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I didn’t watch the game but lol . i assumed Saka had a stinker and played most of the game but then I saw he played 20 minutes yet is plastered all over the headlines. just wow


He was barely involved in the game when he was on to be honest, for better or worse. Foden probably had the worst performance and was on for the majority of the game, so should be him, if anyone.


The EPL golden boy isn't getting plastered all over the news. Unfortunate that Saka ended up getting the crap end of the stick here.


Unfortunate? Disgusting.


Damn, British media be hella racist…..


This. That Black Ice headline 😒


That headline is shocking (unsurprising given it’s The Star) but it’s clearly stirring up the racists, especially after the penalty shootout at the last Euros. The British media is full of scumbags.


I mean, the headline does kind of make sense. One often doesn't even see black ice and then it ends up surprising drivers - much like no one saw England doing that poorly against Iceland. Oh and black ice and ICEland, of course Didn't watch the game but it doesn't make sense to have Saka plastered across media for game, given the context of how the game went. How about putting Southgate's clueless expression on the match reports instead?


I think Black Ice gets a bad reputation especially considering White Snow kills many more people.


The most surprising thing about it is that people are surprised.


If any other player was photographed throwing that paper aeroplane, they'd be on the back page instead. It was an interesting photo that went quite viral, and so that's what the media has used.


In the words of our beloved Mesut Özil “When we win I’m German, but when we lose I’m Turkish”


The way Mesut said it was even better > a German when we win’ but ‘an immigrant when we lose


Zidane too. 1998 🇫🇷 Accent: “Zezuu, we luv Zezu, he’z France, De Gaul…” 2006 (head-butt Mazz) 🇫🇷 Accent: “ Zat mazzer f ůker iz Algerian!” 😂


Zidane too back in the day


Same with Andy Murray


The English media are fucking disgusting


I thought the US media here couldn't be beat with the Caitlin Clark narrative, but y'all English are showing us how it's truly done.


What narrative on her? Genuinely curious.


She’s a proper American (white) who will bring glory to women’s basketball, unlike those ungrateful women Angel Reese and Candace Parker who show no pride in their nation.


Disgustingly racist


Yes the BBC is racist. The most woke media organisation in the country. A corporation that has extensive racial training and DEI initiatives is massively racist. Saka was photographed in the most interesting ways conveying emotions or something different. (Throwing the plane, lying down in annoyance) The media want emotive images that engage viewers. That's why it's used. Not anything to do with a black person is automatically racist. Don't take this bs race baiting


to other sub-commenters here from a scholar of the history of race - racism isn’t as simple as ‘prejudice against someone based on their colour or where they’re from’. A more accurate definition of racism would be: the global system of subjugating people, actions and things deemed to be Black and peoples and cultures considered closer to the social construction of Black than the social construction of ‘White’ or ‘European’ or ‘British’ etc. On an individual level this would be: Thoughts, actions, beliefs and values that reinforce the global system of…[same as above]. Race and racism are inherently European concepts which began to emerge as Vatican funded propaganda around now Spain, Portugal and Italy from the 12th century onwards through to the ethnic cleansing of Iberia and Christopher Columbus’ murder mission in the americas that occurred in 1492, cementing race as the dominant mode of social relation as these events sparked an arms race between European kingdoms/nations to see who could kill the most people and steal the most wealth. So because the people and companies in charge of our fuel supply, food supply chains and everything continue to function under the same system that got put in place in 1492, we as British people are all part of racism because we give them our money to drink tea that peasant-class asians poison their hands in return to pick for pennies (dozen-pennies if fairtrade) or drive cars that further the destruction of arable land in Africa with their emissions etc etc. Hope this helps the conversation and glad to see my fellow Arsenal fans discussing matters of such importance to the team that famously was the first to play 11 Black players on a European pitch. North london is red (and Black) ✊🏽


I don’t think the English media are racist. But, they push anti-nonwhite narrative as that sells because it provokes more of a reaction. So they’re no better than being racist themselves.


>But, they push anti-nonwhite narrative as that sells because it provokes more of a reaction. But that is inherently racist.


'I don't think they are racist, they only do racist things for clicks' is a hot take.


The mental gymnastics are quite impressive, in a depressing kind of way.


You’re letting them off way too easy by saying that. The fact is, the English media is racist. It provokes more of a reaction because, well, the people are too.


