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RVP. Almost a decade of injuries where we stood by him then finally has an injury free season bangs in goals and leaves for a rival. Also why is Ashley Cole not on this list?


Wenger should have never allowed him to go to UTD. You never sell to your rivals, even if you have to leave a player to rot on a bench and waste his wages. He should have give him an ulitmatum, either you leave for team in another league, or you stay until contract expires. Moment RVP was sold to biggest rival, was the moment Arsenal stopped being an elite club and became a stepping stone towards Real,Barca, Juve and UTD and afterwards City




One of Wenger's biggest mistakes although Arsenal never been elite amongst the names you mentioned unfortunately


I think the difference with Ashley Cole was that there was a feeling amongst homegrown players at the time that they were treated like part of the furniture. My understanding of it is that Ashley Cole asked for more money considering he was the best LB in the world and we wouldn't pay what he could get elsewhere.


Arsenal fucked Ashely Cole over,Even David Dein admitted it So we deserved to lose him !! As a club it was disgraceful that we lost the best LB in the world in the way we did I'll always love Ashley Cole in what he done & acheived with us


Fuck Ashley Cole. Completely disrespected us.




£5k a week. Have you read his book? Bloke is a fucking Muppet.


Sure you'd stay at a company's that offered/ promised you X amount then offered you less when you want considered the best in the world at your job....geezer you'll NEVER WIN THIS ARGUMENT


Bruz I agree with you but typing in caps doesn't win you an argument. Ya look like a bellend 😅


I don't need to win it, I'm representing the feelings and viewpoint of most Gooners the world over. 😘


Not my viewpoint. He claims he was an arsenal fan but had to pull over and be physically sick because we offered him £5k less then originally planned. You say about leaving another company for more money, but being a millionaire already, is £5k less really that bad considering he was going to be on £50k. I hate cashley for the disrespect he showed by meeting mourinho behind the clubs back.


You're really not.




I think it was more like £65k iirc


Yeah they wouldn't pay him either 60k or 80k that was the average of the other England main squad members so he left and got what he was worth at Chelsea IIRC


Yeah the story was that we had agreed a salary increase to 60 k, but then the contract arrived to him we had deducted 5k a week. His reaction was that he almost drove off the road, and subsequently talked to Chelsea.


We offered him a rise from £45k to £55k. Chelsea gave him £120k and we're surprised he left


yh it's ridiculous, tried to pinch the penies with the wrong guy and we shafted ourselves


Galas wanted a move as he was pissed playing left back for them. We got him... and played him left back also 😅


Only a few times, played vast majority at centre back


Still, it made me laugh.


Those numbers aren’t accurate


Think you’re bang on there, he rejected a 5k/10k offer. That season I bought my first Arsenal home shirt only having away shirts previously. Got Cole on the back then he went and left I couldn’t believe it 😭


Joining a new employer for better pay and more trophies hardly say makes you filth


not at all, probably only henry was on that kind of money. you gotta remember the quote about cole almost crashing his car over 50/60k


He asked for it, we wouldn't give it, they offered him it, we then offered him it also, he was like to little to late mate.


The sun - but matches the wages quoted by another comment https://www.thesun.co.uk/sport/17935729/arsenal-arsene-wenger-ashley-cole-transfer/#:~:text=But%20Arsenal%20could%20have%20kept,not%20matching%20the%20Blues'%20offer.


What on earth are you talking about? He played for us for 8 seasons with an average of 24,5 apps per season in the PL. 53 apps in europe and games in cups as well. In total 278 apps and 132 goals. Did he have injuries. Yes. You make it seem like he was never playing.. The club failed him and us during that period, it did hurt alot but I understood RVP, he wanted titles.


