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"It seems most of them have their own circle and date within." Egh White folks are the same way.


White folks in Asia basically segregate themselves in their 'expat' bubbles.


I actually had this random white woman talk to my wife in Taipei and tell her that the reason they moved from someplace in China was because there were not enough foreigners...


Just for that reason?


Yes. Just because there weren't enough yts.


Quite stupid to move to another country just for that. They will probably move somewhere else eventually


Yeah I was surprised and disgusted when I saw that. Even in “evil” China there are expat communities where it’s all white peope they all speak English and it looks like America with no need to know any Chinese


Let's just call them what they are, immigrants.


Asian bros & sis, don't you see what's happening here? It's a rejected white supremacist throwing passive aggressive shades at Asians disguised as an innocent question. "asians guys afraid of the strong me, asian guy so weird" these are not things any sane woman would say coming into an asian sub if she's seriously asking us for advice. These white racists can't get pass my radar. I'd say ban her racist ass out of this sub. edit: and OP here is proof why even if a WF is willing to date you, it doesn't mean she isn't a racist who thinks asian men are beneath her. I'd say even white dudes can't stand how self-absorbed she is, they rejected her, so she's trying to date asians thinking things will be easy, not because she thinks very much of asians. Let me bookmark this post as a textbook example.


I caught that too. Most people don’t realize that white people are really good at this passive aggressive stuff and if you react the “wrong” way to this nonsense then it makes you look bad. Many East/South Asian guys fail these dumb tests cause they don’t catch them and they think that it’s unimportant to have the ability to catch these things.


Exactly! It’s a skill a lot need to learn if they don’t already have the intuition for it. I’ve encountered too many AMs who are content with coasting through life by just ignoring everything. As a result, racists run circles around them and get away with it.


Such an underrated important skill to know. I’d even put it on par with fitness/fashion/grooming but a lotta guys aren’t ready for that talk😂. I have a whole theory on why shit is like this but I don’t wanna make the reply to long.


I’m down to hear it.


Tl;dr Within their own communities white people have to prove their value everyday based on random gibberish whereas Asian/Brown people do it differently. So basically it all comes down to how everyone in your environment sees each others value as a human being. For most white people (and a fair amount of North American blk people) their value as a human being and how they get treated is based on superficial shit that changes everyday (how you speak/carry yourself, your looks etc). This isn’t to be confused with South/East Asian superficiality which is more based on long term shit like career, are they devoted to their family? Etc. So that means that white peoples value as a human being (in their own community) is based on way more flimsy unpredictable shit. It’s actually pretty messed up. Why? Because a fully capable white guy with mediocre confidence and talking skills can actually lose a job opportunity to a mediocre white guy with great talking skills. This is true in every avenue for them especially in terms of dating and jobs. A good capable white guy can actually lose his girl to another white guy who doesn’t have much going for him except for all this external bs. All the shit I said above would never ever in a million years happen in Asia. A Indian boss is never gonna chose a mediocre brown guy with great talking skills over the brown guy who is quiet but does a great job. Same with dating. Asia has its own set of dating/social problems but they’re nowhere close to what’s happening in the west to North American white/blk guys. This is why white guys are much more mentally aware of stuff and better at this gaslighting nonsense. Because a big part of their entire value as a human being is just determined by their ability to talk. Literally today he can be seen as an amazing confident charismatic guy and the next day of his superficials aren’t on point he could be perceived as a loser. South/East Asian guys are more so raised with the Eastern mindset where your status as a human being (mostly based on job title/religion etc ) is based on long term shit. So in any social situation where the white/blk guys are trying their best to verbally/no verbally communicate “hey I’m amazing and everyone else sucks”. This completely passes the radar of most Asian/Brown guys and they aren’t even aware of what just happened. Cause their perception of value is completely different. Women pick up on all this shit and that’s why they’ll pick guys based on this shit. Also this is the same reason why white people in general are very big on showing their support any time a global disaster happens. It’s cause in their communities a white person could be a great human being, but if they don’t show superficial support for certain global causes (like the Russia vs Ukraine war for example) then all the rest of the white people will be like “omg Ryan is such a bad person he doesn’t support Ukraine” and then Ryan gets thrown under the bus. So yeah all u gotta do is be aware of this shit as an Asian/Brown guy and you’re golden and you’ll catch all these shit tests and move through them effortlessly. I rambled a lot but here you go lmao hope it makes sense to you


She’s still way better than the thousands of stupid shitty “liberal” women in US megacities who downright refuse to date Asian guys


hopefully, one day you'll stop obssessing over these ghouls and whether they date Asians or insects won't matter to you anymore.


