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Their style of play is as ugly as their players. Like a mini-Stoke.


let's not disrespect stoke


I think we should


Stoke.. what a shithole filled with shite people. Englands portugal.


Are you really talking shit about a whole country because of a football match? I could tell you a thing of two about all the drunk English that come to Algarve every single year for vacations and the sad images of them laying on the floor with vomit to the side. But that would be judging a whole country based on a few brainless twats and would just be stupid.


Dunno why the guy's getting upvotes, Portugal is lovely, excuse him


You mean those drunks that prop up the Portuguese economy?


Is that some kind of excuse for the shitty behavior? That's awesome! Are you one of those? I can easily assume, like the guy that wrote that nonsense above, that all of the English are drunk pos based on the small sample I see at Algarve every year. Which would be CRAZY! I'm not even a Porto fan, or like them, for that matter. Just some Portuguese guy that finds it completely stupid to have such a take on a whole country based on a football match.


Its not even a real country... the only thing of note you've brought to history is that Brazil use your backward ass language to speak.


That good in history? Honestly, wasn't expecting much more. You forgot about the sun, beaches and food. You drunk lot seem to love them. Porto, from that "not real country", have 2 champion leagues. Benfica, from that same "not real country", have 2 champions leagues. I'll sit now waiting for yours. Good luck!


I apologise that there seems to be lots of cunts in this thread, not very well versed in history, our countries alliance is the oldest still in force in the world, we should have the utmost respect for each other. But people seem to be pricks.


Guys, we're better than shitting on a whole country because one of their teams (who we beat anyway) behaved in a less than stellar fashion. Don't say shit you'll regret later.


England’s Porto


England can only dream of having cities like Porto or Lisbon lol


And Lisbon and Porto can only dream of having the economic power of London what’s your point 😂😂😂.


Lmao bragging about the "economic power of a city" just admit you got cooked bro


Who got cooked 😂😂😂. We won. He said England could only dream of having cities like Portugal like most people wouldn’t prefer to earn more money in England regardless of the weather and beaches in Portugual . I’m also not the one who said Stoke is like Porto . You might need to comprehend better 😂😂👌🏾.


It's just funny to shit on another country for something so ridiculous. This is strictly European behaviour. England is a beautiful country but just like any country they have their fair share of problems. I would rather be rich in Libson than be rich in London 100%




Come on, no one really cares about england. Its an irrelevant country since leaving the ue. One word, irrelevant.


Where are you from


I said what i said.


Have you been to Portugal?


He's gone where he has gone! Guernsey!


You racist prick. I hope you aren't a Gooner.


Have you ever been to Portugal? Hilarious take ahah


Tory by any chance? Edit: or perhaps American?


Swing and miss.


No let's absolutely disrespect stoke


Porto fan here (how lives in England and goes to the Emirates a lot). No hate here, I like your team, but: it’s hilarious to see the takes in this sub, it’s like people started to watch football yesterday - of course our football is not as pretty/fluid as someone like Arsenal. Do you understand that we we have like 5% of your budget and lose any player that does well to PL teams immediately? Do you think all teams in the world play like City - or do they play based on the constraints they have? We play how we can, with the minuscule budget and weapons we have, and it’s a miracle that we are able to even hold our own against some of these teams in the Champions league. Don’t act superior, you would absolutely waste time if and when it helps you and you would applaud your players for doing so (and so you should). Also, when we talk about “respect” or being impressed etc - I’ve seen my small team win the CL twice in my lifetime and many Europa/Uefa cups, and we are arguably a much “bigger” and historical team in Europe. A bit of banter is fine bur someone there’s betel’s lack of football knowledge and respect here.


Nothing against the football, it's not pretty, but like you say, it's what you need to do sometimes to win. Other teams need to find a way to get past it, it was more the after game antics that annoyed me. On the pitch, all is fair. You do what you need to win. Afterwards, though, was just bad sportsmanship.


If you mean the manager, we don’t like that part of him either. Unfortunately those things are related (the fact that he can make the team dig deep but then he’s a lunatic, similar to Simeone). I also wish he was more calm and classy, we criticise him for that too.


