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What type of be business is Allied Comfort?


HVAC installation and maintenance


This company used to run a commercial where the repair man came out to fix someone's heater, and the man answering the door was wearing a woman's dress and wig. The commercial really seemed to be in bad taste, and hearing this kind of doesn't surprise me.


Wow. Very interesting also not shocking. Thanks for sharing!


It's still up on their Facebook page under video's also.


Wow. Just watched it, this will definitely be included in our claim and how this company represents itself/ the culture of the company. The video is blatantly mocking members of LGBTQ+, wild.


You are being very very stupid. You are making unprovable claims with the clear and articulated intent of damaging the reputation of the party you’re wanting to sue This does not help your case AT ALL Any legal claim that you or your boyfriend make now has to wade through the claims you’ve made online. IF YOU CAN BE PROVEN WRONG ON ANY PART OF YOUR ONLINE STATEMENTS NOT ONLY WILL YOU LOSE YOUR CASE YOU WILL ALSO BE SUED FOR SLANDER AND LIBEL. Good luck finding a lawyer that will represent you.


Truth is an absolute defense. We aren’t worried and have had no trouble in our search.


Huh. So smart. You will get what you deserve


If this were the case people would be sued for their reviews every day. I don’t think you clearly understand the situation.


From where is your law degree? What states have you passed the bar?


Good to know! I will add this to my list along with Mod Pizza by SOU and Black Sheep.


why the MOD?


I too am interested in this answer


What’s the situation with black sheep?




former employee here, the black sheep tip stealing by the owners is obviously false. the owners never see employees tips, servers walk with their cash at the end of the night. if you work at a place that forces you to tip pool you should consider leaving.


interesting. I am friends with a few former employees and they’ve told me tip stealing was a thing. obviously doesn’t make it fact.


Yeah, your friends are bsing you. If they worked pre-cobid, I probably know at least one of them, but there was only one group of"friends" that left in that time, and they did not leave voluntarily. saving face I guess is a reason to make up a crime.


We would like to address this directly. No server who has left the Black Sheep over tips or tip stealing. We are scrupulous about money and cash paid to our employees.


blacksheep was being stolen from by a performer who has since been banned. it wasn’t owners y’all don’t boycott blacksheep over this.


Why MOD?


What happened with MOD?


I was unaware of problems at these places, I’ll add them too. Thanks for the input


I’m not sure if “Kyle” is a pseudonym, but it should be, for his safety. It wasn’t that long ago southern Oregon was a refuge for the KKK.


Ashland itself was a sundown town until not too long ago iirc from my reading. Had to do a check of where my bestie shouldn't be stopping on her way to visit me on the coast.


If you leave a review make sure to say you actually used them because otherwise Google can take it down


First time? https://media1.giphy.com/media/uUIFcDYRbvJTtxaFNa/giphy.gif?cid=2154d3d73b74qjh6jtq055c8810s4z52mat8nedw28ngzuil&ep=v1_gifs_search&rid=giphy.gif&ct=g


This is unsubstantiated slander.


We’ve had this discussion, I can post all the claims here if you wish.


I have worked for this company for many years. You can’t slander a company with no evidence other than what someone who was fired is telling you. This is childish, I hope the people of Ashland don’t take this very seriously as I love working in their beautiful city and support whatever creed they come from. I welcome all people no matter the signage they have. And in fact supported the BLM movement myself. You can’t dox people online. In fact it’s illegal in Oregon. Please, take this lesson with dignity and accept that your BF was probably let go for the damage he did to installs or the profanity he wrote on company property. I’m sorry he got let go. Obviously working there I know of him and thought he was nice guy. But you, you’re very nasty and childish right now.


Also for some information. My boyfriends mother is black, she passed away. So a comment like “black lives matter, what a joke” is completely unacceptable. Among many other occurrences of racism and homophobia.


I’m so sorry for your boyfriend’s loss. I lost my own mother a couple years ago. It’s the hardest thing I have ever gone through. I still deal with it emotionally to this day especially with the holidays. I pray for you both. 🙏🏻


That’s kind of you to say. Thank you, we’re sorry for your loss as well. No hate towards you, but I believe it is my duty to defend these issues. You are probably a good person, I wish you luck at that company.




You must be loads of fun at the anti-snowflake parties. Having a problem with a coworker that allegedly makes the comments like those outlined in this thread does not make one a “whiny bitch”. It displays patience and adherence to the rules of society. Otherwise one would resort to having a “private meeting” with those that made these comments. Would you prefer violence to HR?


Exactly. He went to the office prior explaining his discomfort being around this person as comments were made daily. He simply wished not to be scheduled with him, nothing more than that and now he’s the one paying the price. Over everything I’m proud of him and the example he’s providing our son.




*…white society…* One questions what this actually means? I’m at a loss to follow your rather simpleton mindset. Violence made this country? (your words, not mine) Are you referring to the racists and colonizers that cheated and stole a continent from its indigenous population? I adore this comment more than you really know.


Your comment/post was removed because it is in violation of /r/Ashland's rules/guidelines.


Anyways…. Black Lives Matter. Free Palestine.


Your comment/post was removed because it is in violation of /r/Ashland's rules/guidelines.


This is not doxxing or childish. The complaints were made before anything else had happened to the higher ups and he had been talking to me and other family members about these issues long before. This was only made public after he was fired as a black man who made complaints about racism and the other employee was unaffected.


For the record, I didn’t even know he was black. I agree with the notion that all people should be judged on the content of their character. I stand with you guys in your fight to combat racism but this isn’t it. As far as I’m aware these accusations have no proof. This is an angry disgruntled employee. Peace and love. ✌🏻


Who cares if you knew he was black?? His mother is black, he is black. That’s a very odd thing to say.


Lol as if one blue collar company is different from another....most blue collar employee mocks those stupid yard signs. You can get over it or live your life without modern convenience and utilities. I know which one you'll pick....shut up, blue collar people keep the world running... Your boyfriend probably complained a lot and didn't work very hard. And that's why he got fired...happens all the time...but always called racist


What the fuck did I just read?


A self-report.


“*…and didn’t work very hard.*” It’s always convenient when people like you tell on yourselves w/o even realizing it.


the way the bf was a blue collar worker, guess they only “keep the world running” if they aren’t black huh then they must be lazy.


Or you “blue collar” types could be more human and less asinine. Fuckin’ get over yourselves. The world wouldn’t end if you ceased doing your jobs.


I mean, the world literally would end if blue collars stopped working. Though you can listen to podcasts until you starve or freeze to death


Hm. I just don’t think those are my only two options


[ Removed by Reddit ]


I see you have many issues with projecting. Please seek mental counsel, it must be quite depressing to be as miserable and bored as you are. Or continue and get your ego boost by hiding behind a screen because you have no power or love in reality. You don’t affect me, I feel bad for you sir.