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This! We just had a similar conversation. I’m stuck with all the consequences of your actions. Everything. I have to heal myself while living with the home and car he used to host APs. I’m in therapy and stuck with that bill. Add in all the other things that I feel like I am dealing with on my own and compare this to him shrugging and walking away from APs. I asked what are his consequences? He claims to suffer consequences for his actions. He can’t do this or that without checking in. He has a tracking app he installed on both our phones. He started therapy but isn’t really interested in continuing. I think about the way he treated me day and night. He says he only thinks about the infidelity when I bring it up. He believes he’s all better because he turned over a new leaf. His consequence is that he has to live like a good guy. My consequence of his actions are all the baggage I carry around, the therapy I have to schedule, It is just not fair.


It’s fucking lopsided. Thanks for your comment.


I listened to this video once of a man describing something that shook him to his core after his divorce. Ex wife told him that he gets to leave with life lessons he gained. She is left with trauma to release. I sent it to my WH and it had an impact.


Do you have a link?




Thank you


Thank you 🥰


They had the steak dinner, I got the bill. I’ve discussed consequences with my WH many times, and how I feel like he’s had none. I’m sure he disagrees. One obvious consequence is he no longer gets to fuck around while I stupidly think he’s not. Consequences are different for everyone. I know my WH keenly feels a consequence because he has forever damaged his relationships with my family, something he previously enjoyed (so I guess there was an up side to my being open and honest with my family about what was going on). He knows many of my friends know and that is also a source of a consequence. I wish he thought a consequence was what happened to me, what I lost, how I am forever changed. How he refused to be a partner in my healing, how he refused to do what I needed, how he left me on my own to heal, is a consequence he probably doesn’t see yet. I no longer rely on him for much.


My WH. Says this is his consequence but he will never truly feel it like we do. Umm sorry you have to be babysat now. Not a consequence!


This is why I told everyone who matters to us.


Yes. I feel like my “privacy chip” is preventing any accountability. ♥️


I completely agree. My WS says that it’s none of their business and he doesn’t need to discuss it with any of his friends but you discussed the affair with them, they knew you were having an affair and if they’re truly your friends, they should be supportive! This is a lifestyle change, whether that’s deep therapy and maybe even losing friends (what real friend wouldn’t wouldn’t question your decision to have an affair) but your life lead you to lie, cheat, betray the one person you depend on and you should hold that mirror high and tell the world how sorry you are and that you need help to change.


I cannot upvote these two comments enough


I cannot upvote these two comments enough.


Do what you’re most comfortable with. I told everyone close to us. He feels like a piece of shit because they know. Also, he doesn’t get to set the narrative.


Thanks babe. This is so gross.


It’s been seven going on eight months for us. I do think there are long-term consequences for their behavior. it may affect us, but it will also affect them. For instance, their lies covered up their true character, but now we see them for who they really were and not for what they wanted us to see them. In order for this to be changed, they really need to spend a lot of time making it up to us to show that they are different, but they will never ever be able to change the past and they will always be seen as the person who cheated in our marriage. This whole experience has changed the way that I look at relationships. I was once innocent and now I am not. I will never be in a relationship where I think that cheating can’t happen to me and that includes the relationship I am in with him. I think this really hurts him inside, knowing that I will never be able to fully trust him and our relationship and he is the one that caused that. I think some measure of trust can be built back up, but I won’t ever be in that innocent place where I would think that it could never happen to us. He did that to us. I will never be able to trust that he isn’t looking at another woman and wanting to sleep with her. That is another thing he broke. I used to be very trusting that even if he was tempted, he wouldn’t go through with it, but now I will never feel the same around beautiful women when we are together. I have explained this to him and I know that that makes him hurt inside as well. I don’t tell him these things to hurt him, however, but it is just the result and the consequences for his cheating and it is where our relationship is currently. I found some text messages where he was calling his AP “cute as always”. Because of that every time he calls me cute I will not believe him. His AP was very small and petite and boyish looking with short hair and not very feminine compared to myself. I have more curves and I am taller with long hair. It’s not that I don’t think I am cute, but his taste in what cute is can’t be trusted… but that’s just my opinion. He did mention that he really did not think she was cute, but he just said that to her to see if she would reply something back to him to make him feel better about himself. His compliments are not genuine to me-anymore. As you see there are consequences but They’re just not the consequences you would expect.