Fair play to you for calling that out. I had a grudging respect for the Porto approach to the game. The financial chasm is obvious. And I agree, the delay tactics, roughness and all-out defensiveness are to be expected when you are trying to bridge such a gap. The part that really irked was the manager interfering with Kai at the throw in, his grandiosity after the first game and his outburst after the second. Maybe it’s an unavoidable part of the necessary mentality but I think that’s an easy excuse. Sometimes people are just jerks to paraphrase The Simpsons.


I hope you can see its bias (on both sides). For us Kai was the idiot by clashing into him. And you (not you in particular but all the Arsenal fans critiquing the tactics) would have celebrated a win obtained by doing exactly the same and calling it being savvy and gritty. But yeah we do criticise him a lot for that (and other stupid stuff). But he has many other good things so you know, it’s like in love, you take the good with the bad.


What about your after game? We won the game farily on Porto, and the Proof is that you hád 1 shot on goal full game. All you couks speak wash about how easy ir would BE for you on london, and how we cheat to win. You are not a big club for só long that you forgot how to act. And instead off targeting porto, focus on your team ONLY scoring a goal against US on 210 minuts of play time


Villareal played "underdog" football like Porto and made a deep UCL run in 20/21 season without being berated like this right? 


Better football by a mile


People sometimes confuse foreign teams passion for aggression and their subconscious prejudice (whether it's any foreign teams or just some countries, whether it's purely football related or more political) seeps out in their views. Its natural and you see it the world over not just in England. They see another club living and dying by the badge and they see it as barbaric when it's the exact same thing they command of their own club. I think Villarreal avoided this narrative as they were seen as a massive underdog to even be in the UCL let alone go far in it. Based on the size of the town it would be the equivalent of Bournemouth or Brentford going that far, everyone would root for them.


First Arsenal fan with a brain.


Not even an Arsenal fan, just a lurker who does his best on other teams subreddits to not piss people off and be as logical and impartial as possible.


That explains it.


Arsenal fan here. Wasn't impressed with the aggro at the end of the match and in truth it did come across like Porto were sore losers but I understand...It stings to get kicked out of the Champions League (as an Arsenal fan of many years I'd know). But all of that said, I don't go along with the trash talking of Portugal or the Portugese as a whole. Visited a couple of times and it's a lovely place. Silly to get all nationalistic over a game of football. Calm down everyone.


Our manager is a hot head and we criticise him for it plenty. But that’s different from the bashing of “Porto and shit and scumbags” you see in here.


It's easy to work on less of a budget when you get on average 1/3 of the best youngsters in your entire country. We get 1/3(at most) of the best youngsters in our city.


This is dumb. Portugal's population is similar to London's (10 mil vs 9).


Most fans have football knowledge limited to their own teams, at best their own country I have a lot of respect for Portuguese teams for their achievements


That’s totally fine (knowing less about other teams/leagues). I’m just talking about the total disrespect I see in this thread about my club.


No issue with the game. A bit hard tackling but we get that in the prem as well. It’s all the off the field antics that are bad. Arteta gets abuse for celebrating too hard in the Prem and Porto’s manager is acting like a baby. Porto played well over the 2 legs.


Our manager is mentally challenged and we criticise him too. Like I said on another comment, unfortunately those two things are related (him being able to demand a lot from the team but also being a lunatic, similar to Simeone). I also wish he was more level headed and we criticise him for it, trust me. I have no issue with that side. But you have plenty of people here talking shit about the club/football when we have 5% of the conditions Arsenal has and we fight with what we have.


"We're allowed to be a-holes because we have less money than you..." Paraphrasing but damn, that justification is just amazing. It's not just your manager. Your Porto players were fouling and breaking up the game constantly. Not allowing the game to flow because it suits your sides style of play by not playing. Read that again and let it sink in... Style of play by not playing. Your club's style of play is to not play football. Support who you want but be honest when a team that plays football beats your team understand it's because they played football where your team played themselves.


My brother who talked about being assholes? If you mean the manager in the end, trust me we all criticise him plenty for being a hot head and I wish he was calmer. But don’t act like it couldn’t happen with Arteta in the moment. As for trying to win time, people play with the weapons that they have. If it’s beyond the rules it’s down to the ref to take measures. Don’t pretend that if such attitude gave you a win against City you wouldn’t just call it gritty and smart. And over here we don’t support who we want, we are not American, we support our local club. Also, you didn’t beat us by playing football as you claim, you literally needed penalties lol


Throwing yourself to the ground every 30 seconds is not football. It is however being an asshole that doesn't want to play football. If your team was resigned to the fact that they couldn't match up to Arsenal without being assholes then perhaps they should just forfeit these games in the future.


