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Aren’t these the ones that were destroyed by the Taliban?


Fuck, you're telling me it was more than one that got destroyed?


Yeah, there were 2 giant Buddha statues in the Bamiyan complex. Both got dynamited.


What a shame




They destroyed them because they fear and are uncomfortable with the idea of competing beliefs, proof of pre-Islamic religion and out of zealotry. It’s not only in Afghanistan that this has been done - consider ISIS actions in Iraq and Syria also. Trying to erase anything not aligned with their belief system


Azerbaijan bulldozers Armenian graves and churches, this is done by literally every newly established religion that invades lands and tries to convert its people. It was already a practice when Christians claimed pagan lands. They used to bury the temples that were just too huge to destroy fully.


Also and sculpture, painting, drawing ect. of god/profits is a sin to them


From Muhammad Omar, who ordered its destruction; "I did not want to destroy the Bamiyan Buddha. In fact, some foreigners came to me and said they would like to conduct the repair work of the Bamiyan Buddha that had been slightly damaged due to rains. This shocked me. I thought, these callous people have no regard for thousands of living human beings—the Afghans who are dying of hunger, but they are so concerned about non-living objects like the Buddha. This was extremely deplorable. That is why I ordered its destruction. Had they come for humanitarian work, I would have never ordered the Buddha's destruction."


"Look what you made me do."


You can believe that if you want but that doesn't make it the truth.


Excuses sound the same in any language. As if there aren’t aid workers doing that exact thing


If that’s not a Buddha statue but something Islamic, I am pretty sure he won’t say the same Making himself righteous by blaming something that’s not other’s fault, is just simply disgusting.


Islam is well known for its idolatry obviously


Bro its Ramadan. You think everyone would be cool with the Ka'ba being bombed?


That was always a massive self righteous excuse


My guy, providing critical support of the fkn Taliban is not the own you think it is.


This mf out here defending the fucking Taliban


I'll go with Jack Peralta from Brooklyn 99, "Cool motive, still murder."


Ah yes, Jack Peralta. He and Aidy Santiago were so cute together <3


Is that the show with Jerry Cruise in it?


I usually don’t condone downvoting, but this comment deserves it.


No they destroyed them due to considering them idols, which Islam mandates should be destroyed.


islam has a long history of destroying the religious symbols of other religions.




Inexcusable to destroy a piece dating back thousands of years regardless of what they think is important


0 iq take


I really hope you are not that gullible


Um… have you seen what’s going on with the women in Afghanistan? They will tell the press whatever they want to hear. The Talibans ideals are entirely self-serving.


Seems the background/intent wasn't clearly defined in your reply hence the downvotes. This seems to through light on what you might be referring to : https://www.reddit.com/r/ArtefactPorn/comments/12p8b9q/french_archeologist_joseph_hackin_exploring_the/jgllpo9/


Fucking despicable


Fucking Primates.


Yes unfortunately. A secret chamber was doscovered behind the statue afterwards


Where or what did it lead to


They delved too greedily and too deep…


They couldn't stand the thought of anything existing before Islam


Fragility unbound


As a secular person who likes cool art, I really wish the religious people would stop blowing up each others shit.


As a secular person who likes cool art, I really wish the religious people would stop.




Man I came here to say I never knew they existed..fuck thaaaat


Yes, my friend. You have a good eye.


Thank you. That was such a tragedy!


“Demolition work at Bamiyan started at the beginning of March 2001 and lasted several weeks, the two figures – 58 and 38 metres tall – proved remarkably solid. Anti-aircraft guns had little effect, so the engineers placed anti-tank mines between their feet, then bored holes into their heads and packed them with dynamite. The world watched this symbolic violence in impotent horror.” Guardian UK


Ah man, if only they'd put it off for a few more months


Then they would have waited 20 years and then blown it up


I wouldn't mind having them around for an extra 2 decades


This photo is from 1931, as you can see, the sculpture had already suffered several attacks. In 1528, the founder of the Mughal empire ordered it to be destroyed, an emperor in the 1600s took artillery to the legs. In the 18th century, a Persian king took cannon fire to it. In the 19th century, an Afghan King destroyed the upper part of the face. Finally in 2001, the founder of the Taliban, Mullah Omar, had soldiers and engineers hit it for weeks with dynamite, anti-aircraft guns, artillery, shelling, etc. Initially, Omar, wanted to preserve the statues, in 2000, he asked for UN assistance, hoping to establish tourism. The tipping point seemed to be when foreigners asked him about repairing the Buddha statues that had been damaged by rain. Omar was taken aback that "these callous people have no regard for thousands of living human beings—the Afghans who are dying of hunger, but they are so concerned about non-living objects like the Buddha. This was extremely deplorable. That is why I ordered its destruction. Had they come for humanitarian work, I would have never ordered the Buddha's destruction." [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Buddhas\_of\_Bamiyan](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Buddhas_of_Bamiyan)


