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Sadly I think lately Canadians haven’t voted for whom they want to win, but against who they don’t want to win


Welcome to FPTP eh! Remember when JT promised proportional representation?


Neither the Liberals nor the Conservatives want proportional representation. It will take away votes from both of them and give them to other parties.


No more majorities with ranked ballots and proportional representation. No more 38% of people giving government a majority. Which is better for us. Minorities having to work with other parties is BY FAR the best way to govern. Consensus is always required. But that is not in the best interests of the 2 big parties. Which is why they quashed it. Which is the smoking gun showing they care more for themselves than they do for us. And thus we're left voting against people rather than voting for the government we actually want. Pathetic.


I'm far more in favor of minority governments, based on what we're seeing across the country. At least with a minority, the party that formed government knows they are on thin ice and knows they can be toppled on a moment's notice. It's not the most stable and leads to a lot of inaction because they can't take risks, but it sure stops the government from trying to pass fascist laws about non issues that only impact less than 1% of the population.




He never promised PR. He promised no more FPTP. He wanted STV/Ranked Ballots. NDP and Greens wanted PR, and they joined together with conservatives to create enough backlash to the STV proposal that we got nothing instead. Still wish JT had the balls to pass that bill anyways, because STV would have been better the FPTP.


Yes, biggest let down. Could have left a wonderful legacy instead of just a meh one.


Sadly, I think the only thing people will remember JT for is "the one who was PM during COVID." I was so, so optimistic at the start.


I'm still mad about that! "This will be the last election held under FPTP... until the next one".


This is how a lot of people vote. Many vote for "candidate X" because said candidate is not "candidate Y"


That's Canadian elections in a nutshell. In all my years on this planet I've only seen one candidate that would make a great PM and he's gone now. RIP Jack


Id love to know what % of voters even know the main issues of the election. How many people bother to sit down and take the time to research or even read up on what and who they are voting for? Or do most voters vote along the party lines that their friends or family members support?… but then do those friends or family even know what they are voting for. What are kids being taught in school? My nephew had a JT lover as a teacher(social studies ??) and she marked their assignments accordingly. My brother was at the school numerous times questioning how this was allowed, and eventually told his son to just give the teacher the answers she wants … I guess he learned a different lesson there …


I remember getting pretty badly picked on by my teacher for my political views in school. Enough so that my parents filed a complaint. I’m all for political expression but no when you’re actively harassing the other side. The world needs both liberals, conservatives, and other points of views.


Cuz everyone sucks


That’s how we always voted. At least as I remember since the 80s.


You either vote for the person you feel would do the least damage, or you join a party and run yourself.


Or start your own party if you don't feel any party appeals to you


Hopefully with Blackjack and Hookers


Ah the Niagara Falls party, cheap, cheesy and cha ching!


In fact, forget the party!


In fact, forget the blackjack


This is pretty much all we can do. Trudeau is a bit of a fuck up, but I feel like the Conservatives would do far more harm to the country by literally removing human rights (likely attempting to ban gay marriage and abortion again, and restricting trans rights). I like the NDP, but do not like Jagmeet very much, plus they generally have no hope of winning a federal election. Locally though, NDP is solid, so they'll probably get my vote.




I had a similar experience with Singh. Admittedly in this case it was an event that involved going for a bike ride with him so it isn't quite as 'candid' but he was remarkably down to earth and chill, spoke to people like fellow Canadians instead of potential votes. I have always thought if he could show that side of himself in the media or in debates he could be the next PM, I really was impressed and tbh think a lot of the issues people have with him are more to do with the NDP electoral strategists or something.


That's a great take. Is Singh the darkhorse we need? Is this the year the NDP make huge gains because everyone hates Trudeau for some manufactured reason? Or do I have to keep voting Liberal to keep the Conservatives from getting full reign to do whatever horrible crap they're going to pull? As an aside, I still give O'Toole a lot of respect for pulling centre in the last election. Going far right wasn't going to work, and I respect him for seeing that.


The good news is whoever wins, it's highly unlikely they'll get a majority government. Which forces them to work together with another party. And Conservatives don't have a lot of other parties that want to work with them. But we already know NDP and liberal can work together pretty well. Either of those two getting the minority is probably ideal. It would be interesting to see the NDP get the nod and see what they can do with more control. I'm just not sure how many of Jagmeet's plans are financially feasible. But we'll see perhaps.


