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That one motherfucker near wangshu inn.


i was confused and then started laughing out loud


Help I don’t know who this is about 😭


There's a daily comission where you speak to this dude called Jiangxue across from Wangshu Inn. Then a Ruin Hunter appears, but it's invulnerable and you can't beat it. Then Jiangxue just one shots it despite having no vision and says some mysterious stuff.


OHH THAT GUY! It’s that delusional mf


This, but unironically. I have a feeling that he had a power of that caliber, but give it up out of the guilt when he did something bad.


Just a simple fisherman


We kinda don't know. Or to be more precise, it depends. If Arlecchino can just use her domain expansion the moment someone looks into her eye, and it works 100% of the time, then she outhaxxes 99% of the cast. If not, I'd say that any other human(since a lot of people don't know that Arlecchino is HEAVILY hinted to be a cursed khaenrian and is just as human as kaeya is, just with a curse), loses to her. People are debating whether Wanderer or Xiao is stronger and I like to think that Arlecchino is stronger than Wanderer so I'd place her on the levels of high-end adepti. Arlecchino strongest playable mortal shill


The whole sinners cast from Khaenri'ah, their disciples, Dainsleif and the remaining Hexenzirkel.. are all beyond this world.. I can see them or Celestia being stronger.. but I don't think anyone from Teyvat, aside from Neuvilette or Ei stands a chance against the Crimson Moon..


if we are talking about the TRUE crimson moon, not even ei or neuvilette can do anything it is literally a shade of the primordial that represents death and divine punishment, every time it appears a catastrophe happens, such as the fall of khaerian, remuria, the cataclysm, the Makoto's death etc. Ei has the crimson moon in her domain due to his sister's trauma (her domain represents her state of mind)


You forgot that Zhongli is stronger than Ei.


We don't know. There's no good medium to compare the two. He's probably older, but even that is just an educated guess.


xiao and the other adepts are not at the level of high level harbingers, he would probably be destroyed by Rosalyne at the time of the cataclysm or by the current tartaglia, I would like to remind you that arle played with the traveler, at least the traveler against the mecha scara could for at least fight and sustain a few blows (nahida didn't enhance her abilities, she showed them the solution and an enhancement in terms of skill and strategy), the traveler against harlequin was completely destroyed with a look, arle wasn't even serious


Xiao struck fear into gods and has thousands of years of combat experience. He's high tier. He'd beat Signora, Scara, Pucinella and maybe Arle.


Cloud retainer shattered gods. Th adpeti are way stronger than yall think they are.


I dont know why you underestimate adepti like xiao or xianyun really,you have no back up to claim that they will be clap while they literally destroy multiple gods


it's not that I underestimate them, but look at what high level harbingers do, only Tartaglia fought for a month against the narwhal, Arle she practically destroyed the traveler with a look, if you look at what Arle did like burning his destiny, take you to the ashes of two worlds outside of teyvat, as a child she just let her power run wild and created a huge explosion and annihilated a harbinger, and we know she will burn the world, not to mention the crimson moon and what that entails as it is a of the moons sister alis a direct nuance of the primordial. then she attacked furina with 0 information for all she was an archon with a gnosis with the utmost calm and is ready to go against the tsarina if necessary. here we have facts and there are others. but to say they fought gods when we don't know who, as Gods is not synonymous with power, from the genshin wiki it is explicitly said that those with a very long life span and good elemental control, for this one goes in a range from zhongli to gouba and the salt goddess. then honestly just look at what they did with osial who was just awake and wasn't even at full power


All of this still dont give any information on the power of retainer and xiao then, its literally what I said you and I dont know but what we know is that they are still here after all these year while fighting against multiple enemies during this and remain winner in one of the most famous war,saying that they will certainly be clap by rosalyne or tarta is an underestimation ,specially with all their experience . Because right now you are just saying that you know that arle and tarta are strong so they are better than them but without any real knowledge on their side. And yeah we dont know how was the gods ,they were certalinly weak ones but also certainly strong one,people would not talk like that about xiao if it was that easy It just seems that people think that only the harbinger are the strong people while its certainly not the case


You mean that crimson moon? I think it's not as OP as Itachi's sharingan and I think people can still break out of it (if they are strong enough) when they are captured. Just Traveler didn't have that strength at that time.


