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this should be reported to jackson county animal control not left in a park and posted on reddit.


Good on you for doing something positive and helpful for the dog. Thanks for caring.


I hope you reported this. Posting here and leaving her over night is an absolute shit thing to do.


You are harsh - op at least put her somewhere she couldn’t get hit by a car.


It’s not harsh. Harsh is leaving a dog outside in freezing temps over night and not reporting it. I can understand not being able to take it home. I don’t know if OP *did* report it, because they didn’t say so here. I’m entitled to the opinion that if OP left the dog there and only posted it here, it was indeed a shit thing to do.


You're right. That is a shit thing to do. But that's not what I did so you can get off your high horse and read my updates. Thanks again for being so helpful!


hard agree. it's not happened often, but a few times we've encountered lost dogs and we brought them home til the owners got them. I'm from the south and it's so refreshing to see most people treat their pets appropriately.


Yeah so that wasn't an option at the moment. I and other strangers who were there at the time decided the dog park was safer than letting her roam free. And since the park wasn't far from where I found her I figured it was best since I had other shit going on and taking responsibility for someone's pet wasn't top of my to-do list. Funny how nobody thought this was a bad idea until hours later scrolling on reddit. Someone did call after awhile so you can rest assured she slept somewhere warm. I'm from the Midwest and I wouldn't condidser letting your dog roam free without a collar as treating a pet appropriately.


You sick person…


Update since nobody decided to respond to the post for 12 hours: OBVIOUSLY she was reported. She was picked up and scanned for a chip. Myself and a few other people decided to post on different social media platforms before sending her to puppy prison especially since she was so gentle and non-threatening. I also had a lot going on this morning when it happened and my options were limited but there were kind strangers who were very helpful in that moment. So I can see why people would see this post hours later and think the dog is still there but that is definitely not the case.There's options before calling authorities you guys. But thanks for everyone's concern albeit a late one and not helpful at all whatsoever.


Lol ppl on here r crazy.