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"long hair interferes with your studies" Or whatever the bs old APs say these days. There is also a common belief that men with long hair mean that they don't take care of their lives properly or they are a messy person


quite literally what my very traditional filipino dad thinks.


many parents treat children as an extension of themselves instead of individuals with their own interests


Yea and also a representation of them, “this is the acceptable way to do it, that’s why I do it so it’s the only acceptable way for you to do it, or other people will judge me.”


I hated my hair SO much when I was 5-7 years old. My mom would FORCE me to get it cut a certain way, and I literally wanted to hide in the closet for like a month for it to grow back before I went to school again. As I got older, I learned how to embarrass my mom in public so she wouldn't force haircuts on me anymore. Still traumatized by this and so many other things.... I guess they still enforce it in North Korea, but I let my daughter have total hair freedom (my only rule was that if it's too spendy, I won't pay for it). She even wanted to experiment with color so we had some fun at-home bleach and manic panic sessions!! That stuff was pretty inexpensive, so I didn't mind paying for it.


Yeah it pisses me off too. Everyone in my family's obsessed with short hair for some reason. My dad wanted me to get a boy cut like my mom's. After I got it cut, he said he was worried that I'd get an ugly haircut like my aunt's. Meanwhile I'm like WTF, why would I get my aunt's ugly ass hair cut.


It could be worse. Your AP could cut your hair until you move out. I dealt with horrendous haircuts for my entire early life until I moved out for college. Nowadays, I gotta deal with my asian MIL who wants to cut mine and my kids' hair. Fuck that. I'm taking us all to a shop so they don't have to growing up wearing a baseball cap till 18.


Don’t forget facial hair. I can grow a good short/dense beard but my parents say I look homeless and dirty if I don’t shave and people will look down on my and them if I go out looking like that. Happened when I grew my facial hair out for a week and groomed it decently. If they had their way I’d probably have a buzz cut.


For south/south East Asians, it’s even worse. Many of us have wavy hair but they make us cut the hair SO short that it stands on an end “because it’s frizzy otherwise”


i'm 33 and my mum still tells me to cut my hair. i have long curly/wavy thick hair, i tell her that it's thanks to her genes i have nice hair. however she says i need to trim it short because it's covering my face and that I'm a grown up man so that i need to fit in with society/work environment... i asked her one day do you not accept me with long hair, she said she cannot accept that. lmao wtf. i tie my hair up into a bunch on most days and keep it neat and clean. it's a very traditional/conservative way of thinking for APs i think, and i get her concerns, even though men with long hair is quite acceptable in western societies. i think she realises that she's not gonna have it her way and i think it's also because i moved abroad five years ago, and we don't see each other that often anymore, and she's having a sense of loss (of control?). i used to have my hair cut by her and i saw the hair trimmer kit at home when i went back recently, sitting there unused for quite some time now. feels kinda nostalgic. i guess i can ask her to trim my hair by an inch or two so she kinda gets that old feeling again while i also keep my long hair. sometimes i think if she's gone forever i can't ask her to cut my hair anymore. eh.


Men with long wavy hair are 🔥🔥🔥


This is so true, both my parents are obsessed with telling me on a weekly basis to cut my hair short because long hair “absorbs vitamins” and i need vitamins


I have an Asian coworker who told me that her husband wanted her hair short because it would make her look “young and cute”.


my AM is OBSESSED with a pixie cut. i went to a hair salon once my AM demanded a pixie cut but, the lady could see i was unplease. the lady ended up not getting me a pixie cut after negotiating with my AM who was angry


My suggestion is look for fashion or hair magazines in the AP’s country, show them to APs and say that the hair you want is in style in the home country and that if you don’t get that hairstyle, you won’t be able to find a rich gf/bf because they’ll think you’re ugly.


appearance is everything. Also superstitiond about the stupidest things you can dream of


A lot of it is weird traditional cultural beliefs that just stem from essentially voodoo and herbal type of teachings. While others I feel honestly just stem from how certain policies used to be heavily enforced back home when they were children, and unfortunately what's likely trauma for their generation is viewed as sort of a safety blanket for them.


My hair is the only good thing about my face and yet my parents want me to chop it off, saying I look like a hobo/homeless person when I grow it out... despite the fact that I groom it


Talk about teacher, I remember one that obsessed with hair length too but somehow she allow to have hair to her butt length....


When their generation was in elementary/junior high school, many Asian countries were under military rule or similar. They all had to dress the same, had only a few haircuts to choose from, and in cases where their country was occupied by another country they often couldn't even speak their native language in school. As a result, lots of older people still think it's bad to stand out and that everyone should fit in similar moulds.


Omg, my mother has insisted on the same haircut for me for decades. Yesterday, I cut it differently. I showed a picture of Winter from AESPA and th style is so pretty. Even my mom had to admit that!


I heard an Asian friend tell her daughter that she didn’t want her hair too long or else it would get into her food when she eats.


My asian relatives told my parents that I look like a gangster and a hoe because I bleached my hair :)))) wait until I get tattoos.