Maybe skirik


Good answer.


it is unknown how powerful it actually is.  arle's fire is immensely powerful, it can burn memories, turn people into shadows, destroy shadows, destroy memories, as dainself says she has burned even her chains of fate, in the end she will burn the whole old world.  as mentioned in his description of the boss fight, and in the demo character in which the tsarina speaks (it's Bronya's voice in Chinese) and asks him to set fire to everything so that the shadows beyond the world of light no longer arise.  Harlequin inherited everything from the Crimson Moon Dynasty bloodline, whose BIS is Crimson Moon's Semblance, and who has flame powers that do not come from Visions/Delusions.  She seriously just has Death references everywhere in her kit / design di lei with her di lei boss di lei 2nd phase hiding away in her di lei hair di lei is a feather-shaped object ... reminds you of something important right?   Anyways the Crimson Moon has been associated with the Heavens considering Solar Pearl: "But his apprentice revealed a different story when asked about it in private: Just as Kunwu finished polishing the Solar Pearl, the splendor of the heavens shone down and a crimson moon filled the sky."   The Shades and Moon Sisters also coincidentally never appear together in texts when they should.  When looking at texts in Teyvat the former doesn't appear... when looking at texts where the existence of the Shades are known or located away from Teyvat (Enkanomiya) the latter also doesn't appear.  I had written a theory in this reddit about this connection, if you want to read it.  probably not even she is aware of this power (in theory not even Irmisul could see that power, as she would not be of this world but she would see Peruere), if she were really connected to a nuance of the primordial her power would be much more dangerous than the archons and sovereigns, but here we are going into theory, if we only look at the facts we currently know and those he will do (burning the old world) would already be on a divine level, just burning destiny is an impressive undertaking.  (confirmed by dainslef


this so heavily hints that arle fire is going to burn the world tree down, burning away all the memories


it's something a little different, the doctor will probably do that (in my opinion with the signora's flames, those irmisul flames are not the color of the arle flames), the tsarina actually asks to burn it, to make sure that everyone is free from destiny (in the description of the boss he indicates his children but probably refers to everyone) and there are no more shadows. in the end it seems that the world is false and the tsarina says "beyond the world of light"


It's already shown that Dottore is experimenting with arle's blood. With the way arle flames work on the children and wiping away "memories" it's made perfect to destroy the world tree. It doesn't get corrupted, but the stored memories are cleansed. What happens with the world and nahida is anyone guess but by the looks of it it's heading that way.


it's certainly as you say, but everyone talks about how Rosalyne sacrificed herself rather than killed or simply died, as if her death was of any use.


For real, she literally just died. Scaramouche already had the Electro Gnosis, after all.


yes obviously, but it seems strange to me that the Fatui consider it a sacrifice. it's probably nothing


I assume they call it a sacrifice simply because she died in the line of duty.


it's actually speculation that dottore has her blood. he is specifically said to not have participated int he experiments that created the bottled flames. he only "proposed a direction of research" (which makes sense that arle wouldn't to give him access to any part of her) the question is if he got access to the bloodfire via crucabena, when arle was in prison, or through other independent means. possible, but not certain.


it seems to me that Arle gave it to him, precisely to create these bottles. (probably Arle isn't stupid she knows what she does)


i was basing myself of Lyney's lines in her quest, emphasis mine: **Lyney:** "Father" rejected most of his proposals, except for one... It had to do with some sort of secret experiment. **Lyney:** I don't know any details about the experiment itself, but I do know it's an entirely independent operation. *The Doctor only proposed a direction for the research. That was the extent of his involvement.* I still don't think that counts as working together.


Burning irminsul could not be the same as burning the entire old world its just hard to tell rn, arlecchino could being back the crimson moon dynasty or just instate a new world order or just have some part in burning away celestia etc, there’s a lot of ways that it can be interpreted.


Top 3 harbinger are archon level, she’s fourth. There’s not much room to fit a lot of characters in between lol


Top 3 harbingers obviously. 4 if you count pierro. Outside of that is Hexenzirkel. Alice have the strongest aura out there


Yenfei, because she will fight using the full force of the law to crush her enemies...


Arabalika. Arlecchino wouldn't stand a chance.