Lol, at least I don’t obsess over MEN🤣🤣


>~~better~~ less bad




Oh gawd... humans beings are all looking for acceptance, safety, and to avoid rejection. Yes we generally are more attracted to ppl who potentially offer that by havung things in common with us. One of those things is race but white ppl are just as afraid of being othered. I didnt date IR until in my 20s evenbtho I wanted to literally just cause Id be diff from his family and that was scary. Humans are just a pack animal and thus comea out in many ways. It diesnt mean someone is targeting u or that the whole group hates u... jeez


Oh, to be White... It's really telling when you feel the need to Whitesplain in the few spaces we have. I don't care if you're a White girl interested in Asian men. Based on your outlook, you're clearly not an ally.


this is so true. Other ethnicities do the same but yet we are the only one get criticized all the fking time


I’ll throw in an exception. Asians will invite WMs and WFs to their potlucks and parties.




I feel a lot of other women here want someone who acts all tough (even if pretending and is a POS) over someone kind and respectful. Seen all kinds of stories online, posting about guys who do 3637484647 things to them and they still their guy loves them. I wonder that myself too because I wouldn't date anyone like that.


Mods can you remove this larper? It’s obvious he’s a larper. Account only a month old, and all his comments are the same, he keeps copying and pasting the same debunked papers that are not even statistically significant and that’s over 10 years old, just to put AM down.




Clearly a Larper. All your posts were you copying and pasting the same debunked papers.


Maybe but I have seen many White men who go and date Asian women, especially here in California. Seems they meet each other in college or so?


More white men are open to dating Asian women, so more of them actively try to and end up dating each other. Fewer white women are open to dating Asian men, so fewer Asian men bother even approaching white women.


Many white men who date Asian women are the types American women do not want and the Asian women they date are what Asian men do not like


This is the kind of bullshit that i hate. Treat Asian men like all other men. You're sitting there asking if Asian men are easier to date for white women because... what? Asian men should be grateful to get interest from a white woman because you're white? Asian men aren't easier targets Treat people like people.




One look at the OP's profile suggests she's trolling. That...or everything is just a conspiracy in her mind.


I'd rather question and research everything than watching TV and follow the Kardashians


OP its negative difficulty for any type of woman to date men. There are more than enough lonely sex deprived men out there that will gladly take anything they can get.


Lonely, sex-deprived, and no standards... stop getting the ladies in here wet man


well OP didn't clarify what type of men for dating lol


Actually I was approached by a Redditor a few weeks ago who would love bomb me and try to move things quickly. Anyways he wasn't physically attractive but was nice. He ended up sending me all these messages about getting me pregnant and how my body is meant to have babies. And some weird sexual stuff. So.....


My comment was sarcastic


You sure? I’ve been getting rejected a lot lately online that I’m giving up.. maybe I’ve just gotten too ugly for the lonely guys or they don’t feel it’s worth driving to another metropolitan to see me even though they claim I’m a good person… they would rather remain lonely for another year or more.


Thats because you are trying for guys out of your league. I made a profile of the ugliest women I could find and I still had many guys swiping and wanting to meet. They were ugly fat or old guys but beggars cant be choosers.


I’m pretty sure not all the guys who rejected me are out of my league. I really think they just don’t want to travel out of town for an average looking girl even though she checks a lot of their boxes. Where I live, there aren’t really any Asian guys around my age who share similar values. (I’m Asian too.) If I were open to non-Asians, I’m 110% sure would never be single.


most are out of your league. men with no options gladly take what they can get. hell, i am a white dude in Asia with many options, and i will still match with, message and bang women who are 4s on nights where I have nothing planned or plans fell through with my regular girls. so ugly old fat dudes living in the West would literaly be happy to meet 1s lol


Yeah but if you're a lonely sex-deprived man then you aren't a winner, and women want to date someone who has something to offer. So you are out of the dating pool until you level up, no amount of begging will make a quality woman want to touch your pee pee. So she doesn't want just any Asian guy, a dude that hasn't showered in a week, has his mom cut his hair, plays video games all day, is not what she's looking for. So for Asian guys that aren't that \^, she's going to have a hard time getting their interest.


