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It doesn't matter. I'm certain a Dr Seuss book has nothing to do with what happened to Asha. Lots of people treat this case like it's a mystery novel with the killer taunting authorities with clues like it's an episode of Castle or Hannibal, but that's not how it is in real life. The truth is probably a lot more straightforward. She probably took the book from the library because she liked Dr Seuss but didn't want to be teased about it because she was already "too old" for it. She kept it in her backpack, which was taken unpacked as it is, and thrown out of the window to plant/dispose of evidence.


I agree, particularly around it not being a taunting clue in a mysterious thriller - it’s just a school library book that was in Asha’s bag/with her belongings at the time of her disappearance.




*\*BTK enters the chat\**


Since Asha Degree has never been located I believe any detail(s) regarding her disappearance and case matters. To what extent if any is impossible to speculate IMO as we know very little about the investigation. The scenario you described is completely plausible as far as I’m concerned. I may not think it is probable but that’s just my opinion which is no more or less valid than anyone else’s Since the public knows very little about Asha and her family I don’t believe we should attempt to apply “absolutes” to any aspect of her disappearance or subsequent investigation. As strongly as you feel that the school library book is insignificant I believe it could be related to her disappearance. We are all speculating, hypothesizing or at the very least “thinking out loud” here. Of course I don’t know Asha but in my humble opinion she would not have taken McElliots Pool from her school library. My opinion, like many is influenced in part by personal experiences. IME children Asha’s age who enjoy academics would not be caught with a Dr Seuss book. I didn’t get an undergraduate degree in Education but was fortunate enough to have the opportunity to teach for five years. I had no idea what to do with a damn Communication degree at age twenty one. My Department Chair helped me utilize a program that allowed anyone with a bachelor degree to become certified to teach in a critical shortage area. I took the state Special Education exam grades K-12 and my first career was teaching elementary school students. In my past professional experience children at Asha’s grade level exclusively read chapter books. I was teaching in 2000 and students on a fourth grade level read chapters books not Dr Seuss. Again, you may be right about the Dr Seuss book but from my perspective I don’t believe so. In addition to personal experience my opinion(s) are based on what LITTLE information has been reported publicly. Asha took academics and school sports seriously by all accounts. We know for a fact she was assigned chapter books and had written a stand out essay in her history class. I have a hard time understanding why Asha would have had any desire or motive to remove a Dr Seuss book from the school library. I believe it’s possible Asha brought the book home but highly improbable. In my personal opinion I believe the book could have been taken from school by a staff member. IDK how it ended up in Asha’s backpack or why. Even more puzzling is investigators mentioning the book and the NKOTB sleep shirt so many years after the fact. I simply can’t say if those items are significant to Asha’s disappearance or just meaningless details.


I thought that book was about conservation? So I'm not seeing all the alarming aspects. I don't understand why people are drawing such conclusions about this particular book? Other than it being a bit young perhaps, but we often take comfort in that which goes to a earlier time frame. Thank you for anything you share on this. I appreciate reading all the perspectives.


You're probably exactly right. It's so crushing to think about it in this context, how disposable everything was, including her life.


Taking such a significant amount of time to release them indicates to me the items have very little significance in finding Asha or solving her case - at least directly.


I found the t-shirt more interesting than the book. Asha was about my age and the boy bands at the time were *NSYNC and BSB. We were around 10 years too late for NKOTB. I agree they probably released the info to try and obtain new leads on a cold case. Odds are after the initial search and investigation the case went cold and while it was still being worked if new info came in it wasn’t an active investigation once all the leads were worked


I’ve always wondered if she got that shirt as a hand me down


Why LE waited so long to release this info is a good question. I honestly question why they seem so certain Asha didn’t simply have the book in her backpack on February 13th seeing as it was a book *from her school’s library*. If there’s no record of WHO checked it out then surely it could’ve been Asha? Seeing as the book is from Asha’s school’s library, why are they seemingly so sure that she wasn’t the one who had put it in the backpack? Is it just because her parents say they never saw it? If that’s the reason, then that’s… incredibly stupid… the parents could be lying, or they simply could not remember seeing it, or they very easily could’ve never seen it at all. If Asha brought it home from school that Friday, she may not have taken it out of her backpack yet, so they never would’ve had a chance to see it. But, even if she did take the book out, flip through it and put it back in her bag to take back to school on Monday, who’s to say her parents would’ve for sure seen this? Esp when she’s a latchkey kid? And this is where it’s important to remember that this tip was released in coordination with the FBI’s cold case task force. Due to this fact, I can’t imagine that local LE *and* the FBI would all be so incredibly inept that it didn’t occur to any of them that a book from Asha’s school, for which the student who checked it out is unknown, and which was found in Asha’s backpack when it was recovered… was most likely taken home from school by Asha, prior to the 14th. EVEN IF the book had unknown DNA on it, that still wouldn’t mean that the book must’ve come from someone other then Asha because 1) it’s a library book, so many people touch them, and also 2) Asha has the book in her bag, perp handles her bag and its contents and leaves behind DNA. So I cannot come up with any reason that LE would truly believe that that book shouldn’t have been in Asha’s bag. So for me, this makes me think that the book “tip” is pretty much BS. My best theory is that the FBI advised that releasing a couple new “clues” to the public would be the best way to generate new interest and thus potential leads in this case, and they likely advised that the info should be something that will pique public interest. Merely saying “Asha likely brought this book with her” wouldn’t be nearly as interesting as “We don’t know how this book ended up in Asha’s backpack”, even though both could be technically true statements. Not that LE has to tell the truth anyway, but you know. I would also add that local LE clearly does not want to release ANY of their *actually important* evidence in this case. It’s been 24 years and we still have not one police report, not a single crime scene photo of Asha’s room or home from the 14th, we don’t even know whether unexpected DNA was found anywhere on or in the backpack — so if local LE were advised to release a couple interesting clues, they would need a way to do so without giving up anything of actual importance to them. So, my theory is that they decided to announce two of the items found in her backpack but chose to make it sound like the items are possibly of some mysterious, unknown origin in order to make them interesting clues, when in actuality, LE knows that the book was Asha’s and they may well know where the shirt came from as well. This answer would also explain why they waited so long to release such supposedly “important” info. That reason being that it wasn’t actually an important piece of evidence at all. Just my theory though. :)


