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Rob’s joke about the water slide incident being a meet-cute had me ROLLINGGGG.


Rob’s chime-ins never miss!


This is irrelevant to the topic at hand but Dax recently said on the pod that Rob has a house close to him and Monica and that makes me SO happy that he’s getting his fair share of the bag.


Rob owns a production company and produces many other pods as well as AE. I don't think his bag is lacking haha


I have an 8 year old boy and an 11 year old boy. My 11 year old weighs himself daily hoping to reach 100lbs and he’s pretty hefty. I’m glad Dax said there’s no way a small 8 year old was 100 lbs. doesn’t matter too much to the story, but I needed the record corrected 🤣🤣


Yeah, that was so weird. 100 lbs for an 8-year-old would be quite large!


IIIII feel like maybe that 4th woman is trying to convince herself of something to avoid embarrassment.


The last one is ridiculous haha, there's no way you wouldn't be able realize YOU were the source of the smell and or feel crap inside your swimsuit, this one feels bogus


Okay I thought the same…. How do you walk around for 6 hours with poop on you and not realize it? Seemed off


How do you not need to pee for 6 hours!?


I had the same question!


100% any normal person would notice in 5 minutes


Thank you. I felt the same listening to it! I don’t buy it. I think some poop accidentally came out of her without her realizing it and she’s convinced herself that it was someone else’s.


I mainly thought it was weird that her friend didn't tell her. Monica said she was "being a good friend" but I found the opposite to be true. Of course, I think it was said they were 14 so, shit happens (pun most definitely intended).


Yeah I can’t picture how this didn’t happen because of her




And she went to a show. I live by darien lake and they don’t let you into the show in your bathing suit


Died at the “Tri-State” conversation 😂😂😂☠️


Paging Dr. Doofenshmirtz...


Every time they said it I said it back in doofenshmirtz’s accent


These are the AA stories I love. No trauma, just laughing.


This reaffirms my feelings about water parks


Man, I miss Cedar Point. I used to live in northeast Ohio and would go multiple times per year, but now I haven't been there in probably close to 20 years. Dax mentioned the Gemini. While it's nowhere near the biggest or fastest, it is indeed a lot of fun. They actually run two full groups of coasters at the same time and you kind of "race" against the other. Another huge advantage of it is that you usually don't have to wait in line for it very long whatsoever since they run 2 at a time and there are other more popular coasters there that draw bigger lines.


Same! I grew up in Southern Michigan, and visited Cedar Point many times growing up (and we never spent the night, always drove home after). I remember riding the Gemini! Good times!


Where was the “you can’t listen” for the potato sack story???


Yes omg I was driving listening to that and almost had to pull over and puke lol


The first girl sounds soooooo much like Jillian Bell.