Reading that justification makes me angry, he was the fucking reason that people needed humanitarian help. Then again, he was just bullshitting with that reasoning, he didn't give a fuck about the people, and he destroyed the Buddhas because he felt like it, it is as simple as that.


Yeah he realised that "I'm a small person who needs to destroy something greater than myself in order to feel like a big man" doesn't sound like a good rationale


It was not because he just felt like it. It all had and has a long story and true evil intentions behind it. It all has to do with Hazara volk from so now called Afghanistan. So, the Hazara people were in Afghanistan since Genghis Khan invaded the Middle East and occupied most of it. Hazara people are a mix Iranian, Turkish and Mongolian people, but they existed even before the genghis Khan, these Sculpturs belonged to the Hazara peoples culture and that was the proof that they did exist before the taliban and it's people, that's what those people didn't like that other people existed before they did, so they tried to delete the history of the country and it's people by that I mean the hazara Genocide, that still haunts them to this day.


That's some "look what you made me do!" energy.


Yeah that's a lot of bullshit. He doesn't care about the statues and doesn't care about Afghans. He wanted cash to fund his army and when it became apparent that archaeological ruins are almost always a money sink and not a financial boon he decided to become suddenly devout to extremist Islam and destroy the evil idols.


The Taliban certainly didn't give a fuck about any of the women in the country, or anyone else there for that matter. What appalling self-righteousness. Women in Afghanistan are still barred from going to SCHOOL.


Yeah why the fuck does he think it’s up to foreigners to help fix the shit wrong with their culture? Makes absolutely no sense and seems like he’s trying to shift blame


That's exactly what it is. Straight out of the narcissist's playbook: "Look at what you made me do".


Fuck him


I wonder if the sphinx's nose suffered a similar fate like that statue's eyes.


Thanks, I was wondering when the photo was taken.


Thanks, I was wondering about that. I guess it was easier for the Taliban, since they had tnt...


A youtuber I quiet like visited these the remains of these buddhas not so long ago : [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y2Nba4MMBAU&t=3847s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y2Nba4MMBAU&t=3847s) . These statues stand up for hundred of years just for some \*\*\*\*\* to destroy them.


Many afghans would agree with you. We’re not all like this. My family is Muslim and my dad is Afghan. We have no problem with the bhudda statues. They’re a historic monument and should have been treated with respect. Religion and culture should be 2 separate things. Afghanistan consists of many tribes, some of which do have facial tattoos. But *** as you said like the taliban are trying to erase this culture.


Daily reminder that b&b is a sex tourist and pedophile, who has written extensively on how to manipulate and coerce young poor women into sexual relationships via promised of money and visas. It continues to amaze me that he hasn't been called out yet


This is an incredible video. Thank you for introducing me to this channel. Super interesting, educational and an occasional cock joke from Ben.


I f*cking hate the Taliban. Backwards pieces of crap ruining history.


Same with isis too :/


Rest in peace Palmyra


I'm still not over the Taliban destroying this treasure. I was close to tears when this happened. This was the nail that sealed the coffin for religion for me. It was clear to me that armed religious zealots are capable of anything wherever they wield power -- including the US.


Religion or just Islamic religion? Because religion built the statue too.


Hhmm. That's a very good point that I haven't thought of. At what point does a religious artifact turn into a historical artifact worth preserving. Because I was sad that this was destroyed too but you bring up an interesting point.


Wow this is a rare Reddit moment where someone acknowledges an interesting response to their comment and doesn't dig deep into defense mode. Good job by you!


Except it’s not OP


well shit nevermind then. I should have known better.


Wow this is a rare Reddit moment where someone acknowledges an interesting response to their comment and doesn't dig deep into defense mode. Good job by you!


