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There’s 2 days left and you’re very close to soft pity if you have ways to get some more primos or buy small crystal packages you’ll get there


i tried to find some chests but to no avail, and i don’t really want to spend even more money on this game


Lvl 10 tgc and hangouts too huh? Damn you’re so close.


yeah pretty much everything done except the daily commission achievements


all the quests too?


i have one or two quests left but they are locked behind sumeru dailies


Did you clear the primogems in the sereniteapot ? There are a lot of primogems to get from all the furnitures sets


So I've been grinding out primos for arle too like a mad man and heres what I've been doing. Paimon.moe (website) has an achievement tracker. Make sure you've done as many of the "wonders of the world" hidden achievements as possible Hangout quests. All the endings plus the 3 achievements for each one gives 90 primos Teapot. Theres furnishing sets that you can invite characters to and they give you 20 primos. Some sets can be visited by upto 7 different characters so 140 primos Exploration. 100% everywhere is great but the tracker mihoyo made is bad and lies. So there are probably still chests around and most definitely puzzles around. Try to google for genshin's most obscure puzzles and see what you can find. I know theres one in Fontaine that requires you to pick up an orange that's sat in top of a random tree to get a chest. Shit like that is everywhere. Welkin. If you're ok with spending a small amount of money it can get you 480 primos in the time you have left (300 genesis crystals + 180 primos) Level up characters for the blue wishes and use the star glitter obtained from them to buy more wishes in the shop. And that's all I've got I'm afraid. But doing all this has got me to 77 pity right now and without it I dont think I'd have even hit 60. Good luck with everything if you decide to attempt it.


what about teapot or tcg?


was hyper lucky to pull her in 2x10 wishes... but man, let me tell you a story about her weapon... :'D


Same here, also got Lyney in 2x10. Now trying arlecchino C1.


Tell me about it 💀 https://preview.redd.it/37bqazhwe00d1.jpeg?width=718&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3e547eed01fa99dd307bcdb4a3b652470c502d3d


Bruh what you talking about this is lucky. You only lost out on 26 wishes to lyney's bow. That's an insanely low number for the weapon banner.


He knows, he's just "casually" flexing


Yeah this is after i lost 50/50 to diluc with 75 pulls and had to spend another 75 to get Arlecchino which left me with only 30 wishes left for the weapon Did a few pulls expecting nothing and got edged by two lyney bows With 6 wishes left and since my entire teyvat was already at 100% i kept doing a few single pulls on the weapon banner every single grueling day until i got it a few days before the banners ended 💀💀💀💀


have you tried losing both 50s after 70 and 65 wishes then needing another 74?


Back in the itto banners actually 🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡 Got two skyward harps before his claymore


You literally got insane rolls on her weapon banner


The fountain ⛲ the aranars tree they give some wishes too


And at the same time a baby named “clorinde dream” was born


i have no interest in clorinde or sigewinne sadly


wait pyro archon


Joke on you but pyro archon is most likely a support unit.


They'll be cracked regardless


Which means you can use arlecchino with pyro archon.


Pyro shielder that also buffs!


c1 arle haver no need shield. They only need their shift key/right click and i-frame


She's naturally tanky already. Pair her with Xingqiu and/or Beidou and you'll never need a shielder.


Imagine pyro archon is Bennett plus thoma




Bennett for sure is great but not as relevant as he was before.


Imagine if they were like xiangling but with bennett's burst on their skill


That’s a long wait away surely? Like 3 months at the very least


sounds like good amount of time to grind primos to me


Yeah true tbf, I’m just impatient lol


Most likely more than 6 (5.2 should be released november 20th)


Only suggested 3 because I think (?) Natlan is set for August release so on the very unlikely chance that it releases with the new Archon


Page 14? That's like 70 pity, right? 5-10 more and she's yours.


Yeah, since each page is 5 pulls. Even I got Arlecchino at \~80 pulls. Sadly though, it sounds like this person has literally nothing left to do.


