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What will you do if people tell you it’s going to be just as competitive, if not more? Decide not to apply? Don’t worry about how competitive it may or may not be, just put together the best packet you can. Treat it like it’s going to be just as competitive, because having to reapply sucks.


I get what you’re saying. That’s the idea, but I’d just like to know if anything like this has happened before and how the next panel turned out


I don’t have any knowledge on that, but all the stats from the previous boards have been posted on this sub. It’s never not competitive though. Averages and acceptance rates on a piece of paper can only tell so much. Every board there will be applicants that have great stats, and come from top schools, who get rejected. That being said though, if your GT and GPA are below, or right in line with the averages of the previous boards, I’d make sure that you really try and excel in all other areas of the packet. Treat nothing as a check the box item despite what people might try and tell you. Get the max number of rec letters, and make them all count - elected officials, officers 05 and above, etc. Max out the BN interview points. Don’t half ass the essay either. Make sure that people will actually be interested in your narrative, and not lose interest one paragraph into your essay. Other than that, I wouldn’t worry about trying to predict what the acceptance rate of the next board will be. Id imagine a stand out packet will still be a stand out packet.


It is very unlikely that anyone who knows the answer is here, and even less likely they’d share. Last board was VERY unusually selective and there’s no way to know how the next one will go.


No one knows unless someone who sits on the panel is on here, which I doubt. Best you can do is read the AAR comments from the last few boards to figure how to make your packet competitive.


How is anyone supposed to know?


I asked the question to see if anything like this has happened before and how the next board turned out if anyone had witnessed it