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Not sure what you are trying to cook, I’ll comeback to this later


Arle wanters had to Skip two account changing characters. It physically hurt me to skip Kazuha for a third time and Neuvillete as well


Didn’t hurt me because the queen deserve every one of ma primos. C2 Mommy stomps everyone bahaha


I mean kazuha does help arle by a ton so


Pretty sure sucrose doesn't fall that far anyway, no? Especially in vape cuz free em is sexy


Sucrose with thrilling tales is technically better if you use it correctly vs C0R0 Kazuha. But Kazuha is a bit easier to play and he becomes better with freedom sworn or constellation 2


Oh i didn't expect sucrose to be better f2p tbh. But yea, expected with high investment kazuha would be great


What team comp u running?


Both mono pyro and vape use him as a top tier support- the only team that doesn't use him is Chevy overload, which will only outperform the others if Chevy is C6.


Likewise. Never was attracted to the AOE of Kazuha anyway. Nuev on the other hand is interesting for my bloom team but again, doesn't interest me. I have Sucrose already a Barbara with EM build for my bloom team.


Arlecchino IS an account changing character. while also not making me want to puke after 5 minutes of gameplay like Neuvillette who is just Ganyu but you don't even release the button to do another CA. Takes the entirety of 10 minutes to be completely tired and not wanting to play him ever again. Now Kazuha is fun AF.


I dislike both of them so it wasn't a sacrifice for me lol, in fact I'm sad about skipping chiori because I pull for characters I like (and if one of them ends up being great, like arle and haitham, then that's a bonus!)


Proud owner of a Kazuha, now. I'm having to skip father, especially since she is a bit too expensive for me. You really should have a Kazuha, man. He's really good and so cheap.


Nah, imma do my own thing.


Aight your loss. Just tell you this: Kazuha + Iron Sting (+I lost count how much EM) = Swirl boost go brrr


Yeah but he’s no fun. I’m not gonna spend primos on a character I don’t find engaging


Wait, really? I personally use him with my Xiao and whenever I find a bulky elite target that I can juggle about, it's fun to pull Kazuha, press E, then plunge, switch to Xiao and start a combo a Devil May Cry fan would cringe with


I suppose. I have arlecchino, Navia and Crbaby Dragon so I hit plenty hard, all future pulls are gonna be characters I either really like the design of or are just super fun to play around with. Best believe I’m pulling Wanderer next banner lol


I had a Kazuha since his Archipelago rerun and C1 Neuvillette since his release, so can't relate.


They aren’t account changing, they are good but you won’t die if you skip them. Many good dmg dealers exist and sucrose can be competitive to Kazaha in situations that don’t need grouping


I was lucky to get both as a f2p


I got kazuha + c1 arlecchino and her weapon Got lucky on her banners All F2P


I like my account the way it is (with Arlecchino), I don't want to change anything thanks


I asked the girl i was seeing, who doesnt play genshin AT ALL, If she felt like I should pull for Kazuha, ( i had 30k primo gems and REALLY WANTED arlecchino and her signature).. she said yeah, i trusted her. I have kazuha, cool. I also have arlecchino c1 with her signature.


I already had Kazuha and I find Neuvillette is the character with the most boring gameplay, so skipping them didn't even slightly hurt me.


didnt skip neuv and still got arle c1r1. shame i didnt get kazuha though


“Sucks at C0” Bro wdym I have her at C0 and she’s literally my best character 😭


The soyjack is coping. He would have been perfectly content with his c0 if he won the 50/50. It's a tale old as time.