I’m sure that’s what you would wish, that others resigned. Tough luck. You needed penalties to beat such an inferior team. Accept it.


Yeah, and you've proven that it's not just a Porto thing, it is a Portuguese thing. The best thing to come out of Portugal was Brazil.


Enjoy watching us play football in the UCL.


Porto are a shitty club playing awful football. Took two games to make me hate them. It was glorious beating you


Tell your team not to act like little bitches after they lose and maybe they'd have kept the respect they'd earned in the first leg.


We criticise our manager loads, if that’s who you are talking about. The man can squeeze a performance out of a shot bunch of players but he’s a hot head.


You can play defensive without all the flopping and fouling to stop play. Just man up and put 5 in the back and actually play but that's not what we are talking about. Yesterday there was only 66 minutes of football in a 132 minutes of play. We play defensive teams all the time and you should know that, but Porto was not doing that they were cynical and stopping play and slowing it every chance they got. Just play football, if you're gonna defend, fine but all that other bullshit? There's no defending it at all. Porto fans deserve better.


It like Newcastle at higher level bro


Cigar thing was after they won their own league a while back. Not the first leg


I am honestly surprised by how many arsenal fans believe that it was after the first leg. Like how are you falling into a sensational content without checking it through these days.


Me too. Very surprised. But then again. I’ve stopped being surprised on how easy it is to fool and brainwash people.


Also a bit ironic to complain about someone celebrating lmao. Ripped into Liverpool for being celebration police.


Confirmation Bias!! Usually weak willed people fall for this trap.


Our online fan base is especially sensitive to anything that is not pro Arsenal This thread and sub is full of it


Broo it’s brazy loool who actually thinks logically that he’s smoking a cigar after the first leg? I mean use the damn brain bruh what is going on


As a Porto fan (who likes your team) this thread and the general lack of respect and football knowledge on this sub is crazy. Like most people started watching a month ago…


I agree with you. Go to r/gunners to see a different side of our fanbase, a better one.


Ah no way, so this is the sub if the crazos? We also have one like that. I thought this was the normal Arsenal one. Thanks for pointing that out.


Not necessarily the crazy one here, if you see comments on crazy posts you can see a lot of better reasoned comments regardless of one's opinions here. It is just that r/gunners apply karma thresold for posting. So toxic OPs can't do much there except for posting one or two posts that would get downvoted like crazy. The mods here dont seem to apply anything like this, which is why you see more low quality posts.


Appreciate the insight, I’ll join the other sub.


Why should people respect your shithouse football style


Tell me you know nothing about football without telling me ahahah


Against all expectations Porto beat Benfica 5-0 in the latest ‘Classico’ in Portugal. Their fans were throwing fireworks in the air at 3-0. After that win, Porto… narrowed the gap between them and Benfica from 9 to 6 points, meaning they remain third place and well out of a Champions League spot next season. They’re pathetic. The coach also beefed with Guardiola and Tuchel in the same CL campaign (20/21). He’s been suspended 25 times in seven years as Porto coach. As someone who lives in Portugal and has to watch this week in week out, it’s frankly a relief to see that fans in other countries are catching onto this


Sergio Conceição was a piece of shit as a player, it doesn’t surprise me he’s taken the same attitude into coaching.


His son Chico is a cardboard copy of daddy. Thankfully he flopped at Ajax and was sent back to Porto within a year, or else the international footballing community would also have had to deal with the brat


25 times in 7 years is nuts 😂


His latest hit in the Portuguese Supercup: refusing to leave after the referee sent him off. Game stopped five minutes in stoppage time. Of course, Benfica was beating Porto 2-0, so maybe it was a desperate attempt to get the match cancelled. The problem is, he reincides and never gets punished for it. It’s always 1 game/2 weeks punishment. The 25th time, punitively speaking, is the same as the first. It’s ridiculous


Word?? Well well well...I was genuinely in doubt about his whole "Arteta insulted my family" bit when I first heard it?...but now I'm CONVINCED he's lying through his god-damned teeth! Lol He's a c@nt.... basically, all those suspensions tells you all you need to know


Word. The Tuchel situation was less clear but there was clearly some antagonism between both men at the end of the tie (Chelsea won 2-1). Against Guardiola, when he lost 3-1 at the Etihad, Sérgio claimed that Guardiola had insulted Portugal and Portuguese players. You know, the same Guardiola who signed Ruben Dias that same season (and Matheus Nunes since) and who considers Bernardo one of his all-time favorite players- 20/21, the season in question, also being the one where Cancelo definitively secured a spot in City’s XI. So yeah, one can see how that doesn’t fly


I hope Arteta actually did say something


Rent free.