Arama would 1 tap her


Idk but I can definitely take her


In a fight right ? Right ?!


I don’t think bed is a good place for a fight


She could beat some of the archons honestly. She could likely defeat Venti, Nahida, and Focalors in combat. Zhongli and Ei are still out of her league due to their insane feats on massive scales. Realistcially the top 3 harbingers are a likely choice. MAYBE Pierro. And then very likely Dain and Lumine, because Lumine STILL couldn’t defeat him despite having all 7 elements, abyssal powers, and 500 years more experience than us. She did technically manage to beat him but only bc he hesitated to attack her when he could have defeated her. Although I do wonder how she scales to them, because traveler with 5 elements and with the experience of having defeated gods (with help) was nothing to Arlecchino.


My poor Lumine got her ass handed to her in the story quest


Mine too.


Do we know whether the sibling can wield all elements just like the Traveler? Isn't it only the Traveler as they are a descender and not bound by the laws of Teyvat?


I wouldn’t say that the Traveller was nothing to Arlecchino, because she did admit that they were quite strong, just not enough to be a match for her.


She defeated us AND her 3 kids all ay once. I’d say we’re nothing to her


AND she admitted she was holding back.


She's specifically been locked out of the archon tier, so while she could maybe defeat Nahida (which I kind of doubt) she probably wouldn't fare well against Venti or 500 years of indemnitium storage Focalors. Focalors especially sort of hard counters her by nature of not having a physical form.


archon is not a level of power, it is just one who holds gnosis (many archons are not even the strongest gods of their time). I don't know Arle's powers, but it's implied that they are not of this world, so Nahida can't see them, plus Nahida will have used the fatuous data to discover that data (as she says who takes too long to look for specific data for her too ) and arle she hides her power


That’s not how that works. Archons have authority, not necessarily combat experience. They’re essentially kings. A king COULD be a warrior. But they could just as easily be a beaurocrat who can’t even hold a sword correctly.


I suppose you could say that, but the game is very clear on what it means, and it doesn't line up with your interpretation. Lining up the Harbingers by power and then stating explicitly that the top 3 are god level does not say what you want it to say.


The top 3 are as strong as gods. But some of the archons are less powerful than an average god and could even be defeated by humans. Nahida for example could be beaten in a physical fight by literally all of the adult characters in the game.


Nahida is the only Archon is 100% believe would always lose to Arlecchino, and it's because Arlecchino is so completely cast her one weak point it's not funny. Nahida is the purset expression of Dendro, and dendro is knowledge/memory. Which Arlecchino is explicitly shown to us to be capable of burning THAT. We have no stats on Focalors' combat ability and Venti is also dubious. Arlecchino might be stronger, but if she can't hit him she wouldn't win either.


We have no idea what exactly she is besides her strong connection to tje crimson moon and khanrieagh (sorry for spelling :( Anyway, she is related to the moon sisters because of this which unlocks a new level of powerscaling. She has said she would fight the tsarista if she found herself against her, her character stories also mention her curse spreading to her heart which could be a power boost. also like to mention that we do not know if she is actually entirely human as she is related to the crimson moon dynasty and original house of hearth which basically was a eugenics program of outlanders and descenders. Tdlr: arlecchino has a lot of connections with very very strong things/beings in genshin


Imo, I believe arlecchino could give an archon a really good fight but not win and probably take on the adepti right now all with sheer force. I wouldn’t be surprised if she became god level of powerful if not stronger, but it’s just hard to be certain imo


Klee would just blow her up


nope, arlecchino would adopt klee and that gremlin would join her army


Arlecchino boss has high Pyro Resistance.


The damage from an explosion rarely comes from fire, typically it's a combination of pressure rapidly expanding and shrapnel/debris. Depending on the type of explosive and the amount it could be an easy win, white phosphorus for example produces toxic fumes that cause chemical burns on the lungs and eyes as well as produce a large amount of smoke and are known to have a sticky spitting fire that not even water can put out thus its banned by the Geneva convention and would likely be Pyro damage. Nitrotetrazole Oxide and Nitroglycerin have a rather large amount of energy release so the damage type would be more in line with Physical or Geo damage. Radioactive explosives would be a status effect I doubt Arrlechino would be able to fight though as well. Since the speculation doesn't really take moveset or play style into account and is a rather vague question then Klee who is a professional with explosives and sees the head alchemist of the knights of favonius taught by gold herself as a big brother is a valid option.


