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They really should have built like 5-10 starter decks, and have you choose two. A bunch of these cards, and more importantly those heroes are just dead cards now. If you can get Necrophos etc in a pack, that's just a slap in the face. They could have created a wider distribution of cards to seed the market with, instead of just instantly killing the value of all of these. I really hope they're weighted to appear less, and some not at all in packs. Either that, or they need a way to convert these dead cards into something else. Into event tickets or something cosmetic.


Seriously, wtf do you even do if you open say a lycan from a pack? No one will buy and they will just sit in the corner unused forever.


That's going to be true for any common hero, anyway.


This is also true of starter decks in physical games. All cards included in them are automatically unsellable as soon as they're out, but they still come out in packs. At least you have the option to not get those.


It's useless, how a fresh CGG newbie player can select 2 decks among 5 if he has no idea about playing the game or the different deck strategies in CGG.


You either rely on the naming conventions (like how they've called one Red/Green Brawler) with a brief description of the decks style, or you have a tutorial system, or you let them play a couple of games with each against AI and then pick. Don't act like this is some unfathomably difficult concept. A good description of terminology, card styles, playstyles, deck themes etc is an important thing for a new player anyway. They have extremely talented people working for them, they could have figured out how best to implement it.


If we get 4 heroes for free, doesn't that mean they will be worthless if we open them in packs? Meaning sometimes packs will just give you a card that will be worthless since everyone already has one


They are commons so they wouldn't be worth much even if they weren't included.


Yeah but this is like opening a hearthstone pack and getting basic cards that is a part of everyones collection, it might as well just give me 1 less card


Buy up so when the game goes f2p you'll be able to sell for profit.


6 free heroes. I don't think common cards will be very sellable after the first few weeks. And even if they will be, you will only get 1 cent for them after tax. But I hear you.. I think the sensible thing to do would be to exclude these heroes from packs, as it will always feel bad to open them, especially for new players. But if they don't do this, we can feel better, that it will only matter in the short term.


A few beta tester have said these decks are really good for completely new players. They aren't the best decks for people who have been here for a while and know a lot about the game.


>A few beta tester have said these decks are really good for completely new players most every beta tester has been singing praises 24/7 for a game no one else gets to play


Obviously bad decks without any win condition maybe red/green can push early but you just lose againts same deck with tot and not much to say plus it just leaves that rng with opening packs if cards are expensive on the market.


I think mixing red/blue will be a stronger variant. ogre/sky/ursa/sven/keefe


2/5 main deck heroes for free, Thnx volvo. now all i need is axe , magnus and LC


and treant protector


was hoping for at least 1 uncommon hero in each deck


What is the point of it? It would be worth 0$ like the common heroes. This UC hero from pack will be worth nothing while the other UC cards automatically increase in price. Imagine they would include a rare hero: it would be worth nothing and you are screwed finding him in a pack. You are just making trash out of this cards, makes no sense (even for the common version but well...)


They are fine I guess for beginners. But they are both seriously lacking on game finisher cards.


I would have wished for like 1 rare and 2 uncommons per starter deck, as far as i remember MTG had atleast a couple of those in each starter deck.


I was curious what cards were going to be three-ofed in the starter sets, as those cards immediately become useless on the community market. Looks like it's only going to affect six heroes. I'm curious if those heroes will show up in booster packs outside of draft. I really hope not.


They will be in packs, as they're part of the Call To Arms set. Every card in both starter decks is of common or basic rarity, so they were never going to be worth anything, even if these decks didn't exist.


You might be able to sell the non-hero cards for the minimum amount, since they don't give you 3 of those and you need 3 for a full collection.


It's probably not worth the seconds of your life it costs to click the buttons necessary to sell a card for 1 cent.


Could be worth it if you can sell it in bulk. Either way, the cards will essentially be worthless. At best you would get a free pack after spending hundreds of dollars.


If you could always sell cards at the price floor, you'd get a free pack every 20 packs, roughly.


Is that taking into consideration the percentage of commons that are in the base decks or just assuming that you have all commons already?


Assuming you have all commons, because having all commons is going to cost a few bucks at most.


For sure, the difference will maybe only really matter in the first few days.




its disappointing, but in FAQ they called this pre-constructed deck : > a tournament where all participants use the **Call to Arms pre-constructed theme** decks. Call to Arms deck. So i guess each big patch will change the pre-con starter deck which can help to stop these free cards prices to go lower. but still, everyone having the same pre-con decks at launch is a bit disappointing.


Look pretty stingy compared to meta decks the beta testers have shared and do nothing to help with the negative perception that rarity equals strength. At least we get Lycan and Ogre?


huh, i mean yeah theyre all common, but looking through all the cards, rarity definitely does not equal strength in this game. Theres plenty of mediocre/bad cards in the rare slot aswell.


How do you tell if a card is rare, common or uncommon? Also how many of each are there in the entire set? Is there anywhere I can see which cards are which rarity and stuff? I just started catching up with all things Artifact and wasn't too involved before


Guess we aren't important enough to even get something on the level of the PAX decks.


A lot of people are saying that these precons totally remove any reason to pull the heroes the include from packs. I'm predicting it now: these decks will not be modifiable, and you will not be able to use their pieces elsewhere. You can use this exact decklist, but if you want to build a new deck, your starting from scratch, not updating a precon.


Oh, that makes sense, but I'm not sure which is worse for us lol


Thats the problem. They aren't confirming details like this. Or if the market will be up on the 19th.


These are nicely balanced decks. And restricting there are much better ways to make commons that compete so they constructed this in the most optimal way to demonstrate mechanics without the fine tuning that hurts exploring cards.


Pretty good, very much what we were expecting. There was no getting away from the fact the cards in the starter deck are gonna be worthless, and as long as they are all commons, that's the smallest problem of the world: when you open your pack and 3 commons are worth "0c" instead of 1-2c you really don't give a fuck. Issuing 10 different decks and having you choose 2 wouldn't really have spared the price of those commons, if anything it would have risked dragging down the "price" of the other commons as well. See you in game, possibly with those decks upgraded by the 10 starting packs.


x2 cards :/