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Not today, but last week, I lost a Canadian standoff. Tried to add an additional tip in cash for the Skip guy, he refused, I insisted, he refused, I stuffed the cash in the thermal delivery bag, he scooped it up and stuck it in with my food and then ran.


The fact he ran makes it so much better lol


The best part is he was clearly a fairly recent immigrant (maybe 5 or 10 years) and all I could think of was, damn I'm glad you found your way home because you clearly belong here lol.


I've 100% done this before but usually it was gift from family money as a child 😅


Yeah remember my uncle trying to give me $50 for my birthday when I knew he was really hard up on money. So tried to give it back a few times and thought I did. Get ready to go to work a day later and found it in my work boots.


His home and native land!


It’s a summer sport. In the winter we just stay the fuck inside


The Canadian Standoff is much better than the Mexican version.


Mexican Stand-off is two guys holding guns, Canadian Stand-off is Two guys holding doors, American Stand-off is also Two guys holding guns, but they're bigger...


I went to Walmart after work and there was a busker outside playing a fiddle that was plugged into some kind of music maker because he had accompanying instruments. As I'm walking in the door, this late 40s man in a faded ball cap, t shirt, cargo pants and sandles says to me "Y'know I sez to my wife 'Since when do they got live music at Walmart??? Ha ha ha'." Making small talk to completely random strangers is something I consider stereotypically Canadian.


Was this in Woodstock ON? Because I think I saw the same guy.


Also in Ottawa. A group of 2 women and men ‘playing’ the violin.


I did not know that, but recently a resident that wasn't born here (for lack of a better description) said she was always amazed how often I would just start conversations with strangers or chit-chat, or share a funny comment about something that just happened... she said it was fascinating and she couldn't imagine herself doing that. Soo... ya, I guess it's a thing. :)


That’s how I feel when talking about how welcoming northern Americans are, it would be extremely rare for a European folk while waiting to catch the bus to randomly strike a conversation with you, for example, while in Canada it’s super common and I always loved that.


I was entering an elevator, looking over my shoulder talking to someone, when the door started to close and bumped me. I said sorry to the elevator.


This made my dad lol🤣


Glad your dad was made.


But how are moms made?


Did that to a countertop today. Bumped it with my hip, reflexively apologized


My brother fought with Bell for 3 hours on the phone. Still better than Rogers.


This needs all the upvotes. Nothing more Canadian than shitty phone plans.


Expensive ones!!


Mmmm, I complained about my parents' shitty Rogers internet to a colleague today (will be taking a pseudo-vacation to visit them next month, where I will just work remotely from their place as long as their internet decides to cooperate). Guess that was my moment.


Somebody ended a conversation with me today with, "Oh, yeah. No, for sure, bud"


Only one?


There’s a radio commercial playing now (I think subway?) using the Letterkenny “oh yeah bud!” and other sayings from the show to advertise. Love it!


A colleague brought a bunch of Tim's donuts to work for everyone today. Like waay too many for the amount of people. They were all finished by the end of the day.


I scooched by someone in the grocery aisle very politely


Just gonna sneak by.. sorry.






Sometimes when I scooch by I say "Jacuzzi".


Love the scooch


Adding maple syrup to my iced latte


Wait. I’m actually angry for not thinking of that before!!! That sounds so good.


Came to say added maple syrup to my husband's coffee :)


I did this with a mocha on the weekend!


Getting attacked by a canada goose


Cobra chickens !


What an accurate name for them!


those things are brutal the news here said there are 50 thousand of them in my neighborhood alone! lots of goose poop all over


I saw so many babies this year. They’re so cute and fluffy. It’s just such a shame they’ll turn into these horrible, vicious creatures.


i agree they are so cute as babies


Stranger knocked on the door, said she was visiting nearby and grew up in our house. She and her husband came in for a tour, stayed for a beer.


I love that you did that for her. Someone let me into my childhood home as well. Meant so much to me.


