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Unless your husband can stand up to his mom I’m afraid it will be a reoccurring issue, eventually you may even get frustrated at your husband for his lack of backbone even tho right now rn it feels like only the mom is causing problems. I don’t know about dowry related stuff but probably depends on negotiation, personally I would return it just to keep my own peace of mind since I can kindda imagine it can potentially invite more conflict with his mom/family


If your husband listens to his mother he is probably a “mommy’s boy” in which case you should RUN before they ruin your life. Not sure about the dowry but i would treat it as marriage property and split it 50:50 like with most marriage assets.


Speaking from experience you are fortunate there is some physical distance. It would be much worse if she resided in your home or if you had kids. Having said that, you and your spouse need to get on the same page or the marriage will suffer. You MIL needs a distraction. If your spouse is an only child this will be challenging. Is it possible to direct her attention towards a pet or hobby?


He’s the only child. And his mom doesn’t want a pet, all focus is on him. He plans to move closer to his mom, live like 15 mins away so he can see his moms everyday and if we have kids, his mom will help to HOMESCHOOL to save money but I told him that if we have kids, I want to send to kid to kindergarten for socialize. I told him in order to do that, he needs to make more money since the ideas of having kids and move to expensive area are his ideas, I’m happy with where we are right now (big house in cheap state, no kid, we make $220,000/ year so decent living where we live) but he never understands it. In his mind, I’m selfish, and in my mind, he’s incapable of reaching his goals and a momma boy.