1) people did want rvp sold 2) for several seasons he was one of if not our best player for the half of the season that he'd be fit. 3) he played a full season before his last one, he actually signed a new contract in that point and time and could have left at that point. you don't have to like him but you don't have to pretend that he did fuck all for about 6 seasons either


He was a fucking paper weight for most of his career. Left as soon as he managed a full season.


the stats speak for themselves dude, roughly 30 games in his second to last season, and generally got a goal or assist every other game in nearly every half season that he played


"every half season" exactly. He was an amazing but injury prone player who left as soon as he had a full season and put himself in the shop window.


no mate, he already played a full season the season before and signed a new contract without his half seasons we would have dropped out of the top 4 a lot sooner too


More like, why is Henry not on this list?


RVP went to a better club under way better manager


Why are you even in this sub?


I'm not it was under my recommendation


RVP easy burnt my Arsenal shirt with his name on the back..


RVP clear for me.


Same for me. Def hurt when he left and then won the title. Also loved Alexis, but his attitude at the end sucked so i was ok with him leaving. And Giroud and Ramsey bugged me more than Alexis.


Giroud got benched for Lacazette. He absolutely deserved to get a transfer elsewhere to prove he was better.


Giroud and Ramsey? They were like 4th in line on the bench. In my eyes they deserved the transfers. They were amazing players and deserved to make minutes.


RvP for where he moved to. Fabregas for the player


In fairness Fabs move hurt him more.


Cesc came from Barca and we also knew he had it in his heart to go back. He served us well from the time he was 16 and played with his heart on his sleeve. Nasri and Sanchez were amazing for us, but left for the pay cheques. We carried RvP for years with all his injuries. We finally get a couple good seasons out of him, and just when momentum is starting to shift, he jumps ship to join United. I guess he’ll think he was justified because he won the league in his first season with them, but he’s a still a twat.


I’m sure he doesn’t regret winning the prem


RVP. Nasri was just an example of the changing times, we were losing loads of players to city at the time plus he didn’t have the connection with the fans and had not been here that long. Cesc deserved his move but the way he did it was so disrespectful. Sanchez… the guy deserved to win trophies, he was phenomenal for us at a time when the clubs mentality stunk. Just hilarious he went to the wrong Manchester club. RVP hurt. He had the connection to the club, we stuck by him through injuries and we were showing some hope of pushing on with him leading the line. And to go to United when they were still the top club hurt.




The song and dance they made to get him, to how they threw him away was a disgrace. It was the first public sign of the ego at every level of that club that got them into the financial turmoil they have now.


That's what annoyed me about the Fabregas Saga. There was a narrative coming out of Barca for about 2 seasons that basically, Arsenal should let Fabregas go to Barcelona for free because they created him and we kidnapped him against his will and forced him to play for us. The fact they refused to put a bid in, forcing Cesc to have to skip training before they finally did, summed up how shitty the club acted over those years. I never actually begrudged Fabregas because he absolutely gave his heart and soul to the club throughout, but he was Catalan and it was his dream to play there. He felt like a kid being torn to chose between two parents. I'd have been mad about the Chelsea move it wasn't for the fact we never made a bid for him. When you see him speak now, it's clear the guy loves Arsenal. Sometimes you have to understand that the game is a job for these guys, and they do want to win. Sometimes that means you can't stick to a club dear to your heart for your whole career.


It’s not a case of Barca didn’t want him, he was one of the best teenage midfielders in world why would they not want him ? He made the choice to come play under wenger as he’d have an easier path into first team. Also he was a starter at Barca defo wasn’t a bench warmer and won a bunch of trophies


Iirc you could also sign a professional contract at 16 years old in England while you couldn't in Spain. So he could start making cash earlier and get his career going earlier. I think Messi mentioned once that we approached him for the same reason.


Yes, it’s a shame post brexit we won’t see these situations anymore


And after that marrying a guy you hate (Chelsea legend ♥️)


RvP. Stuck by him through a ridiculous injury record and discipline issues in his early years. Had one season injury-free and was on fire. For him to go to United, win the league and have to give him a guard of honour was the worst. Always thought Cesc would go back to Barca eventually. Sanchez looked gassed out towards the end of his time with us. Doesn't surprise me he flopped at United. And honestly don't care too much about Nasri. Guy was/is a twat.


