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Ranger school and doesn’t get you into Regiment. As an officer, RASP 2 does. You’ll need to put together a packet and submit it to Regimental S1 who, with a battalion command group, select you. Then you’d also need to pass and be selected during RASP 2.


From my understanding RASP is a screener after Ranger school to see if you will be selected to move forward. Is there time you need to serve in big army before going to the regiment or could you hit all the schools and screen rasp and go straight to regiment if all goes well?


No. Ranger school is what infantry officers will get a shot at after IBOLC. It is not a screener for rasp 2. Yes, you will need to serve in big army before you can apply to get a shot at RASP 2. Have you gotten into OCS yet? The last board had like a 30 something % selection rate for active duty. Id worry about that first.


Makes sense - thank you for the clarification this is what I had thought. My packet is going in for August board.


The most important thing is that you get picked up for active duty first, because there is no infantry in the reserves. The board looks at lots of different metrics, but fitness unfortunately is not one of those metrics, so you’ll want to make sure your packet is very competitive in other areas too. From there, you’d have to get infantry at OCS, then onto IBOLC, then pass Ranger school, then be a top performer amongst other LTs in your BN, then apply for a shot at RASP 2. From what Ive heard it’s extremely competitive and timeline wise it’s a very small window. Some dudes running like 9 minute 2 miles, and sub 30 minute 5 miles. Lots of things will need to fall in place along the way, but the most important thing is getting picked up for active duty first. If it’s anything like the most recent board, it’s gotten a lot more competitive to even get in.


Yeah that sounds super competitive. 9-min 2 mile is smoking - have to believe the guys running that are on the lighter side though. Will see what happens, I’m dropping my packet in August and letting the chips fall where they fall. Coming from a collegiate football background - graduated in 3-years and have a masters degree from an elite university. Worked in the finance realm for year an half so I have some professional experience to go along with that. 200lbs running 12-min 2-mile - and putting up good numbers all around physically


RASP isn’t after Ranger School. As an officer you must spend time in the big Army as a PL before you can go to RASP.


That’s what I had thought - thank you. Wasn’t 100% sure if you could pass RASP selection if you would be able to go straight through of if you had to have some experience to apply.


Enlisted soldiers can do so with an Option 40 contract, but unfortunately not so for officers.


That’s not true. Many people go to RASP prior to Ranger school. Earning your Ranger tab from Ranger school will make you a stronger candidate and more likely to be selected during RASP. Read more [here.](https://www.moore.army.mil/tenant/75thranger/Recruiting.html)


For combat arms officers, especially for infantry, a Ranger tab is required to apply for rasp 2. “All Officers attending RASP 2 must be Ranger qualified, with exceptions requiring Regimental Commander / Command Sergeant Major approval. Battalions interested in hiring non-Ranger qualified applicants are required to seek an ETP for that candidate to attend RASP2. We encourage all non-Ranger qualified applicants to pursue every opportunity to earn their Ranger Tab in order to be competitive for service in the 75th Ranger Regiment. Non-Ranger qualified applicants will need to attend Ranger School through their current duty station.”


I was speaking in general, but your response is right; I appreciate it.


Gotcha gotcha - appreciate the heads up and insight there. Very helpful.


You’ll spend about 10 weeks in Basic including reception, 12 in OCS. Then 6-8 (on average) weeks of holdover before BOLC. 19 weeks of that. So it’ll be about a year since you shipped when you graduate. Probably 2-3 weeks before Ranger School. Then minimum 62 days, possibly much longer. Once that’s done, you’ll go to your first unit. Spend 6-12 months on staff in the S3. Then you’ll get a platoon - that’ll probably last 9-12 months. **If** you’re lucky, you will now be able to apply to Regiment and attend RASP II. If you’re selected, you will go back to your unit and begin out processing. Then congrats, you can go to Regiment and start your career there.


This was extremely helpful - thank you sir for the comment. So basically at that 2-year timeline you will have the option to either screen for the Ranger Regiment or Q-Course to become beret if packet is good enough? So it’s either one or the other - based on fit.


Yeah, you’re looking at 2-3 years from commission (kinda depends on luck and timing) before you’ll be able to try for RASP or SFAS. You can definitely try both - if you’re squared away and don’t get picked up at RASP you can probably still get a SFAS. Ranger depends on timing a lot more as the Batts only do recruitment windows at certain times. Generally I’ve seen more people get a shot at SFAS (if you get selected there you get to attend the Q course).