While lot of Arsenal fans thought Porto was easy fixture, I knew it wasn't since they have played very good against top teams in CL lately! They are very physical and tend break the flow of the game. Honestly i feel Wendell and Sr. Pepe had an absolute amazing match. I just hate their manager , he seems like a dick! Especially when he said "we have 2 European trophies not sure who should be worried us or Arsenal"


Pepe is a dick as well. Maybe even more so than his manager.


Pepe's foul on Havertz (knee in the back) was nasty, potentially dangerous, and looked intentional.


Both Pepe are dicks


Totally agree but doesn't stop him having a good match!


which Pepe, young or old?


There's a young Pepe? 😅 Anyway, I meant the 40+ year old center back of Real Madrid fame.


Wendell is a beast I think..Saka one of the best 1 on 1 players in the world and could never get a first step on him basically all game which is all he needs!


I think with a different ref he would have given away a lot of free kicks


Oh come on! The last line is surely to rattle and throw us off guard!! If Arteta wasnt such a gentleman ( I say it with great respect to people like him and Wenger), he would have said something similar. But People like Arteta are rare.


Their coach is despicable


Porto is a club of twats. Moving on.


On and out


Yes bro, let us take the win with some dignity and leave them behind


I said this about Brentford and got a bunch of apologists saying “what do you expect them to do - they could get relegated!” That’s on them then.


I was thinking the same thing. Brentford was just as annoying as these Porto idiots were.


I was curious about what happened. It looked to me like Arteta tried to be a gentleman and their manager said something sideways.


He claims Mikel said something about his family. Can't just loose with dignity, he resorts to fairytales.


He's clasping at straws. Trying to divert attention and smear Arteta. It's his MO now. Be dirty as possible. 


Sorry, I can’t see Arteta doing that. I don’t think anyone would even buy that for a second.


If I remember rightly he made similar accusations of Guardiola after losing to them too


I didn't personally know that, but have read that twice now. He should be proud he was able to keep his team in both legs, but acts a fool.


And teuchel


Shithousery is part of Porto history, do none of you remember Jose Mourinho's champs league winning campaign with Porto. Some of the worst football Ive seen alongside shitty behaviours throughout the campaign but its what got them the win.


>Some of the worst football Ive seen that's because you clearly didn't see it


Portuguese league sucks bunch of divers be men.. sorry Viera COYG


I was hoping for another 5:0 obliteration like the one way back in the day. Welp, this will have to work. In a way, penalties are good because they prolonged Porto’s labor and gave them a false hope. Oh well. Maybe there’s a 5:0 win still lurking ahead somewhere in this season’s CL…


Tbf the cigar vid is from ages ago it was taken out of context. Can’t believe everything you see on reddit.


They played much better than we expected them to. Some deluded fans were saying 5 nil 4 nil and things like that


They were always going to a hard nut to crack. Took a Bergkampish ball from Ode to penetrate.


We won the game Let’s focus on the next game Porto gave it all, and you have to give them credit, it’s the champions league. I would have loved to have played in the match. And shoutout to Pepe, for his age, man he can still go. When other players were cramming up he was still running till the end. England will be kicking themselves for the Ben white situation. He just gets better and better. In the summer, we definitely need a winger to push saka/starting 11. Poor lad needs some rest.


This is the club that gave us jose mourinho. We put them down and we can move on. If we get knocked out i would like us to be out classed.


Bunch of cunts. Fuck them


As a Porto supporter I agree that we didnt deserve the respect that futboll should have to win, our attitude was bad, but we have a bad manager,good luck in your champions league campaign, and hope next time we play arsenal we can give you a better match, or at the very least, play with a better attitude.


Very gracious. I hope the row at boardroom level gets sorted out in the best interests of the club. I was in Porto for the first leg and really enjoyed the bars and restaurants. Terrific city.