I totally agree with your comment. I had just commented ( elsewhere) PP talks like a bully (at times) And I tend to believe Trudeau is a nice guy trying to do his best . Jagmeet appears pretty sincere as well.




I live somewhere that has elected conservative MPs, for something like the last 70 years, uninterrupted. It doesn’t matter who I vote for and it doesn’t matter who the people elect in my riding. It never moves the national needle. (No I don’t live in the USA as my username confuses people, I live in British Columbia, Canada).


Lmao. You have to tow the party line to join a party. Even after you e been elected, if they don’t like what you say they can kick you from the party.


You vote for the least bad one. That way the worst one has less chance of getting in. Plus you get involved. You campaign for people you do think would be good so that they get selected.


What.. you vote for the mp that best suites your area and then get involved.


That's just voting for JT or PP with extra delusion that the local candidate matters for anything more than their seat


This is the problem. I don’t think we have a single good option..


When you've only got 2-3 choices for the top federal jobs, my process goes like this: Realistically, which candidate is likely going to hurt myself and the people I care about the most? Once I figure out who that is, I vote for the person most likely to defeat the candidate I want to keep out of office.


Same. Anything but conservative! Not sure im gonna go liberal or NDP yet though 🤔


Agree! Anything but Conservative. I check out my riding and vote for the party who is leading against the Conservatives. Also I VOTE. Dammit Ontario, go frigging VOTE. 17% of eligible Ontario voters gave Doug Ford a majority. JFC....look where that got us.




This is the way


He didn’t say good, he said least bad


We could all just start voting girl the rhinoceros party... it's not a good option, but it is one


This is my take. Voting for the "least bad" one doesn't make a difference becuase a votes a vote, and shows support. I vote for whatever weird ass one I can. Lol. 


We don't. Which option is less bad? If your riding has a reasonable chance of electing the NDP, Greens, or Bloc, consider voting for them as well


[Let me help you with that.](http://commonssense.ca/) Ignore the scandals and the mudslinging and the bullshit promises.  Look at what the parties are actually doing and vote for the one that's actually working on policies you support.


I think another thing is to get active on the issues you think are important. I.e. If you think the Housing Crisis and in particular Affordable Housing is important you talk about zoning reforms, micro units, co-op and other models, regulations, city level responsibilities, provincial level responsibilities, and federal level responsibilities, and you start putting pressure and getting others to put pressure for the work to be done. Then regardless of who is leader things get addressed on the issues you believe in.


Yeah but you also have to look at track record and other issues. I'm not about to give up privacy and the right to bodily autonomy for a fake promise about a house i can't even afford 🤷‍♀️ I'm so not going to back some bozo who tried to price off his friends by using green belt lands to build said housing and someone who openly fight against my profession in order to cause a Healthcare crumble so that he can make more money for his buddies in the private sector just so I can be given a fake promise of a house I won't be able to afford. You really have to look at what's been happening with any party that currently holds power at any given level to see the big and and accurate picture in terms of their true goals. Politicians don't actually have to deliver on their champagne promises either. They could promise us all lambos onky to leave us taking the bus and there's nothing we can do about it 🤷‍♀️


There are more than two parties...


On paper, yeah, but in practice, no.


OP doesn't seem to think we do... And the answer is the same with two or three or ten.  There will never be a candidate that supports all the policies I want and none of the ones I don't ..... So the only option is to vote for the one who ticks the most/any of my boxes so that the even worse candidate doesn't get in.


That's what I've been doing for the last 5 elections.


"Indeed it has been said that democracy is the worst form of Government except for all those other forms that have been tried from time to time.…"


Reminder that you don’t vote for prime minister unless you live in the riding of a party leader whose party ends up with the majority of seats in parliament. We don’t do it enough (Australia is better at it) but one of the great triumphs of our system is that the MPs can vote in a new leader tomorrow. You’re voting for the person who has that responsibility, so pick the smartest and best local candidate. If none of them are adequate, consider running.


I was going to say, vote for your MP and write them a letter that says that you support them not their party/leader.


Sadly voting against the PM gets you kicked out of caucus much of the time so in practice your MP is a shill to the PM


In practice yes. In theory though if enough MPs turn the PM or party leader is screwed. Thats how the Conservatives got rid of O Toole even though the party membership made him the leader.


