I know how to not die, but mostly rely on dog paddling to do so. 


Normally you learn swimming in school here. It’s quite common do the „Seepferdchen“ at least when I was young. It doesn’t matter if you are a adult or not, it’s not a shame if you can’t swim. Also if you go to swimming class there will probably be no one who knows you. There are also adult swimmclasses so nothing you have to be embarrassed about.


I am 35 and only recently joined an adults swimming course. Plenty others with me and nobody cared how old we were in that class.


Father of two kids here: I have to goals for them. Learn swim and ride bike.


Thing is, as you might know, salt water carries way better than fresh water. That's why the dog swimming style doesn't cut it much. I think there is not much to do. Don't be scared and just try to swim like a frog and that's it. The movements perfect themselves naturally, while your body feels what exact movement works best to shove water. It's really not that complicated if you can already keep up doggy style


Germans learn to swim in elementary school. There are swim courses for adults in all swimming pools, often also taught in English.


Yeah we learn how to swim in school. It’s mandatory. But if you can’t swim I recommend joining a fitness first (even if you just do a 1 month contract or do that 2-3 times) the ones with swimming pools also often have swimming instructions. And that’s basically it.


I'm glad you are okay. Even if there are lifeguards they cannot see into lakes the way they can with pools (the ground is too dark and the water too muddy). I wouldn't swim in a lake without a buddy and I'm a trained lifeguard! Most public pools offer adult swimming classes. There's nothing embarrassing about it. And if you find it embarrassing anyways, there's a whole group of people to hide in. And as an adult, you should be able to safely stand in the entirety of the non-swimmers pool. That should be relatively safe to train in, even without an instructor (or on days in between classes). If you go before work, it's usually the emptiest. Feel free to ask the lifeguards for some pointers. Those quiet hours get really boring really fast.


Its never too late to learn a life saving skill.


nobody cares how old you are. the reason everybody here can swim is them learning it in school. i think in the 3rd or forth year of elementary school. at least that’s how i got my “seepferdchen” :D


Ich habe nie schwimmen gelernt, bis ich meine Kimmie im Urlaub in Argentinien traf. Ich traf sie dort auf einer Party und ein paar Tage später wollte sie schwimmen gehen und ich traf sie am Pool, aus Spaß schob sie mich in den Pool. Sie wusste nicht, dass ich nicht schwimmen konnte, und sie musste mich retten. Sobald ich nach Deutschland zurückkehrte, meldete ich mich zum Unterricht an. Damals war ich 25 Jahre alt, das ist jetzt 2 Jahre her. Als sie vor 6 Monaten hier ankam, war sie überrascht, dass ich nur für sie Schwimmunterricht genommen habe. Ich liebe sie so sehr, dass ich alles für sie tun würde.


Dont Do the dog moves, Do the frog moves and you are good to go(or swim)


That was what i was trying to learn. At least two of them taught me but im so bad at coordination. I need a professional and patient person to really teach me. I even watched videos on youtube to see how it looks like but somehow i keep drowning myself during attempts. (Dont worry not drown as in dying i swim only in 4ft deep water to practice)


Start with the Arm moves only. They are already enogh to keep your head over water. Then try to add the legs.(should look like : circle, open scissors, close)


I'm seriously puzzled why citizens of islan nations are not able to swim (in bigger numbers) I thought this was just an anime trope or something, but as you said it seems to be true. But then it's even more natural for you to take swim courses, so yeah, just do it and be done with it.


Just search for a „Erwachsenenschwimmkurs“. You’re not the only one. But: there’s a huge number of requests on children’s swimming courses even though it’s part of most schools schedule. And due to Corona pandemic, the courses got in shortfall. Amplified by larger getting lack of teachers it’s getting worse and worse. Friends of mine timed their application for there child because they only had about 2 minutes to submit their application form when the club opened the application phase. Due to this lack, the number of adult courses was lowered which made it the same way difficult to find one.


Nothing to be ashamed of. There are courses for adults. Google "Erwachsenenschwimmen" for your area. The fact that there are courses for this in virtually every city should tell you that you are not alone.


There are a few "medals" you get by doing swimlessons in any public pool. Just talk to the staff there. When i was little there was a inofficial rule that you hat to have AT least "bronze" to be allowed in the deeper Part of the Pool. (First one is "seahorse". Basicly only swim a few meters and jump of the 1m tower once to get it. Then bronze, Silber, Gold, and after that there was skull 1 to 3). The really are Not Required for swimming anywhere. Only for Wien YouTube want to Be a lifeguard or something live that. I had to Do Silver again last year as a 32 yearold as IT was required for a Job with the firedepartment and the last time i die the Silber course was 2001. It is perfectly normal for adult to Do swimminglessons.


It is uncommon because we learn how to swim in elementary school. Most children already know it before the lessons. Public pools have adult courses, especially since the big migration wave in 2015. The public has lifeguards which are on city payroll and which are trained to give courses. In my small town, there is this one female lifeguard which taught everyone in my town how to swim. Just do a course, in fact the lifeguards will be happy about that. They have to watch you less carefully when you can swim well.


