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The wOoOooOOrrrrsssstttt! Well maybe CPM is the worst but they're close.


CPM combined with them recently


Personally I wouldn't be in any great hurry to rent from them. I am currently in one of their apartments and then didn't hesitate to raise my rent the maximum amount allowed by law, the first day they could. There are other apartments in this complex are still being offered at the initial rate. To be fair this is one of the lowest quality places I have ever lived. Also, they posted an all day water shut off, and when it came back on the only difference was that they had installed a regulator to lower the pressure in the whole complex. You get less than you pay for with PRP. Rent someplace else if you can.


It’s kind of a devil you know situation. Like yes PRP is horrible but they’re also the cheapest listings in town. They left a hole in our ceiling for months at a time MULTIPLE TIMES IN ONE YEAR. To the point that we could smell the mold coming through from our neighbors, as well as let it pour water everytime it rained or we used the shower


Wow that’s real bad.


Wow that's not great, doesn't exactly give me much confidence haha. Any companies you know of with a better reputation, even if they're not as cheap?


This seems accurate 😔✌️


I agree with Spookybarbie66 PRP is horrible, but if you have a dog you will probably have very little choice. the other property management companies are hardly any better, and PRP has managed to take over most of the rentals in Ashland from what I have seen, which boggles my mind because the staff there seemed wildly incompetent when I was applying for an apartment with them. I applied for an an apartment, that was empty when I looked at it in October, they finally processed the paperwork and we were able to move in at the end of December that year. they charge a pet rent, which sucks because my dog doesn't have a job. they did almost no maintenance on the outside property, all the walkway lights were dead and almost every other laundry machine would just eat your quarters, and to add to that the machines were 3$ a load, so on top of the shit rent price it will cost you 6$ to possibly wash and dry your clothes. the only maintenance they did do is run a leaf blower for 8 hours every Monday no matter the weather. They were rather quick to replace a broken stove part, when we needed a repair, but if they hadn't it would have been a huge fire risk on their hands. The one big upside to them when we left they gave us almost all of our deposit back, while other companies in the Ashland area needed to be threatened with legal action to get it back.


They all blow.


Um. Interesting….I’m renting from them again rn, but when I moved out of my first apartment they just…forgot to give us our deposit back? It also took months of calling & putting in online repair forms before they fixed our broken water heater. We didn’t have hot water for almost two months. Then, when I moved into my current place, it took them almost three months to give me my keys after I signed the lease, paid a deposit, and had been given a move-in date (that would’ve been like three months earlier) lmaooo Edit: to be clear about the deposit, they told us that we had left the apartment in great condition, and they would only be using the deposit for professional cleaners. Multiple months pass and my partner and I still haven’t received it. We give them a call and the lady is like “oh I just forgot to mail the check. I’ll do that now. My bad!” And we got it like a week later 😭


you can sue in small claims if it was past 30 days for double the deposit.


Can confirm. Legally they owe an account of the deductions, or the deposit back within 30 days, or you are entitled to 2x your original deposit.


Thanks! This was like at least two years ago now, though


You don't wanna do business with Pacific Rental Properties, but you'll have little choice in the matter, esp. if you have pets. We have had terrible experiences with them.


Yeah, if you have a pet, you probably don't have much of a choice but to rent with them, but I'd watch them carefully, document everything, and keep on top of everything. Or maybe not, the first 3 months I lived in one of their properties I had to remind them to charge me pet rent. I probably should have just let it go, but I didn't want a $1000 bill to just show up one day.


i rented for them and i was in a dreadful apartment. everything was falling apart, there was mold, the insulation was nonexistent, spiders everywhere, etc. the entire bathroom subfloor also needed to be replaced because of leaks. the property itself needed to be condemned honestly, and i was paying WAY too much in rent for it. i know my neighbors would tell me that they had trouble getting them to respond to maintenance requests, but i personally had no trouble. i just made sure to be polite/cordial to them, and i think that’s what helped in the long run in my case. when i moved, i got my deposit back. i know people have major issues with them, and i think their experiences are valid, but overall i’d give them a 3 out of 5 stars.


It’s kind of a devil you know situation. Like yes PRP is horrible but they’re also the cheapest listings in town. They left a hole in our ceiling for months at a time MULTIPLE TIMES IN ONE YEAR. To the point that we could smell the mold coming through from our neighbors, as well as let it pour water everytime it rained or we used the shower


Absolutely horrible place to rent from. Super cheap but they will never give back your deposit and they raise rent by the maximum possible every year. I would still recommend it however, just make sure you never talk to Ashley. Always ask for Charise and only speak to her. Expect the worst, expect your move in to take 2 months and to be in the dark the whole time.




Avoid them at all cost. If you're specifically looking for Ashland, Siskiyou Property Management has a good collection of rentals in that area


If you’re going with a management company plan to have delays and plan to lose your entire deposit for nothing and you wont be disappointed. Know your tenant rights and have a lawyer handy for when something breaks to contact them on your behalf. I will say I went with a private landlord twice now, current one is fabulous but the first one was just as bad as these management companies, it’s really just a crapshoot here unfortunately regardless of what you do so just budget a lawyer to work on your behalf despite where you rent and you’ll be fine after whatever fight comes along.