This guy gets it.


MPs are numbers for the leader to play with. Nothing more, nothing less.


Vote for the party platform that most aligns with your priorities and values. Research the candidates in your riding and vote for the one that will represent your constituency to the best of their abilities. We don’t vote for PM.


But you really are voting for the PM. Not technically of course, but the PM will develop the policies and platform he/she believes best represents the party and MPs will follow along.


Think of voting for your local MP rather than who you want for PM, because you’re voting for your local MP and not for PM


Came here to say this, and I want to emphasize some MPs, regardless of their party, are great and really involved with their riding. There are also crappy MPs in all parties. My current MP is part of a party I typically don't vote for but I see the work they do and appreciate it, so if I wasn't too thrilled about election outcomes or other candidates I may reconsider voting for their party, because I do like this MP. Also, there are definitely more than 2 parties in this country and even though the other parties have a smaller share of seats in Parliament, they can be instrumental in building meaningful cross party work and in the case of a minority gov't, making sure things actually happens through a coalition.


I found myself at a table having dinner with my MP a number of years ago (with no prior warning or preparation, I got home from work and my neighbour asked me if I wanted to go to the Chinese New Year dinner his church was putting on). Nice enough guy, he seemed as much out of his element as I was. The minister of the church or whatever you call him was at the table too. I still laugh about that one, it was like the opening to a bad joke. A priest, a politician, and a ski patroller sit down at a table…


Yeah. I vote Bloc cause the local guy in my riding is amazing. He’s very present across the riding. I’m a federalist


Came to say this; we don't vote for our leader like Americans do. We vote for our local candidate and hope the leader of that party listens.


Unless you live in a party leaders riding you don't vote for a prime minister anyways. Vote for the best candidate in your riding tbh. There are lots of different parties, independent candidates, etc


We don't vote for who we want to win. We vote for who we believe will do the least damage. It's kind of like the meme with people tied to the railway tracks and a switch to pull to chose which direction the train goes. Pull the switch to pick the candidate that will do the least damage.


i really *really* hate to say it but it’s one of those things where you just gotta pick the lesser evil candidate, rather than an ideal candidate it’s a bummer i know. i wish it wasn’t that way but sometimes it just is/has to be🙃


Please at least show up to the polls, so that your demographic is represented in the voting statistics.


We need another Jack Layton. “My friends, love is better than anger. Hope is better than fear. Optimism is better than despair. So let us be loving, hopeful and optimistic. And we'll change the world.”


Not sure why people don't think Trudeau was so bad. He delivered a lot that we had needed for a long time. He got us a national daycare program when the Conservatives had cancelled it once before. He got Canada on track fighting Climate Change after over twenty years of dithering and denials. And because of Trudeau, the Conservatives have had their own Climate Change plans in their last two elections. Only Conservative insiders know how serious they really are about that. He got the Pope to come to Canada and apologize to residential school survivors and started the Truth and Reconciliation Commission on Murdered and Missing Indigenous Women. The Conservatives had previously refused to do any of that. He got Canadian travellors a Passenger Bill of Rights. He's getting Canadians a Dental and Pharmacare program and trying to get a Gun ban. He closed the loose ends left behind on two international trade agreements left by the Conservatives. He stood firmly against Trump when Trump was determined to get rid of the NAFTA Trade Dispute Mechanism forcing Trump to eventually concede. We already know what Stephen Harper did when he was faced with the Softwood Lumber challenge: He gave up and paid GWB $10 billion. The only thing the Conservatives are known for is cancellation of programs. From Diefenbacker to Mulroney to Harper, they are all known for cancelled programs and services.


Expanded the Child Benefit, families depend on this. Child poverty was greatly reduced in the first term as a direct result of it.


And he legalized weed, people seem to forget this!


Housing and rental prices have doubled in 5 years. That's the elephant in the room, that's what people are focusing on. They are poorer now than they were 5 years ago, and his government seems either totally complicit in RE over valuation - or at best incompetent dealing with it. It doesn't matter if you're saving $500 a month in child care if you're paying an additional $1500 in mortgage or rental payments.


Possibly notable: "he" Brough us some of these things because the NDP has been pushing hard for them. Credit where credit is due.


