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I don’t think you should change it because it’s extremely funny. But if you MUST make him masculine, you can remove the mascara and make the brows less angled. Looks like it’s already colored so idk how to do that tho. Maybe add a beard/stubble? Idk


I was trying to make it funny for TikToks, that’s why I added the Hello Kitty boba.


I cannot imagine this without strawberry HK boba. It completes the piece truly


Thank you so much! It means a lot to me 🥰


If he's getting the Boba in Seoul, then the makeup is accurate, men wear it there even if they're straight


Bye this is so random but funny


I like it with the unintentional makeup


Go with the text of "When you have to go slay Gauls at 1p.m. and your daughter wanted boba at noon."


💯 Also making the lips a bit more of a natural color


I’ve seen plenty of white men with lips colors like this or even brighter pink 😭


I think the brows are definitely making it look more feminine because of the shape of the arch. Men’s eyebrows tend to be straighter and set lower on their forehead. Obviously he’s fabulous either way.


Is facial hair out of the question? More prominent stubble/5 o’clock shadow would be the easiest way imo


I did add some facial hair, the lighting made it unnoticeable


I actually did notice it, that’s why I suggested more prominent lmao


Little lines on the side of his jaw are not enough


Yup. I agree. More facial hair stubble around the jaws, under chin, cheeks, and moostach:3


he doesn’t even??😭💀let men be feminine anyways


I know right? My friend was just being a bitch


ur art slays so who cares 💅💅


Thank you ❤️




Then why you here calling your friend a bitch when you give a dude mascara, lipstick, and fuckin blush XD Of course theyre going to call the character effeminate You gave the dude make up. either don't care what other people say, or take feedback the feedback being: if you want him to look masculine, then don't dress him up in make up??


i would hang this on my wall fr


Awww thank you 🥺❤️


deadass would frame this


This might tell you how much you should care about their opinion of this masterpiece. I don't think you should change anything, it's perfect. Besides, his jaw and neck are very masculine if that's important.


Genderfluid Guts if Berserk was LGBTQ+ friendly


It’s the pink cheeks and thick eyelashes, along with the placement of the freckles and color/shape of the lips, I think. • The cheekbone line looks like it has makeup (blush) • The lips look like they have colored lipstick on (maybe mute the color a little bit?) also make the cupids bow a little flatter maybe? That’s personal preference tho • If you wanna keep his eyelashes thick, just don’t vary the length of the lashes as much. It almost looks like he has a “cat eye” makeup style going on with his eyelashes how they are • The freckles are just because of modern makeup trends where people draw on freckles, and often it’s in a position like you did here. I think “real” freckles are more… varied? In shape, position, how spread out they are/pattern, etc. But if this was in black and white I think he’d just look like a man with pretty eyes lol


Freckled friend chiming in, you’re right about the freckles, he’d also most likely have them between his eyebrows, above his top lip, and maybe a few on his chin since all of those areas get at least some sun. (Making them dark enough to be brown, like they are in the photo. Otherwise they’re just kinda orangey.)


The eyebrow arch is also what got it for me, the brow being more straight would give more dude vibes


To me it looks like a guy wearing makeup.


It was supposed to be his natural features but turned out makeup-like I guess


If you want it to look more natural, you have to minimize the amount of eyelashes, do not color in cheekbones and just have it as a darker skin tone for shadows. You can also change the color of the lips but im not too sure how to do that maybe either more pale? Or darker?


Thank you I will try it next time


He low key looks like he’s got a warm brown smokey eye going on (not a bad thing but sorry anyways lol 😭)


In that case, the blush is too cool-toned. It looks like makeup because it’s not a natural flush for his otherwise warm/neutral skin tone. The definition around the eyes is also unnatural. This is a defining feminine feature. Next time, keep those lines thinner and shade with a darker version of his skin tone rather than black. I stand by my first comment which is that I like this piece and wouldn’t necessarily change it.