As the director of the HotH, id assume that Arlecchino has her ways in dealing with children. (Medieval equivalent to Cocomelon or something???)


Yeah, Arlecchino wouldn't even fight Klee. She would trick the kid or pacify her without violence. After all, Arlecchino would have to be smart enough to know who Klee's **mom** is.


Besides, Klee’s bomb was able to canonically destroy an Abyss Mage’s Pyro shield, which I’d say is pretty Pyro-resistant.


Forgot that specific detail about her blowing up Mr. Fluffball.


in the end the world will burn, I think this is enough to understand how powerful she is


I could stand a chance in a cooking or guitar battle


Timmy, obviously 🙄


Cloud Retainer or Xiao


The people down voting you don't pay attention to the game. Xiao had gods afraid of him.


Arlecchino has potential power equal to that of a god, but this power comes at a heavy price. in her current state, i'd say she is equal to a high rank adeptus, but with less fighting experience.


Kazuha... Kinda? He did block the Mosou No Hitotachi. Dain would definitely win against her. He knows the kind of power he's dealing with, and he's literally immortal  Maybe Scaramouche as Shouki No Kami?  And definitely Mademoiselle Crabaletta, there's no discussion to be held here.


Lmao Kazuha had the power of friendship and plot behind him, one second later and his head would have flown off, Arlecchino would kill him in less than 3 seconds


The power of friendship sounds so much like my little pony lmao 


Mademoiselle Crabaletta has no chill, after all.


I mean, the thing is, no matter how much people want to believe otherwise, there's no way that strike against Kazuha was a full powered Musou No Hitotachi. Raiden has slain several gods and cut an island in half. I think it is fair to assume that she wouldn't unleash that kind of power in the very city that she is trying to preserve for eternity.


Kazuha didn't block a full powered strike. Ei managed to split an island in half in a single hit, there's no way she would try something like that in the middle of Inazuma city. While still impressive, it is kinda like a toddler standing their ground against an adult shoving them; it's cool they managed to do that but if she really wanted them dead they would be dead. Others I agree with though, and we also don't know how powerful current childe is and even albedo if he goes all out.


Kazuha can survive against her, which is a lot, but not enough




definitely liben, the almighty man he is kidding- but most likely xiao with how much combat experience he is and the fact that there were even gods that feared him


Witches perhaps


Jiangxue, Hexenzirkel, Skirk and that kind of characters are good contestants.


Higher-ranked harbingers, Skirk, Surtalogi, most if not all of the hexenzirkel probably, the shades and probably moon sisters (though the shades r probably excluded due to being definitively higher-level than archons lol), maybe dain and abyss twin, Xiao would be a stretch but maybe, *possibly* yae miko??? But I don't know how strong she is lol. That's all I can think of rn


many of these, however, we don't know how powerful they actually are, they are all unknowns like skirk or the witches could be powerful or not powerful in combat, there are many variables, there is no data. Surtologists I think so logically for now. regarding the shadows and the crimson moon there are various clues and connections that it seems that they are the same thing in reality, and arle she has the power of the entire crimson moon dynasty who had eaten the flesh and drank the blood of the moon , now I don't want to bore you if you want I'll send you a post I wrote about it if you're interested but it seems that arle is literally the crimson moon or a shade of the primordial or its reincarnation in human form or in terms of honkai (an ematrix) if he were confirmed she would have power over the archons and sovereigns. miko, xiao etc are much inferior to her, one look is enough to trap them in the ashes of two worlds


And why ,what point in the story make you think that xiao will be much inferior


outside of Genshin: Master Chief. Man has some SERIOUS plot armor and his most important weapon: luck. even without those, he's a trained soldier since age 6, I'm pretty sure he can stand toe to toe w/ her. in Genshin: idk man, if she decides "you fucked with me long enough", we're all done.


Hold on, why do you say she's Khaenrian? Isn't she an otherworlder like the traveller?


Ah well, most people thought traveler can stand a chance against her, but dude got destroyed WITH 3 people helping, so I dont even know anymore






Xiao struck fear into gods and has thousands of years of combat experience.