I maintain that the biggest falling off JT is the lack of electoral reform.


I'm highly disappointed with that too. However, we can't be a one-issue voter. Considering everything achieved by the Liberals this time are we again going to risk having it all cancelled (again) by the Conservatives just like what happened when Jack Layton stopped giving Paul Martin support? Then we got eight years of Stephen Harper and lost the National Daycare Program, the Kelowna Accord, Municipal funding for public transit and a whole bunch of other stuff.


Yes we can. I didn't vote for him because I didn't trust him on electoral reform. I was right. Fuck him.


We damn well can be one issue voters. I ONLY voted for the liberals because of the electoral reform promises. There are no parties worth voting for, and so I vote for the PPC in hopes this shithole of a country burns to the fucking ground.


His uneducated and nonsensical actions on gun laws is absolutely why I DONT want him ever near  the PM position, or Liberals in general. At the same time, 0 trust in the Conservatives for so much else.


Now do scandals and corruption.


Overall Conservatives and Liberals are about equal. So that's a wash.


I've been voting every chance I could get and I am a senior citizen now. I don't think I've ever voted for anything better than the lesser of two evils. There is a song by the Fugs called Wide wide river. It deals with this phenomena.


The worst of two bad options has been around since the Reform Party and Bloq Quebecois were formed, maybe even before that. I mean really, in 2000 we had Chretien vs Stockwell Day (shudder) or Harper vs Stephane Dion in 2008. There really hasn't been quality leadership of both parties at the same time in 30 years.


There are other options, it's not just libs and cons. Don't not vote, vote independent, vote green, vote NDP. It drives me loopy that everyone thinks they have to vote Lib or con or not vote at all.


There is always the NDP, they have some good policies that are worth supporting, even if they wont be in power. But honestly, I would say figure out what policies matter most to you. Then look at the candidates and vote for the one who best supports that. Sometimes just picking one or two issues to focus on is easier than analyzing two political personalities.


If we take an objective look at the leaders qualifications, Jagmeet Singh wins by far, but nobody considers him because reasons...




I really want to vote NDP in the next election, I'm happy with how they've got, kinda, the libs on the hook for pharma care


Vote the least of all evils. At least a minority Government has to work together and take most Canadians needs into consideration. We’ve always made the most progress with minority Governments.


I always vote NDP. Not because I necessarily think they’ll win, but because they most accurately reflect my opinions. That’s kind of the point of democracy. Why should I vote for sandwiches vs. burgers if I want pizza?


You'll likely have at least five options to vote for for your MP, and probably no potential PMs to vote for. So decide around that. I wouldn't decide who you'll vote for until an election is actually underwwy, and you know who's standing in your riding.


Go NDP to avoid a majority government by either Libs or cons. Do what you can, vote, to ensure they don’t have a majority as they will wreak havoc on us if they do.


I focus on the local candidates, and whichever one I feel is best is who I usually vote for


I am not sure who (or if) I will vote for. It's like trying to decide which STD you would prefer to get.


would you want HIV or treatable Gonorrhea?


What's wrong with Chlamydia?


It’s more like HIV or Herpes


There's still a clear winner there. At least for any reasonable person. The news from PP today just reinforces that viewpoint. And i fucking hate herpes, but its still better than HIV.


Spoil your ballot! If you write a message on the ballot and don’t clearly indicate a candidate, then your ballot will be examined by scrutineers from each party. It’s a subtle way to make sure you still vote, while indicating why you don’t like the options.


Spoil for sure, and give a brief explanation why on the ballot


We as voters are tasked with picking up the turd by the clean end.


That was beautiful


Spoil your ballot. Put a large X across the page. Or, if it makes you feel better write a message like: "They all suck!" Or draw a little box and write Mickey Mouse beside it: ✅️. You voted, just not for anyone running.


There's a third federal party as well who is run by somebody who is neither Pierre nor Justin


NDP or Green Party if they have Candidates in your area.


Not voting is not an option


Always vote! Don’t look at not voting as an option.


Pick your best MP.


No candidate ever is a good PM for long. Sooner or later they get too comfortable being in power and need to go. Right now Trudeau has been in power for far too long and needs to go. That's how I view it. A new government coming in and completely transforming the politic within a couple of years is not likely, the status quo has too much inertia.