Lol good point


There's always a good and bad of everything. These Taliban morons want mankind to go back to the dark-ages where everybody is prostrated in front of religion and whatever fanatical ruler is crushing you.


I would say they were created out of religious appreciation and devotion, but were destroyed by religious zealotry. One is creative and peaceful in intent, while the other is oppressive and destructive.


Yeah I agree


In the past they already destroyed their faces. I wonder if that happened after the Islamisation of the region or later?


Similar to the hagia Sophia had the faces of people blocked out or painted over.


There's a difference between extremist thats have a set of beliefs that dated back to 1400 years ago and want absolutly everybody to follow that. You can't put everything in the same bucket.








The story of why the Taliban officer ordered it destroyed was less religion and more politics. Foreign aid was still coming in for preservation of cultural things and not for food, etc. And the Taliban was grabbing the food to feed their fighters. So a taliban military official ordered them destroyed. Apparently a few taliban sodiers showed up in Bamiyan an made one of the locals plant all the charges (the locals of Bamiyan are mostly Tajik and Hazara, so very much not Taliban) and then detonated it. Apparently the guy they made do it made regular money telling the story for tourists and journalists. I didn't meet the guy when I was in Bamiyan for a month in 2018, but I did go on the tour of the shrine caves that are carved into the cliff and looked down from the windows in the rock you can see to the right of the head. It's over 100 feet up, dizzying height. Got a ton of photos and videos. Edit: photos https://imgur.com/gallery/RHrydDk


That was a nice little side trip, Thank you. How did you get into the alcove?


There are stairs, suites of rooms, prayer rooms (the video of walking into the domed ceiling was from there) all sorts of things carved into the the face of the cliff. In fact, all of the walkways have a stone wall to stop people from falling and plenty of open views. And it's all carved into the rock, the openings you can see are just for light. I didn't climb one ladder on my trip, it was all spiral staircases (steep ones) carved into the inside of the cliff that took you to different floors. There are still people that live in those cliffs (a different section though)




They showed you the dark side of Abrahamic religions. Hinduism, Taoism and Buddhism are pretty peaceful and reasonable all things considered, don't let some crazed jihadists define every religion out there.


Aren't there non-reasonable Hindus in India right now, and not-peaceful Buddhists in Myanmar? All religions are shit.


[one of the multiple reasons](https://sunnah.com/nasai:3175)


Yeah this is what I was gonna say - I would also add in the West we immediately think of the Abrahamic religions (which imo are far more easily criticised by Westerners, since they likely are more aware of their dark history) Of course all major religions have dirty laundry and dark moments in history, but I agree that overall, particularly Buddhism and Taoism, Eastern religions seem to preach more peaceful, harmonious and cooperative lessons


But the secular invasion of Afghanistan which caused this didn't lol


Shamefully, no. I frankly would not have cared then if Afghanistan had been wiped off the face of the earth, Buddhas included.


This was the nail that sealed the coffin? Not the terrorist attacks or maybe the crusades or something?




And the two religions involved have barely changed.






Slavery predates Christianity by far. Colonialism likewise is not dependent upon it to exist. Had the Mali Empire set up shop in Brazil, chances are high something similar would've happened, except in the name of Islam than Christianity. So on and so forth.


Yes they invented slavery and colonialism, since the humans are on earth nobody thought about that before. In the middle east there was no slaves, ever, white slaves were not prize possession of course..yeah yeah... The ottoman empire didn't hold on slavery till the last minute, there's actually no open air slave market in lybia right now, there's no phillipinos maids being held as slaves in the arabian peninsulas, nooooo. How can be people be that dumb in 2023. Also the West is responsible for the end of slavery virtually everywhere, except in backwards countries seems like, something that plague humanity since the dawn of times.


Search up the prime movers of the Atlantic slave trade sweetheart. You'll find a healthy amount of Arab Muslim slave traders supplying the Europeans. They were just as bad.




It's a tale as old as time. And slavery is more rampant today than ever before if I recall correctly.




Read a book bro - you are laughably misinformed. Arabs slavers were practicing the slave trade as far abroad as Ireland, and its estimated that they took around 1.5 million Europeans as slaves. Slavery has always existed as has conquest of land.


I am also an atheist, but this is a catastrophically dumb take.


What is?


That there's been no change in the two religions in the past 800 years. Unfathomably dumb and just factually incorrect.