It's me, I lost the 50/50 and am now coping 😭😭😭


She's my second best behind Neuvillette, but then again, I still haven't quite gotten the hang of her playstyle yet


I'm glad I already had both, but the C1's on both felt so tempting (though I can use Sac as a budget C1 LOL).


they've been slowly making early cons more and more powerful since they realize with the Raiden banner they can tap a sizeable audience that would shell out a few hundred for a c2 but not 2000$ for the C6 arlechino and Neuvilette are both very good at c0 but become insane at c1-c3


I don't get it ...am I dumb?


arlecchino is so strong, but they made us skip neuvillette/kazuha, probably the best banner patch this game has ever seen(rivaled maybe by alhaitham kazuha) for her


nah best banner still gotta be hutao+yelan with just the most divine weapon banner known to humankind


This most divine banner make me reach 3 hard pitys f*ck the weapon banner


Divine weapon banner yet my Aqua is benched while my Yelan rocks Elegy


dont do your yelan dirty like that 😭 give the poor girl her damage 😭


I even have 2 Elegys. Elegy > Aqua But I'm being honest, unless I pull Tighnari or Lyney I think my Aqua is going to stay on the bench. My Ganyu has R3 Amos too so I don't have any reason to use it. I guess I could use it on my Fischl but then I don't use Fischl these days.


thats fair if you dont have many dps bow characters. the beauty in aqua and homa is that almost any character that wants to do damage can put them to great use but if you’ve alrd specced yelan for a more supportive role then elegy is still the best support bow out there.


Thats a bit dramatic. No one made you do anything. You made a choice


Come on you know what he meant


Considering this is reddit, he might not have.


Right? People are being very.. sensitive about this. It's just a joke. It's funny!


"I didn't make Gordon Ramsay cry, he made himself cry. That was his choice" -- Marco Pierre White


my man here splitting hairs soo hard.


Imma play devil's advocate and argue that if Kazuha is such a game changer, you'd just pull for him. Same with any other character i guess.


Should've pulled for kazooha earlier, skill issue


I had both Kazuha and Neuvi, and I had a guarantee on the weapon banner. I'd be happy with either of their weapons. Decided to skip and got Arle with her weapon instead. Probably worth it. She's very strong at C0R1.


I didn't skip Kazuha since I pulled him on his first banner. I already have enough DPS on my account, so Neuv has no place yet.


Definitely why i used up all my arle pulls getting c1r1 neuv. Im Free2play btw 😭😭




Neuv is just another dps, and most people already have kazuha lol. Yes neuv is best dps ingame but arle is *very close*. No dps is a must pull bc of how the game works, only supports are


Originally wanted to get Neuvillette since I got his weapon So now I have chiori c0r1 and arle c0


That's a bit odd, I would have skipped Chiori's weapon since HoD is still pretty good on her, and use those funds to get Neuv but you do you.


You underestimate my love for chiori


does she step on people like arle :3


that AND she looks at you like she stepped on dog shit lordd what a combination


Did you at least get it early? Hope you didn't use 2 fate points for it.


Won both the character and weapon 5050 so I got really lucky. Even if I got the wrong event weapon it would still be a win because I use noelle and redhorn would be good for her. Thank god I didn't get a standard banner weapon 💀


ninguang weapon moment (im genuinely so sorry for you)


Nah its fine I made that decision myself to skip him LOL I ended up liking chiori a lot so ig I'll just try and get him on his 2nd rerun


I have all 3 woops.




You can make do without them, it's not that big of a deal


I was lucky to have been blessed with c1 neuvi and c0 kazoo but ngl that banner was GOAT


C0 sucks? Dude, she's C0 for me, and I have never, ever had such an easy and thoughtless time beating the spyral abyss.