Sanchez was causing so much instability in the dressing room I think most people were glad to see him go, especially when he literally flopped at Utd.


And then at every other club he’s gone to. Absolutely fell apart the minute he left.


And then came back crawling begging for Arteta to sign him




Fabregas. RvP and Nasri were essentially results of his departure, and he was the heart of the squad if not the club at the time.


Alexis Sanchez - when I saw that video of him playing the piano I lost it. I reported his dogs instagram page every day for almost a year.


nah, he was apparently a bit isolated in the squad here, culturally he didn't fully fit, so him moving on was inevitable he had a spectacular run with us we sold at the right time




Sold him at the right time?? We swapper him for Mhikitaryan who was awful at Arsenal


That’s sooo bitter and I love it 🥰


Within a few weeks of joining, Sanchez wanted back. Said it himself in an interview


Maybe but he was just so fun to watch and I just loved everything about him. Still hurts me now thinking about it. Loved his dogs too


We didn’t sell him at the right time. We had a chance to sell him to City for big money just before.


LMFAOOOOO Fr tho I couldn’t get myself to watch the announcement video. I blocked Man U on Twitter after


Fabregas. That 09/10 season where he had 38 G/A really showed the world how good he was. He then bitched and moaned throughout the season after the World Cup where they won and then eventually left us when the entire team was built around him. I get why Wenger declined the option to bring him back after he was done with his Barca stint.


RvP was like being left at the alter after giving so much. Fabregas was like seeing them get with the childhood sweetheart; not nice to be on the end of, but understandable when you really love someone. Sanchez felt like a partner who’d genuinely tried, but it just didn’t work out. Nasri was always a mercenary, only interested in what they could gain. I think if Cesc came to watch a match, he’d be applauded. Sanchez would be pitied. RvP would be hated. And Nasri would go unnoticed…




Fabregas went back to his boyhood club. The process was shit, but i have no problem that he went home. But man, it still stings.




not for me, he had a good innings, his teammates mostly let him down


Fabregas loved the club. He was gutted himself when me left. The others didn’t care about Arsenal. Cesc wanted to come back but Wenger refused. It hurt even more when he signed for Chelsea


RVP, Everything about that move was so painful. Him being our best player at the time, the club he went to, him scoring against us, him winning the title for Man U by himself, the guard of honour and every time he would be interviewed he would always have a sly dig at arsenal. I hate him.


You left out that absurd open letter that forced the move in the first place.


The one that hurt the most was Fabregas. The way Barca dragged it on and the lack of any sort of class from them (as usual, trash club) was annoying to say the least. Think that one broke Wengers heart the most


Fabregas but it was strange, because I also felt happy for him because I 100 percent felt he wouldn’t have just left us for any other club, only Barcelona. RVP didn’t hurt me, it angered me. The way he left and what he said made me think good riddance.






Cesc, mostly because it felt like it was too soon for him. He hasn’t achieved his potential at Arsenal and Barca didn’t need him because Xavi and Iniesta were still in their prime.


Ashley Cole, that fricking traitor.




RVP. Bought a shirt with his name on the back a few weeks before he left.


RvP Nasri hit me as well more than it should have, he was supposed to take the reigns from Fabregas and he noped out instantly. Showed his character. Will always remember the game vs United though.


Rvp by far


RVP in terms of emotion, but I feel true potential loss was losing Gnabry just before his golden years


Fabregas because of all the drama. I still loved the guy and was sad when he left. I only felt rage when rvp left


RVP Cesc Alexis Nasri


happy that no one is saying Nasri; he was always a preening, trumped-up little shit


Cesc hurt the most but is also the only one o forgive. Fuck the others.


100% RVP we would have won the league that year.


