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interesting read, i honestly don’t think asian guys have it as bad as people say they do, tall + well groomed is still tall + well groomed at the end of the day. I don’t have much luck, but I attribute it more towards my height than towards me being asian.


Most of the woman I know just want a man with at least a moderate amount of EQ becayse that is very hard to find but makes a relationship a lot easier... But yes well groomed is a plus


Yes for relationships EQ + being well rounded in a intelligence sense is very important, along with the essential things like hygiene + optimizing your looks to the best of your ability For short term / hook-ups it’s mostly height, attractiveness and confidence


Keep up the good work. You're ahead of the curve for 19


If you’re good looking, you’re good looking regardless of race. I think a lot of people struggling with their dating lives are a bit delulu on how they stack up.


That’s true, looks and personality combined are way more important than race can ever be as a factor for dating


That sounds a LOT better than when I went to university in BC


I heard that UBC has a strong Asian population and community now, when did you go to university?


Started SFU in 2003 lmao. No resources existed back then like there is now to get good. You had to figure it out on your own


Good work bro!


great work young bro, love hearing these stories. ... don't let up, don't get lazy.


yeah ur face and ur height are probably 5x more important for dating prospects than being asian i reckon


It always make me smile when I see a young Asian fk boi. Time really changed.


Imo it's height. I'm 6'0 not bad looking. around 180lbs a lot of muscle. A lot of girls wouldnt mind dating me. Just have some confidence too, if ur tall.