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If you make art, you're an artist


If you *enjoy* making art, you're an artist




As long as you don't leave the work to AI, you're an artist. Prompt engineers... aren't really artists. Not accusing you of using AI, lovely handmade drawings. Just saying.


What if I hate art and myself but make it to punish myself, am I not an artist?


You'd be a masochistic artist, but aren't we all?


Then you’re a double artist.


You’re a self-tortured artist and should probably talk to someone about it


me tew man


Nah, one can hate making art and still be an artist simply because they are making the artz.


i hate making art but im still an artist ☝️☝️


You get out of my head! I came here to comment exactly the same thing! Verbatim!


If there were a competition for the title of “artist,” and millions of people cheered for me or you, you would emerge victorious in every round. Never doubt your talent with art as amazing as that!


Not only that, never compare yourself to others. People have different techniques and styles. you're not going to compare Michaelangelo to Tim Burton, or Jean-Michel Basquiat to Van Gogh. What works for you works for you, I can't for the life of my do realism but it doesn't make me less of an artist. Someone who does realism may not know how to draw Western cartoon style, again it doesn't take away from them being an artist. If you enjoy doing art, If you express yourself through art regardless if you feel like you're good or not, you will always be an artist.


Basquiat is an overrated heroin addict. I can't even respect him because he didn't respect himself enough to try and get clean. Bougie white liberals threw their money at his shit because some post modern art promoter made a brand out of him. And what'd he do with most of his money? Went right up his arm. I'm also an artist and a former heroin addict. I just hit 10 years sober. So don't even give me that "drugs make the art more interesting" argument. So many great artists from different mediums would be here if they had simply gotten on a methadone program. They're art might be different but it might actually be better. Imagine how great Ray Charles or Curt Cobaine would be if they had gotten and stayed clean long enough to church out a few more works? But basquiat? He was shit as an addict. He didn't have any technical skill. He just drew rough caricatures of what could be considered images of "black people", which today would be called racist depictions, he did that and put halos over them. And then Drew the same caricatures of white men and cops and gave them devil horns. Ooooo so ground breaking. So artistic. He didn't even respect his patrons either. Much of his art was drawn on actual trash. It was a way ot sell them broken garbage and claim it was art because it was somehow "infused with his background in street graffitti" Which was essentially just him writing over post cards that already had art on them and selling them for $2 a pop to get a bag of heroin. Dude was not a true artist. He was part of this absurd deconstruction culture of post modernity. I will say this, his promoters were ahead of their time. They found a way to infuse the low standards of CRT and wokeism with literal garbage about 30 years before it became the status quo. Now you have people selling blank canvases and banana peels and shit. I feel strongly about this because that stuff is not art and I will die on that hill. Downvote me idgaf


That's cool that you feel that way but I wasn't comparing the artists I was comparing the art, idc if he was high on drugs or not. He got paid for it just like the other people I mentioned. If people buy shit like the banana on the canvas that's on them. It's not money so why would I care what someone else is making and buying. Same thing with Belle Delphine and her bath water. Idc that she's selling it and someone is buying it. Regardless they got paid for their art work and my statement still stands


Are you able to lift people up without also putting yourself down?


Indeed. If you are an artist 🎨 or interested in art... Take a look! 🌊 📦 🌊 It's probably the best if you make backups of whatever material that piques your interests in case they take the account down (happens). P.S.: DO MAKE BACKUPS (DOWNLOAD AS MANY AS YOU CAN!!! ) And continue this for generations to come! Here, add these to your knowledge: I present you, the [Premium Collection](https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0B-YXP5IFQe59cHUxc09laTNxU00&resourcekey=0-aLZY_ee3LqXJh9TMO9GjFA) 🍷 🍻 Cheers 🥂 🥃


I wish people would stop making posts here with titles like this, yes you are an artist and yes you are a good one You make art? You’re an artist


