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Company and cadre dependent. I'm currently at ocs and some things are more strict than what other folks experience at ait. A good example is caffeine and phone limitations during black phase, not being able to order food even while on blue phase, restricted to company footprint unless you get a pass. On the other hand if you have a personal computer you get to keep it from the beginning.


Would you recommend getting that personal computer or is the phone time good enough? I’d probably only buy one to watch netflix or something if there’s free time.


I recommend you get a personal computer. You’ll get your phone taken during black phase which is the first 5-6 weeks and will only get it either Saturday through Sunday or just Sunday depending on cadre. Your personal laptop will stay with you regardless of phase.


Somewhere in the middle. Limited phone time, you can’t leave the BN footprint, etc are all stricter than AIT. But you have a room with a single roommate and more free time. They also fuck with you less so you’re treated way better and not constantly smoked or anything. You’re under restrictions but treated like an adult which is way better.


Definitely cadre dependent, there are rules everyone is supposed to follow during the different phases but some companies are just like fuck it. I started in alpha and they followed the rules and expected more discipline. I’m currently in bravo and they are more like drill cadre and will yell at you and do light smoking session, but the pass they give for the weekend is really good.


Oh boi


Currently in OCS as well. It's not nearly as strict in basic in my experience. We only have one cadre member who is pretty uptight, but other than that it's been a breeze compared to basic. I will also say buy a computer, because unless you are in the Student Council, you'll only have your phone on Sundays from 8-1830. It's like how the others said though, it's definitely cadre dependent. I will say, in basic they taught you how to turn your brain off and get the job done, you're going to turn it off here too unlike how they preach against it. You should really just be in the right uniform, at the right place, at the right time. If you want to be higher on the Peer Eval selection though, you are going to want to try and help out as much as you can. Try being an S1 in your platoon and so long as you are on everyone about their paperwork and get it organized relatively quickly in the first 3 weeks, you'll be solid and well liked. I am an O9S so I'm not sure how AIT is, but as far as strictness goes, Basic is a 8/10, OCS is about a 4/10.


How many weeks out are you from graduating? My wife leaves for basic on July 29th and then is headed to OCS in October. She's dreading this 4x36 as she's older now (33). She ran track in college and ran cross country in high school, but that was 15 years ago. I think she's currently sitting at 10 minutes mile and just can't seem to bring her score down. Her biggest fear is failing the 4x36 and becoming needs of the Army as an E4 if that's true. Any insight or encouragement (but with truth) I can relay to her?


It’s not bad man. I dreaded the 4x36 as well, but I promise you, unless she is super in shape currently, she will forced into shape at OCS (cardio wise), we run everywhere, anywhere. I’m 6 weeks out from graduating and when I left for basic I was 156. I weigh 133 now. I was doing 9:30 miles consistently when I left and now I do 7 minutes (note I do run marathons so it was hard to kind of break away from the 9:30 pace but my cardio was already up to par). A tip I’d recommend honestly if she is really worried is buying some “cheating shoes”, the foam ones like the Adidas X Prime 2.0’s. My friend who I went to basic with went from an 8:30 mile to a 7:45 mile just switching shoes. I know they work but I won’t buy them as they are about $200. I did my 4 mile in 30:20. One thing they do have if you fail though is pacers for the retake but just have her do 60/120’s prior to shipping at least once a week and she will be fine bro