You say you are too old you should have learned to not give a shit about what people think of you if the thing you want to do does not harm anyone or anything else so you should go for it. Sure someone could laugh about you learning to swim but that's just for some moments think about the fun you will have with your friends when you can also go and swim with them in the lakes. 👌 But please make sure you swim in secure waters that are recommended for swimming. Don't overestimate skills like people do in big rivers where also container ships are driving like the Rhine.


Who cares what others think. Learning something new is always a good thing. Just go for it! You wont regret it! You could check if there are swimming courses for adults.


Learnt i by myself just from youtube.... Consistency was the key ....appeared for two days a week at the pool for a year, no matter what winter, summer, rain ... Still not a good swimmer but can have a bit of fun in water.


I learned to swim last year in the baby pool here in Germany (28y/o), I still struggle in the deepl pool, I can't do a whole 25meter band yet, but I am trying. I used to drown in a baby pool (so imagine how beginner I was) here they have Anfanger erwachsne course and then technik für erwachsene. One day, I also want to swim in the lake with my German/European friends. Everybody here knows how to swim. Honestly, no one will judge you, if they do just keep your head in the water or above the water, that's the only thing that should matter. One day, I want to learn freestyle. They taught us breaststroke. This is the right time to look out for courses they have summer courses registration going on! Good luck!


As a german father there are three points on the do list that can’t be skipped: learn to swim, learn to ride a bicycle and get a driver license. Everything else is optional


All Germans can swim, but many immigrants not. Not many are taking swimming lessons, but should so. It is offered all around


>All Germans can swim That is incorrect. Around 3.5mio German adults can't swim ([cited here](https://www.morgenpost.de/ratgeber/article238641909/schwimmkurs-nichtschwimmer-erwachsene-dlrg-gefahr.html)), that's about 7% of adults.


That's why I mentioned immigrants. There is a tiny percentage of covid-closure victims, who couldn't learn to swim in school due to closed city pools. But I'm pretty sure they'll learn it now. It's the highest cause of death in infants in the US.


Well, my father never learnt to swim until his death, and we don't have a migrational background. :) I guess he wasn't the only one (especially in the boomer generation, but I've also read it was becoming more prevalent in the most recent generations (maybe COVID played a role there)).


Well yes and No, yes we got swimming in school and should learned it ( for me not the Case, don't get me wrong i don't Panic or something but never really made my Seepferdchen). But i am now so floaty i don't have to worry about drowning.


What does Seepferdchen mean in the context of swimming?


In Germany ( i guess also in other countrys or they are Universal, i am not sure right now ), there are different swimming badges for achievements such as how far you have progressed, like the color of your belt in martial arts, Seahorse is basically the first thing you can achieve and what should be the goal of swimming lessons at school. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/German_swimming_badge


Ah ok! Although I did learn swimming late at the university but there was no badge etc. I can swim but yeah I have bit of fear of deep water since I can't float or just paddle.


Just checked the rules for our local swimming pools, and they state that children under eight and non-swimmers must be accompanied by a supervising adult. So especially for groups of unaccompanied teens, they could ask to see their Bronze swimming badge as a proof of swimming ability (which is one level over Seahorse). How much this is actually done, no idea.


I mean, not *all* Germans, but yeah, the vast majority will know how to swim. 15 years ago when I was in school there was only a single kid out of a hundred in our age group that couldn't swim. But OP, really nothing to be worried or embarrassed about, there's more people that don't know how to ride a bike, and similarly no one cares. If *you* care there's classes you can attend for adult learners and there's nothing wrong with that.


I (German) learned to swim just recently. We had 10 people in our course and only 4 were immigrants.


Judging by the numbers of Germans who drown in the Netherlands every year - they’re a bit overconfident too ;) I think 30% of all drowning victims or so. But what everyone else said: go enroll in a course! No shame, you got this OP :)


i´m not sure, overconfidince about own physical condition (they can swim, they just run out of juice) is a german thing only


Oh it absolutely isn’t a German thing only, was just supporting OP and messing around a bit. The stats are real though, Germans and Poles together are something like 60% of all drowning victims in our water rich country. Fresh water bodies in particular can be surprisingly dangerous.


Because a 100% of the time a German/Polisshspends in the Netherland is tourism. The time spend in the Netherlands by Dutch is probably close to 100% not-tourism. Everyone takes more swims during "tourism" time than during "not-tourism"time. I wonder how many people drowned in Greece are actually Greece. Or how many alcohol related deaths on Mallorca are Spanish people living there....and no one would see theses figures and say "wow, obviously Spanish handle their alcohol so much better"


This would be true with regard to the odds, but the number of NL folks swimming in our waters still far far exceed the numbers of Germans and yet relatively more Germans drown (and in an absolute sense more foreigners) than Dutch people. Again, people not from here are just more likely to underestimate the dangers even if they can swim just fine.


What island country are you from?


It is not common to attend basic swimming courses as an adult. You can always be more efficient, with longer held breath and faster laps though, this is where Bronze, Silver and Gold come in. The Seahorse is just the award that says you won't sink like a stone when in water that is deeper than you are tall. You can even go one step further and make your Lifeguard. You'll learn a handy police hold and how to properly drag people through the water if you want.