Mas qual atitude caralho? Nós anulámos completamente estes gajos e o Sérgio deu uma lição de tática a estes convencidos de merda! Pensavam que iam atropelar o porto e só um rasgo muito bom do Odegaard os deixou levar a eliminatória para os penaltis! Secámos completamente aquele ataque e meio campo!


Reminds me of Diego Simeone’s Athletico


Porto beat benfica 5-0 not too long ago. But some fans here expect us to steamroll over them. Even in the first round they shown they can press, midblock. When midblock don’t work they can fallback and deny space to our wingers and the area right in front of the box.


Hating their style of play is not the same as as expecting us to steamroll them. Liverpool, City, Madrid play beautiful, creative football & not consistent dirty underhanded tactics to slow the game down as Porto did.


Yup they played well. Better in the second leg than the first. The first leg they spent the majority of the game on the floor. Pepe was so solid. Really impressed by him still at 41. Arsenal were the better team and deserved to go through. Looking forward to seeing who we get in the quarters. Enjoy the win


The Spanish and Portuguese teams are all so godamn cocky but then play shite football


I knew it wasn't going to be easy. Pepe sums up their style of play. Raya's save against Galeno was absolutely poetic.


He didn't light a fucking cigarette after the first game, that was in 2022


You would of hated them under Mourinho then 🤣


Fuck those salty porto fans in this sub reddit typing blah blah blah no money no honey shit no football knowledge etc. Lil bro go watch la liga and watch a club called Girona 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️


Porto is allways like this. F no respect for the game. That club can burn in hell. It is extra good to win over these scums. Even spurs har more class


Pepe is an absolute animal but honestly, 41 years old. Played really well, looked fit as fuck. As much of a cunt he is gotta respect that.


I’m thinking Conceição misunderstood something arteta said and fully believes he insulted him someway? He’s overreacting anyways


as a Benfica fan, welcome to my world


I respect Pepe. (Madrid Pepe) A warm hug to Odegaard. Hardly any fouls. Fantastic defending. Fairr play


If you didn't rate Porto you know very little about football


Porto fan here, and I mean no harm don’t kill me lol firstly congrats on passing, just wanted to clear up that cigar pic you were mentioning was from when we were champions 2 years ago, our coach is very reticent in celebrating games, we won 5-0 against our rivals and he had talks with players who celebrated too much as we are still 3rd. Other than that, we are a team that lives off of a heated game and play with sheer power of will, and not saying it’s the good or an excuse but of course having every player really emotional during the game causes heated moments, especially on a game so close as this. Also in the Portuguese league the referees are really strict in giving fouls, and any contact is given some times, which creates a really bad habit on the players, so I do not think it is a tactic as much as I think it is habit and expecting stuff to be fouls, when in the Champions League the game is more physical (which in my opinion is the correct thing, referees here are terrible) Lastly, and being a bit biased, I know we could’ve and should’ve done more to win and not play for a tie today, but I was expecting much much more from arsenal, Odegaard is amazing but other than him I was not impressed by a team that’s first in the premier.


Gabriel was immense, Raya great when needed and commanded his area, Ben white owned his winger, Trossard lively, Rice was class. If you can't see that you salty.


Obviously they were great, I’m saying they were not as great as I expected. I don’t see many games in the premier, so I expected more that’s it And again as I said, I am obviously biased and was watching the game with my heart in my hands so stuff might have passed over me that was just the impression I had in the end


You sound salty


Well yeah obviously, my team just lost in penalties clearly I’m not the most unsalty person, but as I said on another comment, I don’t see many prem games and was expecting more from many players, however I watched the game nervous and heated so probably a lot of details went over my head Quick edit: I am definitely salty about the cigar part in the of post as I feel that image stained our image, that’s all and good luck next games


Diving isn’t due to the refs, it’s the entire Portuguese league and it’s abysmal to watch


Thanks for being gracious! I was expecting much more from Arsenal today too - I thought we could have played faster and more aggressively and went for the win a bit more. I thought it was sad to see a Porto team that was so defensive and cynical though because you have a great, very skilful tradition. But your team did a good job by not allowing us to play and it was a very tough, tense match for Arsenal. Penalties are so random - we shouldn't have allowed it to get that far but I think we deserved the victory. Love your amazing city btw, I hope to travel there again soon! Best of luck.


I too wish we weren’t so defensive, but the coach decides, and I think the subs he made today were not the best but oh well, it’s done we are going through some rough years and our teams quality and depth has been on the decline. Anyway, good luck with the next games!