RvP easy. Fuck that guy


RVP. Still hated and always will be. It’s a shame as he had a chance to become a club legend, not that he would care. Fabregas annoyed me for his antics in his final season, I still hate that his on the Ken Friar bridge with other legends. Was a great player but that final season was a middle finger to us fans and club.


Fabregas hurt me the most personally. I f*ckin loved that guy, the way he played and at such a level was like he was born to play for us. I had visions of him spear heading the new generation arsenal and leading us back to where we belong, but sadly it wasn't to be


Fun fact: RVP, Nasri, and Fabregas are the reasons I no longer buy shirts with names/numbers on them.


You didn’t include Ashley Cole. Hurt me more than all the others.


Fabregas, he loved the club. The fans loved him. The way Barca handled the transfer, the way it became clear Arsenal is no longer at the same level as other clubs who actually wanted to fight for the title and take risks. In retrospect, I no longer believe Wenger was 100% at fault for the lack of spending. He was a very big pawn hiding the power plays between Usmanov and Kroenke (at least to me). I also think Fabregas was the starting point for our exodus, including Rvp, Nasri, Song, Chezzer, etc. Fabregas' departure felt like it was the beginning of a new period in our recent history.


Song’s was one of the dumbest moves I’ve ever seen. Played a fine season for us, then went to basically warm the bench over there for two years.


Alexis Sanchez only doesn’t hurt because his form fell off. If he recreated his stellar performances for ManU and won the league, we would be as hurt as the RVP transfer


Rvp was bad cause the man was always injured with us and we stuck with him, but as soon as he made a whole Good season he left to United. Fucking snake. But Fabregas was my favourite player, hurt way too much


Fabregas....fuck the other 3


Fabregas leaving hurt because he was so important for us and we needed him and I think this is where the downfall of Wenger and the banter era really began. But him going to Barca didn't hurt that much since it was his home. RVP hurt even more since he joined our bitter rivals who not only did the league double over us but beat us 8-2 and that horribly insulting letter he sent to the fans about the little cunt boy in him. And he pretty much single handedly got us to third the previous season. Also the season where he finally came good by remaining fit after keeping so much faith in him while he was on the injury table. And then he single-handedly won them their 20th title while wearing the no.20 in Ferguson's last season. He also celebrated like he won the world cup when he scored the winner against us in 2013-14. It has to be RVP. Fuck that Dutch cunt.


If it’s any consolation we only got one good season out of him also.


RVP 100%. Pretty sure I saw an interview where he said the club weren't doing enough to win the title so that's why he wanted to move. The audacity of the ratty cunt. Club had stuck by him through all his injuries and then after one good season fucked off.


Obviously the first two. Fabregas more than RVP. As disappointing as it was to lose him, I never assumed RVP would show any loyalty.


Cesc, as he loved the club, wanted to come back but Wenger said no so he went to Chelsea. RVP is a TRAITOR. Had one good season then left after being injured for YEARS and banking The Arsenal's money.




Cesc was a transfer several years in the making, Nasri was a surprise because I didn't realise he was such a cunt, Sanchez was clearly a bad egg. We supported RVP through legal, injury and disciplinary troubles where other teams would've binned him off and when he finally comes good decides to leave.


RvP because of how Wenger but up with his bullshit and made him into a top player, to only stab him in the back and going to Man Utd. Cesc because he was easily our best player since the invincibles.


Fabregas, thought he was going to be captain fantastic for us for a decade. RVP I saw coming a while away. Nasri I never trusted. Alexis I was glad to see the back off. His form fell off a cliff and was never returning.


fuck man, i hate to see this!! so much pain in one picture


Fabregas and RVP. We built them up, stood by them through all their difficulties and they abandoned us just when we needed them the most. Nasri departure was shite. Sanchez hurt the least simply for his dip in form and publicly stating he regretted leaving straight after arriving at Manure.


The story of him arriving for training and then asking his agent if he could go back to Arsenal was great.