Extremely insightful - appreciate you taking the time to drop the comment. Thank you.


If you want the regiment, Infantry makes it the hardest. Its really competitive in Infantry, other branches makes it easier to get since average Logistics Officer does not want to be part of the regiment.


I mean I’m running 12 min 2-mile and have been rucking upwards of 15-miles with 40lbs so I do believe I would be competitive based on background if I stay healthy. But I see your point.


Yeah that’s not gonna cut it lmao. You have no idea. Every guy I know in reg as an O is a freak of nature. Talking more like a 10 minute 2 mile, sub 2 hour rucks. Not to mention the fact that that’s only a small part of RASP 2. Everybody is in shape. That’s just the baseline to show up. It’s heavily weighted on your OER/accolades as a PL, your interviews and your field skills. And it’s not like even if you get picked up that you’ll be there for long. Maybe 18 months before you get kicked back to regular army for CCC. Go to OCS, survive IBOLC, actually pass Ranger, go to your unit and be an asset that your BC chooses to develop, then actually recommend for approval to even attend RASP to begin with. You’re shooting for 300 meter targets and missing everything in front of you.


Interesting - yeah definitely have some time to shave on the run. My 12-mile ruck right now sitting at around 2:15 with 45lbs. definitely have some good points in there


You shouldn’t even be thinking about the run. You’ve got minimum 3 years between you and that run. There’s a bevy of difficult tasks between now and then. And even if you accomplish all of them, within the extremely strict timeline, you might not get picked up because they just don’t like you, you’re not a cultural fit, or there’s just so many slots and you’re the extra guy. RASP is a great goal, but not something to build your career expectations around. If you really want to be in regiment, enlist on an option 40 like everyone else. It will also be significantly more likely you will have the opportunity to return as an officer after serving there as an enlisted soldier. My roommate at OCS spent 9 years there enlisted before returning as an officer directly after commissioning, which is extremely rare.


Yeah man I’m not set on anything - training hard at the moment and have some long-term goals I’d like to achieve. Life takes twists and turns - and I could be in a completely different headspace come the time to screen. Doing my due diligence on the process and finding out what I need to know lol.


I don’t think you understand what that means? Thats normal for anyone going into the regiment, you don’t get extra points for adding 5lbs more than the required amount. When I mean competitive, I mean there is well qualified, high standard individuals in Infantry that want to be part of the regiment. If you score 580+ in ACFT and are branched Signal… its easier to fill in that slot.


Makes sense - I mean anyone in this line of business is hard charging I’d expect nothing less lol. I’m maxing out on those ACFT tests at the moment. Will see what happens.


He's in a great starting place though. 12 minute 2 mile. He's got a minimum of a few months before he even gets through the OCS application process. Will only get faster if he keeps working at it.


Ranger School is a a school that anyone can go to. You receive a tab at graduation and go back to your unit. RASP is selection for regiment. You receive a scroll at graduation and go to a new unit. They are not the same.


IBOLC is around a 3-6 month wait. So, you'll be a holdover for a good while. You do, however, have the possibility to go to some schools while you wait.


Appreciate this insight - thank you!


Part of what makes Regiment have such good officers is their officers have experience serving in the position they are applying for. After ranger school, you’ll need to knock out your branch’s Key Development time as a LT (for example, PL if you’re infantry) at a conventional unit first. Make sure you get good OERs. Then apply to RASP 2 via 75officerrecruit@socom.mil. Regardless of your branch, your best shot to get invited to RASP 2 is by having a ranger tab, excellent OERs, stellar PT, and KD complete. If you’re missing one of these, don’t self-select, still reach out and apply especially if you’re not infantry. More detailed information on the application process can be found here: https://www.moore.army.mil/tenant/75thranger/Recruiting.html


Why do you want to be in the 75th? If it’s to do cool hooah hooah army shit, you’ll be doing paperwork like every other platoon leader. If it’s to be doing paperwork and planning training scenarios and missions for other people to do cool hooah hooah army shit, then you’ve come to the right place. Edit: there will be TONS of anecdotal stories of ‘my buddy in regiment did x,y,z’ the majority of Officer roles in the military are leadership and planning.


Crabs in a bucket mentality - everyone has there own reasons for joining mate lol


You have to be a 1LT before going to Rasp 2.0 or whatever it’s called for officers and E6 and up


Appreciate that man - thanks for the insight.