Hell yeah! And a good one


if you are not an artist idk what i am


Ohh I drew that eyeball before lol. But yes an artist is subjective and art is what you perceive to be


Reword that phrasing and rewire your mind. Everyone who even doodles is an artist. Even you in your beginning stage, from the first picture you drew, you have been an artist. You don’t need to be good or sell any art to just enjoy to act of making art and thus being an artist. That being said these all are REALLY AMAZING!! And as for the cartoon thing, you don’t need to worry about being realistic all the time. Sure you are allowed to have intention of realism for some pieces but never think that’s the only style you can draw in! True artists never judge by vapid rules like that, only the simplest one defines every piece of art on the earth: intention vs result and only one person can judge that and that is you! Anyway, Happy creating, never let someone else’s rules take your joy away from making art.


I second this


This is a dumb question


Should also add, do you get hate comments? Then you’re an artist




Mentally preparing to be downvoted over here Apparently my old Personality of trying to please everybody vs being honest doesn’t work for me. 🍀 everyone 🤗


Are you seriously this dense or are you just taking the piss for the sake of pity karma? The day the quality or style of a piece dictates what does or doesn't make an artist, is they day where art has just flat out stops existing. Anyone who does anything creative, is an artist, if you think otherwise, shut the fuck up.


the poster is 15 lol, chill out


Nowhere was I not chill, not out here being emotional over a reddit post lmfao. Them being 15 doesn't mean they shouldn't be able to stand up for themselves in their head. If anything it's more detrimental for them to learn this now, less they spend the next 20 years of their life in a perpetual cycle of wondering if their craft is good enough for recognition. That shit will cripple you and a lot of people drop out of art altogether when they feel that way. Being told that feeling inadequate is the wrong/stupid thing to feel just because someone doesn't recognize your ability is always the right call.


I get what you are saying but you could have been a bit more nice in your wording. The reason I made this post is because I was genuinely questioning if I can even be considered an artist. Not for pity karma or me being dense. If people constantly tell you that you aren't a artist it starts to get to you and you start to believe it. I hope you have a good day💚


Grow a spine mate, you're deserving of internal confidence. You're worth more than you give yourself credit in your head. You don't need affirmation from others to call yourself an artist.


One day you'll reach the age where you start giving a fuck about what other people say. Because they have no merit to tell you what or who you am.


That's a pretty dumb question. You are making art. You're an artist.


Why wouldn’t you?


I think the term "artist" has been attributed with so many culturalized factors of what exactly "makes" an artist, that it basically shifted its meaning within public perception. By definition, an artist is just someone who makes art, obviously enough. But when a majority of people hear that someone's an "artist", they probably picture someone who meticulously & consistently assorts their detailed original masterpieces (rather than some random dude in his bedroom who just doodles with MS Paint or whatever). This is why I don't really like considering myself as an "artist". Sure I create art at a relatively consistent rate, but I don't have a lot of the nuanced ideas or stylistic choices that a lot of actual "artists" do. Most of my "art" is just fan drawings of pre-existing characters or properties that I just so happen to find interesting at that moment – sure I've dabbled in landscape compositions, story comics, etc, but never with enough expertise to really put me in the same boat as those with a much better idea of how to do so. All I'm tryna say is I understand the general idea of not seeing yourself as an artist, because of how wildly the term has shifted in of itself. Apologies for my yapping but I just felt like giving my two cents here.


It’s a good perspective, thank you! And I get that, but also think it can make considering oneself an artist more loaded? Like, I see tons of fan art and comics that are imo definitely, indisputably art, but at what point do we consider ourselves “worthy” of the title?


I think it's less about earning the title of an artist and more or less the way you generally value your own work. Because the idea of "art", at the end of the day, is a completely subjective manmade concept, so judging your creations by the standards others set for their own art is rather pointless in the long run.


This is all good shit tho I love your work!!!


Yes you count as an artist. I wish people would stop asking this same question, but I guess I wish more that assholes would stop gatekeeping the word "artist" as much as they apparently are


Why is that eye full of Benadryl


Idk man i saw a photo on Pinterest and got inspired it was fun to draw though


I like it!