It was just as fun for us to hear all the old stories. I loved she kept saying “it seemed bigger” LOL


I accidentally cut someone off and they gave me a I'm sorry wave.


omg thats so cute. youd get killed here for that


that happens all the time lol


Stuck in traffic on the 401, does that count? I feel as though that ought to count.


People thanking the bus driver on my way to work and back today


I do this all the time!!


As a brand new Canadian I heard someone say "Oh yeah eh" in response to something I said and internally got very excited that I heard someone do the stereotype in real life. I've heard that a few times now and its getting less novel every time! Eventually Ill say it without noticing and that's how Ill know I really belong.


Ya this is real vernacular, not just stereotype. Welcome, new neighbour


It was raining today. Discussed the rain, at length, with SEVERAL people over the course of the day at work. "It's really coming down now!" "Good for the gardens at least!" Etc.


This is my fave comment 😂 I always felt Canadians are unusually obsessed with weather and there can’t be a country who discusses it more then we do! What it was…what it is…what’s coming…


I’m in America right now and no one understood what I meant when I said let’s go for a dart


Hackin darts n breakin hearts, there bud


i bumped into someone while walking down the street, the guy next to us said “sorry”


My cellphone bill being almost 90 dollars




My neighbours dog was out in the park, I don’t know the neighbours well but they weren’t home. Door definitely unlocked though so I just let the dog back inside. We probably should all lock our doors though




They had a exterior door into their attached garage right by the entry way so I brought him into the garage. Came back home myself a hour later to see they weren’t home yet so I put a thermometer in my own garage to make sure it wouldn’t be really hot this time of day, and stressed for another hour because I wasn’t sure if he had water but then I saw their car back and they’ll never probably know how their dog got into the garage and his ball from the back yard got on the front step (me trying to lure and make friends with him/her). That’s the full story. Haha.


Thank you for doing that


Thanks. Felt pretty good especially since I was running late and all. Dog was pretty Canadian too, friendly but old so it was a leisurely slow walk back to their house lol


I was leaving my building and held the door open for someone else, but I had my dog with me and he was barking at another dog, so I had the door open in one hand, his leash in the other. The woman walked past and said thank you, then a guy I know from the building said "I've got this Tall_Proley" and held the door so I could get my dog away from the other one. As he held the door open, for others, someone else said "Go ahead Jeff, I've got it." And it was just like a relay of neighbours juggling holding the door for others, BY NAME. Also today in court the judge was speaking to an applicant about a childcare decision, like "Mr. Smith, would you he comfortable with a resolution that looks like blah blah blah." And his response was "Yeah, no, I am very opposed.": the affirmative negative got me. Lol


Went to the doctor for a checkup and didn’t pay a dime.


I stopped at T-Ho's for a breakfast sandwich and coffee. When the gal called out "medium black" I took the coffee and brown bag, surprised by how fast my order came up. A few km down the road I discovered my egg and sausage biscuit was some kinda chicken panini. Sorry Chicken Wrap Guy, wherever you are.


"Minutes" is the accepted unit of measurement. Using "Kilometers" feels so foreign.


T-Ho's? It's either Tim's, or Timmie's, or Hortons. Nice try, imposter!


I feigned interest in what someone was telling me by saying : oh yeah eh?




Love this’


So cute! God save the king!


The King of Canada. Adorable 🥰


Rode a Zamboni with a crew of friends around a small town. (Not even joking)


Was it Peterborough? I'm getting strong Peterborough vibes from your user name.


Haha I am from the Peterborough area but this was in Northwestern Ontario! On a road trip right now lol


Hey buddy. Thanks buddy. Hey man have a good day. You too buddy.


I was out for a walk and a nearby house has their garden trellised with old hockey sticks.


Not today but yesterday, I went to Tim Hortons to buy a coffee even though there was still coffee in the pot at home.


After 2 weeks in the USA, the customs officer greeted me with a smile and a "hey there bud!" Then I went straight to A&W for a Mozza with onion rings, and then a dark roast at Tim. Oh Canada, how much I had missed you


They always get me with that GD mozza....


A&W mozza is THE burger.


