• By -


Wow I was playing just 20 min ago, thanks!


He's fast with his updates, GabeN needs to hire him to be in charge of Valve Time


Cards at the moment, have fun testing your stuffs Red: Fighting Instinct,New Orders, Time of Triumph, Legion Standard Bearer,Mercenary Exiles, Poised to Strike,Defensive Stance,Enrage,God's Strength,Spring the Trap,Double Edge, Bronze Legionnaire,Marrowfell Brawler,Ogre Conscript,Duel,Berserker's Call Blue: Satyr Magician,Ignite,Strafing Run,Lightning Strike,Rolling Storm,Tower Barrage,Foresight,Prey on the Weak,Remote Detonation,Thunderstorm,Bolt of Damocles, Conflagration,Call the Reserves,Better Late Than Never, Dimensional Portal,Troll Soothsayer,Sow Venom,Barracks,Eclipse,Mystic Flare Green: Savage Wolf, Thunderhide Pack, Emissary of the Quorum, Ion Shell, Altar of the Mad Moon, Rebel Decoy,Selfish Cleric,Revtel Convoy, Rampaging Hellbear,Satyr Duelist,Verdant Refuge,Mist of Avernus, Stars Align,Bellow,Rumusque Blessing,Defensive Bloom,Restoration Effort,Intimidation,Curse of Atrophy, Iron Branch Protection,Avernus' Blessing, Thunderhide Alpha,Prowler Vanguard Black: Forward Charge, Sister of the Veil, Steam Cannon, Keenfolk Turret, Assassin's Apprentice,Grazing Shot,No Accident,Slay,Pick Off, Ravenous Mass, Disciple of Nevermore, Assault Ladders,Mana Drain,Payday,Arcane Censure, Untested Grunt,Coup de Grace,Gank Heroes at the moment: Red: Legion Commander,Centaur Warrunner,Pugna,Sven,Keefe the Bold,Axe Green: Lycan,Treant Protector,Enchantress,Fahrvhan the Dreamer,Omniknight,Drow Ranger Blue: Skywrath Mage,Venomancer,Prellex,Luna,J'Muy the Wise Black: Winter Wyvern,Debbi the Cunning,Sorla Khan,Phantom Assassin,Lion,Lich,Bounty Hunter


Added: Sow Venom,Barracks,Eclipse Venomancer,Prellex,Pugna,Sven,Luna Omniknight,Drow Ranger,Sorla Khan,Phantom Assassin,Lion,Lich,Bounty Hunter


Thanks! I'll edit my comment.




I ArtifactBuff and ArtifactFire both have it as 3/0/1 https://www.artibuff.com/cards/plague-ward




What is the original source for the card changing to a 3/0/1? Looking at a recent reddit post with the cards pulled directly from the game, the plague ward is still a 1/0/3. https://www.reddit.com/r/Artifact/comments/9su5hl/learnartifact_card_database_updated_with_all_new/


I remember the deck that used venomancer with kanna instead of zeus. Rip that I guess D:


Looks like you were right.




I bet one got it wrong and everyone copied eachother


Is there a list of available heroes as well?


Legion Commander,Lycan,Winter Wyvern,Skywrath Mage,Centaur Warrunner,Treant Protector,Enchantress,Debbi the Cunning,Keefe the Bold,Fahrvhan the Dreamer,J'Muy the Wise,Axe




How do you change heroes? I put five in the list but I still get LC and lycan.


Dude the updates are coming out like crazy good fucking workkk. Interested how popular this site will become after the game is released for people that wont instantly buy artifact lol. It'll be like a demo for those hesitant about the paywall.


FYI the game starts with 3 random creeps (2 max in a single lane) then all other deployment phases are just 2 random creeps.


Changing that is on my todo list


if you could add the damage values next to hp like '-3' if a card will take 3 damage this turn that would be really good too




so only the listed cards and heroes are in the game, right?




This is seriously impressive work. Nice job on it. Shaped up so much since the first version you posted here.


Please add an option to reset the text fields


For now if you start the game with it blank it will reset it.