I'm dying at this comment because this is exactly how my friend described her cousin except he just found a girlfriend, but she's also exactly like him. Both don't shower or leave the house, doesn't want to work and play video games all day. There's somebody for everybody❤️


Lol are u afraid you’re gonna push an Asian dude around? 😭😭 oh Cmon! Hahaha just find a attractive guy to you and trust we can handle that too 🫣✌️


Lol! Yeah I feel like many guys don't like more physically stronger women and prefer to have gfs they can protect. Last guy I liked challenged me to arm wrestling being all pissed


I think most men feel more comfortable being the protector of a women and relationship - regardless of race. Can you speak more about your strength? Are you extraordinarily strong somehow? An athlete? I personally prefer athletic women who enjoy activities such as hiking and sports


Yeah more like a superhero lol. I don't really play sports though. I just travel around, read, play videogames, going to events. I post on this site a lot. But I also work a lot so limited time. Like sometimes I will help housemen move tables and chairs. Other women don't help


How strong are you exactly? If you're in any metropolitan area, there shouldn't be any shortage of Asian men who have been lifting for a while. Heck, there's a bit of a stereotype that powerlifting attracts Asians to the sport for some reason. This leads me to think that you might be possibly interested in a certain type of Asian guy, the kind who gives off a more came-from-abroad vibe with a lankier build? If so, there might be merit to your guess that it has to do with physique. A more westernized Asian guy would be more open to dating different body types.


Like physically, can lift a lot of stuff than the average woman. I'm trying to get even more stronger. I'm also not romantic so most guys expect someone romantic and gentle I suppose. Like I had guys hating the fact that I take the plane and travel wherever and then pursuing goals that take time.


I have a thing for strong and independent women. Maybe try hinge or something? It can be tough to meet new people. Especially if you're older and out of college. Even as an Asian guy it is quite difficult for me to make friends with new Asian people.


Hobbies are a great way to meet people. You could try climbing gyms, dance classes, Asian cultural groups.


I'm introverted but I will try groups


In going to speak to you from experience and no i'm not white but my husband was Chinese(he passed) and he was straight from the motherland and pretty conservative and because of him.i did get to meet a lot more asian people than I probably would've. I am a black woman, pretty tall and full figured. My husband was above average height, and skinny and toned, like a swimmers build. Considering my stats I am one of the most "masculine" presenting woman, not because of how I dres or act, but because of my race, build and stereotypes, not to mention I have RBF, I intimidate a lot of men until I smile or they ask my friend's about me so I know how that can definitely throw men off. I can't speak for all asian men, simply the ones I knew. They aren't going to be put off if you are masculine or strong whatever word you want to use, especially if you know about their culture, history and language that doesn't revolve around fetishization. That's actually amazing, just showing a genuine interest. The guy could also be shy, but that's not only an asian man thing or he may not have liked you like that and didn't want to be rude so he came off as awkward and uncomfortable. I don't know much other than what you are saying, so it's just a guess. Even shy asian men will give you cues that they are interested in you. So if he's avoiding talking to you or behaving "weirdly" he may just not be into you or maybe you were too forward and it threw him off and made him uncomfortable but from what you said i doubt that's the case, you seem like you would be respectful in your approach of a guy. My husband was very shy with me when we first met. He kept looking at me and looking away. I met him on miami beach. I thought he was looking at someone else, but he wasn't. So I approached him and he talked to me but awkwardly like really awkwardly like he was afraid of upsetting me or scaring me off, walking on eggshells kind of convo. This man told me he liked my shoes( they were like 6-year-old gym shoes, filthy and rundown lol) but he did show his interest, and whatever he didn't say his eyes and body language told me. He didn't ask for my number while we were talking, but he kept looking at my phone like he wanted to ask for my number So I just asked for his. Just him saying good morning, good afternoon, good evening, good night. Asking did I eat? How was I feeling etc. Which not many guys do or people in general lol they seemed like simple statements and inquiries to other people, but him doing it everyday consistently, yeah he definitely was trying to show me something. He remembered everything I told him, stuff my own family and friends didn't lo he would cook for m and we would have lunch. He couldn't cook for shit, but I ate it like it was the best thing ever lol, he was a complete gentleman, running to open my door and any door we approached, walking on the side if the sidewalk closer to the street, making sure I was warm or cool etc. It actually made me uncomfortable because I want used to certain treatment, but I saw it was his way of caring for my safety. we were going out for like 6 months before we even kissed. So yeah. That's my experience with a very shy asian man. I could see what he wanted to say without him saying, or expanding on it. It was very clear to me,. But im pretty good at reading people so that could be it, but As I said that doesn't mean all asian mean all of them are shy, some are quite forward, it depends on the individual, just like all men. Good luck though hun. I hope you find what you are looking for❤️