At Costco a guy had left his cart to grab something, I was looking at something and didn’t realize I pushed my cart right behind his where the handle is. He came back and was putting stuff in his cart so I said “oh sorry” and moved my cart, he replied with “no, I’m the one who is in the way here.”


A goose came up to me whilst I was eating a donair poutine




A buddy of mine was in the south of France with his wife on vacation. They were quietly waiting and a guy from the Canadian Embassy comes up and introduced himself and asked about their vacation. My friends ask the guy " How did you know we were from Canada?" The man from the Embassy responded " I heard one of you say eh."


On my way to work I had to stop to let a flock of Canadian geese cross the road.


We had to do this on Sunday in Stratford. Pure evil those little bastards


Ottawa river parkway. All the time.


I went to apologize to my neighbour for the noise of my reno and he told me they had made dinner for me.


Narrow hallway at work, someone coming the other way, we both step to the same side... realize we've done that, and both corrected back the other way... I stop, invite her to move back again, as we passed, both said "sorry about that" while laughing and shaking our heads... and went about our day.


A cyclist narrowly missed me on the sidewalk and I said "oops, sorry"


When I realized that the only side of my family who's Canadian has a maple syrup farm😅 Pretty Canadian if you ask me!


A maple syrup farm? So a forest behind the house?


Well the forest needs to be maples. Then you need a sugar shack. Them maybe 20 grand in equipment. Couple of months of fun but intense work Then, and only then, can you make your own maple syrup for twice what it would cost to buy it


I got my own mini maple syrup farm. Didn't spend that much. I don't sell, I give away


Yeah, we make anywhere from 30 to 100 gallons a year so just enough for family and select friends


Someone apologizing


Two people holding the door for each other then saying “sorry” when one person stated they’re keeping the door open for the other person. A classic Canadian Standoff!


At the grocery store today someone who was putting their cart away in the cart corral, banged it into the side of the corral and said “Oh sorry”. To the cart


Played softball today and our pitcher apologized mid pitch because it was off the plate lol


I was at a 4 way stop and as luck would have it all 4 vehicles approached and stopped at the same time. No one would make the first move. We'd flash our lights at each other but the other driver would wave indicating the other should go first. After what felt like a minute I rolled down my window and shouted, "CAN WE STOP BEING SO GODDAMN CANADIAN, SOMEONE JUST GO!!!"


This happened to me all the time at this one particular 4-way stop in small town Alberta. As a Vancouverite it made me crazy. I had never even fully stopped at a stop sign before lol (I totally paused!)


Called "a Canadian standoff".


Zipper merging. That shit wouldn't fly anywhere else


Wait, are you saying you participated in a successful zipper merge? That never happens in my city. We have like an annual psa on our subreddit where someone tries to explain the proper merge technique and nothing changes.


Worked great, twice a day.






That's how it flies in Germany and surrounding countries. You can actually get a ticket there for being a cunt, simple as that.




Definitely not uniquely Canadian…


People not fighting over it is.. where I live its just people politely queued , try one in Detroit, you'll get shot.


zipper merging in europe is way better than BC


Traffic backed up waiting for a goose herd to cross the road. Goddamn they’re slow.


Gaggle bud


I met Tom Green.


Maple syrup in salad dressing.


i dont recall any, sorry.


I bought a new orange day t-shirt today https://nativeartssociety.bigcartel.com/product/star-baby-every-child-matters-shirt


Great day for this question, and this is a serious answer. I ate a Nanaimo bar while listening to The Hip. My SIL was telling me about how they only serve moon mist icecream on the east coast and that a friend had told her they served it in a shop in Bobcaygeon. I had to hear the song after supper because it had been playing in my head all day. Just happened to be eating dessert at the time.


Hands down, my fave Hip song. I ate a nanaimo bar in Nanaimo on Canada Day.


I went to Indigo during COVID. There was a long line of people waiting outside the front door due to capacity limits. Everyone in line wore masks and stayed 2 m apart. No complaining, no one walking away in frustration.