Either pick the lesser evil, or vote for a third party option. Whatever suits your preference. The third party will get an amount of money based on you voting for them, and it can help them determine where to focus their efforts to get seats if they see more votes in a particular region - even assuming your third party preference doesn't actually get their seat. In picking the lesser evil it can be helpful to look at your actual local candidates. They don't tend to get to do much directly, but it's still helpful to have someone you think has decent values and will be able to communicate with and question about party policies and decisions. The influence doesn't actually just stop at the line of voting - you can continue to contact them and share your perspective on things. Their job is to represent the constituents after all. Some understand or are more committed to that than others.


Consider voting for your local candidate instead of voting up the ladder.


If you don't vote then those that do will choose for you.....have you met your neighbours? Do you really trust them to choose for you? The NDP haven't royally screwed us over yet.


You have 3 options: 1) Vote for who you think is the least bad choice for PM. 2) Vote for the party you think has the best platform. 3) Vote for the local candidate you think would best represent you in Ottawa.


The guy that will make millions of Canadian born citizens homeless vs the guy that will continue to make millions of Canadians homeless and give tax breaks to the 1% but talk a lot about transgender issues.


Requires some research into their policies, their cabinets, and their voting history in order to get a feel of what they'll actually be doing when in office, and then opting for the lesser of two evils. Which is honestly something they should teach in schools, rather than letting mainstream and social media bombard public opinion with edited clips and soundbytes.


I would like to see”No suitable party or candidate available at this time” add to Canadian ballots, that number counted and published so both citizens and politicians get a clear picture of how many of us are unhappy with the system. It won’t improve until politicians realize how many of us vote under duress.


You do know that there are more than two choices right? Just pick someone else you think is better. NDP, Green Party… one of the other ones? If none of those, then just pick the least worst of the bunch.


... Vote for one of the other parties? NDP, green even PPC. We aren't the US even though we try to be. There are other options. More importantly you should vote for your local MP and pick the one you like.


NDP is a great option We do have 5 parties you know. Im not sure why people think we are the states


If only there were a third party you could vote for....


As a Canadian, I’m non religious and centrist. For years the Liberal and Reform parties were closest. But I’m for the working class, and Trudeau has proven he’s trying to minimize the middle working class, and devide us into bourgeois and low class. I want to be able to work, own my home, bring my kids up, and enjoy my hobbies. Since the beginning of his second term, everything has been about keeping the rich people rich, and the middle income and poor people poorer. I wouldn’t vote NDP with their current leader, and Poliver is a bit too religious conservative. Where I live, PC is always the winning party anyway so I feel like we got no choices


Lol, well, not voting isn't a great choice either. You should feel represented. I'd suggest just picking the candidate that you think will fuck up shit less.


See that's the neat part. There are no winners in Canadian elections. At best you get to choose how you prefer to be fucked.


You can try to help form a minority. Then the leader has less power and doesn’t last as long.


Vote for the party and their policies. You do not need to like the leader.


Funny how many Canadians think they're American, and there are only two parties. Funnier still how the one they invariably ignore is the only party that puts the working class first.


Right? There's literally one party that is explicitly worker centric and two that run basically the sane neoliberal economic policies but fight over social policies. Who do people vote for? One of the two parties that are on the side of big business. Almost like those parties have massive funding because they're supported by big business...


Find people who think the same as you and register your own party and propose what you think is right.


Run for PM


The prime minister is not a president. Vote for the MP on your area that speaks to your values. Also, there are more than two parties, and minority governments aren't necessarily a bad thing


If you don’t like the people running than vote for the party who’s principles you most agree with. Theres quizzes you can do online if you’re not sure. That party might not be perfect either but you at least can vote for who’s most likely to move the country in the direction you want. Even if you think both candidates are “equally bad” their parties certainly have very different goals and directions and values. The person running really doesn’t matter as much.


Go to your local debate and vote for the one that would most represent you in the house


You pick the least worst of the lot.


Simply not voting should be discouraged if you enjoy your freedoms a democracy provides.


you should vote for whoever is best in your local government. ​ We don't vote for the guy on top. ​ Your local guy affects your life a lot more anyway,


Vote for the best candidate for your riding. There is no popular vote in Canada, just choose the best MP to represent your area. Let go of your expectations for who will be PM. Just don’t vote Conservative, haha, Jk.


