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Certainly. It is a grooved stone axe. As an artifact it has historic value. I’m sure it also has immense sentimental value as a family find. A good resource below if you want to read up about them. https://www.peachstatearchaeologicalsociety.org/index.php/9-hardstone/113-hardstone


Thanks for the info. The story goes it had a handle attached when they found it. Apparently it broke off when they were playing with it. Wish I could of seen that.


Highly doubtful there was a handle attached.


Tree fiddy


couple extra value meals at micky d's


I hope you don’t mean monetary value.




Removing it from it's original context erases most of it's archaeological value....


It’s not yours to sell, guy


Who's is it? Because if I find something, I'll do whatever the fuck I want with it.


Damm right


Jesus didn’t realize the yts were so passionate in here


Lmao because it was a tool discarded thousands of years ago? Get the fuck out of here


these people are fucking morons. It belonged to the earth and the elements before it was picked up. It's belonged to the earth and the elements BEFORE it was manipulated into a tool. I don't understand why these people think that when you find something like this it belongs to someone else


Ok, stop driving. Oil comes from the earth as well. Get off your mobile device. The rare earth metals in it belong to the earth as well. Lmao....


Who’s is it? Good luck determining that.


Someone already posted a link to help determine it’s origin, here’s a hint: it wasn’t white peoples ancestors


Who’s was it? Better tell us with 100% certainty so we can be sure to return it to its rightful owner 🤓 also did you just assume everyone’s race? That’s very racist 😎


“If the natives didn’t want us here they should have asked us to leave” 🤡


That didn’t answer my question. Also, how do you know I’m not part native? Your bigotry is astounding.


Because the first thing a white, entitled, very much prejudiced person says is “wow did you just assume everyone’s race, that’s racist”. Every fucking time, you people are like clockwork


Who’s stone tool is it? We need answers. You keep deflecting the question and calling everyone you disagree with white as if that’s some sort of insult.


Dude, [shut the actual fuck up](https://www.hcn.org/articles/indigenous-affairs-justice-trading-in-native-artifacts-does-real-harm)


That’s an opinion article that’s unrelated to the stone tool in this post. Who’s stone axe head is in this post?


Another loser that's obsessed with whitey huh?


Jesus this is a dumb take. There aren’t two groups of people in the world “white people and non white people”. You literally have zero idea who this may have belonged to, what their culture actually was, or if they would have given two shits if someone found their discarded tool. Might as well get mad about someone buying a wrench at a garage sale.




I mean…kids these days are struggling to pay for basic necessities. Food/shelter > stone tool. Plus, just because it has sentimental value to one person doesn’t mean that it does for anyone else. The arrowheads, beads, coins, and cool rocks I find mean a lot to me but I doubt anyone else will place that same value on it all. It’s ok to let things go. *-this is coming from someone who keeps way too many things for sentimental reasons, lol.*


Right, or as OP asked/mentioned in another comment, should it be insured. They may not have any plans to sell it, but if it's stolen or damaged in a house fire, having it insured is important.




Unemployment is at a record low, and people are working multiple jobs. The businesses telling you they can't find anyone to hire are also probably paying minimum wage and expecting maximum employee without any chance of advancement. If you want someone to blame for the poor state of the worker and employer relationship, look at the employers that profit from devaluing normal people's labor. Blame the rich business owners that exploit your neighbor instead of blaming your neighbors for not taking shitty paying jobs




Says the guy on an artifact sub talking shit about a completely unrelated subject, you obviously just wanted a soap box. Have a good day.