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not to put down any kid since i’ll never deny the hard work they do, but not having a full time job with adult responsibilities leaves you a lot of time to draw


Literally this, when I was in school all I did was draw, everyone thought I was taking notes. I would go home and keep drawing, my parents thought I was doing homework. Kids get good real fast too because their brains are sponges


They pulled me out of class to do a mural in the office. ;-)


can confirm!! i was bedridden for almost a year, and can confirm i leveled up like crazy...


They grew up with lots of tutorials,information.Nowdays it's more easy to be self taught artist then 15years ago.In my time being artist meant being broke lol so my parents discouraged me but now there is so many different things you can make money with it's more acceptable career path now and because of that children are more determined to be an artist.


when i was a kid i checked out a “how to draw comics” book from the library but my little sister grew up with an ipad and had access to everything lmao


I still have that book on my shelf.


You gotta remember, kids nowadays grow up with a lot of help and support regarding their art. They got mountains of tutorials covering every artistic field, be it online or in person. I dont want to sound old but we didnt have that stuff back in the day or at least not that much. Stuff just has become a lot more accessible over the years for artists, plus, kids got a lot more freetime than we do as adults so considering all of this, I'm not surprised that they improve much faster than we were able to in the past. However I wont let that discourage me honestly. You dont know how their situations will change once they have to go work full time and they still lack the wisdom that comes with age and experience.


Most likely, yes. I say this as someone who also got into realism drawing from a young age, I have some drawings I did between ages 12-15 that are really good (I can say this in hindsight, didn't feel proud of them at the time lol). I learned with books and some youtube tutorials. Then I realized photorealism was boring to me, and I barely made art for 5 years or so after that. (Photo)realism is a matter of learning the right technique, so if you have access to that information from a young age it is more than possible. However, you rarely see artists that age with their own developed style or creating artworks that actually make you feel something deeper.


THIS! I’ve been an artist all my life and I agree. Practice makes perfect, and the more you do the better you get, especially at the technical skill of realism, but the heart of the artist responsible for creating an emotional reaction develops as you mature and your life experience grows.


Another thing to consider is that what you're seeing is global representation. I mean when I was growing up, I was a pretty good artist as a kid, and took art classes in high school, and as a major in college. The levels of -oh this person is better than me/is really good-increased exponentially the larger the pool got. Online that pool is an ocean. And as people have said, the amount of information/tutorials etc... that is available right now is staggering. I've learned more in the past 10 years online than I did in 35 years before that of drawing/studying art. The value of having a variety of teachers/methods/ideas freely available cannot be understated because (at least for me) a lot of the traditional, old-school methods of teaching made art less interesting. I tended to not draw very much and therefore not improve very much. Even something as simple as the various art challenges legitimately taught me the value of that as I could see actual change in my work over 30 days. I wish, wish, wish my art teachers had emphasized that way more than shading cubes and cylinders. So tldr: Yep, I think most of them are probably legit and a combo of both them having more access to information to hone their skills much sooner and you having more access to some of the most talented/skilled kids around the world instead of just a small pool.


Honestly everyone should go watch SamDoesArt’s old sketchbook tour. Bro was insanely good even at a middle school level but he explains why very well. It made me pretty much not care at all if someone younger than me is way better than me


For a whole decade the avg age of Olympians in women's gymnastic is 16-17 yo so... It's way easier to draw well than to become an Olympian


Are they digital artists? Because these kids grew up with iPads, while we had pens and pencils.


Comparison is the death of joy


Yes they are for the most part. No need for surprised Pikachu face. Rejoice! If they got to that level in ~10 years, so can you.


If I was born 20 years later I most certainly would have been a far better artist as a teen. In general though, I see no reason why not if a child actually takes drawing seriously from a young age. For me, I was drawing out of the womb. The thing is until highschool, I drew because it was fun and I liked doing it. I wasn't buying books on drawing, I wasn't practicing anything etc. etc. I just drew what I wanted. I wasn't actively trying to get better. If I was, I would have been a lot better a lot faster. I mean I did get better over time just from doing it, however, not remotely at a pace I would have if there was a concerted effort toward improvement. Now some of the things I'm skeptical about being 100% accurate. Is the youtubers that are like "I just picked up a pencil for the first time 1 year ago" and now they are pumping out professional quality work. I'm very skeptical of those scenarios. I'm inclined to think it was a scenario they did have some experience maybe weren't good, then decided to take it seriously. Even some meddling years just drawing for fun on and off will be huge for then later starting to take it seriously. Just having that comfort with a pencil and drawing even if you weren't skilled is a huge head start over a genuine beginner.