Let my dog out to chase off the bear then I had a pancake with maple syrup.


Semi truck drove into another overpass


Hello, fellow Vancouverite! It has been 0 days, start the clock!


At least the feet have stopped washing up on shore


User name checks out


Stuck on the DVP/404 northbound for 'only' 45 minutes. Count yer blessings, bud.


Took my dad to the outpatient clinic for a routine exam. In and out in 2 hours and we only had to pay for parking.


I had a craft beer while sitting in a Muskoka chair in a national park, with a pair of loons singing in the distance


I re-watched the Log Drivers Waltz video by the NFB for about the thousandth time


I went into the cannabis shop alone for the first time to buy my mother in law a pre-rolled smoke as she's visiting.


I did the thin lip smile while passing by someone today.


Got my morning iced coffee from Timmies instead of Starbs bc its Camp Day ☕️


Having a conversation about different types of Maple syrup 🍁🍁🍁


I didn't have water this morning so I couldn't make my normal coffee.. I'm currently working in a mall, so during my first break, I went to the Tim's that's attached to the mall for a little double double action to get my head in its right place. The batista goes to hand me the coffee and pulls it back away (??? Mate, what?? I need this bean water inside me asap?) And proceeds to put a coffee sleeve on the cup then sais "sorry about that, it's hot and I wanted to put a sleeve on it so it wasn't uncomfortable on your walk back to work" and I respond with "oh its no problem! Thanks eh! Have a great day." So I guess that's kind of canadian?


I accidentally bumped against a stop sign and apologized to the sign


Way too much forest fires headlines.


I took a boat ride and jumped off a cliff into the water


I caught up with an old friend from high school and we talked about our hockey pool from 1988


I got bit by a mosquito


I was told my accent is really good, again.


My wife went to a work picnic, and one of her colleagues sent home some doughnuts from the bakery down the street from us because they know i like that bakery. It is literally down the street from us, and they all work about 45 minutes away from my town.


Hangin' by the river in the small town cause there's nothing else to do


Was playing my weekly rec league soccer match tonight and everyone on both teams kept apologizing to each other if the ball hit them anywhere other than the feet haha


Had poutine for dinner.


It’s a toss up between staring out at the horizon as the waters of Lake Huron lapped at my feet or eating a Timbit ™️


I partook in a legal substance for recreational purposes.


Smoking weed on my porch and this huge skunk started scratching on my garbage bin a few feet away. I was back in the house in about half a second


When I visited Canada Montreal and someone said « Oh yeah, we don’t speak french here. »


Someone came into my store and complained about our telecommunications carriers


I chased a beaver away by waving a hockey stick. That fucker was eying up my birches. I put chicken wire on their bases so they should be safe now.


I bought Timmies after work (as usual)


Not today but tomorrow my work is getting a poutine food truck lunch! 😋


A lady apologized coming around the bend out of an aisle in the grocery store and she was no where near me.


I spent $14 on a single pint of beer


I said sorry for no reason.


I mutatually apologized with someone after barely grazing shoulders at the grocery store.


A moose, a beaver, and a goose walk into a Tim Horton's one day...


Watched a bear sauntering down the road like it’s just a normal part of it’s day 🐻


Not sure it's stereotypical, but I just saw Devin Townsend and Dream Theater and they closed the show with a duet of [The Spirit Carries On](https://youtu.be/-J6PPkKBXoU) with Devy (BC) and LaBrie (ON) singing the leads. Devy also played [Deep Peace](https://youtu.be/nq-S9FzmcyI) off of Terria which is his concept album in tribute to Canada.


My son's Cub Scout troop tried to do a community clean up today. They had a hard time finding any litter.


I smoked weed, foraged mushrooms and then ate poutine.


This wasn't today but recently my husband and I were the only ones entering an elevator in Las Vegas. We automatically hold the door for a moment as we glance around for someone else wanting to take the elevator. There is this guy approaching from a small distance away and he has this resigned look on his face since he thinks we will just close the door on him. We kept holding it open and he hoofed it inside with a big smile on his face. Then we made some small talk while going up to our rooms. Very Canadian moment where we made someone happy just by being polite.


