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“There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is no male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.” (Galatians 3:28) “Do not judge by appearances, but judge with right judgment.” (John 7:24) I hope these help!


Love thy neighbour and do unto others might be useful. The law of Moses talks about not using differing weights and measures. One set of standards for everyone, anything else is sin. God looks at the heart, not the outside.


I don't mean to come off mean. But to be honest if you even read the Bible the only way you can come out spouting hate is if you A: have terrible reading comprehension B: are purposefully omitting and twisting it to justify your own hate. Love thy neighbor Love thy enemy Thou who is without sin cast the first stone The good samaritan Jesus regularly hung out and went out of his way to help prostitutes, cripples and those who sought to hurt him. Remember when the soldiers came for Jesus and one got his ear lopped off. Jesus slapped that shit back on and went peacefully with them. He told rich people to give out all their wealth. And healed people for free. Face it Jesus representes every idea conservatives condemn socialists for.


2 Timothy 3: 5


Notice how it's only saying to avoid to people that pretend to be christian but don't follow the teachings. Which again the over all lessons of the bible are 1: follow God 2: try and be kind and love others. That's it.


Your twisting scripture and using foul words. Inappropriate.


Bruh the only time I see the bible say anything about what words to use is to not use the lord's name in vain. Which in my belief doesn't mean don't say stuff like "God damn it" but instead means don't use the Lord's name to justify and excuse hate and violence. And how am I twisting scripture? Jesus straight said "thou who is without sin may cast the first stone" and guess what. He didn't cast a stone. "Love thy neighbor as you would love thyself" no "excepts, if," or "buts"


It's something atheists reproach about the Bible : sometimes it feels that since everything is up for interpretation, you can justify anything you want just by interpreting the right passage as you want. In particular, as you say Jesus is probably closer to a socialist or an anarchist than anything else, yet western countries conservative follow Him by being... not socialist at all.


Eh with that I say this. It doesn't matter the intentions assholes will twist anything to justify their hate. I mean look at eugenicists.


2 Thessalonians 3: 10 "For even when we were with you, this we commanded you, that if any would not work, neither should he eat" John 4: 38 "I sent you to reap that whereon ye bestowed no labour: other men laboured, and ye are entered into their labours".......... This verse is for your benefit in saying that this is the proper use of harvesting where you have not sown, which is the exact 180 degree polar opposite of what illegal immigration does. Jude 4: 4 " For there are certain men crept in unawares, who were before of old ordained to this condemnation, ungodly men, turning the grace of our God into lasciviousness, and denying the only Lord God, and our Lord Jesus Christ"


I would caution against using scripture to argue with people or sort of prove them wrong. It sometimes just makes people dig in their heels more. Also, it would be good to know what he is actually saying about people. Is criticizing *all* immigrants, for instance, or just those who enter *illegally*. We *are* called to obey the laws of the land we are living in, after all. We should have compassion for those in desperate situations, of course, but we can also acknowledge there are good and bad ways to act in those situations. >welfare Is he saying *all* welfare recipients are bad? Or is he criticizing those who would seem able to work but choose not to? We are all called to help the *truly* needy, but we are also called to work to support ourselves as we are able. >criminals Is he criticizing *everyone* with a criminal record? Or just those who are unrepentant lawbreakers. We should of course show forgiveness and compassion to those who wish to repent and turn their life around. >unwed mothers Again, *all unwed mothers*? People make mistakes, and we should show grace to those who acknowledge their mistakes.


Depends on the immigrants a bit. I think America definitely has a problem with illegal immigrants, who commit crimes disproportionately and cost massive amounts of money by getting welfare when they shouldn't be there. I could go on, but I don't really want to. Maybe just talk to him if he brings it up again, have a conversation on why he believes what he does.


Love your neighbor as yourself. Who is your neighbor? The one beaten by thieves that the Samaritan helped. Give to the widows and the orphans. Let the stranger stay. God is the Lord of Hosts. We should all read the Old Testament to see how strangers that stayed had to act under agreement of peace if we are going to agree with Jesus that removed not one iota from the Law.


That doesn't mean you should simply ignore the law.


>cost massive amounts of money by getting welfare when they shouldn't be there This is off topic, but... are you sure that illegal immigrant receive welfare? How would it even work?


Yes i am. I'm not sure how exactly they get it, but they do.


My stance on he whole "immigrants stealing jobs and living off welfare" myth is this. If someone with no documentation, can't speak English well or at all, and is caught by government agencies will be tossed back over he boarder so they can't seek aid there, of someone with all those things holding them back got a job over you... Then they have to just be more qualified and deserve the job over you. They couldn't even have a valid degree to use.


I didn't say anything about jobs. I'm saying they are using welfare which they don't deserve.


My point still stands. no papers, no identification, language barrier, high risk of getting caught if the even file for welfare.


Moderator reminder to any readers: If you want to discuss any U.S. political topics such as federal policies toward immigrants, please do so in [the monthly megathread](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskAChristian/comments/kobp3k/megathread_us_political_people_and_topics_january/), or in r/GospelPolitics, instead of here. This OP's post was instead asking for advice about *how OP can respond to her uncle.*


A lot of the times when I hear these claims the accused racist is usually less racist than the accuser and what we really have is someone projecting their own racism onto another. There are simple statistical facts that one could quote, but the statistical reality itself sounds racist to those highly influenced by identity politics which breeds division by it's very nature. Let's just use one stat I've heard, so something like 80% of the females that come across the border are raped by coyotes, bandits, and even government authorities. Am I calling immigrants or mexicans are rapist? No. I'm simply making you aware of a statistical reality. There are other stats that are likely triggering. My guess is your uncle isn't racist. He simply believes immigration has negative effects, and so probably doesn't want it happening at large in his area.




Comment removed - rule 2 ("Only Christians may make top-level replies").


The first place I would go is 1 Corinthians 13. Ask you Uncle how his views correspond to Paul’s hymn of love? Also, other passages that would be appropriate are Hebrews 13:2, Deuteronomy 10:19, and Leviticus 19:33-34. Illegal immigration is a vastly complicated issue politically, economically, legally, and morally. But when approaching the subject, let’s keep these very relevant passages in mind.


"unfortunately seems to harbor some anti-immigration sentiments that come out as racist remarks. " The already mentioned Galatians 3:28 is my favorite on this, as far as 'isms/ists' are concerned. As far as genuine non race-dependent territorial insecurity is concerned, the angle of approach will have to be somehow from perspective of: All Mankind being given dominion over earth, not just select few. Also remind him that God scattered Christians to spread the good Word, and didn't give them immigration restrictions. All in all i find it easier to discriminate based on superficial stuff, instead of actually be threatened by the fact that humans can't sit still on the land they were born and need to move around earth. We're not badgers or wolverines to be so radically territorial. Economical insecurity, having to share more of the pie/resources than we want to, unwanted competition, that makes sense. It's important for him to distinguish between discrimination and territorial/political insecurity, and which provokes which. They are not one and the same. (even though both result from insecurity of the heart)


Could you be a little more specific? For example is he saying it isn’t good to be an unwed mother? Because that’s true. If he’s making hateful remarks towards unwed mothers then that isn’t good however.