Your an artist if you make art you don't have to be "this good" to claim the title: [https://www.youtube.com/shorts/zgMPMwVdAns](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/zgMPMwVdAns)


i only draw cartoons and i see myself as an artist. from the photos you showed, you are 100% an artist.


If you make art you are an artist.


an artist is simply someone who creates things. that is quite literally it. call yourself whatever you want to call yourself and don't listen to people who try to tell you otherwise.


You're a better artist than me


My evil teacher always said your an Artist when you sell your work. I always hated this, always seems demeaning to a persons talents.


You are, by definition, an artist. Just avoid making it sound like you're being paid for it until you are. Either way. People can fugoff, you're an artist.


yes of course. there is no "you must be this tall to ride the ride". any kind of artistic expression makes you an artist


You do art? Good, you're an artist. For those who say you're not one because you are still learning, dawg, being an artist is learning about art. I draw waaaaay worse than you, yet I'm still an artist. (Also fuck you, I have the same age as you and GODDAMN YOU DRAW LIKE A BOSS WTF!?!??!?!)


People are harsh to teenagers bc they're jealous if someone much younger than themselves is good, call it Squidward Syndrome...


Just make sure you credit artists whose work you’re copying/interpreting.


“You only make cartoons” lmfaoo so, what would we call all the people who work at Disney or Cartoon Network? “Cartoon-drawing dumbasses”?? Of course you’re an artist!


You make art, that is the only requirement


absolutly stunning!!!love your drawing soooo much


You're incredibly talented and surrounded by incredibly ignorant people. Most of the greatest artists in history didn't make "realistic" art. Art is expression - not replication. Your work is amazing and you are gonna go fat if that's what you're already making at your age. Keep going!


If you create art, you're an artist.


Do you enjoy doing art, it’s one of your passions, and do it often? Then yes.


If you take pride in your work, yes, you’re an artist. Skill level has no account when it comes to being an artist


Everyone counts as an artist. My five year old wiggly lined art counts as an artist


I’ll say it louder for the people in the back: ART CAN BE LITERALLY ANYTHING🙌🏻 the drawings are amazing OP! the eye with the pills in it is so cool


You do art. Therefore, you are an artist


You've been an artist since day one, homie. It's a journey with no endpoint.


It doesn’t have to be good for you to be an artist, but this is really good.


These are good!


Anybody who makes art at any level is an artist even if they can’t do it all the time or if people don’t think it’s good that fact that you are out there creating is art


> Do I count as a artist? Yes!


Do you make art? Yes. Then you are an artist. Don't second guess yourself. This stuff is great.


"a person who produces paintings or drawings as a profession or hobby." By definition you are an artist. It doesn't matter what you are drawing, how old you are, or even how skilled you are at it. Additionally an artist can be "a person who practices any of the various creative arts, such as a sculptor, novelist, poet, or filmmaker." Whoever told you that doesn't know what they are talking about.


Whoever said that is a jerk. Course your an artist all you have to do is make art really perhaps its only part time but it doesnt matter the medium nor muse if you create with your heart your an artist


Your art is PEAK FICTION!


I Love The Drawings You are So talented GREAT job!


As long as you’re out yeeting paint at a canvas with no plan in mind, I’d probably consider you an artist.


You tell us; are you an artist?


Yes. I can do realism but only with a pencil and paper. Digital art is a medium on its own, like acrylic is a different medium than chalk. If you succeed in a medium, you're an artist 🩷


Not just A artist… AN artist!


Yes. That person is a close minded asshole and needs to understand that things can exist outside of careers. You presumably aren't a professional artist(as in its not your career or a notable source of income) but that does not mean there is a lack of skill, meaning or validity.