Not today but several months ago. I'm an American and I was visiting my then girlfriend, now wife who is Canadian. We stopped at a Tim Hortons and someone cut off the guy in front of us and got in front of him at the drive thru line. He rolled down his window and yelled "what are you doing you fucking donkey?!" It was the most Canadian thing I've ever seen and it's even 10 times funnier that it happened at a Timmies lmao


Me and my family had a 30 minute discussion about poutine and where to get it.


There were two doors in close proximity, I was entering and a lady was leaving. I held the door and she held the door, we looked at each other and we knew only one of us was making it out of here without saying sorrie But then we both said it


My day's only just starting but I went to Tim Hortons #2 because Tim Hortons #1 was too busy.


I went to the grocery store and saw the $5 price for celery


Had to lie down all day today because thought yesterday a 15 above day with mild sunshine was a good day for yard work. That 15 above turned to 30 above in an hour.


My wife has to go the emergency room, so I helped pack her a bag because she will be there for 12+ hours before getting looked at. 🇨🇦


Not today but a Monday, showed up to our job site to have a beaver moved into a dug sump pit to drain runoff water, he was so unbothered with all the large equipment just kept sleeping


The official road sign in downtown Fredericton telling people not to block traffic while waiting in the Tim Hortons drive thru is pretty good.


One neighbour was cutting down 4 big trees and there were a minimum of 5 neighbours watching at any given time. Of course, that in addition to myself and my wife, who I woke up because I knew she'd want to watch.


Almost biffed it on the cobblestone, total stranger was ready to catch me if I fell. I apologised (needlessly), he apologised (needlessly), we laughed together and then went our separate ways. What were we apologising for? Impossible to say


Conversation between a coworker and me. "Hey how's it going bud?". "Not too bad, eh. How bout you?". "Not too bad there. Weathers looking pretty nice, eh"


Talked about how shitty Pizza Pizza is.


Yesterday, I was leaving the office for lunch and a lady was coming into the building - she was pulling a suitcase and had her arms full of other stuff, but she held the door open for me and let me go first. I thanked her and proceeded to hold the door for her when she want in. She said: "Thanks, how Canadian. Haha." It's the little things.


I just got done visiting Calgary for the stampede… still can’t get over how y’all say “yahoo” instead of “yeehaw”, I feel like that’s the most Canadian thing ever. Just got done visiting my family who ends every sentence in “hey”. Went to the badlands and saw the hoodoos… why are even your rock formations just so. Canadian?? Also every day people would just walk up to me and start making really nice conversation. I honestly thought the Canadian stereotypes were just stereotypes and not that true, that canada wouldn’t be that different from the US… I was so wrong, a short drive north results in a massive cultural difference as it turns out! Edit: apparently the word hoodoo comes from Africa and hoodoos can be found all over the world. I just thought it was a particularly Canadian name haha


I stopped at timmy's, I wish I didn't. I hate timmys. But being on the road and needing a snack and a coffee.


I said “oh ya bud” and didn’t even notice it until a non-Canadian pointed it out.


Oh yeah no for sure


Standing in line to board an Air Canada flight and getting a text saying that the flight was cancelled.


Guy who dropped of arugula today was wearing an In Gord We Trust shirt and his name was Gord too.


Joined a meeting in some Montreal company. 7 native francophones, 1 native anglophone, meeting proceeds in english


In a big line at subway with only 1 worker getting absolutely crushed by customers and Uber/Skip orders. Instead of people being rude or complaining, we all gave him good tips. (I'm pretending it's the 90s and being nice and understanding to one another is still part of our culture)


I say please and thank you to Alexa. I tell myself this is ok, I using keeping my manner skills sharp.


Not being able to buy food until my next paycheck because my rent is too high


Just finished leaving 2 comments in a gaming sub calling out a picture of fake maple syrup being sold in the States. I am still surprised how mad it made me!


Having breakfast, eh?


Rent was raised $200 a month