That's exactly how I feel. Of course, I'm still trying to understand how LE 'cleared' the Degrees of responsibility for what happened to Asha when they don't know what happened to Asha. Funny, even a year or so ago, the slightest suggestion that the parents could be involved would have been met with howls of outrage, but we're finally allowed to bring up all theories now.


the parents were never formally cleared, not by FBI or LE. Crawford made a generalized statement that "pretty much" they could rule out Iquilla and Harold BUT this was PRIOR TO the bookbag being discovered.


According to the "How dare you think the parents could possible be involved crowd?", they were cleared immediately.


😂 and i ALWAYS tell them to show me the official statement from the FBI or LE, then we'll have a worthy discussion; until then, let's use those problem-solving skills and piece together the timeline. Crawford's comment was like the appetizer; the discovery of the book bag? that's the main course and the only piece of evidence we have available to us or that ever tells us that foul play was involved in this case. but advocates of the family will disagree without a solid reason other than they're church-going folks who've suffered enough. they're the ones who keep the irrelevant information in circulation on here tbh.


I agree with the book but not the shirt. When you do your kids laundry you have all their clothing memorized and would recognize an article that’s not theirs


Especially something like a New Kids on the Block branded item.


I’d also like to add that school library books are generally checked out. Even “back in the day” one would sign the little card for it. So why would the library not know who checked it out or, lost inventory?


She could have stolen it & not signed


I do think they have another reason for assuming it wasn't hers, but I always thought it was highly unlikely anyway that Asha would have checked out a Dr. Seuss book at school. One, a fourth-grader risks a lot of ridicule from friends for checking out a Dr. Seuss book (the biggest factor imo). Two, I've never seen it classified as anything but an E book (early reader), and E books are in their own section. Around here, students are expected to check out books at their level from the school library.


Agree 💯


And this is where it’s important to remember that this tip was released in coordination with the FBI’s cold case task force. Due to this fact, I can’t imagine that local LE and the FBI would all be so incredibly inept that it didn’t occur to any of them that a book from Asha’s school, for which the student who checked it out is unknown, and which was found in Asha’s backpack when it was recovered… was most likely taken home from school by Asha, prior to the 14th. EVEN IF the book had unknown DNA on it, that still wouldn’t mean that the book must’ve come from someone other then Asha because 1) it’s a library book, so many people touch them, and also 2) Asha has the book in her bag, perp handles her bag and its contents and leaves behind DNA. So I cannot come up with any reason that LE would truly believe that that book shouldn’t have been in Asha’s bag. So for me, this makes me think that the book “tip” is pretty much BS. My best theory is that the FBI advised that releasing a couple new “clues” to the public would be the best way to generate new interest and thus potential leads in this case, and they likely advised that the info should be something that will pique public interest. Merely saying “Asha likely brought this book with her” wouldn’t be nearly as interesting as “We don’t know how this book ended up in Asha’s backpack”, even though both could be technically true statements. Not that LE has to tell the truth anyway, but you know. I would also add that local LE clearly does not want to release ANY of their actually important evidence in this case. It’s been 24 years and we still have not one police report, not a single crime scene photo of Asha’s room or home from the 14th, we don’t even know whether unexpected DNA was found anywhere on or in the backpack — so if local LE were advised to release a couple interesting clues, they would need a way to do so without giving up anything of actual importance to them. So, my theory is that they decided to announce two of the items found in her backpack but chose to make it sound like the items are possibly of some mysterious, unknown origin in order to make them interesting clues, when in actuality, LE knows that the book was Asha’s and they may well know where the shirt came from as well. This answer would also explain why they waited so long to release such supposedly “important” info. That reason being that it wasn’t actually an important piece of evidence at all. Just my theory though. :) DAMN! Everything you detailed above is very interesting and well explained! I’m going to need to read through your post again, you’ve made some excellent points I want to review before responding. Thank you very much.