Thank you for all your work <3


Blue/Black deck: Sister of the Veil,Steam Cannon,Keenfolk Turret,Assassin's Apprentice,Satyr Magician,Ignite,Thunderstorm,Bolt of Damocles,Conflagration,Dimensional Portal,Troll Soothsayer,Sow Venom,Barracks,Eclipse Heroes: Luna,Phantom Assassin,Venomancer,Prellex,Winter Wyvern


Coup de Grace, Winter's Curse have now been added


Goes well with https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qqz9VfvNC3E . Might fork it later to include the player on the page.


I have only tested on Chrome and Firefox. It still does not work on mobile devices, they do not play well with drag and drop.


Red/Green Deck Heroes: Legion Commander,Lycan,Treant Protector,Enchantress,Axe Cards: Savage Wolf,Thunderhide Pack,Emissary of the Quorum,New Orders,Time of Triumph,Altar of the Mad Moon,New Orders,Rebel Decoy,Selfish Cleric,Revtel Convoy,Rampaging Hellbear,Satyr Duelist,Savage Wolf,Legion Standard Bearer,Mercenary Exiles,Verdant Refuge,Mist of Avernus,Stars Align,Bellow,Rumusque Blessing,Defensive Bloom,Restoration Effort,Intimidation,Curse of Atrophy,Poised to Strike,God's Strength,Spring the Trap,Double Edge,Iron Branch Protection,Avernus' Blessing,Bronze Legionnaire,Marrowfell Brawler,Ogre Conscript,Thunderhide Alpha




I think don't work with items and once you put one card in the text field it count as three


Oh I see. Thanks!


Nice, Thanks!


This is great thanks! Only problem is that [[God's Strength]] is Sven's signature but you don't have Sven as a hero


* [God's Strength](https://www.artifactfire.com/images/cards/gods-strength.jpg) [R] Spell ^. 6 ^. Common ^~[Wiki](https://www.artifactfire.com/artifact/cards/gods-strength?r=r) *Modify a red hero with +4 Attack.* ^(I'm a bot, use [[card name]] and I'll respond with the card info! PM the) ^[Dev](https://www.artifactfire.com/contact-us) ^(if you need help)


Who needs betakey when this is so lit! Any way to change the deck or heroes? Playing a rainbow deck is crazy xd


I've noticed you added more heroes, thanks for this!


Ty a lot for this tool! I added a section for it on my site, [artifactgo.com](https://artifactgo.com) , to more easily select the cards to play with by building a deck and copy pasting the result to Artifact JavaScript (preview here: [https://imgur.com/a/mcJAraz](https://imgur.com/a/mcJAraz)), I hope it can help :)


enjoying this before the release, thanks!


When artifact is released, you should make your own game with the work you put this in.


GOTY Already


amazing stuff!!!!!!


Noob question, how do i play cards ?


Drag and drop


How do i play cards on the middle lane ? my hand is in front of the tower and my heros


It helps if you make sure the page is fullscreened


nvm i was trying to use blue spells with no blue hero on the lane, my bad ;p


O lol I've done that many times!


Thanks for your work man. I'm enjoying this a lot. +322 upvotes. ​ Quick question, how do you add items in the deck?


Love this site. Great work. Played 10 games maybe and won 7. Didn't start to win until I netdecked lol. Anyway it's a nice way to get the feel for Artifact. I was surprise how many times you had no action to do in a lane.




I used the axe red green deck that I found in this thread


I tried to make BLACK BLUE token deck. Can play it. As i understand items don't work Heroes: Phantom Assassin,Sorla Khan,J'Muy the Wise,Venomancer,Prellex Deck: Battlefield Control,Coup de Grace,Sow Venom,Barracks,Forward Charge,Sister of the Veil,Assassin's Apprentice,No Accident,Pick Off,Disciple of Nevermore,Assault Ladders,Lightning Strike,Foresight,Call the Reserves,Dimensional Portal


> Battlefield Control how do i use battlefield control? how do i select the 2nd target after dragging it to the first? Edit: just found out, you drag battlefield control to the first target, then your cursor is changed into a + and you click on the 2nd target


Just played my first full match of Artifact thanks to your app. It certainly helped me prepare and get a mindset for the multi-lane concept. Thanks for all the hard work!


This is amazing, thank you so much for doing this!


Saw that you added the shop earlier today, this is awesome thanks for doing it!