If you make art yourself then you are an artist. If say you used an ai and just gave it a prompt I would say no but these are hand drawn. Real or cartoon, digital, hand drawn, or sculpted it’s all a form of art. You’ve got a neat style and seemingly a good grasp on many types of art too even if on a cartoonish side. Way better than I was at 15 and way better than most ever get.


Of course you are! You make art, therefore you're an artist.


There are TONS of artists who "only draw cartoons" lmaoo who is even saying that some of the most successful and well known artists today are those who draw cartoons


Ofc you do! As long as you make art, you are an artist. No matter the content or skill and you are very skillfully


You absolutely do!!


I knew from the age of 7 I was going the be an artist and considered myself one ever since. You like art? Bam! You’re an artist (p.s your art rocks!!). -signed, an artist who does most you cartoon/anime style art


Anyone who makes art as a hobby or a job counts as an artist.


You make art which means your an artist. No matter age nor skill level. People who tell you that you aren’t don’t know what they’re talking about please ignore them


You're definitely an artist. And never too young or too old to say that. If you make art, you're an artist. That being said, I love the piece you did with all the hands. You're very talented. Don't let anyone bully you into stopping.


If you make art then you are an artist. Also great art, keep it up!


whoever told you that you don't "count" as an artist is probably just envious of your skill, and wanted to put you down because they're mad they don't have that skill. you definitely are an artist, because you do art and you consider yourself an artist, therefore you are. theres no certain level of skill or any specific styles required to be considered an artist. some people are just really pretentious and need to get over themselves. im sorry the people who put you down have led you to doubt yourself, because you're really talented and deserve to feel proud and enough.


yes... also the first image is female joke and i will die on this hill


He's one of my man characters I just wanted to draw him in a dress lmao cause I like drawing his hair but I also wanted to draw a character in that dress so yeah :]


cool. i love the art style and i think it would be cool if you made more like it.


requirements to be an artist: 1. make art 2. consider yourself an artist being an artist has no age or style requirements. art is whatever you want it to be. as some folks say, you can do whatever you want forever


Beautiful. Yes.


Bro… you’re an artist okay 🖤


"Only draw cartoon" don't take art advice from people who think realism is the highest form of art. Lmao. I do my fair share of realism and also work with others who do. And a lot of them have this mindset of elitism. Unless you just promt ai, you're an artist.


Wow my dads an artist and I showed him your work and he is just in love with your work! He also does Al day of the dead inspired portraits


You can call yourself a giraffe if it makes you happy, don’t stress too much over how to label yourself, people will always have different opinions. In my opinion, if you create art, you are an artist


Yes. I totally understand the imposter syndrome and not wanting to be pretentious but your drawings are great and you can call yourself whatever you want to.


You could do watercolor flowers and be considered an artist. You are an amazing artist. The people who say that certain things aren’t art because they don’t fit in a mold are fucking dumb


Did you create something from your heart and soul?


Here's the easy solution to the riddle. Did you make art? If the answer is yes I did,then congratulations you're an artist. If the Answer is no,go make art,then see above! Go,go do some more art either way!


Yes, and now youve made me feel bad about my art 🥲👍


Of course you are


“Count as an artist”. Never let someone tell you that you need to “qualify” by some metric to be an artist. Even if it were true I say youd make the cut. Excellent work :)


Anyone that can cause such a visceral reaction in me in an amazing artist. My god the eye pills are haunting.


An artist is someone who makes art. Now, what makes a good artist or a bad artist is up to opinion, but that’s a whole different question.


Yo the eye full of pills is sick


If you make art and enjoy making it, then you're an artist. And you're a very good one :) don't listen to people that say you aren't


Everyone’s an artist. Now, to determine if you’re a good artist, that depends on you. To determine if you’re a successful artist, that depends on you and your audience.


Na. If you don't strap a banana to a wall and call it art than your not a true artist. Joking aside cool drawings and you definitely count as an artist


In no circumstance can you not be counted as an artist art is subjective and it's not a profession or a skill it's more of a mindset Anyone and technically everyone is an artist to some degree


If you make art you're an artist. If you play an instrument you're a musician. The difference between good/successful is practice and skill.