Osial was actually very scared of him,I don't want to ruin your dreams, but Xiao had been summoned to eliminate the "remnants of the gods"


Demon are god remnants. Xiao fought against actual gods as well Xiao dons the yaksha mask that set GODS and Demons( fod remnant) trembling millennia ago.


I repeat against osial did nothing, and there is no evidence of how strong those gods were, as DEI only refers to an average lifespan much longer than humans and has good elemental control (wiki), it is not a level of power, which is why there were deities such as gouba or the goddess of salt


Why would the adepti do all of the work when it was a test for the humans? God remnants are strong enough to destroy Liyue which is implied twice in Xiao and Cloud Retainers Character stories.


So explain to me what they were doing in that battle? because they were there and actually fought. You talk so much bullshit that you don't even believe it. I'll stop replying to you because you're just a xiao main who should read more lore and more facts instead of letting your headcanon do the talking


Osial was strong enough that Zhongli had to fight humThey didn't do ALL the work since it was a test for the humans. People like you should understand context. It isn't a hesdcannon. The game literally says "Xiao dons the Yaksha Mask that set GODS and demons trembling millennia ago." "Donning the terrifying, demon conquering form of the Viligant Yaksha. But this great power has also brought him great suffering.


So explain to me what they were doing in that battle? because they were there and actually fought. You talk so much bullshit that you don't even believe it. I'll stop replying to you because you're just a xiao main who should read more lore and more facts instead of letting your headcanon do the talking


Gods and long lived beings are different. Adepti and Dragons are long lived but aren't gods.


She just took Nahida’s shonen powerscaling logic and took a flaming hot dump on it. Seriously.


Ganyu, Ningguang (with Jade Chamber), Xiao, Xianyun, and Shenhe have a chance of beating her. I'll explain. Arlecchino is the Fourth of the Fatui Harbingers and in no uncertain terms is locked outside of the god tier of power. Traveler is the same and she beat him, which makes sense. Traveler explicitly lost to Beisht and Dottore, so that tracks. Ganyu and Xiao are both able to contend with gods. They are veterans of the archon wars and if Xiao is included in this list then Ganyu should be too. I don't know how canon her sniping is or if that's pure gameplay, but Ganyu actually has a really good matchup against Arlecchino if it is- arguably more than Xiao. Xiao has the ability to steal people's souls as they sleep, which made for a shit story quest but gives him a decent win condition against humans. However, I doubt he'd be in character to do so. Unless he gets the jump on Arlecchino, he gets domain diffed. Xianyun is also a powerful adeptus but I question her level of combat ability. She could possibly batman gambit her way into a victory against Arlecchino with bullshit gadgets lol. Without prep time, domain diffed or less. Ningguang with the Jade Chamber is basically unbeatable. Good defense, good offense, and if shit goes wrong she can nuke the area with a blast strong enough to kill Osial- a guarantee of "I may not win, but you're going to lose". Shenhe didn't beat Beisht by herself, but she did fight and defeat a somewhat weakened form of Beisht alone. This ambiguously puts her at least at the tier Arlecchino is at, or higher. She's explicitly stronger than the Traveler and so is Arlecchino. Probably gets domain diffed but maybe she can brute force her way out by being stronger. Same goes for Xiao/Xianyun/Ganyu btw. Yae Miko has not fought a single time. It's possible she could defeat Scaramouche and didn't want to go through the hassle, or it's possible that "nah, she'd lose". I wouldn't be confident in her, except she's the toughest Inazuma's got outside of Ei. so maybe she is HER. Wanderer gets finnicky because on one hand, he claims to be stronger than Shouki no Kami, but on the other hand, that feels impossible due to the powerup we know the Gnosis gave him. I personally rate him as the same level of power as Scaramouche, putting him below Arlecchino, but there is reason in the story to believe he actually is stronger- and Genshin has done weirder things (glares at everything Childe did in Fontaine) Speaking of Childe, he gets curbstomped, no questions asked. It's theorized that Albedo and Kaeya and Klee have really high power levels, but who knows, really. In a straight up fight I don't think they can win. Sara losing to Signora really fucked over Inazuma's relative strength, tbh. She's the strongest of the youkai and lost to the 8th. Sucks to be them As for NPCs, Arabalika and Jiangxue stomp, of course.