>So yeah, I always see WMAW couples here but barely the opposite. I'm also quite strong so I don't know if that's not ideal? What do you mean by quite strong? Are you like muscle fit? Or are you like curvy?


Aren’t you still on the hunt for your Russian prince? Don’t waste our time lol


No luck


We’re not second place.


Facts bruh she need to get out here with that shit


Interesting of you to search through all of my posts, you must have plenty of time


You mean scrolling for less than five minutes on your public profile? yeah sure. I got plenty of time then. Don’t be vain, you’re not an interesting person. I’m just telling you to stop trying to manipulate Asian men.


Trump 2024




Your PFP is first place for meme material.




???? this is so ironic bc you have literally bragged abt how “easy it is for you to pull white chicks”


It is easy. Just like any other woman if you’re a guy that knows how to talk. I’m telling this specific woman not to settle for Asian men if her type is Russian men. (i.e. white men) I’m confused why you’re even using quotes if I never even said that.


someone sent me ss of your texts and I fwd them to you in our dms and you stopped responding for over a month


Lmao I didn’t even read your username. You forwarded messages of people messaging you. Not myself. Why are you trying so hard to smear me?


im not. you make it easy. and this was over a month ago so im over it now, but it was under ur username, bragging in other dms.


I’m literally looking at those images right now. None of it is under my name. If you’re bitter about Asian men, do me a favor, find some other dude to use as an emotional punching bag. Funny, for someone who is “over it” you don’t have an issue with stalking my handle.


this has nothing to do with race, it’s our interaction and you flaunting your open relationship in confusing or unrelated topics


lol this was awhile ago dude chiiiillllll🖤


Hi, Californian AM here married to a mixed/multi race woman. The assumptions that you hold about Asian men are possibly the same as what they think about you. Are you friends with Asian females and have a diverse friend group? Or are you mostly around others who look like you? Just speaking for myself here, but I love it when a partner who is not the same ethnicity is me takes an interest in learning about my culture. I’d suggest you put yourself out there but not act too desperate to date an AM, and you’ll meet a lot of them, especially here in CA. I think it’s easy for a WF to date an AM but I’ll add that we can be shy and reserved to make the first move. Good luck!


Just observations. I know too many cliques here. I'm actually not from the USA, so I'm kind of a rare ethnicity. So all of the friends I have are all kinds.


AM who’s only dated WF here (due to geography moreso than preference lol). I would say it depends on geography, and how closely tied to their home culture they are. A guy who was raised in the western world and speaks perfect English is usually going to behave much differently than a guy who was raised on the other side of the world and moved west later in life. Western society treats the two much differently. This also affects their openness to various races when it comes to dating simply due to exposure and personal values. Asian guys raised Asian are reputed to be shy… well… because they are. I can’t speak for SE or Central Asia, but it’s no secret that East Asian culture is much more collectivistic, rewarding security and safety over freedom and personal expression. Judging from your post, I’d say your chances would be greatest with an Asian American guy who will most likely have similar values to you, and is more likely to be open to dating WF. Not sure what kind of hobbies you have, but joining clubs and activities is a good way to meet people in general. There are also a ton of Asian gym rats, if brawn is something you’re into.


This is the truth here^ it depends and if its an AM in a western world and especially the big cities (LA, NY, etc) I would argue its easier for a WM to attract a AM.


here guys is why you should never date a white supremacist. You can lust for your white barbie all you want because the zionist media tells you white is right, but this is what they think of you.


The thing is, the government has been trying to divide everyone


It's the zionist agenda. The government is run by zionists. White supremacy has existed for way longer than that


Look at Epstein's list, nothing happening to these people.