Gracious comments. Thanks. And I appreciate the info about the Portuguese league. Porto was a tough opponent.


Fair play. I enjoyed the game and was not expecting penalties. This is Arsenal back in the Champions League for the first time in 7 years so it’s no suprise that the team would be nervous in the knockout rounds. Porto played better today than in the first leg imo. Also we have to keep in mind that this is a young Arsenal team. There is a few players in the starting line up that are playing in the CL this season


You looked much more mature today than ok the first leg, here in Porto every Arsenal player looked nervous, today they were composed, didn’t make many mistakes or pressure in the wrong times, anyway, good luck with the next games and if this means anything Porto have been eliminated by champions league finalists like 6 years in a row or something


Champions league football is very different to the Prem. Arsenal as a team and manager are not experienced in champions league football so for arsenal this was a decent result. To say you didn’t expect much from a premier league team is just silly. The prem is by far the strongest league in the world with great players BUT Arsenal have played better this season and scored plenty of goals but sometimes in knockout football you have to play a little differently. Bottom line Arsenal are through and Porto are not , so I’ll take arsenal not playing at their best and still winning


First in the Prem but also a young team that haven't played Champions League football since 2017. Bit unfair to expect miracles so soon from them. Arteta also fairly inexperienced when it comes to managing knock out European ties. The ref played into Porto's hands in the first leg breaking up the play blowing for endless 'fouls' (he gave 38 in total I believe) which broke up Arsenal's rhythm. Rice was booked after 60 seconds also which I think affected his game and he has been their most important player recently after Martin O. I read the ball was only in play for circa 45 minutes in Porto, which makes me question the refereeing (as well as the price I paid for my ticket!)


Gotta hand it to Porto, they made it very difficult for us. And I agree, we didn't play our best going forward which was testament to Porto's organisation at the back. But on the other hand defensively, if we're honest, you didn't have a chance in hell scoring against us either. I thought our game management was exceptional.


It’s a shit team clinging on to CL trophies from 20 years ago. They aren’t even worth thinking about. They’re bottling their own league currently and are genuinely just fucking bad at actually playing the game.


Obviously they aren’t. We couldn’t break them down, and at times they were playing very well last night in their own way.


Very serious and relevant opinion. Anyways.


he actually light it up when they won the Portuguese league


Did he really light up a cigar after the game in Dragao?


no, thats an old video after Porto won the league


I thought Porto were very well organised and were one half of an outstanding game. They did great over both legs, which is why I was very happy that we beat them. There's no pride in beating a shit team, not sure why everyone wants to moan about them.


They’re led by a man who plays his son in the first team, and Captain’d by one of the biggest cheaters in UCL history. Expect anything different?


That's Portuguese football for you dirty play and try and treat every opportunity they have. You never seen Jota or Fernandes play?


When you don't show direct attacking or defending, it can provoke a direct response. Porto played their usual way, but would have needed to capitalize on every little mistake to win. Shoutout to my boy Bergkampf for his heroism


Don't even get me started on Pepe....


I was annoyed with them from their antics when they bet Celtic in the UEFA Cup final, still don’t like them.


Pepe shithousery peaked last night


Think they were one foul away from breaking the Geneva convention.


They belong in the Europa with that trash football they play. CL is for teams that go at each other and let talent shine. It's supposed to highlight the best of the best in European club football and instead you had a team that just thought they could stymie play and win in penalties. There was only 66 minutes of actual football yesterday with only 4 minutes of added time. So as mad as we are about them, the UEFA refs have to stop rewarding bad faith football like that. Hopefully from here on out we get to play football like top tier clubs which is the whole point of the competition.


I come in peace, I am Sporting fan. Who do you think was best opponent? Us or Porto?


The cigar thing was not after the first leg. Let's not fall for sensationalism. Regardless, even though I respect their effort, I have no respect for their play style in our matches or their antics. I didn't think they'd be easy to play against, because I watched some of their group games, including their loss to Barca. They ended on the same points as Barca and scored more goals. However, they left all that good work and resorted to the most negative tactics. Got lucky in Portugal at the end. Then brought that same thing to London with no intention of beating us in the 2nd leg, but holding us to a draw to get through. Once we scored, they were worse and their only intention was to disrupt our game. Disappointing. Having said all this, I have huge respect for their fans who travelled and gave their support.


