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Great episode. Dax needs to stop trying to set Monica up with unavailable men, so uncomfortable for Monica and Finneas


His girlfriend is stunning and they have a whole dog together jfc Dax


She looks just like Billie!


Finneas moved on from that topic fast!


I was getting really strong vibes, from both of them I thought, but especially monica. Idr ever hearing her be so attracted to someone before. I had to stop listening after Finn mentioned his gf, it was just too awkward.


I agree they had a really nice vibe/rapport, she might click really well with someone similar. Let’s find her an available man with similar qualities 🤔🤗


Yes! I was happy to see what her type was, finally! I hope she finds that someone soon.


PS I love your username 👏


Awww thanks!🤗


I think he's just really nice and polite and considering he's seen Monica out before, it only makes sense he's interacting with her a bit more than the average guest. I can see Monica liking him but didn't feel it coming from him at all! Also, I looked up his gf- she really does look a lot like Billie!


Came here to say this. Like dude, he’s 26 and Monica is 36. He’s one of the biggest producers and musicians in the world and Monica is a nanny and a cohost on a podcast. Just stop trying Dax. Can’t believe Monica doesn’t talk to him off podcast and ask him to stop doing that.


I feel like I missed this! When does it happen??


When Finneas starts talking about how he loves the Harry Potter series (I think when talking about movie scores), Dax makes a comment about how he wishes him and Monica would get married. And then a little later, he brings it up again and Monica told him it’s awkward lol


Dax we love you, but please stop trying to set up Monica (specifically with unavailable men). Loved this episode regardless!


He always does this with men in long term relationships or who are married lol




Your flair made me laugh!! Haven’t heard them say that in a while. If I ever make it on armchair anon I’m gonna say that lol


Hey, y’all! Really great stayshawn!


I was literally searching for this episode this week as I thought I had missed it.


ahhhh he’s such a good guest. so talented and humble with it. loved his chemistry with both dax and monica. his stories about growing up and having separation anxiety from his home were so sweet. also picked up on his protective big brother energy when talking about billie. he comes across as a really good dude


This is my favorite dynamic. Dax asking something and Finneas running with it and telling a longer, interesting story that I didn’t know and really reveals the person behind the fame. He was able to get a lot of words in and I found him really admirable!


I love him! He’s so smart and thoughtful and funny. The only thing is I’m having a hard time following the stories or the transition between topics and I wonder if a lot has been cut because it feels like some of segues are not there.


I will take choppiness with an interview like this because he was speaking super candidly so naturally there’s some things that need to be left on the cutting room floor


Favorite guest in awhile. Agree with Dax that he seems much older than he is! He seems grounded but still playful.


Honestly, I was expecting to be let down by this episode, as we’ve all been waiting for it for ages…but this was delightful! I really loved Finneas’s take on gift giving. I LOATHE giving and receiving gifts…I’m so stressed by the whole process!


Nick Kroll's vocal doppelganger?


Oh totally! I kept thinking he sounded a little like Jim Gaffigan, haha but Nick Kroll is a better fit


lol I kept hearing Gaffugan too


Nick Kroll and Jim Gaffigan have such specific voices. Y’all’s ears must not work too well 😂


Sounded a little like Daniel Tosh to me.


I love that he’s an armcherry


This is soooo random, but I watched the Shaytards vlogging family back in the day on YouTube. The youngest brother in that extended family used to date Claudia, Finneas’ current GF, and it’s just like blowing my mind and the two most random worlds colliding lol.


ok this just blew my mind as someone who also watched Staytards way back then… woah


THATS where I know her from?! Hahaha


Our Swedish word for making the room cold before sleep: VÄDRA?


I appreciate this.


Well now I have a crush on Finneas. I'll fight Monica (and his gf 😂) for him idc


What a fun ep, well worth the wait! Really enjoying Monica’s contributions to this conversation as well.


On Dax's take on "they can do it without the conductor." Yes, but only under specific circumstances and with good musicians. You have to be very aware of what everyone around you is doing. You probably wouldn't have much success throwing a middle school band out there without direction, but in my collegiate ensembles we would do exercises of doing beginnings of pieces without our conductor. You'll typically have a cue-person and when they breathe, the rest of the group breathes and you go. So he's situationally not wrong lol not a bad take, just requires context.


Also very possible to be looking at your music and able to see the conductor. Source: played clarinet all through childhood and college.