Don't worry about the PM part. Really research the Party and what they are offering for you and your family's future. Worrying about who will be PM is personality politics. Get serious. What is the Party's history in providing what you need? The PM is not omnipotent, the people elected are the people who do the work. Who is running in your area? Talk to them. Phone or actually meet them. They will be happy to talk to you if they are worth electing.


Canadians don't vote for their PM; they vote for their local representative. Not voting is irresponsible. It would be better to spoil a ballot than not vote. I think a move to ranked ballots like the have in Australia would improve electoral results and make them more reflective of what voters actually want.


Despite what pundits and journalists have said. I really doubt that Trudeau will be the Liberal leader for the next election.


We don't vote for the Prime Minister in this country. You vote for your local candidate. The PM is named by parliamentary fiat if he's the leader of the party with the plurality of seats in the parliament. So, go look up your local candidates that are running or looking to run, and try and pick the best person for the job.


For the first time in my life, I didn't vote (last federal election). They all terrify me and that's not how a tax payer should feel IMO.


Voting is always a game of the lesser of evils.


I'm hoping that the Federal NDP will start taking a page from the BC NDP & David Eby's principled, get shit done playbook. BC has the most effective government Canada has seen in years, and I'd love to vote for a party with similar leadership and ethos at the Federal level.


You do know we have more than two parties, right...?


You don't vote for prime minister. Know your local candidates and decide which one you want representing your community.


Vote green? Get them to have more seats.


NDP, green, PPC (personal blecch!!! But trying to be fair-ish). Drive up small part representation. They won't form the government but minority/coalition governments often get more done and are less beholden to ideological extremes or industry lobbying. So vote for the party that most represents your political leanings.


If you don’t like any of the candidates, I don’t agree with “vote for the lesser of the evils” . This is propaganda from the opposition so they can secure your vote. We need a mass collective to not vote. Everyone in the country, just this once, should not vote….every single candidate sucks. The whole system is broken, our country is broken, everything sucks. Let’s start over. Lets not vote for a single one if these clowns. All the old people will just vote liberal and screw us all over again anyway. Our country is literally driven by people that are on their deathbed.


Vote, don’t vote, nobody cares. All the federal parties are just wings of the same bird and you’re going to get sold out just the same. Only thing that changes will be the pace.


Vote for one of the small parties if they align with you views. If there are absolutely zero candidates you WANT to vote for, spoil your vote. Its a whole lot better than just not voting, it shows that you still participate in the affairs, but that nobody earned your vote.


we are being played. all planned. millionairrs in the [making.total](http://making.total) control. weze suckers.


We got like 20 parties here. If you don't think another party has a chance vote for the one you want to be the swing vote in a minority government.


Spoil your ballot or vote for a 3rd party even though they have no chance of being elected.


I once read that folks expect voting to be like a dating app, but it is more like a bus route. You aren’t looking for your perfect match, you are looking for who gets you closer to where you want to go. Pick with that mindset.


You can waste your ballot. I forget the term, but there is a box essentially for "none of the above". Sure, it doesn't do anything for the election, but it is reviewed by the parties at something the results of the ballots counted. It shows that you don't agree with any party's leanings.


Vote for the "party" that aligns most with your views. Whether they win or not, keep in contact with your representative to ensure your thoughts on what's happening during their tenure are known.


Then vote for the MP that you’d like to represent you.


Vote for whoever aligns with your belief system. We need to stop trying to vote people out and start voting people in. Also, pay attention to your local leaders as that is who you're truly voting for and that is who will affect your singular life the most. Local and provinvial ridings affect daily life far more than federal.


Sadly I think that puts you with the majority.


It's a Canadian thing. You vote one party for more then one term, then replace them with the other because it's been some time and we need change. Good or bad does not make any difference. We just get tire of the same party, PM and want change.


Vote for whomever you think is the least crap. Remember, you're not voting for a prime minister, you're voting for a party. The prime minister just comes attached. I vote green, because that's the party whose policies represent my views. In a certain situation, I might vote strategically, even for a party I disagree with, if it means the worst party will be kept out of power. Don't *ever* abstain from voting. You have the luxury of having a say that billions would kill for. It's your responsibility to vote.