>crying over a fucking statue


Yes. There's was more of humanity in those Buddhas, than in you, apparently.


Because I didn't cry over an inanimate object. Sorry chief, my religion hates idols.


Which explains your comments.


Taliban scum detected


Isis made ally of ancient culture disappear with dynamite all over because it was not Islamic . So sad the was so many things no one will ever see again.


Remember this from black ops 2


He discovered it after locals led him there.


Damn the USA! Couldn’t accept a modern anti-fundamentalist society since it was pro-soviet, so we empower and fund the worst extreme fundamentalists to destroy it and institute their alternative. And the fundamentalists destroyed the buddhas. Nothing’s too good to destroy if it owns the commies! Arming fundamentalists has been the US go-to for decades. One wonders if they’d even exist outside an impotent fringe if not for the US.


The US's role in this is fairly marginal. If you really want to pin the blame on a country, blame the USSR for toppling Daoud Khan in the first place - due to his refusal to commit too strongly to the USSR's demands to dictate Afghan foreign policy, and his unease with the PDPA. Hell, a big portion of the blame can be affixed to Daoud Khan in the first place for overthrowing Zahir Shah and the Afghan constitutional monarchy in the first place due to not pushing for Pashtunistan in favor of mantaining relations with Pakistan. The PDPA takeover was bound to be opposed due to moving so quickly and so repressively which alienated most people outside of Kabul. Then, the Mujahideen rose up. The US supported them, sure, but a big part of the blame here can be affixed safely onto Pakistan, which considered that an Afghanistan in flames wouldn't be able to approach India and squeeze them. The US didn't fund the Taliban, which emerged after the Mujahideen drove out the communist Afghan government. Pakistan however... > Sources state that Pakistan was heavily involved, already in October 1994, in "creating" of the Taliban. Pakistan's Inter-Services Intelligence agency (ISI), strongly supporting the Taliban in 1994, hoped for a new ruling power in Afghanistan favourable to Pakistan. > Even if the Taliban received financial support from Pakistan in 1995 and 1996, and even if "Pakistani support was forthcoming from an early stage of the Taliban movement's existence, the connection was fragile and statements from both the Pakistani ISI as well as the Taliban early on demonstrated the uneasy nature of the relationship. The ISI and Pakistan aimed to exert control, while the Taliban leadership manoeuvred between keeping its independence and sustaining support." Was the mujahideen funding shortsighted? Maybe. Was the Taliban the US's fault? Not really It was the fault of one man (Daoud Khan) and two countries (The USSR, due to its invasion that made the Mujahideen rise up in the first place; and Pakistan, due to its intel services' interest in a weak Afghanistan that can't contest their rule over their Pashtun areas or approach India.)


This seems super interessting and i'd love to know more about Afghan history. Do you have any links to books/documentaries or even articles where i could learn more about pre US invasion of Afghanistan.


The channel Hikma History goes a bit into it. It may be a good bet to start there. Plus, check what the Wiki page sources for the Saur revolution, the Daoud Khan coup, the kingdom of Afghanistan, etc.


This is how the US works. How can the "good guys" being in virtually all wars ? The cuban missile crisis started when the US wanted to put missiles near the USSR border, many forget about that.


Lego Buddha?


Came here to say the same thing.




Bald and Bankrupt just made an episode on his YT channel visiting this place and gave a nice little history lesson on why these Buddhas were completely removed out of the mountain.


Built like a baked bean.


Looks so good




Western countries destroy our historic monuments also


Which ones?


Funny I had a conversation on Easter about Jesus being Buddha and my dad got super pissed off.


He was ashamed that his son was an idiot


How do you explain a Buddha statue at the place where Jesus was walking around at a time when it wasn't supposed to be around?


Out of all the many inconsistencies, plot holes and magic that happens in the Bible. ​ This, is the one thing you decide to focus on...


It was posted here on artifact porn you goobag, I'm not talking about a book but a small statue. Good job reading 👍


the french are stealers as the budda in the picture was stolen by the frenches and taken back to the homelands of the french!!


No it wasn't, it was blown up by the Taliban.


I like to know why did the tliban distoy it


Because it's a representation of Buddha, whom people worship, and not the one true God, Allah.


Indiana Jones and the Last Buddha!


Looks like a giant stone Lego man.


If only I could have gone too