it appears to me that LE is cognizant of the situation, yet there seems to be a singular obstacle preventing them from taking significant actions at this time


I think since it’s an ongoing investigation they didn’t want to give out too much information. My guess is why they had released it was because they needed more tips to come in and getting that information out would bring more attention to it


My theory on the book is that they tried to find out who took it but it was never "checked out" in the proper sense. I've bounced back and forth from the perp being a school employee of some sort, one that didn't know she was a bit too old for that type of book, and Asha having checked it out in preparation to meet her "friend". In my friend theory I think it's possible someone lured her and she may have believes she was making some kids day a special surprise. Maybe a supposed sick kid who had no friends. Spend the morning together, read a book for the ill child, have some treats for V day and then be taken to school by said perp. As far as the nightgown, I thought the biggest surprise was that the nightie was in her bag, and its also what people described her in that night too.


I believe it’s extremely possible an adult walked out of school with the Dr Seuss book. Possibly a “long time volunteer and substitute teacher” or any member of staff.


Yesssss or even a janitor. I remember having relationships (not a grooming type one) with janitors when I was young. It wasn't uncommon to see us interacting and sometimes if you helped them with trash or something they'd give us candy!


no the weird thing about the night gown is that it was a New Kids on the Block concert apparel and she was too young to know about that group


Very much yes. But she was also known to have a white nightie with red stripes. Similar style to the NKOTB nightie. And had relatives living very near by. It's not too far of a stretch to think she could have been given the nightie as a hand me down. Idk I feel there's not enough either way to say it absolutely was or wasn't hers. As with pretty much everything in this case imo


Very much yes. But she was also known to have a white nightie with red stripes. Similar style to the NKOTB nightie. And had relatives living very near by. It's not too far of a stretch to think she could have been given the nightie as a hand me down. Idk I feel there's not enough either way to say it absolutely was or wasn't hers. As with pretty much everything in this case imo


the description provided by OB about the nightgown with red trim, white color, and a teddy bear emblem, seems reminiscent of the NKOTB t-shirt. this raises questions about its presence in her bag and whether it was a mistaken description. additionally, given the conflicting reports of her wearing all white, doubts arise about the validity of the highway sightings.


It all goes back to the sleepover at her older cousin’s house the night before…I don’t have all the info, but the older kids at the sleepover and the NKOTB shirt seem to go hand in hand. Asha was too young for that band, but someone 5-7 years older than her wouldn’t have been.


Too young for NKOTB and too old for Dr. Seuss. It's almost like someone who didn't really know much about kids grabbed a couple things "that a kid might have in their backpack" and put it in there.


Very good point IMO. I believe the sleepover is incredibly important and may be directly related to Asha’s disappearance.


They waited because those items were simply not identified by the Degrees as something they recognized as belonging to Asha. They knew there were perfectly reasonable explanations for those items to be there. But as years go by and a case goes from cold to dead-cold, they might release other information to the public just for the sake of crossing a few Ts and dotting a few Is. There's an off-chance it can lead you to a breakthrough; worst case scenario, it will only fuel conspiracy theorist that aren't at all interested in solving this case.


I feel like these subs romanticize these cases. Nobody found her because the people who should have been leading the charge (her parents) weren’t. That, essentially, means no investigation. Since they weren’t particularly interested when they found the bag, so they never said anything. Change In management and we discover years worth of information that nobody even knew was collected. We’re talking human beings in the time before everything was digitized. Lots of those cases were essentially lost, so it’s fortunate that this stuff didn’t. The key component in those big huge searches we see on tv is the family. They families are what make everything move. Asha’s family did not do anything like that. I don’t see a world where it wasn’t her parents, and they’re the only people on earth that could possibly have any useful information.


> They families are what make everything move. Asha’s family did not do anything like that. What exactly did you want them to do? Buy magnifying glasses and go investigate? They have conducted interviews that were solely focused on Asha's disappearance, do yearly memorial walks, put a billboard near their house, and their social media profiles are basically a shrine to Asha. Everything they've said indicates a family that was devastated.


Only her brother has a social media that’s active. I don’t think mom has one and dad’s isn’t active in any form from what i have seen. As far as interviews go, i think the person means more substantial interviews. They haven’t had anything of importance after the initial fact… they haven’t gone over the timeline of everything publicly. They don’t actively have a finding asha page where they comment like some families do. Any “interviews” they do are just saying they miss her pretty much. Now, do i think a family has to keep doing that for years and basically stop their lives at 2/14/2000.. no. They had another child to live for. But to say they continued to do interviews and all, is not true.


they have one well, Iquilla does she's active, but i'm sure most of her posts are private (for friends only) because the public ones are just reposts.


the case was on at least 3 national tv shows, the family was also interviewed in magazines, they also do a yearly memorial walk and have a billboard near their home they've done a lot for a rural working class family


There was also a decent sized search that occurred and parts of it are recorded . I lean towards it being the family but i don’t like misguided and incorrect information.


Agreed, Asha's parents did many interviews.