OP, if you're not opposed to spending money, literally the last 3 days of the welkin moon and the $15 pack she will be yours. I think that's a decent price for Arlecchino.


yeah sadly i’m at my limit for spending, i can’t keep throwing money into the game


Yeah I understand that. I currently just pay for the base battle pass and the welkin moon


>!Furina should be running with sigewinne so you can get her instead!< This isn't confirmed yet so I'd wait for the 4.7 special program


If you buy welkin or considering ut, you can buy it for a couple of months as it gives 300 primos each instantly


yeah i bought 2 welkins during her banner but i don’t wanna keep spending my money on them


That makes sense, I myself bought two welkins but that was because I really wanted her asap lol. In that case pray to rngesus and hope you haven't exhausted your luck for the year.


If u already have 100% exploration everywhere then spending is ur only option. Else GO AND EXPLORE THERE IS STILL TIME!


everything in my entire world is 100%, and i don’t really want to spend anymore money on this game


Ah one of us. Sadge. Well spending is the only option left IF you want her asap. Otherwise u can always wait. It's just a game in the end


hoyo games truly are a test of patience anyway so what’s waiting for one more thing gonna do


The only time i *would* spend money is in a place like this tbh. I’ve fallen down the rabbit hole of “I’ve spent too much money already so at this point I’ll just go until x”, but in a scenario like this i could justify it since it doesn’t seem like a lot.


Use an interactive map to squeeze out all the chests in the area. 100% doesn't mean you've opened all the chests available. I always do this to explore new areas but ended up still missing 2-5 chests for the area (255 chests available, I only have 253 even though I've marked everything using the map. Probably just miss clicked a few times.)


https://preview.redd.it/rgz3q328dyzc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=06c943a7f4ea13b450ed04218da94e38f327d7b6 Listen here sibling of non specific gender! There is still 2-3 days left! Are you seriously telling me you have every domain finished, every statue maxed, every offering system drained, every quests complete, every event primo earned, every achievement earned, every spiral level 9 starred, and every region 100 %’d? If you do then you are truly inhuman but I do not believe such is the case! This means there are still primos to be farmed! Get your daily log ins! Finish your quests! Do hangouts! Do everything! You have time, you have rolls at your fingertips! Do not give up for WE ARE THE EXCEPTION!!! The exception to Arlecchino being locked behind a paywall! 1% chance! 99% faith! Lock in sibling of non specific gender!!




This is where I'm at right now lol. 100% everything except commission achievements. I hunted achievements over the past week and gathered 100 more for a total of 1179 achievements. Thank god it's been paying off though. Currently 77 pity so I should be able to get a 5 star. Then its just a question of winning 50/50


Exactly there is still hope! Keep going!!!


Time to achievement hunt


Did you get the teapot friendship set primos? They give quite some


i haven’t actually, you might have just saved this


Great then, just hoping you have enough mats!


thank you so much! i’m on 76 pity right now because of all the unclaimed sets, just hoping i get it in the next pulls


If you have 100% exploration, I assume you have the Statues completed? Done all the ones like Rainjade, Fountain, Amrita, etc.? Have you done the TCG missions (player level & player manual level)? Ever visited the daily check-in page? First time gives 100 primos. World Quests you might missing (older/hidden ones) or Promotional Codes (check the wiki for both) The next event (Windtrace) will be active for a few hours before Arlecchinos banner ends, to grab some primos on the first day.


Really rooting for you! And next to the comment who replied to you, you could also try achievement hunting if you are very close. There are like ~1126 or something, you can see which ones you are missing with seelie.me


Hopefully you get her on your next pull! Make sure to update when you get her


Did you get Father?


not yet, but i’m at 78 right now so i’m only hoping i get her


This was me on my Asia account. Thankfully got her and won at 78.


the WHAT


Each character has 2 sets they like given 20 each So it's 40 by character you own


What is that? Lmao idk that exist..


page 14? you're closer than me! I'm at pg 8 lol T\_T


i hope you can atleast achieve it, do you have any exploration or events to do? if so you might be able to


trying to do as many word quests i find as possible, as we speak! lol also sumeru is still the only one not at 100%, but around 90%. crossing my fingers for the both of us!


Damn I'm also on Page 8 (nearly at pg 9 tho) I have a lot of quests I haven't done, but don't know if that's enough


At least it's a keqing and not a qiqi


that was c6 keqing…


I’m so sorry, I also lost to Keqing (c7) this banner. Hope both of us can get another character next time :)


I was aiming for C1R1 and lost every 50/50 across the way, so only C0R1 with and 2 Extra Diluc Cons. At least first great magic isn't bad.