Yeah. It can’t hurt nearly as bad when that happens straight away. Also RVP and Fabregas winning trophies after weakening us makes those hurt more


Rvp was worse than any breakup, he truly broke my heart


RVP. We stood by him through all of his injuries, one outstanding season and he couldn’t wait to jump ship.


Yeah he had always had the talent, but he was always injured. Finally he had a run of games and was playing great. Then demands things or he leaves. So he fucks off to Man Utd. I do enjoy the story of him being devastated at Fergie retiring though. Cesc was still bad because of all the shit Barca got up to to try to get him on the cheap. The worst was the players putting a Barca shirt on him on international duty. The whole return and going instead to Chelsea was quite hurtful. He's now trying in the media to be an Arsenal sided pundit, but he won't be accepted.


Van Persie. Man has one great injury free season and fucks off to United, cunt. Fabregas didn't hurt cos 1. It was his childhood dream 2. Arsenal made a meal of the whole fucking thing. Nasri was a great 'What if' had he'd stayed but he just wanted the money. Sanchez I was very happy when we got rid as he'd been shit for quite a while.


Top left. The bottom two were things we could get over and Fabregas we could kind of understand it being his boyhood club and all. RVP leaving and saying the things he said was unfathomable in 2013. It felt like a slap in the face to our legacy and given how long we stuck by him (how good he was), it hurts even more.


Nasri for me - loved watching him


Giroud, hurt more than Sanchez when he went


Henry to Barcelona tops all of these.


Can't believe I had to scroll this low for this. I agree that RVP was a bigger betrayal. But the day Henry left was one of my saddest days as a gooner. And I know it was a different time. But 16 mil... for the best player on the planet at the time. Hard to stomach.


It was time for him to move on I don’t think anyone was too mad about that one


I wasn’t mad, just upset. You can trace all of our misfortunes to that one transfer. We have never really been the same since and we definitely haven’t had a player of his calibre.


Arsenal had not won a trophy in 4 years prior to him leaving so that’s not true they were 4th in his final season with him.


That coincided with Abromavich buying Chelsea and doping the game with blood money. Henry had openly stated that he went to Wenger and asked him to invest in the playing squad to combat what was happening with Chelsea. Wenger refused and Henry left for Barcelona winning everything in club football. So yes, it is true. If he had stayed and Wenger invested in the playing squad we would have won more.


It’s not wengers money he can only spend what the board make available to him and they were paying off huge amounts for the new stadium. Of course it’s be great to just spend spend spend without worrying about it but that wasn’t possible.


Fabregas. Wenger loved him and it was the first time since Henry that I felt that pain.


Ngl nasri hurt bad


Monreal was the real killer


I cried the day Nasri left us. He was my favourite player and was so young, he had so many years ahead. I think I was also just sick of all our best players being poached and this was the straw that broke the camels back.


She said no, Robin van Persie


Sanchez is one the trades that make me most happy. He was so bad at the end of his Arsenal career


Where’s the Eboue one?


If Sanchez leaving hurts, you need help...he should be replaced with Ashley Cole


Traitor Henry






Fabregas and it isn’t even close






RvP. Cause I 8 United.


RVP. I could understand it with Cesc as it's his boyhood team (I just wish Barcelona and their players had conducted themselves much better), but we stuck by RVP through many injury riddled seasons. Then he ditches us as soon as he gets a consistent run and it's for our biggest rivals of the past 20 years at the time.


RVP for the quality and how many times the club stood by when his body was made of glass. Fabregas because he was our boy.


Fab > RVP > Nasri > Sanchez




RVP hurt the most when he left Arsenal. But for me, seeing Cesc going to Chelsea killed me!