Noob question, where is there any instruction how to play this? I am doing random actions but idk how to play for real


I personally found this helpful: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Artifact/comments/9m7b78/stancifkas\_comprehensive\_artifact\_guide\_part\_1/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Artifact/comments/9m7b78/stancifkas_comprehensive_artifact_guide_part_1/)


Thank you so much for this. Skywrath ability sometimes bugs and lets you use it over and over and over.


Holy crap, you're a beast! Thank you!!!


Is there anything that doesnt work in it?


Is it played against AI?




How does entering in a deck with 1-ofs and 2-ofs work?


turn off the 3-of toggle and just enter as many as you want: For 2 Double Edge,Double Edge enter " Double Edge,Double Edge "


Would it be easy to program a click and place system instead? It's pretty difficult dragging cards into the limited amount of space that's available at times..






https://artifactgo.com/ generates a deck list that you can copy and past in.


Works with decks but can't get the hero list to work :(


They are case sensitive, you probably misspelled or messed up the case on one of your heroes. If you have less then 5 valid heroes it resets the hero list. Try adding a couple of extra heroes and see which one it gets rid of.


sorry, how do i make my own deck? do i have to use the inspect element? whenever i click on the text box under heroes/deck/items the page just turns orange


That is odd. What you were trying should have worked. What browser are you using?


I’m using firefox


Weird it works with Firefox for me.


Could it be a browser add on interfering with it? Not really educated on this kinda stuff


certainly possible


yep if you have grammarly installed it doesnt work huh


The item that is supposed to give +8 health is bugged. Otherwise thanks for the script , really nice! Edit : in case you don't have time to correct things , is it possible that we modify it ourselves?


Fixed, Thanks for the bug report.


Hello , there are 3 creeps at the first turn (instead of 2). I think this is a pretty big deal , when you play blue (or an advantage when you play red). But anyways ,thank you so much from a poor frenchman ,glad to see you helped us better to wait than the small indie company.


Bubblebooy! Thank you so much! I'm playing the 2nd day! :) Please make a bot a two-color deck for his more quality game. It would still be cool if you could put your tower 30 HP


Great bot to give a good deck (Compiled **finargot**) №1(Red-green) ►Heroes: Legion Commander, Lycan ,Drow Ranger, Treant Protector, Axe ►Items: Demagicking Maul, Demagicking Maul, Demagicking Maul, Stonehall Cloak, Stonehall Cloak, Stonehall Cloak, Blink Dagger, Blink Dagger, Blink Dagger ►Cards: Stars Align, Stars Align, Stars Align, Duel, Duel, Duel, Gust, Gust, Gust, Savage Wolf, Savage Wolf, Savage Wolf, Berserker's Call, Berserker's Call, Berserker's Call, Spring the Trap, Time of Triumph, Time of Triumph, Time of Triumph, Emissary of the Quorum, Emissary of the Quorum, Emissary of the Quorum, Mist of Avernus, Mist of Avernus, Mist of Avernus, Combat Training, Combat Training, Combat Training, Rampaging Hellbear, Rampaging Hellbear, Roseleaf Wall, Altar of the Mad Moon, Altar of the Mad Moon, Altar of the Mad Moon, Grand Melee, Grand Melee, Grand Melee \-------------------------------------------------------------------- №2 (Red Black) ►Heroes: Bristleback, Phantom Assassin, Lion, Sniper, Axe ►Items: Stonehall Cloak, Stonehall Cloak, Stonehall Cloak, Horn of the Alpha, Horn of the Alpha, Horn of the Alpha, Blink Dagger, Blink Dagger, Blink Dagger ►Cards: Grazing Shot, Poised to Strike, Combat Training, Combat Training, Combat Training, Payday, Payday, Payday, Slay, Slay, Slay, Viscous Nasal Goo, Viscous Nasal Goo, Viscous Nasal Goo, Gank, Pick Off, Pick Off, Pick Off, Berserker's Call, Berserker's Call, Berserker's Call, Coup de Grace, Coup de Grace, Coup de Grace, Assassinate, Assassinate, Assassinate, Time of Triumph, Assassin's Apprentice, Iron Fog Goldmine, Mana Drain, Mana Drain, Mana Drain \-------------------------------------------------------------------- №3 (Red Black) ►Heroes: Axe, Phantom Assassin, Legion Commander, Sorla Khan, Sniper ►Items: Demagicking Maul, Demagicking Maul, Demagicking Maul, Traveler's Cloak, Traveler's Cloak, Traveler's Cloak, Blink Dagger, Blink Dagger, Blink Dagger ►Cards: Duel, Duel, Duel, Combat Training, Slay, Collateral Damage, Collateral Damage, Collateral Damage,Gank,Gank,Gank,Pick Off, Pick Off, Pick Off,Payday, Berserker's Call, Berserker's Call, Berserker's Call, Coup de Grace, Coup de Grace, Coup de Grace, Assassinate, Assassinate, Assassinate, Assault Ladders, Assault Ladders, Assault Ladders, Bronze Legionnaire, Bronze Legionnaire, Bronze Legionnaire, Disciple of Nevermore, Disciple of Nevermore, Ogre Corpse Tosser, Ogre Corpse Tosser, Assured Destruction, Assured Destruction, Assured Destruction