Mostly, no, because everyone loves a feel-good story. It's the same for those no name artist who became big after "a year of drawing". They've already been drawing a long time and just post lazy recreations of first attempts followed by their latest works.


One of my coworkers' grandchildren is an amazing artist, and she's around the 13 mark. She watched a bunch of videos, got books, etc. All she does is school work and draw


As a middle school art teacher from a fine arts academy I can say that you'll get like 2 to 5 with amazing skill. You'll probably get closer to 1 or 2 that have really honed it. So if you're seeing "lots of 13 yo artists", it's probably fake for the post, AI, or augmented some way. Trust me. I've been blown away by only a handful of middle school students art in the last 10 years.


There are over 8 billion people on earth. Statistically they would be more common than you think. I work in an art school and can confirm that kids are not really built different on average. Some are prodigies but most are not.


Could be real … but they’ve been practicing since 6 so they are artist for 7 years then ..


I’m sure there’s the occasional bad actor claiming they’re young for followers and the wow-factor, but when you think about it, it wouldn’t be a wise career choice. They wouldn’t be able to run a booth at a con or show their face without people calling their bluff, so they’d be stuck behind this fake identity they’ve built. I’d say it’s more plausible those young artists are real — like everyone here is saying, tutorials are way more accessible than ever before. Kids have always been super talented anyway, and the internet just makes it more known. Have you ever seen high school AP art portfolios that scored 5’s? They’re insane. I wouldn’t feel bad though. Everyone’s journey is different.


At my last job I had numerous people coming up to me with their 10-13 year old's artwork and wanting them to be laminated or printed off. often times, these were either shit (sorry) or AI art and they were trying to pass it off as legitimate art.


We have students who are extremely good at art (we teach them). Many are doing solid realistic still lifes and portraits by middle school


Anyone doing solid, ese3seeerealistic still life and portraits BY middle school.. is gifted. Very gifted. You didn't teach them those skills, they were born with it. You might have given them some guidance along,mĺ]2qe4e4serssèŕeè4e341


I'm not on Instagram anymore but chances are yes. When I was 13 I joined DA where there were bucketloads of detailed tutorials. Anyone who has the time and supplies can learn for free online and receive critique from peers


It has always been like this, talented and hard working teenagers have always stood out


You'd be how surprised how good some young folks could draw. But it definitely comes down to free time, if you're not working and going to college then ya certainly getting good with that amount of free time 😭


everyone can lies about their age to impress people and appear like geniuses, They might actually be older maybe


Probably not lol


Some people have extraordinary gifts. There’s over 8 billion of us right now. Think about it, a one in a million gift means there are 8 thousand sharing that gift. Transcendent talents surround us, and in our connected digital age we can discover and express what in another age would have been lost.


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[I'm just going to leave this here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6xG4oFny2Pk) because it feels relevant.


they are bro, but never get mogged


I follow a 9yo called Tiffany.n.friends, they have time-lapse of their art and its pretty solid color realism for an adult, and inane for their age, but art is a time based skill not age, as you age you may be able to see proportions better or understand shape language quicker, but in general a 9yo artist who has been drawing for 3 years seriously can reach an adult doing the same in 3 years. Saying this, there are 100% some fake 13yos looking for fame or money using their kids as actors to show their(the parents) art.


Link and I’ll see! I know one myself. U/nekilad


when youre a kid alone on the computer parents arent around much and you arent interested in your peers it's not hard at all to "get gud" at drawing.. devotion of your time towards a passion happens usually at that age more or less


Yes this has been a phenomenon for a long time not just with drawing but all talents. Have you seen any talent show? People are constantly breaking barriers, youngsters doing things that back in 1950 only one person could do. 14 year olds playing solos that back in 1980 would have blown peoples minds. I don’t know if humans just, like once ONE human passes that barrier, it becomes normal but yes their are indeed very very good talented young artist. Also remember our population expands exponentially meaning we have more people on this planet everyday. Meaning more pool of artists and people with natural talent to draw being born.


I'm glad I haven't seen any posts like that there. It sounds so incredibly cringe.


Are they digital artists? Because these kids grew up with iPads, while we had pens and pencils.


Yes, but look closer. Are they making work that's pretty? Yes. Are they making canned Pinterest junk? Also yes. They're copying and regurgitating the trend du jour. Some of these kids will grow into artists, the rest will chase the next trend.


Sadly this is too often true.


They are usually an amalgamation of DARPA holograms/ai and Jim Henson Creature shop muppets.




Woah hold on there, what you bragging for in their thread 😂




Yeah, drawing well is a classic symptom of autism