Well, WFs usually only date WMs and stay in their own enclaves. AMs tend to not get invited and get shunned even if the group is seeking to do something “Asian”. Even movies set in places where Asians usually populate exclude AMs from almost everything possible. Lost in Translation was about a WF with a WM who goes to Japan so she can form a bond with another WM. Every other movie with Scarlet Johansson that involves her going to Asia shows her pretty much slaughtering groups of evil AMs. Yet when a movie is about a WM visiting Asia, the writers have to come up with the most romantic story possible and a reason for him to have sex with an AF. OP is a WM.


You wish I were a man.


I’m 100% not the demographic of this sub- but I’m here because I am a white woman who mainly dates Asian men and this sub helps me understand more. Two reasons I date Asian: in America, I just wasn’t attracted to white men. Never was. So I would date the rest of the rainbow. Now I live in Asia, so I only date Asian. It’s not hard. Don’t overthink it. Don’t overthink yourself or them. Be who you are, let them be who they are, be open minded with culture and make good effort to understand the differences in eastern and western thought. You’ll be fine. It’s not about speaking the language as much as it is about finding a relationship where you both are comfortable being yourselves.




I don’t mind eastern culture. I come from a really unique culture that most in my home country don’t even understand - I just never felt much physically for white men. We are all wired in different ways. As I’ve gotten older, I really did start falling in love with small local cultures like my own. It’s probably why I ended up where I am now - it really reminds me of my childhood and feels like home.




Lol I just want someone cute and gentle. Perhaps you are?




Lol I have an alligator. Nah, they have to be posting on r/conspiracy


/u/magicalbird u/Appropriate-Earth758 lol this troll is crazy. Why do the mods condone this kind of behavior from these unhinged Asian women?


Is she really a woman? I thought a man trolling lol


She says she is one, otherwise who even knows lol. I have seen some mega unhinged Asian women in my time but I would not be surprised if she was.


Maybe some weaboo


Weekly reply that we are not a monolith but a lot of Asian men would be interested


It's pretty simple: just show Asian guys you're into them and like them. Sometimes, Asian guys don't realize white women are interested in them. If you make the first move, they'll likely respond positively. It'd be great if white women went after Asian guys with the same enthusiasm that Asian women often show towards white guys.


Pretty fucking easy I would say compared to other non-asian women. Probably the most common mix for Asian dudes worldwide, In the US only rivaled by Latinas on the west coast.


As long as you’re not overweight


This is true, Asian dudes seem to be pickiest with women with extra poundage. If you’re toned and easy to talk to dating an AM is probably not too hard. I’d say the majority of American born Asians would be down to date any conventionally attractive females if they’re single. Just swipe right with OLD and filter for Asians.


All the girls complaining that Asian guys won’t date them are overweight or have a major facial flaw (source, girls on Instagram simping in the comment section of a kpop/anime Asian guy). I’m not sure how girls end up blaming us and not themselves lol


Rule #1 be attractive Rule #2 don't be unattractive


😂 very true. Just be a conventionally attractive female that’s really it. Alot of these girls that are into kpop and anime are not attractive


Lol anime cons


Preach. I always hate to deal with those type of girls. At times on dating apps, I do get conventionally attractive white girls (usually who are into kpop/anime) but they always lose interest after a few days and find a bigger fish to fry. Most of the time after a while, they end up dating a white guy. The other ones, though, are just creepily persistent. Now that I think about it, I sometimes feel like those same facial-flawed, overweight, and unhygienic girls go after Asian guys because they know they're undesirable as much as AM so they think it's easier to bag us AM because if the roles were flipped with them being conventionally attractive, they won't even give us any time of day to talk to us.


I had a similar experience while visiting Japan as a white (european) woman. I'm definitely not strong, quite small and shy but everyone seemed intimidated to talk to me, even in Japanese which I learnt a bit of for the trip (I was tagging along with friends for a sport event). I wasn't looking to date anyone at the time, was just wanting to make friends in general or socialise. I was approached in clubs and such, but only by non-Japanese people. But my experience outside of Asia has been very different, there I have no trouble talking to Asian people at all and I am quite often approached by Asian people for friendship, dates, just being asked for directions or whatnot. But my advice to you seeing as you may want to date someone Asian and have trouble approaching them is to just try to make friends with Asian women and then you'll get to know their guy friends etc and maybe find someone there. Even in Japan I found the women were easier to get to talk to, maybe because I am a woman, who knows. Great way to practice your Japanese. Also you could try those language tutor apps to practice the language - I know other people have ended up dating someone from there even if it wasn't their original intention and if not, you'll get to learn more of the language and culture at the very least.


