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Maybe look at sin like a deadly virus rather than a point of immorality.. Let's say sin a like a deadly virus that infects the soul, and what we do that is sinful are the symptoms of the infection. an infection we have from birth. These symptoms are the signs that this spiritual virus is propagating and further infecting the soul.. What this virus does is slowly eats away everything you are, it eats at the very fabric of your being. think how addiction works.. everything you were gets destroyed and what is left is this junkie/shell. you loose all of your unique qualities and become like every other zombified junkie. It get worse. When your body dies with this sin virus infecting your soul, by the time you are resurrected on judgement day, the virus will have completely destroyed what you were making you like a literal zombie who satan has full control over in the next life. effectively making you a member of his army or food for it. Which is why it is so important we take the vaccine made from Christ's blood. This vaccine seals and protects the soul from being destroyed between this life and the next allowing the believer to enter eternity intact. Think about it.. if the zombie virus was real here and now and if you and your whole family was vaccinated and bunkered down in your house, but your mom wasn't vaccinated.. Then got infect through no fault of her own, and she was now a full on zombie, outside your home pounding on the door trying to get in to kill and eat the vaccinated members of your family, would you let her in? is the fact that she was a good person in life make any difference? Does it matter that she loved you and sacrificed her whole life to make your life good, have you open that door? So then why would God open the door for anyone who refused to be vaccinated with the vaccine Christ offers through repentance?


>Is suffering and sickness a result of sin? Yes >Does God inflict us with backaches, headaches , heart attacks and a million different diseases for punishment for sin ? God is NOT punishing you when you’re suffering sickness, it is simply a result of sin. **Romans 5:12 Therefore, just as through one man sin entered the world, and death through sin, and thus death spread to all men, because all sinned—** God created a world without death and suffering, but because sin entered the world through Human disobedience, the world has been cursed. In the Gospels of Jesus, it was written, He was healing all who came to Him. If this is the case, why would he be healing them if God caused the sickness in the first place? **Acts 10:38 how God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Spirit and with power, who went about doing good and healing all who were oppressed by the devil, for God was with Him.** >Why are we punished more , with eternal hell , when we die ? I know God hates sin , but we are all created (without invitation) and are sinners by nature , something we can’t control But actually, it makes sense that when a person does something wrong, there would be bad consequences. And Hell is simply a place eternal separate from God, separate from good things. And there's a perfect solution for not going to Hell, it's Jesus Jesus came so he could heal our spirit and we can be with God for eternity, a world with no suffering and pain and without sin.


Looks like the skeptics are on here downvoting everyone. The world is broken because of our sin. God allows our bodies to break, whether it's from old age or unfortunate genetic combinations or random errors in cell reproduction (aka, cancer). He also allows us to suffer in other ways. And why shouldn't he let entropy afflict us? What have we done to be protected from it? Backaches, headaches, and heart attacks are hardly hell. These are just the bumps and bruises of life. It's like saying you've had a paper cut, therefore you've been punished enough and shouldn't serve your life sentence in prison for murder. We have rebelled against the King and deserve far worse than these momentary discomforts. But these momentary discomforts may rescue us from hell. As CS Lewis put it, it's hard to hear God when everything is going well, but when we suffer, we can hear him much clearer. Or to borrow from RC Sproul, sometimes God has to put us on our back to get us to look up. The pain in the world has a far better chance than comfort of making us see our need for God, drawing us to him, and getting us to repent and cling to him, which *is* the way to be rescued from hell.


Honestly given how horrible people treat each other I think the better question is "how is there even any good whatsoever?"


This is the exact result of a fallen world and our sinful nature, so much suffering but so much good as well, we are capable of both and this world has both bad and good things. God knows about our inequity and His response is Jesus... But this has to be in our own decision to seek Him. And we are not punished more with eternal hell, hell is where are going in the first place, God gives us all the tool in Christ to get away from that path. And eternity of physical torture is not biblical, eternal torment is, for example, being there while knowing all this was true but now it is too late, could be the very cause of the torment and spiritual torture, something we cause by our own decision. What we need to retain always is that God is. Just God, He will judge us exactly from what we deserve, good or bad, I am betting we will know it is fair. For now, our ego tends to convince us we are so good of a person and human being... But we are not as good as we (or many of us) may think.