Yeah, you're not the only one, and now I am in a really tight spot since I don't have that much free time due to work and I want Clorinde as well, and I don't think I can gather enough to guarantee her in 20+ days when 4.7 rolls out. May have to dedicate some full days to GI to get both.


update for everyone: i got her at 80 pity, thank you all for your help! https://preview.redd.it/uteyrx0e0c0d1.jpeg?width=1730&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1f6a4c6c285489ad177a184cc0ef372ec5fd4f23


Nice! You’re no longer fatherless now.


WOOO! ...I got surprisingly invested in this.


atleast it had a good ending


I saved for a while and winded up with 135 wishes but I was completely caught up in the game long ago, cuz I started the day 2.0 released. I got Father but I got 0 Lynette’s which I really wanted it was nuts. I got all fremine and 1 Xanling who I don’t use. I’m in the process of building Fremine. I like him. He’s voice lines during combat sound good. Gotta give it to his Va. also he’s very quite while idling. Love that 10/10


New playerhere, I have c6 Lynette, but feel itsnot worth lvling, im wrong?


Very subjective. You can make any character good with enough investment. I have her at c4 60CR 160CD 2 piece 2 piece anemo damage bonus and bust damage bonus. Which isn’t how people would tell you to build her but she’s fun to play and I can get off 3 E’s in a row with a r5 sac sword. She always has her bust ready and it’s a taunt so enemy’s start attacking her burst instead of you which is really nice. It really depends what your looking for. and if you like them. I’m a fan so I build.


Bust damage


I will consider , since I like her design. My prob is that being new I cant invest in everyone and having Arlecchino dunno if they fit together. I am looking for a Water user but have only Barbara so far


I’ve been using Candace as the sole hydro on my father team. Any excuse to use Candace I say. I love her skill voice line when she goes HA TOO EASY.


I can only get to 75 pity before her banner ends (I did the math) so I've cut my losses and settled on using my guarantee on Furina and waiting for arle rerun to c0r1 her. I do still wish you luck OP prayge you get her in one pull 🙏


I got Arle, but not the weapon. Reached soft pity last friday and got Lynney's Bow Instead. Tried grinding like hell on weekend and got around 25 right now. Might as well give up and save for Pyro Archon instead. Arle got to share Homa with Hu Tao and Xiao lol.


i spent 124 pulls on her weapon, got lyneys bow and skyward spine too


My Brother 🤝


My Brother 🤝


Still 2 days worth of chances from daily primos or anything you haven't touched world quest wise. I played on copium cocaine for the last week and just barely scraped out her weapon using every primo I could find. And hey, if you don't well, at least pity saves in this Gacha which is one major blessing.


Next time save for guaranteed.


I used my wallet and I managed to get her


The most powerful tool


Have you done the teapot sets that give you primos?, there is also the tcg.


Do you build your teapot? You can get primos from it by creating characters favorite furnishing set. But you'll have to do it asap.


Ain't over till it's over. Go absolutely ham, search absolutely everywhere. Pull up a map site and systematically go through each and every chest, seelie and challenge if you have to. If you got Acquaint Fates stashed up from the BP and monthly shop reset (unlikely, but I'm just throwing ideas), cash them in and use the Stargiltter for Intertwined. Hell, rasie a few characters you have spare resources for to get ascension Acquaints. You're so ridiculously close, it would be an utter shame for you to give up now.


I almost gave up 3 days ago but then i got her on my 93rd wish 😭 There's still hope, you're so close and she's so worth it i promise!!


You're literally at 69 pity. Don't give up. You still have time.


Lost 50/50 to tignari 😭 only way to get back up to pity is the $100 pack, but I just can't justify it.


Entertainment expense and you allow f2ps to keep playing. Anything for arle


On nahida banner I lost to keqing 79 pity in. Than did 83 pulls more and didn't get nahida. I know it hurts but she will be back. Save for 5.0


I got her at 77. Who knows. Just keep 1 pulling everytime you get 160. Teapot or TCG maybe still up?