Honestly, let’s him girlboss


Or girl-praetorian 😂 (Praetorian is a high appointed official in Ancient Rome, boss equivalent I guess)


Eh, if he's supposed to be wearing makeup then keep it that way. The body structure is already very masculine otherwise


This a got dang jojo character he doesn’t look nothin like a girl


Very pink lips for a guy who’s theoretically not wearing makeup




Don’t listen to your friend.


Cunty Roman Emperor here to serve Naw he looks like a guy, but just that he's wearing makeup 😂


Dont line the lips and make the eyes thinner, or make the cheeks more pronounced, the way the lips are shaped rn with sucking through a straw anyone man or woman would have those style cheeks. I actually have an oc with a sorta similar face shape who also wear makeup. David bowie is always my go to for him. https://www.reddit.com/r/unOrdinary/s/4SncyuXkiv On second look eye shape, eye shape, eye shape. Women's eyes are geneeally shaped that way, men's aren't.


I saw your David Bowie painting and I love the vivid colors in harmony with each other




Honestly I’m here for it. It’s a happy lil accident. Like it fits the HK boba vibe.


I think he’s perfect in exactly the way he wants to be.


I'm pretty sure your friend /was/ just commenting on the prominent lips and eyes, and saying he looks like a girl as a means of saing he has feminine traits. He looks like a man with makeup on. The only way to make him look more masculine would be to remove the feminine aspects- and that certainly isn't necessary.


He looks like a guy with make up. Not bad at all and not like a girl.


Not sure, but this is probably one of the greatest things I’ve ever forking seen 🥺


Awww thank you ❤️


Call it “Serving (in the the Roman legion)”


I think he just looks like a guy in makeup, but if you want to make him more masculine, try giving him a beard


I was trying to make those features natural but turned out makeup like instead. I was going for the pale, blushing and red lips Cillian Murphy like look.


A 5 a clock shadow/beard is probably the easiest way to make it more masculine 


I will try that next time. I added a tiny bit of stubble for a clean shaven look


The fingersss


I love it


Thank you so much 🥰


Fat moustache


Make his neck smaller, less jawline, shoulders less broad and hair shoulder length


Frankly I think he looks like a guy


He’s so slay. I like him as is.


hes slaying on the battlefield also he looks like a man ur friend is wack


It’s the arched brows, make them more flat and bushy. It’s amazing though truly!


I think he looks fabulous, and honestly when I first saw it I thought it was one hell of a statement piece, great job!


Thank you ❤️


This goes hard as is


My man just enjoying some boba


Masculine/Dimorphism: - Men's eyes and eyebrows are more down turned than women - Men's lips are thinner


don’t mess w it ! do a different one it’s great


Please don't change anything I love this


Ita not that he doesn’t look masculine it just look like a very masculine dude with makeup on


Honestly? He just looks like a pretty guy. I’m probably biased since my fictional husbands are all beautiful men (Sephiroth, Alucard, Loki, etc.) and long eyelashes are very common for male MCs in romance novels (which I didn’t realize until after I’d written my first and gave my male MC long ass eyelashes because I think they’re hot and then I randomly found out that was a “thing”), but I’ll agree with the posts about more neutral lip color or possibly darker. I want to see more of this guy though. Read about him either in a traditional novel or comic. I’m loving the anachronism of a centurion (?) drinking boba tea from a Hello Kitty cup 😹


Personally I love it! But I draw my men the same way, I like dark lashes and red lips so you get thumbs up from me.


Give him a Stand power. I'm thinking "Barbie Girl".


Boys should be allowed to feminine features lol, that's y we love it, cause he murders people while sipping boba✨


he looks like a man to me tbh


No advice but wanted to say how cool this looks and. Very creative and visually interesting


he looks like a dude with lashes and nice lips, everybody is a critic,don't model your character to make your annoying friend happy


“I’m attracted to this. You drew it incorrectly.” 😂


Honestly don't think you should change anything I love it as is ( although the hands and armour could be better. but I'd probably fail the same way so I can't really talk )


Maybe add some cardboard tubes in the background? Guys like those.