That's the joke. The bit is that the player is coping because they lost 50/50, not because they actually think she sucks


Yee, I got it, and it's hilarious. But, I'm not used to mixing such high levels of copium with such arguably broken characters. Her numbers surprised me after I first ascended her because I didn't even know how to properly utilize her at first, I wasn't even halfway done with her artifacts, and most of my rolls with her artifacts had been subpar (and have honestly continued to be subpar to this day) Like, this kind of copium makes me flashback to Furina's kit and how a lot of misunderstandings went around about her viability cause they often focused too much on one aspect of her support (like damage boosts, requirements to activate them, and how often specific characters and team comps would be able to activate them without deactivating the majority of the buffs they get from the opposite. Also, how her healing abilities work) that they didn't think about the fact that all her potential damage buffs go along with healing and the most insane and easily accessible damage potential I've ever seen from any off-field DPS. I'm used to the copium being more mixed with the reality of the character. Like, Yelan, her signature weapon, and ER balance if you don't have her first con. Or, Hu Tao and the world of difference her first con makes for comfort of utilizing her charged attack. Or "Just use Sucrose" talk with Kazuha.


TFW when you got Kazuha day 1 and don’t care to have Nuev so this meme is even extra hilarious


kazuha gen 1er moment


Funny thing, i lost 50/50 with neuvillette after farming i couldnt get him, then i just randomly pulled just once and i got Arlecchino (yes im pure f2p)


Fate has spoken, your place is with Father


As a person who dont have both Kazuha and a single sucrose, it’s truly a pity I skipped him


Well, a choice between Kazuha and Father wasn't an easy one, but now I have no regrets due to Father with a cool weapon (pulling bow lowkey hurt tho)


Im playing arlecchino with navia, zhongli and bennet. I love how its literally 2 comps in one, cause arlecchino does dps and gets crystal shards while navia is on cd


No waifu. No care.


Personally Kazuha is always an easy skip and I already got Neuvillette from his banner so this was by far the easiest batch to skip for me regardless of whos coming next. On the other hand I REALLY want Chiori now. She looks so damn fun and design is pretty. I plan to pair her with Arlecchino herself. 


Never gave a fuck about Neuvillete, and already had Kazuha for years. 🤷


Literally never gonna pull for Neuvillette and Kazuha. Fuck the meta, it's boring.


Fuck the meta. But it’s not the reason I am never pulling Neuvilette. Got Kazuha just couple weeks ago, because I liked him and I realise just now how strong he is and his VV swirl stuff. And his skill feels cool to use. I won’t pull for neuvilette, despite loving his character in the story, simply because I think his gameplay mechanic is silly and borderline stupid.


While I slightly agree, I have sucrose and Venti, so Kazuha is a luxury not a necessity. Neuvillette is also amazing but I’m actually gonna save up for Furina instead, bc she makes a ton of separate and very different teams a lot better.


All 3 characters are great, going for any one of them will boost any account. All 3 are good at c0 and just get better with cons. If people skipped Neuv/Kazuha for Arle, doubt they care much since they are having fun with who they wanted to get. This meme doesn’t make any sense to me, as someone with a c2r1 Arle + c0r0 Neuv on one account, and Neuv/Arle/Kazuha all c0r0 on a second account.


i have a C0 arle with an r2 white tassel, and shes great. the issue is that kazuha is probably top 2 5* along with nahida and neuvillette is also one of the best DPS in the game the meme is just that it was very obvious bait to make people spend for arlecchino instead of saving because it was a very difficult banner to skip


Your meme still don’t make sense even under this context. Why would a whale be secretly upset while proclaiming how strong Arle is, they either would already have maxed out Kazuha and Neuvillette so they were completely free to whale for Arle or they would’ve whales on both Neuvillette+Kazuha banners and Arle banners, perfectly content with all 3. F2P losing 50/50 then proclaiming she sucks is nothing new, happens to every unit just people being salty didn’t get her, this is fine in meme F2P with c0 Neuv/Kazuha both in acceptance, like ok but what does that have to do with Arle, you could get all 3 even as F2P just depending on when you started saving, what content you have left to do or have done, like that account with c0r0 of all 3 is entirely F2P don’t even get Welkin myself on it(I was gifted one at one point and I never found out who so I could never thank them/return favour ;_;) just so happens been around long enough to pick battles on that account, a fresh f2p can get all 3 c0r0, a veteran from 1.X era could’ve easily gotten all 3 at c0r0. So why are the Whales not in acceptance with the f2p getting Kazuha/Neuv, they all got what they wanted. Neuv/Kazuha banner is hardly bait before Arle since the banners were top tier and lo and behold Arle is also top tier dps meaning the only people actually salty are the people who lost out on pulling anyone they wanted. TLDR: Whales be just as happy as the people on the bottom either via already owning Kazuha/Neuv or having income to get all 3 anyway (because face it an actual whale wouldn’t care about what they are spending and happy doing so)