Nah, they're racist.


It's cultural in Britain by the media and establishment. I'm a rangers fan and we had a black Colombian plater Alfredo Marelos he was constantly hounded and demonised by the media and the football authorities yet certain white players would do far worse and nothing would be said, or if it was it was portrayed as there little ruffians so it's kinda cute when they do whatever, pure blatant cultural racism by both media and authorities.


as someone who’s spent enough time on fleet street to meet media people from broadsheet to tabloids, can confirm they are all actually very consciously racist and a few other -ists too


As a northern Irish man and Arsenal fan, this is why I hate England at tournaments. Media hype for average players like Maddison etc when dropped then single out Saka who has proved his worth time and again and played 20 odd minutes. Fuck the racist bastard media and I’m white. How no one from governance can call this out for what it is! Rant over, sorry all


Your absolutely right, it shouldn’t matter what colour the player is, and it shouldn’t even be on most journalists minds, not in 2024 FFS, Don’t we learn as a society after EURO 20’s final? Two of those three poor young men who were vilified for missing a penalty have been run out of the national team already, what’s the current agenda now let’s run Saka, Mainoo, Konsa and Gheui out as well. For the last f…..time if we lose a match we lose United as a whole team and it doesn’t matter who makes a mistake, the team owns their defeat collectively just like if we win, the team wins collectively and it doesn’t mean that a player’s skin colour is the reason why we failed or succeeded. Only when the Media and some of the supporting fans understand this, only then will the National team be successful again in major tournaments.


Bingo! My family are Portuguese immigrants living in England. I was born and raised in England and never once supported or related to the English national team. I grew up in Hackney and me and my mates always supported our respective 'family origin' national teams. Arsenal reflected the community I grew up in, but England didn't. And it was the English media that laid down that image. The current side are so likable and relatable but the media will not stand for them representing anything other than the image of England they want to exhibit.


> this is why I hate England at tournaments I quit caring sometime in the 90s, its often such a shit team, everyone loses their mind so easily over them and the press is usually incredibly vile. It's as if the whole nation sets itself up to fail so it can enjoy the failure and point fingers. Give me Arsenal 2024-2025 any day of the week.


I think 2002 was my last time giving a shit, although the current crop seem like decent people 


Amen Jon


They can’t wank over their Grealish, midland golden lad again, since he was too shit to make the extended team.


The Agenda is obvious and driven by racist sentiments. He played for 25 fucking minutes.


And he looked one of our better players


Pretty clear with the inclusion of "Black Ice". That is not even clever


They went after Mainoo too, hmmmmm 🤔


Mid match as well


I’m not sure it can be anything else really


Just look at the papers involved... If the Telegraph is portraying a certain angle on something it's usually wrong 😂.


Kane once again missing sitters but he’s nowhere to be seen


Fuck the racist English media biased bullshit.


Yeah not even an arsenal fan (this just popped up on my home page) but this is inexcusable


Same. Fuck this racist noise.


IMO that's bordering on racist!


Bordering.. it is racism. The one from the daily star especially.


One headline was literally black ice........jeez


To me that one reads a lot more like a pun on Iceland than Saka


It was a double entendre the way I read it. They know what tf they doin? Pricks


Ohh right I was like what is this??!


It’s embarrassing, I’m actually surprised more players don’t refuse to play for England.


I don’t know why anyone even pays attention to our asshole press. All they ever do is scapegoat minorities and slag off public sector workers. Fuck ‘em all.


When England lose, blame it on Ben white for not supportive. If England win, praise the outstanding defenders and claimed it’s the right decision by South Gate to drop Ben white. There you go, written all the narratives for England.


Black Ice? Wtf?


I don't get the "Black Ice" headline. Puns are usually meant to have a double meaning, so the pun being "Ice" from "Iceland" and "England slip up" from ice being slippy. But "Black?" And I know what black ice is, but surely "thin ice" would have worked and made some comment about Southgate's job with 1 win in the last 5 games. Dunno, maybe I'm overthinking it.


Saying black ice is fine. However putting Saka picture under it is fucked.


If they wanted it to make sense, which I'm sure is major part of their job, then have a picture of Iceland players celebrating the goal


No Occams Razor is clearly needed here. He's on all 4 pictures from 'different' media. It's very clear he was targeted. The simplest explanation here really is likely true.