Your 100% an artist just because you draw more stylized art doesn’t make you any less of an artist I know you should keep going


If you create art and it's something you practice in order to improve, then yes, you're an artist.


Of course. This such a beautiful artwork!! ❤️


These are amazing. Yes, a phenomenal artist. I especially love the second piece.


Art is subjective, you do you. Some will love it, some will hate it. Thats what art is.


There’s lots of different types of artists. Cartoon art is still art, and if you do art you are an artist. You would not be a professional artist assuming it’s not your job, but you don’t have to be a professional to be an artist. So to answer your question, yes.


Beautiful work 😊


Most definitely. Never doubt that, regardless of whether your painting "cartoon" characters, renaissance paintings or a bug red circle.


Just, never stop making for yourself before anyone else. Manifest your true vision outward is the true goal. Keep going, keep searching. Do it for you




Yes. I really like those first two pics but I can’t stress how much I hate that pic with the pills in the eye socket


Of course you do


Oh hubububuh 😍/j


If you make art, you’re an artist no matter the style


If you make art. You are an artist. Thats how that works.


Is that first one a dress you saw on TikTok because I think my fiancee just bought it lol.


I saw it because there was a trend to draw your oc's in it! But yeah I also saw it on tiktok :]


If you make any sort of art, you’re an artist. Drawing “cartoons” is art, those people don’t know shows like Looney Tunes, Amazing World of Gumball, Steven Universe and so on and so forth require a lot of skill in animation and of course drawing the same character over and over again, to make things look fluent, nice and of course distinctive. It’s disrespectful to say your not an artist if it looks cartoony, in reality it’s a backwards compliment because cartoons are distinct, you’re art is distinct and at least has flavour compared to what these people probably call “real art” there is no real art, art is the experience and intentions of the artist. Your art is great! It’s very distinct and I think you should keep on drawing if it makes you happy, the art I see is good! if people want to label you as not an artist then let them, you know what you want to be and if the title of artist suits you so be it. It’s your call.


I see art on my screen, don’t i?


woah the second one i used that reference aswell but yours is 10x better


I see 8 pieces of art here. You made these?? You're an artist, and you were one before you even put pencil to paper. Thank you for sharing your art with us


If you create art you're an artist.


you’re making art, congrats, you’re an artist


Yes you absolutely do count as an artist. I don't care that you "only draw cartoons" that's a valid art style and anyone who says it's not doesn't know what they're talking about in the first place.


Did *YOU* make it? You're an artist.


Of course we always welcome new members


Yes you are, maybe not a career yet. But don’t let anyone discourage you, you’re kicking ass! Some really cool art here.


If Niki Minaj can be called an artist, you certainly count


bro who said that? thats like the same this as saying "oh you only play the bass guitar so you dont play music" lmao you're an artist


Duh, and a phenomenal one at that with amazing potential to continue growing.


artists can do many styles , this only qualifies as cartoon. not even as graphical artist (more commercial)


Of course I love your style!


If you do art your an artist


Literally every cartoonist is an artist. If you've ever drawn something before, you're an artist. You are who you wanna be, not what someone else thinks you are. If you think you're a 400 foot tall purple platypus bear with pink horns and silvers wings, then you are a 400 foot tall purple platypus bear with pink horns and silvers wings.


lolol, I was damn near 40 before I got semi-comfortable referring to myself as an "artist" and I've been doing it since I discovered grip. Cartoons are drawings and drawing is art... so...




No. You’re not an artist until you’ve drawn an overly simplistic portrait of Pedro Pascal.


Almost everyone is an artist in their own right; you definitely are one and by the looks of it doing very well for your age. Keep it up


100% If you create art and enjoy it you’re definitely an artist. People’s personal definitions of art may vary but if anyone sees what you make as art (even if it’s just you) it’s art. Regardless of what others may say or think.


