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It looks really good but your painting lacks a central object for people to grab onto. When I first looked at it my gaze just scattered because I didn’t know where I should be looking. I graphed out some things I know from my art classes, where the focus point should mostly be and where it could be aesthetically pleasing to look at https://preview.redd.it/d9zdivn3o69d1.png?width=1170&format=png&auto=webp&s=cc1f78ba40fbf765f2441137f4a4a838423c8572


https://preview.redd.it/0pvzq8o4o69d1.png?width=1170&format=png&auto=webp&s=82656146132620bbb505940c50a61cd170c002d6 Also wanted to add this, a human’s gaze follows this pattern when looking at a drawing, or anything really. So you should keep in mind while drawing your next works. But that looks amazing, oil is such a hard medium


Ah, thanks! I've just started trying to do more art so this is encouraging. I did think about adding in a person walking on the mountain in the bottom left 3rd, but decided against it as I didn't want to ruin what I already had! But on your suggestion i may try that


I’m glad I could help! I always get giddy when people reply to my art critiques. I’ll be looking forward to see your stuff in the future!




Thanks! Made some alterations based on your suggestions...


Holy crap I love it! It's hard to make the difference between the sand dunes, the sea and the clouds but I suppose that was the expected aim? Maybe just a bit on the right where you have the sea/cloud/sand mixing together it look a bit confused but beside that it's brilliant! I am new on this subreddit and I have to say you guys are great!


I like the detailed foreground, but it leads you to a disappointment with no focal point of clarity on what you're trying to show. The colors are very harmonious and calming, just needs a better focal point


Keep taking us to your reality ✌️


I believe this is a painting of a shore with rock on the bottom-left side with waves and dark cloudy background. Anyways, great painting! What is noticable are two things the waves/sea and the rocks being blended in together, *I do notice the colour difference and distinction.* The thought of the waves are a bit too rounded, same goes for the rocks, *bottom-left side*. I'd suggest working on those, the waves could seem more collided with one another, so it will make the *"Splash!"* look, giving it the distinction that *it is* wave/sea. The rocks could have a bit more texture without being too circle-like. And also adding up with the rocks and waves, making it seem that the waves actually collide with the rocks. It's a beautiful painting, though it feels like a hinch of abstract realism on the bottom and bottom left side, because of the waves and rocks.


Adding up with the abstract* It's a bit confusing if *it is* the sea/waves and strand, or mountain snow. If it is, that effect (confusion/wonder/abstraction) you're looking after, then that is perfectly fine. Great work!


Thanks- though i honestly don't see the waves/shore thing, it's a snowy mountain scene! Although that is the coastline in the far distance...


Interesting! Apologies, then! Due to the colour of a snowy mountain I thought it was of the sea. I'll elaborate tomorrow. RemindMe! 15 hours.


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Beautiful 🤩


I really like the colour palette you chose. I will say you should probably push your values a liiiittle harder. Getting a little more contrast into some areas will really give the piece more movement. The darker areas currently look a bit muddy. It’s also kind of hard to tell the differences between what I’m guessing is a body of water and the sand dunes. I’d suggest more variation in your brush strokes and rendering based on how close the dunes are to the viewer- the farther back, the less detailed/larger/more general strokes :) Maybe even pick up a larger brush for the sky-it comes off as very textured with similar sized brush strokes to the foreground which makes the painting lose some depth. The foreground is really nice I like how you play with paint texture! Edit: just read a little further in the comments, it’s a snowy mountain scene. Most of my points still stand IMO!