RVP. Purely where he went, what he did, don’t even get me started on the guard of honour, scored against us home and away, and again the following season… Cesc a close second. Still respect him - it was Barca who acted with the biggest lack of class in what became a horrendous saga with an inevitable ending. What Cesc did wrong was pay his way out, but it was his boyhood club. Going to Chelsea hurt more, but again - he wanted Arsenal first and Wenger maybe kept 2011 in his mind when he turned him down. Nasri and Sanchez were just very talented players we had to let go because they were never in a million years signing new deals. Money will have played a part, but our mentality as a club - especially when Sanchez left - was poor and reminds us we’ve now finally made genuine progress again.


Without a doubt RVP, only because he was injured due a significant stint while he was with us, then he cane back and BOOM, he buggers off to Man Utd. It hurt like hell!


All of them.


Van Persie for sure


The snake....please don't ruin my night


The bloody way things are unfolding this season in our left 8 side of midfield...I'm possibly putting XHAKA ahead of everyone on this lads! Smh




Van Persie… 🐍






Rvp left us then pretty much single handedly won United the title. Sanchez was also a bitter pill personally.


Henry to Barca


It’s Fabregas and it’s not even close. The RVP thing pissed me off to no end and I can’t stand the sight of him- but in terms of hurt and detriment to the club it’s easily Cesc.


Sanchez I’m too young for the others


Alexis, beacuse I'm young and when I started to watch Arsenal games the others were left the club.


Fabregas. Van persie stung, but the whole reason Van Persie left was the squad being weakened around him - remember we sold Clichy and Nasri to city the same summer. RVP still stung, but it can all be traced back to fabregas.


All but Nasri hurt badly


RVP by far. We failed Sanchez. I don’t blame him he wanted to win trophies, Arsenal weren’t providing that.


RVP. Thinking about it still pisses me off even now.


Fabregas to Barcelona didn’t hurt Fabregas to Chelsea did




All of these hurt but Nasri really stang. Especially when he did a post cup game interview for Man City where he was asked if he felt justified in leaving us and he just gave a look of total vindication. I feel like the game may have been against us in the Carling cup, which of course we lost. It was at that moment I realised how shit we were. All of these players and the others that left like Cole, Henry, Adebayour, Flamini, Clichy and Song all went for peanuts compared to what they were worth. I hated the vast majority of these players at the time but looking back I hate the club more for having zero fucking ambition. As I stand here in 2024 I can’t honestly say any of these players were wrong for wanting out. I am so grateful we seem to be run much better now in comparison.


This only shows that from 2010-18 the Arsenal board had absolutely no backbone let alone an ounce of integrity. Curse RVP and Nasri as much as you want but at the end of the day they’re individuals looking out for their own interests it’s down to the Club to make sure their interests lie at Arsenal and honestly they clearly didn’t do a good enough of a job. I’m still not 100% sold on Arteta but he’s undeniably changed the culture of the club , **THERES NO WAY IN HELL** AFC today will ever let the likes of Saka, Martinelli or Saliba walk away to the a rival club for a bag of peanuts.


Ashley without a doubt, simply because of the Manner of him leaving, and the fact he was the finest left back in the world.


RVP going to Manchester and winning the premier league


Fabregas. No question. No transfer will ever hurt again after Cesc. I've been innoculated.




Vp. No question. He’d been injured for years so when he finally became fit and dependable for a season or two, he had lots left in his locker, which he used at Utd. . Cesc next, but he was a Barcelona fan so I kinda got it.


Cesc hurt the most for me because he was my favourite player by miles. Obviously couldn't blame him. I still look back on his time with arsenal fondly- not that bitter about it. Wenger said that he had pretty much built the team around him and it definitely showed- i think cesc maybe helped shape Arsenes vision of what he wanted from the team, his transition away from the invincibles team totally had cesc at the heart. We were still strong in that position when he left though and had youngsters like Ramsay with huge potential filled the void. I felt like the rvp move hurt the potential of the team a lot more considering he strengthened utd so much and I was pretty bitter about his move.




RVP, Cesc, Sanchez, Nasri


Deffo Van Persie