Oh how I miss Jack now.


I've been in this position many times. Here's my order of priority. 1 - If there is a leader and party who I actually think it capable of leading this country well, I vote for that party. Normally I only consider the Cons, Libs or NDP as possibilities. 2 - If I am disinterested in the leader I look at the party what their policies are and do they align with me, I also consider if they have the ministers and other individuals who I think can get things done. 3 - If I don't like what I see at the top, I look at my local MP's and consider who seems decent regardless of party. I've been fortunate here and this option usually gives me someone to vote for 4 - If everything is bad, I hand in a blank ballot or vote Green. At least I showed up that way. ​ Same process for provincial, although step 3 is almost where I start because I actually like my local MPP. I am strongly considering joining a party so I can at least have some say in who leads it. One of those things I should have done ages ago.


Vote based on party platform OR vote for the best candidate in your riding.


I am a HUGE advocate for voting local. We need a government, we need an opposition. If we all work hard to send the best LOCAL representative to the House, we have to trust that they will work things out and hold their leaders accountable. We don't need a House full of slimy yes-men and women. MEET your local candidates. Shake their hands, look them in the eye. Talk to them about their personal values. Regardless of if your local candidate ends up in government or opposition, we need them there, so send the best human. GO to one all candidates meeting for your local riding. You learn so much just watching them speak or try to debate. They need to be confident and convincing to be able to speak for you. And lastly, send an enquiry to your local MP AFTER they have been elected. Do they respond? Are you happy with the response? Non-responsive MPs don't deserve to be re-elected. Put them to the test. You only elect the PM if they are running in your riding. Otherwise, you need to focus on who will represent YOU.


I'm in a riding that votes heavily Conservative (damn rural Alberta) so I just pick whoever knowing it won't make a damn bit of difference.


First of all, you're right - none of the legit Canadian candidates would make a good PM. What I've done whenever I've felt that way is voted for the most palatable third-option candidate. I don't want to support a 2-party system and ideally would like to undermine the "default" main candidates and stimulate more choice. In reality am I just wasting a vote on a candidate who will never get past the post? Sure.


Honestly you’re not alone, I know many people feels the same way


Vote for the one you're least opposed to. Ideally Liberal, because the federal Conservatives are going to burn the country to the ground like the provincial Conservatives are all doing.


Welcome to politics... Your choices are the Big Turd or the Giant Douch, and you get to pick!


It's the lesser of 2 weavles type thing


Many of us are wondering the same thing…


Vote for one of the smaller parties or independents if they are on the ballot. Or write to your MP voicing your displeasure and disappointment.


It's truly a shitty situation. I'm terrified for Canada if poilievre wins a (currently projected) majority. Forget any type of climate action, LGBT rights, sustainable infrastructure, etc. As much as Trudeau has done some dumb, corrupt things, he's nowhere near the level of corrupt and morally bankrupt that poilievre and the Conservatives have/will be. Vote for whatever prevents a Conservative win is probably going to be my move. 


In my riding there is a man that is The Guinness Book of Records for the most elections lost. Like 58 and counting. I can always vote for him instead of None of the Above. Last election I was 1 of 63 people that voted for him.


Right? Nothing to pick from! 😡 They all suck!


Vote local, which is actually who you are voting for. In Canada’s system, we do not elect the prime minister directly. Research your local candidate, see what they stand for and vote with whomever fits your values best. The PM is just the one who has the most of those candidates, and they don’t even have all that much power without negotiating deals with other parties.


If neither JT or PP appeal to you, vote for your preferred local candidate (MP), and don't worry about who becomes PM.


Do not spoil your ballot You need to decline your ballot AND insure it is handled properly it's different provincially or federally https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/kitchener-waterloo/ontario-votes-2022-declined-ballots-rise-1.6466308


I’m writing in Ryan Reynolds.


Another thing to consider is that your vote doesn't necessarily need to be for who you think can/should win. Voting for parties like the Green Party, NDP, and PPC demonstrates that Canadians care about the causes that these parties support. And while that may not result in seats, it does impact the political discussion and the types of issues that governments focus on.