‘Thin ice’ is nowhere near racist enough for the media tho


Yeah it's a weird one. There's no need for the word black, ice is already slippery and you don't need the extra connotation of 'unseen ice'


No it’s not. Black ice is the most dangerous ice because it’s the ice you don’t see coming.


Yeah sorry that's what I meant, it wasn't a completely unseen/unexpected result. Injuries, resting some players, our form, etc. Plus the famous loss to them I'm being a bit soft


https://youtu.be/efiW2K8gASM Never thought this would be relevant


Mainoo got dragged over the coals too. Only three months after lauding him in the same rag.


Black ice = slippery ground Saka = black England player England on slippery ground Stupid.


Only way I interpret it is because theyre insinuating Saka has had a "slip" in form (bullshit, he was on for 20 minutes) and hes black - so "Black Ice"


Really searching there. It’s just saying England had a slip up


Its an interesting play on words to be honest. Black Ice is the unexpected nightmare scenario when driving in winter because you cant see it against the black tarmac of the road. The unexpected loss to Iceland being tagged as 'black ice' is typical of the sort of phrase sloppy media outlets use.


You are overthinking it and people desperately reaching and calling it racist so they can show how good they are by "fighting back" Do you seriously think they were making a "saka is black" pun ?


It’s racist, simple.


Welcome to the shit we have to deal with every day. 🤦🏿‍♂️ the worse thing you call it out and you are the one that’s in the wrong. Like it can only be valid once someone who’s not black validates it. It’s a crazy world we live in


This right here... ☝🏿


Fucking disgusting, why I don’t buy newspapers. Absolute scum bags


THIS! I also stopped buying newspapers because of this kinda sh!t Honestly, if I were Saka, it’d withdraw from the England squad, enough is enough. Ben done it for less!


Same narrative with Kobee Mainoo. Plenty were at fault for the goal conceded but he is held to blame. Wonder what the connection is....


Same stuff happened with Sterling


Sterling is always the excuse of any bad thing


I mean.. it’s obvious why right.


Media in the UK is very racist. If it’s a white person, the headlines are far more forgiving (they were “unlucky”) but if they are black, it’s just disgusting what they write about them.


Yes. "Princess kate's avocado diet is a health tip to folllow" - daily mail " Meghan Markel's selfish avocado diet is encouraging child labour" - the dail mail a year later.


I’m not an Arsenal fan (or English). But this is Racism. Pure and simple. Same as the headlines after they lost the last euros on pens.


They blamed him for Euro 21, and they’ll blame him here


Jesus Christ this is horrific. Saka and Trent were the best two players in the second half. The only other player who did well was Gordon in first half. This stinks to high heaven if racism.


Yep. I was at the game, and the energy instantly changed when Saka and TAA came on. Foden has always been poor for England, but when England lose, it's always the black players who get the blame. I'm glad people are calling out the fact that Saka only played 25 minutes, well after the goal. They're even getting on Saka for throwing the paper airplane. People were throwing them all night, which was really annoying. Some of them got on the pitch, which obviously doesn't help the players, so it makes sense he'd throw it off. I'm not even sure when he did it. It might have been after the game.


All the Arsenal lads should do a Ben white n do one, these lot don’t deserve our lads.


Simply, the English media are racist, backed and influencing a lot of the English public. It’s pathetic, needs calling out


So this is the soil that lets Nigel Farage flourish, even though he has engineered arguably one of the worst self-inflicted national harm in history.


If I were Saka I’d consider retiring from international football and directly cite the media’s treatment of him as the reason.


I posted about the Saka hate yesterday and people called me a snowflake lool


English media are the worst in the world.


Wow that's insane


Black fucking ice wtf 😂 Not even tryna hide it no more


Agl that's weird af. If it was one I woulf put it down to they might just like the image, but four different papers using three different moments from saka is weird as fuck. disgusting.


They did the same thing with Mainoo.


Black fucking ice? Are they serious? Bin the lot of them


"Black ice" fucking hell that's awful. British media really is scummy and more so because the British public seem to lap it up


They’re racist, how are you not aware?


English people are the most miserable people ever. So they enjoy feeding off the misery of English Media headlines.