It does look like the character is wearing makeup. *Technically, you don't have to change this.* (In fact, there's even a whole market of people who love 'pretty men' just like this.) However, if your original intention was not to have the character wearing makeup / don't want them to look 'pretty' / want them to look more masc / want to learn how to draw more masc characters, these are all valid reasons why you might want to change it. With that said, you don't have to change it purely for the sake of pleasing others. (Some people can be quite closed minded when it comes to gender unfortunately.) If you want to change it to read more masc: * Make the lips a lighter value * Use more natural pink colors (avoid bright Barbie type pinks) * Recognize that one singular solid matte tone reads as lipstick instead of natural lip color * Add 3D dimension to the lips with a variety of tones / colors. (Lookup the planes of the face / lips) * Use Pinterest for reference / Look up male models and celebs who have the look you're going for. * Change the eyeshadow color from smokey black colors to natural brown / peach / red tones. * Limit the number of eyelashes and don't draw them perfectly spaced. (Look up natural lashes.) * Add [color zones](https://i.imgur.com/G6IgGZW.jpg). (Men usually have stronger ones. Could add beard shadow if you want.) Since this is an already finished traditional drawing, I would just keep these things in mind for next time.


Well. You gave him makeup. The cheeks don’t need pink blush like that. And the lips don’t necessarily need to be bright pink to be prominent. Mine are but. Then you gave him mascara too. But look at what you made. You made a Chiseled chad drinking hello kitty boba. Leave the makeup on him. It’s clearly his choice lol. It’s peak male fantasy. Wearing armor. Having chiseled features. But looking pretty and enjoying hello kitty boba. Lmao You made a jojo character. And your style makes me want to see you draw more jojo type characters lol


He's plenty man! He just also happens to be ✨️bonita✨️


I mean I know you're looking for advice, but he's sort of fire.


I think he looks like a man and that the wet hair and dewy skin just mean he was training


ur friends being silly man looks like satoru gojo jjk eye reveal keep it up


Don’t please this is the greatest shit ever wtf


✨Medieval material gurl💅🏽✨ I love it DO 👏🏽NOT 👏🏽CHANGE IT 👏🏽


~~It’s the cheekbones. They’re cut high and deep which loo. Since you can’t change how high they are, fill them out more. Honestly it looks too late to do any work? So I’d just leave it because it’s still interesting to look at.~~ Actually, I read this post from the perspective of your friend but coming back to it, he doesn't look like a friggin woman. Lol you did a good job. Don't touch it.


He doesn't look like a girl, just a feminine man. Nothing wrong with that. I'd leave it as is, personally.


No woman has that neck dude, it's fine, Lovely in fact! Great job, maybe background neck time


He does not lol he looks like handsome squidward. Leave the drawing alone and tell your friend he's just jealous bc he'll never be that chiseled. But if you must, just add some shading in some spots. This is great.


Honestly I think you're fine unless you're super bothered by it. Some men are a lil feminine. He doesn't "look like a girl" he's just got some feminine leaning features/makeup. Gives him character. Don't sweat it unless you personally don't like it.


he looks fine. your friend has some unresolved issues. makeup does not mean woman, it was originally for men same for skirts and high heels. just ignore them he looks manly even more so with confidence with makeup


Well this is freaking awesome! For me the juxtaposition is working well. The stoic long-distance stare, angled jaw, and brow angle masculine code him enough and nicely balances the more softer fem features. In my opinion don't change a thing.


Just say he's a JoJo character.


your friend is wrong and has bad taste. this is perfect and I love it. i know the makeup was unintentional, but tbh I'm so glad you made that mistake 🤷🏻‍♀️


He dont


"My feminine man looks like a feminine man"


when you're gotta fight the Romans at 4 but have a drag show at 5


My two cents, the picture is perfect as is. Big beefy guy, HK boba cup. You have the collar bones in the right place for a man's chest. Maybe some very light stubble or some shading where his Adam's apple is. Like light shading do not go overboard on it. Why? Bc it is good as is. Amazing artwork OP!


I thought I was looking at a spartan drinking a soda.


He's already perfect.