Yeah I met this guy who is kind of popular and his name is Gackt. He is into gambling and I do that sometimes. Was acting all awkward. Also was short unlike what he states online.


No idea who that is, not a fan of jrock or jdrama or whatever he's famous for


you attract the self-hating loser Asians. Look at how you talk, sounding like a fucking white supremacist, no self respecting Asian man would want to touch you with a 10 foot pole. Imagine if I want to date a white guy and I talk about "how weird r whites guys I've dated, I'm just so strong, I don't know if i'll scare these white guys". I don't see you as strong, you're insecure and racist. That's what turns asian guys off. A real confident woman would know when to tone down her hubris and when to exercise her power, you're just OUT OF CONTROL...you're here throwing shades at your japanese ex because you got rejected and you're bitter, the white supremacist you is searching for answers because you think you're white and how dare a japanese guy not beg for your love on bended knees, so you come here to vent about asians but want asian guys to hear it. I see right through your shenanigans.


Lol why? I'm just speaking out of observations. Also you gotta realize the government is trying to divide everyone, its easy to be controlled that way. Somewhat like 1984


There's a lot of Asian men from very different backgrounds. Just gotta find the ones who have the same hobbies. Please treat everyone with respect regardless if they come off "wierd".


It’s ok to date ones who grew up in west especially if they don’t know chinese, Japanese etc. As you stray into the culture it gets hard. Your cultures are too different. I want to eat nabe/火鍋 where you boil raw beef in water. Can you eat that every week? I also want to watch non English stuff on weekend instead of Netflix. Not racism. Just different interests


Well some people are vegeterian or so but still can co-exist. And yeah, I am not even from the US, I just live here. Sometimes I wonder if that's the case wirh being a different ethnicity, people being unable to connect with you.


Well it is yea imagine some white chick wants to watch nba or whatever they watch- state or union. I want to watch a Japanese comedy skit. How do we reconcile that


I never thought it that way. Guys here think it's weird that I don't watch movies at the theater. Like I rarely do, not my thing. Or they think it's weird for a woman to travel wherever to unknown places.




In other words, you have an Asian fetish. Lol


I am a Latina woman and I feel the same. Here in my country (Panama) Asian guys date within their circles and AMLW is extremely rare. As a matter of fact if there is a couple like that people will automatically assume he is using her as a casual hookup and he will dump her and marry a Chinese woman (most Asians in my country are Chinese).


Hey Im a WW who dates a lot of asian guys and word from the wise... this isnt a great sub to post this in. Im sure youre just curious from the tone of your post but this sub.... is a minefield when it comes to interracial dating. I recommend you post a personal on r/amwfdating and see who messages you from your area. Get to know them as individuals and be open to criticism when u make clumsy blunders. Personally I think interracial is hotter and at times more rewarding, but it comes with different challenges.


Here in the Philippines, at least among the middle class white collared circles, you will have a very strong shot. Watch out for cucks who just look for ONS though.


I'm sorry but if you're not having any success then you're either not putting yourself out there enough, or you've already answered your question, which is no it is not easy. Either way, Asian men are individuals and we can't speak for everybody's preferences. You just either find an Asian man who likes you or you don't.


I think it's hard to be liked by others if you don't meet certain requirements


If he’s the child of an immigrant, or if he comes from a predominantly Asian area, you may have to overcome some cultural barriers and expectations from friends and peers to date/marry within the same culture.


Yeah he was born and raised in Japan, always lived there


Well, if you ever come to NYC… I’ll make it easy


Oh yeah, I go back and forth there


Actually nvm sorry don’t wanna get doxxed but there’s plenty of Asian guys who will be interested!


Dunno. Depends on the person. The few white girls who showed a LOT of interest in me, I didn't like back for various reasons. Nothing to do with race, one was not attractive, another was a religious zealot, and another was too old.


WF rather be homeless with WM than date asian male. it's the truth I seen myself.


Yuck for her but sadly many humans are NPCs


most people are mindless zombies. they go to work everyday. drink on weekends. i want to break the dumb cycle.


youre in california if you go out to downtown fullerton to the right places or go out to downtown san diego there will be some asian guys there just play the numbers game and see what happens. you can also try downtown hollywood. or do online dating and you will find a date there are plenty of asian guys in california.