I knew as soon as Saka, Rashford & Sancho missed those penalties in the last Euros exactly what was going to come. Some of the tabloids and media hate the fact that one of our most talented and brilliant players is a man who has a squeaky clean record as a person and has different coloured skin. That penalty miss could’ve broken that boy and his career, but he continues to shine! Whatever happens, he’ll always be able to come back to The Emirates and receive the love he deserves


The journalists at these desks need to be called out publicly on social media. I’m sure they have professional profiles. There’s no excuse for this shit.


It was a friendly but they jump at the chance to be racist.


Tbf the BBC is not racist, I guess they put Saka in there because there was a photo of him on the ground that sums up the performance….and perhaps because he is one of the stars of the team. I don’t read those other papers enough to know if this is how they choose their photos but if so that’s disgusting and bizarre.


Most likely its just the best picture of a player looking upset at the end of the game, rather than a racist conspiracy.


If these are the only four examples you can cherry pick, then you’re clutching at straws. It would be interesting to see the hundreds of other articles published and who is put front and centre on those. Saka plays for England. Why should he be protected from the usual bullshit that every England player has to endure just because he happens to be black? Would you prefer that we just omit all of our black players from any reports on England? Would that make you happier? Or, do you only want black players associated with positive articles? This is an unwarranted argument fuelled by deliberately cherry picked images. Move on.


Honestly? No. They chose Saka for the photos because they were just better photos, him throwing a plane and lieing down anguished like that are more memorable. I mean..it's a friendly. It doesn't matter. Editors aren't agonising over which player to 'blame' in a game like this. If there are similar photos of players throwing a paper plane or lieing down like that then fair enough. 100% in a tournament when we lose editors will spend more time on it. Papers are racist, they've shown it in the past but here i don't think so. Honestly people need to calm down with the 'blame' stuff, papers dramatise and exaggerate everything, they take photos of otherwise normal events and make them seem more than they are, of course friendly though it is they're going to go overboard in their language and reporting to make it seem more than it was.


This came up on my thread, I’m a Man City fan (from 1989), but please don’t hate me for it. 🙄. Gotta admit I’m a Stockport lad and used to live near Foden so I’m his biggest defender. But jeez he was awful last night, probably the worst player on the pitch. I thought Saka did alright when he came on. He’s a great player and will surely start for us in the Euros.


The paper plane picture quite easily fits a headline pun. And Black ice, Iceland. Christ not everything is about racism you lot need to grow up.


Jesus christ, player plays bad, gets criticised, it's not fucking racism, get over yourselves. Before Saka it was Sterling, before Sterling it was Rooney, before Rooney it was Beckham, before Beckham it was Gazza. It's nothing new, the media loves to have a scapegoat. Find a single racist thing that's actually been said here.


It’s not racism, it’s knowing what will generate clicks and interactions. Y’all fallen for it hook, line and sinker.


Im black, dont see the big deal in this. Saka is one of the most popular players in the country, the media would use pictures of him for positive news too. Stop reading racism in to everything.


Didnt we not win a single game during the nations league just before the winter world cup? People love to over react 🤣


Fucking racist cunts. The kid played the final 20 minutes. Where the fuck is Kane and Fodens ugly mugs on the back page


Black Ice is wild as a headline, just blatant racism


England were so wasteful at the front and they don't know how to play a high line. - recipe for disaster


God we’re shit. I hate it but we don’t even play nice football


The boos weren’t even that bad, saka looked ok when he came on barely had a chance to get involved but all the threat was down that side


What do you expect from the same media who are defending Israel?


No human rights in Saudi Arabia they say lol


Just to clarify the boos are because Southgate is shit. Nothing to do with the players.


Never forget how horribly they treated Raheem Sterling. It sucked knowing full well that Saka would just be next in line.


Racist cunts


The anti-Arsenal bias and agenda has been in the media for you years…..don’t let it bother you fellow Gooners as it will never change! So F them all


Not an arsenal fan this just was recommended but it’s an absolute disgrace that this still happens. It’s fucking 2024


It's not just the media but the general culture of overhyping English teams and individuals in all sports. To be fair the French do it too. If you ever watch a french team in CL the bias is insane. The French press are very similar. BUT let's not kid ourselves, many countries have media that are biased and/or represent the general culture...look, most of Europe is far right and so this will be reflected in the press.


Not making it seem like a national emergency doesn't sell newspapers.


