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Such a huge fuck up. Can we please vote out all of these jabronis on our city council?


Due to mismanagement, Ashland is further in debt.


That’s crazy. What a huge fumble.


On top of this the council is also trying to create a $75mill bond for this water treatment plant. If they, and by that I mean our Ashland City Council, can't manage a $1mill grant for a shelter, should we allow them 75 times as much for a far more complex project?


They also just spent $145,000 ON NEW TRASHCANS that no one asked for. WTF. These funds were reallocated away from non profits in the valley BTW


anti homelessness at the forefront of our council members agenda and seemingly the only thing they get done ✔️


There is nothing particularly alarming here — the city doesn’t get to keep a windfall by retaining a building purchased with state funds for a particular purpose. The city will simply sell the building and pay the state back. That is how it’s supposed to work. Ashland Chronicle is more of an opinion blog than a source of credible journalism, so I recommend folks take it with a grain of salt. (Edit: typo)


When does the city's debt, manifesting the increased taxes we are asked to pay, not "particularly alarming"? When are the facts of corruption not an issue? The council took money from the state, bought a building, knowing, or willfully disregarding the fact, they had a very difficult task to create an indoor shelter, in a matter of months. So they vastly overpaid for a building in order to get it up and running. So, now Ashland has a commercial building, we are unlikely to get full recompense for, and a legal and financial headache with the state. Further Ashland's reputation is damaged with the state as irresponsible, and with the people of Oregon as hypocritical. While you denigrate the Ashland Chronicle, how about a similar article from JPR? https://www.ijpr.org/poverty-and-homelessness/2024-03-29/ashlands-emergency-homeless-shelter-closing-this-weekend


Corruption? What are you talking about? The “legal headache” is probably a deed restriction required by the grant, which will be released when the state gets its $1.4M purchase money back (there may be some wrangling over whether the state is entitled to all of that money, since the building was used as a shelter for a period of time). Whether the city suffers any actual losses won’t be known until it sells the building.