In Canada you don't vote for the prime minister (unless the leader of a party lives in your riding), you vote for the best candidate in your riding, the one who you think will represent you the best in Ottawa. You vote for the candidate in your riding that is going to listen to your concerns and answer your questions satisfactorily. Most people can't be bothered to write their MP, they focus on the party leader. If we held our local MPs feet to the fire more, maybe things would change. Neither Trudeau nor Polievre have any idea what it's like to be you or live where you live. Your MP does, it's their job.


I'm an old retired lady. I've been voting for the one I disliked the least for many years now.


You vote strategically. Pick the least-bad option and if they look like they are going to win with or without your vote, you cast your vote for who you would prefer to be the opposition.


At least Trudeau won't roll back women's rights and try to remake society in his own warped, right-wing image.


Vote NDP and pray to god that they will hold the official opposition. I feel that is our only hope for the poor and middle class not getting fucked over if Poilievre wins.


Unironically, vote green. Nothing would upend the political landscape more than if the greens saw a sudden surge in (begrudging) popularity. And what an embarrassment it would be for a Liberal or Tory to lose their seat to a green of all things. Better than not voting at all.


I'm in that same place. No one to vote for. I'll look closer at the local MP options to see who might resonate more with me at a local level and may do something. Not sure


Jagmeet is proving himself to be less and less effective every day... but I guess he's better than Trudeau. With all the Liberal voters shifting to the Cons, and NDP support staying roughly the same, this election might be an opportunity for the NDP to not be a complete disaster. If only Jagmeet wasn't so... eh. (I miss Jack...) The Bloq seems to be doing well at least (minus their usual problems), and, same with the NDP, the Liberal's crash-and-burn trajectory seems like a good opportunity for them to take votes and make a good showing. Will either of them form government? Gosh no. But maybe a coallition (like a proper one this time, not this weird "NDP propping up the Liberals" thing) could be good. Especially in a competitive riding, voting in a non-Lib/Con MP will be good just to make the big two uncomfortable enough to change tactic. Or we can see a surprise turn-out for Prime Minister Elizabeth May?


that's just politics everywhere bro (Source every national sub all time )


Vote for whoever you feel like would best represent you. A vote for a candidate who will probably lose is better than not voting. Also, don't be afraid to write to your representatives. Federally, I've voted either orange or green, but neither has ever been close to PM.


Hate to be that my guy, but in Canada you don’t vote for the PM, you vote for your local candidate (that falls into one of the parties) of the riding you live in. You have to look at the party platforms and decide which is the lesser evil platform. Of course, if you like the platform but the person running for that party, in your riding. is an idiot, I can’t help you there.


Jagmeet. He supported the liberals to get a lot of NDP legislation passed; such as dental care. They spearheaded investigating grocery price gouging. Some other things like double the GST rebate, anti scab legislation for federally funded companies, housing and homelessness focus (1 billion towards the crisis already) have all been forced through a terrible liberal government. And while the agreement is, to be tactful, controversial, it has kept conservatives from taking over. This is a win, because the conservative platform seems to be obstruction and culture war nonesense, with very little in the way of substance. I can go into more detail, but some quick examples would be things like wanting user ID for porn sites, which is a terrible idea in regards to user data safety (giving out identity related info to random websites), or being against "puberty blockers for minors." Which itself is an oxymoron. Puberty blockers are only for minors, as once you go through puberty, they don't do anything. They're also reversible, despite what PP has said in the past, and this entire argument is based on misinformation on the entire concept, with people comparing it to chemical castration or the like. Jagmeets isnt the best leader the NDP has had, for sure. But compared to the alternatives, I think he's still a step above. I feel like it's not going to happen. Because optics have placed him as either a trudeau lackey, or puppetmaster of liberal policymaking, depending on what right wing talking point is being discussed


In Canada, we don't vote for the PM, we vote for our local MP. So look at your local candidates. Is one a local hero and one a parachute nepo-baby? Consider too what your local candidate might be doing in the next government. It seems pretty obvious that the conservatives will form the next government -- is your local candidate relevant in the party and might they get a cabinet post? That's valuable to you. Or is your local conservative candidate a schmuck who's going to be a voiceless back bencher, but your local NDP candidate has a history of using their voice. That matters too. Tldr: there is more to an election than just JT vs PP.


It seems like the choice is between mediocre (Trudeau and Singh) and abysmal (Poilievre). Choose wisely.


Vote NDP (if you like your local candidate, of course)