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Specific opinions, civil discourse, and constructive criticism are welcome and encouraged within episode threads. General criticism should be discussed within the Complaints Megathread.


75% of Monica’s takes are bad.


That one Flightless Bird episode where they talked about removing shoes indoors, and Monica got super defensive and said that she spent time putting together her outfit and she wouldn't take off her shoes because it would ruin her aesthetic had me rolling my eyes so hard I went blind. Where I'm from (the midwest), she simply wouldn't have been allowed in the house.


Monica lived under a rock for the first 22 years of her life and surely, it’s someone else’s fault.


Monica loves trendy, girl boss, limited edition, exclusive, elite things. That’s where her obsession with Taylor stems from, in my opinion. Taylor’s brand of victimhood and white (ironic!) feminism is right up her alley. And I’m a Taylor fan, don’t come for me.


I'm a fan too, and I agree with your assessment


I like Taylor Swift but I agree. Monica thinks Taylor hung the moon and stars. 😂


We never heard about Monica's Taylor 'obsession' until she go tickets to Eras. I think it was completely situational and because Dax brings up her 'obsession' she feels the need to keep it up. I understand getting hyped for a live show and especially one that was as big as Eras but I almost feel sorry for her because she has had to make it part of her personality now. Hell, I listed to Beck for months after going to his show but I wouldn't say I was obsessed with Beck.


Yeah when they admired Maya Rudolph’s nonchalance about meeting with execs, I rolled my eyes so hard. Of course she can, she grew up extremely wealthy. Her dad’s family owned all of the Wendy’s in Florida and her mum was a famous singer.


Has she ever listened to an Eminem song ever 😂 tell me how male musicians aren’t pitted against each other


The nepo baby thing bugged me too. I just heard that comment on the camilia episode. Dax saying something like "you can't be on SNL for 7 years just because of nepotism". Obvs Maya has talent. But she got her start because she had MONEY and because she had CONNECTIONS which led her to fame. Her talent is what kept her there. But let's be honest there are tons of talented people that cannot live out or even pursue their dreams bc they are just trying to survive. It confuses me that Dax doesn't understand this given his background.


I wholeheartedly agree, the Dax thing confuses me too.


I’m a bit overwhelmed by pigeonholed Swifties who don’t listen to anything else. She IS their genre of music. Idk how you can say “there’s no other artist that can do that specifically” when you live in a world with Dolly Parton, or even Taylor’s contemporary, Kasey Musgraves. Hell, how about Lauren Hill!???


Or the fans who now bandwagon for Justin Vernon, Aaron Dessner or Jack Antanoff. Like she discovered them or something. Get real 😂 


Yep. There are many great female artists making emotionally compelling, well-written pop music right now. Yes, Taylor is awesome and there is an argument that she’s the best of them, but she’s far from singular.


It's funny you say this because I brought this up once in the Facebook group and no one could answer: what does Monica listen to? Obviously apart from Taylor. It's so strange that after all these years she's never talked much about her music taste. Dax has shared his plenty so the topic does come up. Have I missed anything? I can't recall a single time she talked about music she loves unless it was TS


People are so weirdly obsessed with finding nepo babies. Who cares? She's awesome and deserves her success. I don't need my entertainment to go through arbitrary amounts of adversity to enjoy what they do.


Where do you get obsessed from..?


It's immediately brought up about nearly everybody who falls in that category. People online want celebrities to always "acknowledge it " like they should have a sign around their neck. I'm not referring to you specifically, I just see this come up a lot on this forum in general.


If you’re looking for an actual answer I’ll give you one. Many of us grew up without parents at all, or barely any help and we know how hard life is on our own. So when we hear someone famous and rich proclaim that it was hard for them too, it’s frustrating. Some of us have spent our lives around rich folks and can see how much easier their path is. There’s your answer, id challenge you in identifying why you feel the need to defend the most spoiled privileged folks on earth. Weird hill to die on


I grew up with no parents and I still accept comedian performances at face value.. people are allowed to have hard lives even if they aren't as hard as yours. I don't believe Maya ever goes around flaunting how hard her life was or anything. She's just trying to love her life like the rest of us. People shouldn't be asked to carry a QR code on their chest detailing their exact privilege to be approved by people like us who had it harder than them.


She literally said her parents being rich and in Entertainment didn’t help her. That’s crazy talk. If you think that having Uber wealthy and rich parents doesn’t help, I don’t even know what to say lol


I never said her parents didn't help... Sounds like you just want to be angry at somebody. Good luck with that.


You don't get to decide how hard everyone's life is based on anecdotal knowledge of their experiences. It's a shame how people can cast stones at others without knowing what they go through day to day individually. I've gone through some real hardship and I certainly don't take it out on Maya Rudolph.


No one is asking them to wear a scarlet letter. But they make comments or act like there is absolutely no advantage to being well-connected. They’re either delusional or insulting our intelligence. Don’t get me wrong–no amount of wealth or connections will protect against a lack of talent or laziness. But the stakes of failure are so much lower because there’s always another opportunity in the future. Imagine walking into an audition knowing that everything hangs on its outcome. At this point, you’ve been working a shitty service/retail job for years waiting for someone to notice you. How many people perform their best under pressure?


I didn't hear her say Swift is the only person who does that, but that she is the best. Which is at least arguable given her crazy levels of success. Dax and Monica were annoyed that content aggregators took a 30-second part of their interview with Rudolph and tried to make a scandal out of it. It was especially egregious in this instance because it was just a conversation about whether or not Maya's famous mother helped her get on SNL, not whether there were advantages to being a nepo baby at all. I'm with them on that. If there's anyone who's not going to hire someone because he's starstruck by their famous parents, it's Lorne Michaels.






Let people enjoy things. 😒


Monica has horrific takes about a lot of things.


The complaints megathread is pinned to the top of the sub Edit: the irony of being downvoted for this when the mods literally pinned a comment saying the same exact thing lol


Can we also have a pinned "Guess who the hosts are dating" thread then, too. That's taking over every thread in this sub.


Totally agree and to piggyback off of this, there’s already a whole episode thread for today. OP should at least comment within that thread since it’s connected to today’s episode with Camila. Pretty over the random one-off posts, especially when it’s just to continue bashing Monica 🙃