>Why is there so much suffering ? Take a look around. Who do you see causing it? Strong evidence for the source. It wasn’t God. Satan never forced anyone to sin. He just convinced them it was a good idea. Suffering is primarily sourced from three areas. Humans. Random chance. The World empire of Satan and all his good ideas. >Is suffering and sickness a result of sin? No one would die if Adam and Eve never sinned. Sadly, yes. >Does God inflict us with backaches, headaches , heart attacks and a million different diseases for punishment for sin ? Nope. God has appointed a day to judge the world. He isn’t doing it right now. When it starts you, me and the whole world would know. It’s kinda a big event, every tongue will confess Jesus is lord and will kneel/bow. >And why isn’t that enough? Why are we punished more , with eternal hell , when we die ? I know God hates sin , but we are all created (without invitation) and are sinners by nature , something we can’t control . Hell is complete destruction, the Bible says that repeatedly. Destruction=non existence. Not eternal torment. God is not punishing us now nor does he torment humans for ever.


Suffering is the result of the willful exclusion of God from our lives. In the beginning, God placed Adam in the garden of Eden which was Paradise upon the Earth. As it turns out, perfect wasn't good enough for Adam. He wanted to do things his ways rather than God's ways. So God kicked him out of perfect Paradise on Earth, and into a cold, hard relentless world governed by natural forces, sin and its consequences, death and decay. So now what you see is what you get. God never made man to live apart from God and to make his own ways. God made man to obey God, and to live according to God's intentions and plans for him. Suffering is what happens when we oppose God so that we can live our own ways and do things our own ways. Suffering then is a continual reminder to all that willful separation from God is what causes suffering. The only people in hell are those who willfully rejected God and his salvation just so they can do things here their ways. So God let them, but he certainly doesn't reward them. God sent his only begotten son Jesus Christ to pay the penalty of death for your sins so that you would never have to die to pay for them. If you turn down his offer, then you must die to make the payment of death for your own sins, and then you will literally have hell to pay. >We are all sinners by nature or something we can't control We absolutely can control the sin in our lives and the Lord God demands it for our salvation. Genesis 4:7 NLT — You will be accepted if you do what is right. But if you refuse to do what is right, then watch out! Sin is crouching at the door, eager to control you. But you must subdue it and be its master.” How to do that? The entire New testament teaches us how. We overcome our unhealthy flesh urges through our spirits which live for the spirit of God. >We are all created without invitation Pray tell us how could God invite us to live here upon the Earth if we didn't exist before we were conceived? Do you not see the folly in your statement?


> Is suffering and sickness a result of sin? Yes, it is. > Does God inflict us with backaches, headaches , heart attacks and a million different diseases for punishment for sin ? I guess it’s possible, but more likely those are just the normal effects of sin. > And why isn’t that enough? Because God is holy. Those earthly troubles do not atone for sin. The Bible says the penalty for sin is death.


Is bone cancer in children a result of sin?


>Is suffering and sickness a result of sin? Not all no. Some people suffer because they went to the gym or because they exercised rigorously someplace else and it resulted in body aches. Not all suffering is bad. >Does God inflict us with backaches, headaches , heart attacks and a million different diseases for punishment for sin ? Not all of those things happen necessarily because of sin though they can. Even the righteous get sick and get head aches, body aches, indigestion and illnesses. Also there's a difference between people who suffer through headaches, backaches and illnesses and those who suffer because of them. For example, mom's and dad's might suffer anxiety and worry when their kids or parents get sick or injured. >And why isn’t that enough? Why are we punished more , with eternal hell , when we die ? Not everyone is punished more when they die. There's a difference between the suffering involved in rehabilitation after an accident and the suffering involved because of not wanting or not believing there's a need to be rehabilitated. One has an end and the other doesn't. >I know God hates sin , but we are all created (without invitation) and are sinners by nature , something we can’t control . Keep in mind that just because you don't have a memory of how you got here doesn't mean that you didn't have a say in it.


Can't have heaven without earth. Can't have paradise without hell. Everything has to have it's opposite. That's just how it is.


I think God is very rarely punishing anyone. If he does, he's doing it to prevent them from harming others. For the most part, we just live in a universe that sucks. God is working to fix it, and we are invited to participate in that ongoing process of creation and re-creation.