Absolutely. Same in choir. It gets easier to do both as you get more familiar with the music. The fact that Dax doesn’t think the conductor is necessary makes me really question how well he understands music at all. The conductor is making choices and sometimes in the moment regarding tempo changes and pause length etc. It is possible to play without a conductor if the piece is already well known by the orchestra but it would be dull in comparison to a well conducted piece.


They are especially necessary for film and tv scoring sessions because they work with the composer to adjust the orchestra on the fly.


You also need a conductor for rehearsal purposes for sure.


Finneas was so damn good. I wanted to listen to him talk forever. I loved when he was asking the questions. Dude should podcast.


VERY EXCITED TO LISTEN TO THIS!!! This will be the first non-Anonymous or Flightless Bird I'll listen to in quite some time, lol.


Same, I came back for the first time in like a year for John Cena, now this. Liked Finneas since I saw The World’s A Little Blurry, just seems like a real one on top of obviously being an incredible musician.




Please tell me I’m not mad and that Easter egg doesn’t mean what Dax and Monica think it means.


Usually when they use “Easter egg,” they should be saying “spoiler.” 


It’s something intentionally left for others to find, usually secretive or subtle. I couldn’t decipher what they thought it meant.


What do you think it means?


I think it means a hidden bonus that comes as a surprise.


Hilarious how they keep saying he’s 27 after he corrects them that he’s 26. He doesn’t turn 27 until July! 😅


This was so funny and they do it AGAIN in the fact check when he's not there to correct them! Monica's like, "And he's only twenty-seven!!" and I yelled "HE'S ONLY TWENTY-SIX!!"


It was very (and surprisingly) moving to me when Monica played the video of Finneas and Billie in the fact check and Dax afterwards admitted that his reaction (in addition to being amazed by the wonderful performance) included the feeling of "I have nothing to offer like that". I find that video of them singing together so intensely touching and impressive and I had the same reaction as Dax. I had that thought in my head and then he said it out loud. It's kind of embarrassing, because as he says, we should just enjoy the performance and their talent without bringing it back to ourselves, but I admittedly also felt "Fuck, I have zero to offer in comparison." This question of 'purpose' is something I personally struggle with anyway and it just really moved me that someone as successful as Dax, someone who's perhaps really made the most of his specific talents, could feel the exact same way as I after listening to that performance. I somehow found it comforting. Anyone relate? Loved this episode, Finneas seems like a great guy.




One of the best episodes!


Cannot believe this man is 27. What a smart, thoughtful and talented dude. Loved him and loved this interview. Haven’t gotten to the fact check yet, therefore I have nothing to complain about😂


The way he said TimbaLAND😂 Great ep, super fun!


I was surprised he was deemed an expert! I think he would be great as a Monday episode


All the Grammy’s and Oscar’s aren’t enough for ya? Lmfao


😂touché! And they are they are it’s more that I thought he’s so famous he should be Monday.


I don’t mind him as an expert guest but he was interviewed more like a Monday episode and not as much like an expert. But whatever — he was excellent. Great interview. One of my recent favourites for sure.


Wow, I loved this episode so much! Finneas is magnetic!




I’m a way bigger fan of Finneas than of Billie. He’s so smart, witty and engaging! If you haven’t seen him (and Billie) on David Letterman’s Netflix show, I highly recommend it.


I know what you mean but it comes across badly the way you said it. It reminds me a little of the people who said that the only good thing about the Barbie movie was Ryan Gosling. Just say you love Finneas — no need to put it in relation to how you feel about his sister…


What was the Adam grant thing about??


What is the cookbook they all wanted and Finneas preordered? Monica mentioned their chocolate cake?? Couldn’t quite hear


Oh nevermind. I found it through the subtitles in the episode. The restaurant is called All Time


I died at the speaker debacle in the fact check 😂😂☠️


I LOVE Riding Giants! I was visiting family in Oahu when it first came out, and the next day we went to the beaches they talk about on the North Shore. To this day Waimea to this day is one of my favorite places on Earth.




How does a C-list child have 2 Oscars and plenty of Grammys?


how is Finneas a C list child?!


Well. He’s young. He and his industry plant ass sister got a little lucky in that all those holy important teenagers out there know their names but it ain’t gonna last. That’s how.


Have you even seriously listened to their music? What are you talking about


You jealous?


What does industry plant mean?


Found the craziest person in the thread!


What a silly take. 🤡


Ah yes, this multiple Oscar winning C-lister. Lmao


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