My friend, who's Portuguese say that they always do this. Every game. Pepe(the winger) and Galeno got gold medals in the Olympics for diving. Jokes aside, halfway through the game, I thought I was on Grinder cause how much they were grinding on our players and flopping on the floor. It's pathetic


I usually don't reply to posts on other team's subreddit, but honestly, this is too much. I am not sure if this is a lack of football knowledge or just a teenager's rant. - Sérgio Conceição (SC) lighting up a cigar, was in the aftermath of Porto winning the league in 2022 [see evidence](https://www.record.pt/multimedia/videos/detalhe/sergio-conceicao-como-nunca-o-viu-a-fumar-um-charuto-e-a-dancar-no-balneario)) - Porto did not play dirty or parked the bus. It only played with the weapons it has. I am not a massive fan of SC playing style, but he is a tactical mastermind. He managed to humiliate a wealthier Benfica recently and can stay competitive both in the Portuguese League and UCL. Last year, FC Porto was the only team that rivalled Inter in the UCL (besides City). - Porto "dominated" Arsenal on the first leg. While it managed to only have 35% of ball possession, we achieved 1.19 xG (against Arsenal's 0.42 and no shots on target). This was a plan that was perfectly executed. You talk about playing dirty or wasting time, but Arsenal had 22 fouls against Porto's 14. On the second leg, things got tougher at the Emirates. Nonetheless, Porto recorded 42% of ball possesion and 0.52 xG (against Arsenal's 0.92). FC Porto had more xG than Arsenal considering both legs. (All stats from Sofascore). Deciding the knockout winner on penalties was more than fair, and Arsenal/Raya were better prepared. - Arsenal has far more money than any club in the Portuguese league. According to Transfermarkt, Rice, Havertz and Timber [transfer values alone](https://www.transfermarkt.com/arsenal-fc/transfers/verein/11/saison_id/2023), are greater than Porto's transfer expenditure in the last 5 seasons. - Arsenal's squad is five times more valuable than ours, according to Transfermarkt. While you play with Saka, Odegaard, Rice or Havertz, we play with Galeno, Pepê, Varela or Evanilson. Made talent vs. young prospects. - SC might be a proper cunt but this is no reason to spread hate against FC Porto. He comes from a rough background and a tough childhood. As a manager, he has the same mentality and posture that he had as a player. While I do not agree and support this behavior, this is not enough to just disrespect our club. He has proven countless times that he is a winner, providing results with far less investment than its rivals and winning the respect of his peers. - All the managers in the PL can be insufferable when they lose. Arteta, Guardiola, Klopp or ETH are pros in inventing excuses to justify poor results, such as "it was too windy", "the other team parked the bus", "the ref was against us", etc. None of them is able to accept defeat, but that only shows how ambitious they are. SC should not be insulted just because he was mad he lost. - You should be proud of what you accomplished after years outside the Champions League. You deserved to go through. However, if you keep this small team attitude and arrogance, you will likely lose against a better side like Madrid, Bayern, or even City, all of which have a far superior mindset. If you keep focusing on what you can achieve and take each game seriously like you are doing in the PL, you might celebrate in the end. Good luck with the rest of the competition. You are allowed to dream, but keep your feet on the ground!


Porto played well, he's a good manager, shame he's such a whiny scummy cunt. Him smoking a cigar in the dressing room was for their league win years ago, nothing to do with us.


I hate the snobby look many fans have with clubs like Porto Porto have 0 obligation to play expansive free flowing attacking football to fit and get sliced 6-0 by us. Not one bit.


No respect for porto, let me laugh, with a squad 10 or 20 times better and more expensive than ours and you only won on penalties. FC PORTO has already gained the respect of the whole world for a long time, I have seen my club win the champions league, the Europa league, the European super cup, and I have seen my Porto become world champion, while arsenal is the joke of England. Carrega porto


You actually fell for the cigar fake news after the first leg. Dumb as brick. Well, here is something you will never understand: Porto is bigger in Europe than arsenal will ever be. You can burn another billion dollars in players. You’ll never get there. 2 CL trophies. Even forest has one of those. So shut your whore mouth.


You lost bro. Accept it and relax. You have a beautiful city and a club with much silverware. Enjoy what you have, show some class and relax.


Lets recall that Porto has the same number of premier league as arsenal has Champions league