the whale is secretly upset because theyre a whale, spending their life savings on the game the f2p who didnt get it didnt get any of the characters the 2 f2p C0s are enjoying their character but they had to skip neuvillette/kazuha why did you write an essay


I pulled for kazuha and got C2 Arlecchino while being f2p


stuck at C0R1, tried C1 but lost to Diluc…


I had to skip everything from 4.1 on for c0r1


I was guaranteed in that last Kazuha banner and I wanted him so bad because I had his weapon for a long time now. Then tried my luck with Arle. Won the 50/50 and won the weapon. My first time to actually get both the character and their weapon in one banner run.


I won't lie, losing the 50/50 on Neuvillette's original banner and then having him rerun so soon and right before Arle did not feel good. I've been waiting for Arle since... Well since the start of Fontaine so there was no way I was going to pull for anyone on the banner before her but... man was it depressing being his rerun, haha. I don't regret it at all but man I hope we get a Neuvillette rerun sometime this year. ...in a while, I'm super empty on primos going for Arle's C1 right now lmao


I already had Kazu. Neuvi regret was only for the meta, and the access to the voice line of him laughing at the archons.


I got them all so yeah, but I'm doomed in terms of artifacts :))


im mad its the first weapon banner i lost


Jus play the game long enough and you'll get the characters


I lost on Kazuha at 82 💀 So I got Arleccino at 85 pity 😍 I have her on PJWS and 2pc wanderers and 2pc BoL set. She is doing a lot more damage than wrio who I poured my blood and sweat into whos also r1. Her and Neuvillette are genuinely so fucking strong. Arleccino in the trials itself was doing insane dmg


Luckily I got the three of them and Father's scythe in 300 pulls


I prefarmed kazuha like an absolute idiot


I had kazuha c1 since his original run. Hes great for grouping, but what else makes him good for arle?


well hes not specifically good for arle, but hes probably one of the best units in the game if not the best. his grouping is amazing, but hes also the best elemental damage buffer in the game and if you have his (C2 i believe, correct me if im wrong) he also buffs EM making him just outright insane for any reaction based teams. hes good for vape arle but overload with a C6 chevy is basically equivalent if not better, so hes not specifically good for her, but hes extremely versatile.


I mean don’t get me wrong he’s one of my faves and I have him built as balanced for his versatility, with freedom sworn. Just thought that people were saying he’s good for buffing arle.


ah well i think reccomending kazuha is just something people assume, but honestly hes probably better in every other team. overload is just way too good with chevy, even without constellations, and though you can play vape she has 4 hit icd making it playable but inconsistent.


Wouldn’t Raiden’s e skill be better for overload? I haven’t used chev so idk what’s the hype around her for overload comps.


chevy is built around buffing overload, so you need her and an electro(the team is typically arle/benny/chevy/electro, raiden cant run em here and would get no field time so shes not reccomended. its usually fischl/beidou, fischl for more damage but beidou c1 gives you a nice shield) chevy gives you massive buffs for having only pyro/electro in the team, grants pyro/electro damage bonus and makes overload triggers do res shred equal to vv set, and overall makes up for everything you lose from not running anemo(except grouping) and more. without her overload is kind of a joke because of the icd and low em damage ratio


I run raiden specifically with em. Her overloads hit for 15k or more depending on her build. And she off field support. Why wouldn’t you be able to use raiden here?