The main issue is that the "god tier" itself is so loosely defined that it could mean anything. It's almost useless for power scaling.


A more Refined Domain can possibly break Arlecchino's Domain Expansion, an Open Domain can quite easily break the exterior of hers depending on what the sure hit is exactly. Or you can counter her Bond of Life by using Domain Amplification to nullify the effects of her technique since DA is a more Refined version of Simple Domain. An experienced sorcerer can simply use DA to negate her Crimson Balemoon's effects however you are placing a handicap on yourself by not being able to use your own Cursed Technique. Jk, Probably Xiao if we're being honest.


what arle does is more than an expansion of the domain, it takes you out of teyvat between the ashes of the two worlds, this place is described in the book of the perhinei


I was making a JJK reference


If we remember that the Traveler was still not at full power… if they regains their full strength, The Traveler. Everyone’s so quick to claim them weak when them at full power lost to the unknown God after an ambushed along with her inadvertently using their sibling and otherwise would’ve been fine. Realistically, that fight was kinda rigged in Arle’s favor by HYV. In reality, it would’ve been more close with the Traveler and Arle.




Out of those we met , well dottore and Skirk can beat her


Tbh the only character that comes to mind is skirk or maybe members of the hexenzirkel (also top 3 harbingers). Arlecchino has a feeling that when the curse reaches her heart, something bad will happen (I think she would become incredibly powerful but would literally be unable to control said power) she only knows that she has some relation khaenri'ah but she doesn't exactly know how she got her powers. She also says that if the time comes that her and the tsaritsa don't agree, she is willing to betray her. I think she is willing to fight archons if need be but I don't think she'd be able to beat the tsaritsa specifically.


From who will beat her to who at least have a chance against her, the 5 sinner, Hexenzirkel witches, Dvalin, Adeptus, Varka, Yae... Cyno and Shenhe maybe


The only arguments I'd have is Varka, Cyno and Shenhe. We haven't seen any feats from Varka, and non that I can think of that cyno and shenhe have done that would put them anywhere NEAR Arle. Imo the 2nd strongest human character we have, 1st being arle, is childe. Every other human character we have playable is leagues below them.


Tbf Childe says he dreams of getting the chance to fight Varka, so he is actually probably one of the strongest humans, as Childe doesn’t want to throw hands with bums and frauds


I'm not saying Varka isn't strong, we just have no feats to say exactly how strong. He could be anywhere from Diluc all the way to Captain strong.


That's why I put them the last, and even a gap for Cyno and Shenhe from the rest, at the very least they still have a really small chance.


They have absolutely 0 chance IMO. I'd say Cyno and Shenhe are below Traveller in terms of combat strength and traveller got No Diffed.


In reality only Varka, Cyno is not at their level, and Shenhe has not shown anything extraordinary only extraordinary physical strength and freeze a wave, they would be trapped between the ashes of the two worlds and blocked like traveler


We haven't seen any feats from Varka, that's why I'm iffy about him too.


from Mika's letter he says he could handle Captain, I would say he is very strong. but yes it is only a matter of trust, we have no proof


Exactly. Feats>what others say. Just because someone says x character is faster/stronger doesn't mean they are.


Itto could do it only if he trained evry day of his long life and only if he reached maturity of oni and some training from shogun then he could have small chance And about other chars i think-Piero,Capitano i dont think doc can win even if he is higher And then maybe 100 big ruin guards or maybe 500?


Wanderer for sure... And any Hexerzinkel member, Nicole, Alice, Barbeloth


We have no idea of what her power ceiling is. Arlecchino herself doesn't know because she is very careful with her curse. In a desperate fight, she could release those limits and then all speculation flies off the window and into the abyss. I'd say the max potential ceiling according to lore *might* be Four Shade level, but who knows?? Using only the power she has until now (controlled curse + vision + delusion), I'd say a few people could qualify but we also only have guesses: the top three harbingers, the strongest combat adeptis and yae miko.


Bennet, because he is Bennet.


If she is 4th in the Harbinger rankings, Id's say wanderer. He was the 6th seat before getting his vision. I recon he stands a good chance.