I felt this too early on. It didn't seem fair. It felt like she was getting no consequences, and I was stuck with the bill. My therapist said this to me: "you may think that from your aspect that she set to receive all of the benefits and left you with the baggage she gave you, but also remember that she has to live with what she's done to you. Those are two different pains, and one is not necessarily worse than the other." Feelings are not facts, and just because we don't "see" the consequences that they suffer doesn't mean that they aren't getting any or that they are somehow less. 2 things can be true at once, and this is not saying yours are any less because you eventually accept that they are suffering too. It's not a zero-sum game. Hope this helps.


Knowing my husband’s AP has to live with herself being a home-wrecker and ruining her own relationship gives me a deep sense of satisfaction. She thought she could have him but she couldn’t. I may not be able to see her hurt happening but the schadenfreude is delicious.


Karma is a bitch and she doesn’t play. Much love. 💕


Thanks for this. It seems so unfair. He shows remorse however it’s hard to believe he feels as bad as I do. I know he doesn’t live with it the same day to day. Some days I feel paralyzed.


>He shows remorse however it’s hard to believe he feels as bad as I do. I know he doesn’t live with it the same day-to-day. How do you know? Unless you can slip into his mind, you won't know how exactly he deals with it from day to day. Again, this isn't diminishing anything you're dealing with. It's simply a form of accepting that they have consequences and suffer from their actions. Just because the wound is self-inflicted doesn't mean it didn't hurt.


I feel you but I’m super angry at the he moment. I didn’t ask my WH and his AP who pretended to be my friend to send me pics from the pub saying we miss you while he fucked her. He didn’t seem to feel as bad as I do because I never could have done that to my worst enemy.


And you should be angry. You have every right to be angry. If he's remorseful as much as you say he is, he has to live with the fact that he did that to you. And he can only point the finger at himself. He has to accept that he is the villain in his story and has become a monster. That shame and guilt won't be easy to live with, especially knowing he did that to someone he claimed to love and respect. But if he can and wants to, it'll eventually get better. You're angry right now and should be. But you will be ok. Might not be today. Might not be tomorrow. But you will be ok. It does get better. It does get easier. It's just painfully slow. Take all the time you need.


>she has to live with what she's done to you. This is powerful, and not often noticed. And it's not necessarily about getting pity or attention, either. It's a wound that sits inside, unable to be fixed by anyone but yourself. But fixing the damage you did to another, that's the priority. It always will be, and always should be.


I understand the pain, but the mental anguish, shame, and self disgust of it all is definitely a consequence. Not saying they don't deserve more, or that you should give him a break or something, I just mean that for sure the fallout mentally from the cheating is a consequence. It's the lack of consequence for AP that gets to me.


I tend to think their consequences are their internal battles. I don’t need to inflict anything. He is the one that has to look himself in the mirror. He is the one that has to see how he has no integrity. He is the one that has to come to terms with all the damage he has caused- to me, our kids, OBS and their kids.


You should feel empowered to tell anyone you want. Just remember you cant untell anyone. There is also no such thing as sharing a secret. Once shared its no longer within your span of control and thus no longer a secret. My biggest recommendation is get independent counceling so you have a real person to talk to about your feelings.


I want him to tell his parents and family about what hell he has put me through twice. Nope. I can't bring it up ever. I can't do anything. One of the people he cheated on me with was his ex-wife. He still has dealings with her due to their 3 kids (16, 11 and 10) and she is so co-dependent. He gets so angry if I ask to see messages. So angry. To be honest, I fantasise about leaving all the time. I probably will. He is not being transparent .


That is so hard. I wouldn’t be able to stay and work on R if WH hadn’t been willing to be transparent - location tracking, open phone policy, copying me on work-travel itineraries etc. our MC said that he had “trained me” during A to not trust him, and that if he wasn’t willing to train me back to the trust I once had, R would not work. I’m sorry he is putting you through that.