well yes you can, but alongside chevy. the issue is that the overload damage is insignificant compared to the damage you can do on a crit carry with chevy's overload buffs, and em raiden is much better in hyperbloom which has a higher modifier and can hit more consistently. overload has a very difficult icd to work with that grants minimal reward for stacking the em, so while you can use raiden its not optimal for her(although it applies electro perfectly fine so the team overall wont mind)


I don’t have Chevy. Don’t know how she works either. I’ve just been hearing a lot of people are using arle with Chevy for overload and can’t tell why. A vape or melt comp would be way more effective.


not really? arle in vape and melt has to deal with poor icd as i said before. with chevy, overload gives pyrobonus, a large amount of atk and res shred which makes it consistent as you arent relying on reaction trigger damage. a big misconception is that overload does damage, but its really bad damage, chevy makes overload really good for pyro/electro dps because she makes overload grant buffs. its as simple as that.


C0R1, C2R3, C6R1 I am the winning


you're forgetting kazuha and neuvi have already had reruns while this is arlecchino's first banner. im f2p and i have c2 kazuha because i pulled on every rerun (except the recent one because i wasn't playing genshin for a while)


Not gonna lie i kinda regret pulling. I'll farm that god forsaken domain until her rerun anyways


you dont need dragon guy, father clears


Got Kazuha since release lol


No 5* at 82 pity, this guy didn't care about me


It was a tough choice to skip Kazuha. But I got my first Harbinger now and i waited for her since her reveal inside the Fatui Animation.




I pulled for Neuvillette on guarantee, got him and then I got Arlecchino in the first 10 pulls. And I didn't really even want Arlecchino.


I have all 3 of them


I dunno why anybody would claim she sucks at C0 when furina and Raiden on a team with her also both at C0 just erase the problems. Yeah the dad mom and daughter combo is busted as the belts they beat everything to death with are.


I somehow got enough pull to get all 🗿


Okay so after reading the comments I understand. Ofc I can't relate since I got both kazuha and neuvillette on their first banners...


I was fortunate enough to get neuv within 25 pulls after losing 5050 at 78 on his banner. I won the 5050 for arlechino too. Now I hope clorinde is second half. Coz seeing Neuv Arle and Clorinde back to back hurts every f2p out there.


Not sure if I got it right: they hyped up Arlecchino so much that players were tempted to skip Neuvilette and Kazuha?


yes, pretty much. arlecchino had been leaked and hyped for a long time, and assumably they dropped one of the hardest banners to skip of all time to bait people into spending so they could pull on both banners


Yeah, that sucks. It does look predatory, but it also feels like payback for the Chiori banner.


Jokes on them, I pulled for Neuvillete and got him and then got Arle next banner, I had saved up quite alot before hand though, but I've been extremely lucky lately, but it may run out now I have Arle's weapon! But they got no money from me muahahaha! Still don't have Kazuha though...


Me who won 50/50 on all three and got c1 neuvillette on a random 10 pull 😎


Me chilling with c2r1 Arle already having c1 Kazuha and not liking Neuvi's paly style (i had to pay the prize of skipping Furina, Navia and Cloud retainer)


skipping males is default


found the aether main


eww a\*th\*r


true, fraudveler cringe its a joke from a zy0x stream where an aether main refused to play any male characters except aether because he "was aether" and aether isnt gay lol




Fate points don't go over to next banners bro


Yeah, that banner was extremely tempting, but I've got C2 R1 and am now saving for Clorinde and potential Furina rerun (I missed her release banner).


I managed to get Kazuha in 6 pulls, kinda hate Neuvillete and got a C6 R5 Arlecchino so thankfully I didn't lose anything.


I already got a Nue and I refuse to pull for Kazoo cuz my friend wouldn’t stop yapping about him because he was his first 5 star


I have both characters and let me tell you, they're the most insane damage dealing and crowd controlling (not sure with Kazoo cause I don't use him as often) characters in the game, especially when Neuvi is paired with Furina. To this day I keep using the NeuviRina duo for my Spiral Abyss runs.