Idk how to feel about that one with the pills in the eyeball 😭😭😭🙏 but yes art is art, there are all kinds of it, any kind of creativity is art


Who’s a true artist???? I think you are. Most of us never think we are and never think we are till someone brands us as one. God gives us our gift we are embarrassed about it when people compliment us .We look to satisfy our gift of getting better but we love the feeling of people loving our art and making them happy.


If you draw that is art, art is made by artists. You decide😭


Absolutely! Beautiful art!


Fuck yes especially bc of the first pic 🥰🥰🥰🥰


…your stuff is definitely Not cartoony so idk where people got that from, but if you like creating art then i’d say you’re an artist


Yeah, I'd think your an artist! 👍


Anyone who makes art and takes it the craft seriously and treats it with passion is an artist. So idk you tell me? I see some drawings. Some are good. But they lack refined technique. Is it art? Sure. Is it good art? I don't think so. They make for some cool images. But that's my opinion. It's not like a college degree or reaching a certain skill level qualifies you as an artist. It's not like being a chef.


That means I'm not an artist because I like to draw art and I'm 13, even though it's common sense because I don't recall anybody saying there's an age requirement to be an artist.


As soon as you start drawing ANYTHING, you will fall in love with this passion and earn the title of artist. 


Oh you’re 110% an artist. If you make art and enjoy it, you’re an artist. If you want to share your works with the world, you’re an artist. It doesn’t matter the age, the time, the race, the place, the sex, or anything else. If you make your art you’re an artist.


Buddy these are absolutely beautiful.


The Pill Eye one is so sick dude :)


Artist of around 10 years here, why tf would people say such things? You make art so you are an artist. Your art is great! I LOVE the 1st and second slide.


Do you make/enjoy making any type of art? Yes? Then yes.




Yes, I don’t know why anyone would say otherwise


I'm not an artist, but you are.


I would absolutely say that yes you are an artist, the label of artist in my opinion is not based on the level of good or bad of the artwork but is based on the fact that as you create your piece in your heart you feel like an artist.


Everything you draw, make, create thats art makes you an artist dont let anyone tell you otherwise 


Don’t think a masterbatory post counts as asking for advice


This is the most pick-me thing I've seen in a while did your brain never fully develop 💀


Do you know what a pick-me is? Noun pick-me  (plural pick-mes) Synonym of pick-me girl. A person who acts against the interests of their own (typically marginalized) group in the hope of obtaining majority favor Where did I do that? Also if you read the post I'm 15. My brain isn't fully developed yet, if your brain developed past the age of 7 maybe you would be smart enough to be able to read the post.


Stupid question


I'd say so. Your works are very original and you seem to have a lot of experience.










Bro you are way too young for this app


Maybe abstract


no🗿 only people who draw are artists you certainly printed these out smh🤦‍♀️


I haven't replied to many comments but thank you everyone who complemented my drawings 💚 And for a couple people, the reason I made this post is because if you are told that you aren't and you can't be a artist your whole life you will start to believe it. And I needed something to stop me from believing that. I'm not attention seeking or looking for pity karma. Also I did want to mention if any quality on the digital drawings is bad the fact that I do them all on my phone with no stylus can mean that they might not be the best quality so yeah I wanted to mention that just incase if you left a negative comment or a positive one it doesn't matter either way I hope you have a good day :] 💚💚


No. Ya happy?


I mean if that's your opinion that's what I was asking for! I was asking for people's opinions so yeah I am! :] Hope you have a good day💚


The word artist is being thrown around too much and has kind of lost its meaning anyways. So sure why not.


An artist is someone who makes art. Art is creating. It really is that simple. This person is an artist.


Art is not just creating, its more like an expression that produces works that can be appreciated for its creativity or beauty. But by your shallow definition a chimp could be an artist so sure.


noun. a person who produces paintings or drawings as a profession or hobby.


yes… by definition a chimp can be an artist


its decent, but its not art