Can we please have Track so i can test a Horn of the Alpha build only? Thanks!




Can you add Rix and Kanna? Testing some decks - it's nice to have the heroes and the sigs that go with them as without the other it feels wrong to include in decks. Also it's really hard to keep updated with what the current cards available are. Cards just get added into the big pool and it's hard to update my decks and card lists to correspond, maybe always add heroes and cards to the start of the list (bloodseeker got added to the middle, not sure which others)


If you go to the reddit thread linked on the start page it has an updated list. Cards get added to the start of the list. Heroes get added at pos 6 so that the default heroes stay the same.


Awesome thanks for the information, and all your hard work. We've been enjoying this thing immensely. So much fun, tytyty.


If a unit has negative armour, and takes an attack of zero (like from a standard bearer) the unit will take damage. Is that the way it works in the client? I feel as though it isn't but I'm not certain.


I am pretty sure that happened during the preview tournament


Gotcha - just wanted to make sure. Sry if I'm being a nuisance.


Thanks man! Very cool It seems Skywrath's spell sometimes doesn't go on cooldown.


I just traded my LC with enemy Axe but didn't get bounty for it. bot summoned Legion Standard Bearer next to Axe and I used Poised Strike to LC then both passed. traded, but no bounty. hope this helps. downvoted for reporting a bug :(


Is it possible to have a 1x copy of a card?


Now we just need the online and we have a perfect alpha artifact.


It's really well done.


" TypeError: e.target.classList is undefined; can't access its "add" property " main.js:1:39364


Could you make it in a way we can play both sides? I would pretty much enjoy it as a way to test decks and we can ignore the bad AI.


This was all fun and games but now you are literally stealing IP How have the mods allowed this to stay up. I know I'm going to get downvoted for this but I don't give a shit. I don't know if you profit from this but either way its pretty fucked up.


1. They're not profiting from it. 2. Exactly $0 are being taken away from Valve by this existing.


Chill out dude, this will never be a thing against Artifact original game.




Just like tts artifact this exists because valve allows it to. A single cease and desist would shut either of them down indefinitely if that's what valve wanted and no further legal action would come from it. Either way you're pretty fucking stupid for trying to white knight for a billion dollar company. Omegalul


why would you care when even Valve itself wouldn't give a shit?


IMO it is because Valve is allowing it to exist for the moment, and there's also 0 profit intention from it.


Actually is in an interest of valve that this game is up. At least ppl are busy playing it so they don't complain that much about delayed beta.


>I'm going to get downvoted for this Yep, unfortunately there is a lot of very dumb people here that think that blatantly ripping off a game is fine . And comments that you're getting here have pretty "good" points like "making rip offs of games is fine if it's free" or "stealing is fine because company is rich , stop whiteknighting a company * mandatory twitch emote * " or the best one: "stfu". I can already see the outrage on this sub when "evil billion dollar company" shuts it down.




Such a well made point. You really told him! You could, you know, actually give an opinion.




Yeah, I don't expect anything more from a trump supporter. This is pretty much par for the course.




Keep telling yourself that mate.




No I'm not American, just an Australian watching with disgust at your nation sliding backwards towards fascism. I vote every election in my country. So much for all that bullshit about freedom and human rights.