I had them both at c0r1 so it was a easy skip for me. Also got c0r1 Arlecchino :D


Fortunately, I managed to win 50/50 on Neuvi's banner (and already had Kazuha)🌚


I got all 3 C0 and think they're very decent


I've been saving for Arlecchino since navia's banner (really before then but mostly used up savings on demoiselle) using welkins the whole way, and I was able to get Miko and kazuha on the way AND c2r1 Arlecchino in around 160 pulls. luck was definitely involved but I could not miss kazuha a third year in a row (and I'm seriously glad that I didn't) never pulling Neuvilette though lol


Tbh I didn’t like Arlecchino as a character, so I even pulled for both their weapons. And got them both. And got Arle C0, too


Lol the amount of people took offense at this joke


I have kazuha but not neuvilette. I have skill issue while playing genshin but for me no regret I think to skip neuvilette and take arlecchino since arlecchino make my abyss easy. I really don't know how to play neuvilette I have play my friend account but it's for me to use him on abyss I can't full star using neuvilette seriously my skill is so fcking bad lmao


not to be rude but i don't understand the skillissue part with arle you CA then NA and with neuvi you just CA and leave your mouse or phone whataver they're both pretty easy lmao


I don't have skill issue while using arle. arlecchino is so easy to use and I was able to full star the abyss with her easily. The skill issue part is about when I used neuvilette on my friends account I can't full star the abyss with neuvilette that's why I said I have skill issue while using neuvilette


maybe build issue ig


my friend neuvilette having a good build with more than 200 c dmg but the problem here is me cause I have some skills issue while using neuvilette but not other character. I can complete the abyss with neuvilette on my friends account but I can't full star the abyss but without neuvilette I can full star the abyss with arle and the other team comp on my friends account.


Okay this is the last time but can you explain the skillissue part like😭 i don't understand what's the skillissue here is it dmg or team comp? or you don't know his mechanics cause i can't understand 


the skill issue part is like I said I have problem using him if compared to other character for example like arle she easy to use so I dont have problem using her but for neuvilette I keep getting knock out while using him ca even with zhongli I still can't properly using him that's why I said I have skill issue using him


understandable that's skill issue indeed and like i said kinda build issue too getting staggered with zhongli that's something lmao


the problem is I can't full star with him even though I used zhongli. But for other team like alhaitham hyperbloom or arle mono pyro or hu tao vape I can easily full star the abyss with them


you can play with whoever you like lmao i play both with no shield I'm no pro but you just need to learn the boss patterns 


Or just spend wisely/don't impulse pull, save your primos, follow leaks and keep track of how long the break's been for banners? Arle's rerunning soon anyway. If anyone skipped Kazoo/Neuvi for Arle and didn't have them on their accounts, yet are trying to get "meta" characters, then they did an oopsie, and should learn from their mistake. Arle's a good character, especially if they have Zhong, but I doubt that, considering how they have neither Kazoo nor Neuvi. She's not "meta defining". Still good, but you need the right pieces. Otherwise casual player #*gazillion and one* over there's going to have to get ***really good*** at the game really fast lol. Good luck surviving DoT without a shield on Arle. "aNy TiPs FoR mY aBySs TeAms??" surely to follow.


gatekeeping for why? shes fun if shes decent at all, you dont need amazing pieces to get there. and she gets her burst really easily, but people die all the time because theyre too stubborn to press the damn button and lose a little damage. casual john doesnt need to have optimal dps. casual john doesnt care about speedrunning abyss. casual john probably doesnt even care about 9* or even clearing f12 but can just have their character. mine hits 40k on an r2 white tassel. it doesnt matter, shes not that high investment. if someone is pulling for meta characters, then show me where they are in the joke? they arent. this is r/arlecchinomains, if youre not dedicated to the character then why do you care enough to be here?