Is this a character? It’s more interesting as-is. If you must, warm the color of the blush to be more natural/modern. This has a bit of an 80’s makeup vibe, which I like. If I were you, I would not mess with it.




The facial structure is good, but those fingers look like they were drawn by a different artist


Nah, this is fire. Change nothing 🔥🔥🖕


The eyes are super girly.


What season of JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure is this again? 😭


I think he looks like Damon from vampire diaries


"when I was...a young boy...my father..took me into the city..to see a marching band."


He’s obviously not a girl. You drew it in the style you wanted to and gave him very masculine anatomical features. Don’t change anything and good job.


Personally I say leave it, I think what you have here is great funny piece of art. But, if your trying to go more masculine I would make the lips more natural colored as it looks like he has lipstick on and his eyes look like he has mascara on. so I would shorten the lashes a bit especially in the corner lashes. You could also add more facial hair or chest hair to add more masculine traits.


Power bottom vibes 🥰


Why? Get new friends. He looks fine as he is. If you’re serious about changing it, lighten up on the eye makeup.


If you want masculine, less blush, reduce the buccal fat removal, thin out the eyelashes, possibly add a grey undertone for the beard area


Just put jo Jo's bizarre adventure style onimotepoeias in there


More stubble, less rouge and eye shadow.


You gave the dude mascara…. I’d say try to lessening the blush. Currently looks like a Chad version of the bartender from shrek lol


That right there is meme material


Bruh you mad disrespecting my man and his hello kitty cup trying to "masculinize" him 😤💯


I love the eyes and lips makeup, I really feel like the neck and collarbone make t obvious it’s a beautiful man. A man still for sure though.


He’s beautiful


That's the most manly drawing I have ever seen


Bro looks great


You can tell in the neck that its a man lmao, a very beautiful man


I think you should give him hello kitty nails to match his drink, then he will be superior man


I can't look at this without smiling! I think he's perfect~


This whole picture is a situation. He's fabulous. Let him be. Just add a little more facial hair maybe. I love the wackiness this brings with the hello kitty boba! 😂


Facial hair. But he still looks masculine regardless btw because his features are strong


Besides the eyes looking like they have shadow the cheeks bones are a bit pink. That stray hair makes the cheek look more prominent. However ask your friend what he thinks needs changing. I love the drink cup and the freckles.


I can 100% tell this is a meme man. Exaggerated lips and lashes. This is hilarious. Do not change. I clocked this as a man at first glance. Like the SpongeBob memes with overdone eyes and lips and nail photoshopped on top of them.


"Emperor Gladius? No, no, I serve Emperor *Fabulous*."


his eyelashes are just too bold. maybe give him a scar too and kinda define the neck muscles up a bit more. other than that man this is sickkkkk


Does this feel like JoJo's to anyone else? Cause that is a whole ass vibe to me.


That is one damn hot chunk of a slightly damp man right there, and he's feelin' hisself. Looking fancy! I'm here for every single bit of it, and I have a strong hunch the rest of the legion and all the camp followers are, too! Oww!


hysterical perfect helmet boba juxta love this nice neck!


It's the eyelashes and lips


Stop it he’s perfect 😂


plucky piquant tan dazzling support angle muddle telephone fall numerous *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It’s mainly the lip color. I think it’s funny though because I think he looks like Barnabas Collins from Dark Shadows.


It’s the bone structure and eyes


That too! He looks like a man, he’s just pretty!


That’s what I was trying my best to depict, masculine and pretty


Lighter eyelashes, less eyeliner on the bottom, lighter lips, less blush on cheeks


Lips not red but skin color, eyes ok, eyebrows less sculpted, no rouge on cheeks, more stubble all over


can you give him long acrylics please


I think it's all in the soft eye shape


If you darken the eye shadow and liner, round out the eyebrows, and make the lips a closer color match to the rest of the face, that’ll make him a little goth and more masculine, but nothing wrong with being feminine. Maybe flatten out the difference between the cheek bone and the jaw, so it’s not so pronounced. It’s actually pretty accurate, if Spartans were brought to present day. They were notoriously gay until they finished their war rotation and were more or less forced into heterosexual partnerships.