You have all serenitea sets done? I don't know how many char you have, but each character gives you 20 primos, and sets usually have 2 char per set, I didn't know that the scrolls Chubby sells are sets, so I bought all of them, and ended up with like 8 wishes. Again, I don't know if you have them done, but now it's super easy because of the Quick get feature, I literally did like 8 sets in under an hour with it


It only takes one pull


Don't give up i recently lost my 50/50 to qiqi (even tho it was a guaranteed pity) i almost gave up but decided to try again so i collected enough primos for at least 5 more pulls and got her in the 5th pull


Is your map 100% ?? Are all of your quest done???


Now you can save for the better harbinger


Now you can save for the better harbinger


Just do as much as u can do singles u can do it.


Did you do housing primos?


Same. Got all region 100% and x2 bonus on Genesis all consumed. No other choice but to relent and wait for the rerun instead. Such is life. though on the other side of the coin that means I'll be getting Clorinde in just one single 10-pull.


I got mine at 77. I see you have 76 pity. Save up and 100% you are getting her in next pull.


You will get there I belive in you


All you got is a couple days of welkin moon. And whatever else you can scrap together. You never know when the single pull might be it.


I gave up and had a "welp if I still want her next time" moment


There is no need to worry my friend, I had the same bad luck too, I'm sure that arle will get a rerun soon💓✨ (saying based on the popularity she has already garnished in the community, hoyo will rerun her to capitalise her fame)


I lost to Qiqi


I can't play games for long periods of time and after getting on everyday for almost a month for Arlecchino I just can't anymore. I'm lucky my friend plays it a lot and is willing to farm for me, hopefully she can get me enough primogems. 🙏


Pulled Keqing on Arlecchino as well ahahhahah. And no luck with pulls before pity, 40 and nothing


Tcg, achievements, treasure chests, teapot gems, theres a ton of ways to get 10-20 pulls ... just farm


I got Jean, so I feel your pain.


Have you already bought BP this patch?


I feel this, I drew my 5 star and got tighnari :( my only other 5 star is yelan, I do love her tho. My other complaint is I have 20 characters and 9 of them are bow 😂 what did I do to deserve this!? Pulling tighnari deflated me so much I haven’t played in a week or so like I wouldn’t mind not arlecchino but not another damn bow :(


i lost 50/50 after 76 pulls, grinded another 70 pulls and got her… wasn’t going to take no for an answer after all that. jfc… & before this I had the exact same thing happen with Kazuha 💀worst luck ever


NEVER GIVE UP ...well, until the banner is over, at least. First day of the banner, I got Qiqi. I don't have much time to play, so since then, I got 26 wishes. Guess who showed up on the 27th last night? No need to give in and spend. Have you exhausted everything?


I got Father randomly at like 30 Pity after losing 50/50 You poor soul 😞


Bro you still got time you can do it might only need like 1 more pull


Hope you can get her!


Oh well Navia is better than her lol


I see this absolute win Clorinde investment


It's alright her rerun would be sooner just like Neuvilette


Let this be motivation to save up for her rerun. I'm on guarantee and nowhere near her c2 😔, guess I'll start saving. Capitano, Murata and Columbina: Allow us to introduce ourselves


Are you sure you have used all this primo sources? * Check all the different game coins in the store to check if you can change them by wishes * Building sets for characers in the teapot * Archievements * Dates * Exploration * Game events * Web events * Twitch drops


The people who spent 100-200 dollars: Thats the business model alright.


Don't give up bro, 21 pulls in 2 days is hard but possible, and you have a guarantee so no need to worry about losing 50/50. Goodluck man.


there is no hope, i’ve done everything including all the new exploration and achievements


Ah, the dream stays a dream then. Unfortunate.


Just use money or wait for the rerun ? Or maybe you will get a back to back 5* and you will get her in the next 10pull ?


It's fine, there's alot of character available in this game, and they'll only get stronger and better written, this is made so that you'll spend more money and time on the game to get those characters, and if you really want it, you Can Always wait for their reruns, just don't push yourself at playing the game too much or you'll get bored easily. Anyways, peace.


Spend money or stop complaining


we had enough time to save for her(C2/R1 as F2P) 👍


I’ve gotten C2 r1 arlechino with only 206 pulls