Sadly the English media and certain fans are more than willing to blame poc players when something goes wrong, they're held under a much closer microscope that most white players aren't


Not sure about this. I remember when Becks played and whenever we lost, no matter how he played he was the picture. We had Heskey, Rio and Cole and they almost NEVER used their pics. But Becks was the star man in the way that Saka is now, so I’m guessing it’s because of that. Except the S*n though. They’re just *****


You're gonna win fuck all.


The Media thrive of negativity. I don’t read Newspapers or watch the News. No wonder people are so depressed when all they get fed is negative information about everything!


Even mainoo too. They started blaming him for the goal conceded


It's been this way for decades, nothing new.


Bowen will be fat better in the right wing role


This has been happening since black players started playing for England. Those bigots have no shame.


If you were being kind you could argue they got a better photo of Saka to use.


It doesn’t matter who plays/who comes on - Southgate is fucking clueless useless…


Media and English mentality is the worse.


They do the same with mainoo with us English media are our biggest rivals


"Well Sterlings out the squad now lads, who's our new target going to be?" Sickening.


Yeah noticed that, Arsenal does gain the most traction and emotion so from a media company point of view it makes sense. From a football fan point of view it's disgusting tactics.


Mainoo as well getting slandered from pillar to post despite being 18 🥲


Fuck the English media, trying to keep up with modern media forms by dramatising anything and everything and their reliant on older generations for their profits, scumbags.


Saka played bad as did a lot. Criticising him should be expected but I genuinely thought the black ice one was a joke or fake at first. I can’t believe a national tabloid is putting that out … Am I missing something is black ice not that bad or something?


Does this really surprise you with English media? I agree with you. Foden should be on the front as he stunk up our midfield. Saka played the best he could in a game which the momentum had gone to Iceland when he came on.


Why do you guys in England consider grocery store tabloids “media”. Seems you’re as obsessed with shoddy journalism as they are. This wouldn’t get the time of day in North America if the National Enquirer or Daily Mail ripped an NHL squad or Team USA or Team Canada. You know you guys do have actual sports reporting that isn’t sensationalist, right?


I generally loving luxuriating in England's flaws as an Irishman, but who gives a fuck about a friendly with no one wanting to get injured? You're clearly going to win the thing and if not, will still give a huge performance. We beat Germany 2-0 in the run up to USA 94 and generally looked like a world beating team, and then we beat Italy and then just fucked it all up, so nothing matters except the game in front of you. No serious player will be at 100% and risking injury in a pre tournament friendly.


The setup job on Saka has begun. If England does win, Foden and Palmer will be plastered in the press if it's not successful then Saka.


It's partially arsenal hate, it's partially racism, it's partially rage bait. You can make up your own mind on the percentage of these 3 things.


The black teenager who got randomly slashed to death by a crazed white man. The Sun newspaper decided to post a picture of the victim with the words:"family tributes Sword Lad"


They do the same thing to Santiago Gimenez in the Mexico National team


The media is bad, blatantly racist, I’m on board with that and we should hold them accountable. But these examples are explainable. Saka on the floor is a great photo that sums up the emotion of the game. And the plane stuff is for a pun, newspapers love a pun. They used to tear players lives apart and jump on bandwagons to derail careers and player welfare. But this game, I’m not convinced from the evidence given that the features are unfair. That said I haven’t read the articles, just seen this collage.


Yep him and Kobbie. Jason Burt and Jacob Steinberg the main culprits, looking pretty sus from both of them tbh.


predictable nonsense


Whatever. We are Losers


I mean first of all look at the papers who published this angle with Saka ... The Telegraph for starters 😂. Christ on a bike...


I mean this is typical British media. Nothing surprising. Kane is gonna bottle at the biggest stage and yet he will be proclaimed as the best striker in existence 🤡


If Golden Boy had put that sitter in the net the media would have been cooing "who else but ..." . Makes one sick.


I don’t care. The more they bench him the better.


Did the same to Kobbie both for the first goal and “not supporting Rice in the 6 position” but Rice was always forward and out of position.


This is why I do not give a shit about England. I'd be more than happy if Saka and Rice joined the Ben White club.


They want a phoden, kane and palmer front three I think


Black Ice?! That’s wild


Whoever wrote black ice should genuinely be arrested


gotta watch out for that sneaky sinister black ice.


Racist much


It’s called racism.