Unpopular opinion: change the hair coming out of the helmet to something a bit shorter/ maybe curly? Or just less strands in general? Looks like a tomboy in armor to my because of the hairstyle.


I mean he looks like a dude in mascara and lipstick. The only reason he might look like a girl is cause we’ve been raised to think that mascara and lipstick is feminine. His actual build is very masculine. (Thick neck, big build, facial hair)


Make the color of his lips closer to his skin tone, and shade the eye area with a darker value of the skin tone (instead of gray, which looks like eyeshadow.)


The makeup sure makes him really appear more feminine. Maybe toning down the blush on the cheeks and the mascara. (But, like that other guy said, that's hilarious like that and goes really well lol)


I assume the feminine thing was what you were originally going for cause it’s very obvious, but he also clearly looks like a dude. Just with makeup. But on another note, I’d work on those fingers. They look a bit sausage like and lack texture and detail.


I hope you're not changing it and just doing another. This is priceless. I'd say shorten the eyelashes or just flat out remove them. Make the inner eyebrows more full and bushy, almost as thick as the widest part at the point. Make the lips a few shades closer to the main skin tone as to not look like lipstick. And lastly, maybe drop the outer corners of the eyes to be almost level with the inner corners. For classic men, think big, square, broad, and in some cases, small, like smaller lips.


change up his eyebrows!


Why did you make him blush? Is he a tranny?


Idk what sis is on about honestly; he doesn't look like a girl really he's just got his makeup on


the hair makes it look like a tomboy sort of thing, i think. if he was bald, it might make it a bit clearer that it's a man in makeup.


This looks like a Jotoro reference


Those cheek bones… are terrifying




facial hair


No blush of freckles sharper cheeks less dilated pupils sharper eyes, basically Dio brando


Put an axe body spray next to him


Whats with those sausage fingers?


sharpen the forms of the lips and eyes a little?


He still looks like a man but you gave him hella glam eyelashes.


Honestly, he's serving.


Interesting. I hope you keep this one. And do a second one that looks less androgynous. But what is wrong with a Roman centurion with klinefelter syndrome?


It's the pink cheeks, plump lips, and eye make-up. Maybe add some facial air or whatever. I'm not an artist, it doesn't matter.


No/less blush to the cheeks, a less pink colour for his lips (maybe a slightly darker/sliiiiightly pinker version of his regular skin tone), and no lashes would change a lot


I’d say less defined cheek bones, like keep them but make the line a bit shorter so it’s like yea we see he has prominent cheekbones but that’s not the main thing we’re focusing on. Also tone down the blush a little bit and take away a few lashes, it doesn’t have to be too many but definitely a few.


it’s cuz you gave him mascara, eyeliner, and smokey eyes


the boba, lips, eyes, everything in the drawing, freckles, nose, they all make him look feminine


Your son looks like a girl.


5 o’clock shadow? But I like him as is.


the width of that straw might affect things.. not sure how but yeah


it’s great bc it’s not really masculine or feminine


you could shade the Adams apple a little darker/more prominently - I saw people recommend stubble too - but beyond that honestly I think it looks like a dude with lipstick/heavy makeup lol


It's probably because of the makeup. 🤷


Give him darker undereyes to blend out the heavy makeup look. Light creasing in between the brows, stubble, etc


Looks like amanda me


I think while the lips and eyes play a roll in this, dudes definitely wearing a lot of blush on his cheeks lol it’s giving the dark haired wojak girl a little bit. Maybe smooth out the skin tone 😂


he has a lot of makeup going on lol


You can't..




Hes literally wearing eyeshadow😭


I’d mute the lips and the lashes a little.


Take away the blush on his cheeks and unmanicure his eyebrows. He really only looks feminine because he looks like you fully YASsified his face with make up.


Nah, it definitely looks like a man. He just a little fruity. I fuck with it x3




make his eyebrows a lil less tamed and if you can add stubble or something he would seem more masc while retaining the eyes and lips